Metallic Stents for Acute Colonic Obstruction
M. Itkin, E. Atar, H. Neuman, D. Kravarosic, Z. Fuko, M. Kaz
Radiology and General Surgery B Depts., Golda Campus; and General Surgery Dept., Beilinson Campus; Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva
The traditional treatment of acute colonic obstruction, usually caused by malignant tumor, is a 2-stage surgical procedure. The first operation is emergent and includes primary tumor resection and end colostomy followed by scheduled colostomy closure. These operations are associated with high mortality and morbidity. Recently, insertion of self-expanding metallic stents for temporary colonic decompression has been was introduced. With this new technique colostomy can be avoided in the acute phase.
In advanced colonic cancer stent-insertion is the only palliative treatment. It is done in the radiology department under fluoroscopic guidance. We present 2 cases of malignant colonic obstruction treated successfully by stent insertion.