Background: Iatrogenic illness, defined as a disease that results from a diagnostic procedure or from any form of therapy, is a well-recognized phenomenon in clinical practice.
Objectives: To study and evaluate major car-diac iatrogenic disease as the cause of admission to the intensive cardiac care unit in the modern era.
Methods: We assessed 64 critically ill patients suffering from major cardiac iatrogenic problems among a total of 2,559 patients admitted to the intensive cardiac care unit during 3 years. Iatro-genic illness was defined as any problem that resulted from therapy. Only cardiac problems were included in the study. Complications of interventional cardiovascular procedures, suicide attempts or accidental intoxications were ex-cluded.
Results: There was evidence of a major cardiac iatrogenic problem as the cause for admission in 64 patients (2.5%): 58 (91%) suffered from ar-rhythmias (mainly bradyarrhythmias) secondary to beta-blockers, amiodarone, calcium antago-nists, electrolyte imbalance or a combination, and 6 (9%) had non-arrhythmic events (hypotension, syncope or acute heart failure). In 41 patients (64%) the iatrogenic event was considered pre-ventable
Conclusions: Major cardiac iatrogenic compli-cations are an important factor among patients admitted to the intensive cardiac care unit. Most of the events are bradyarrhythmias related to anti-arrhythmic agents. Almost two-thirds of events are preventable.