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May 2023
Daniel Leshin-Carmel MD, Aino Shperber MD, Inessa Minz MD, David Hassin MD, Daniel Starobin MD

Metastatic pulmonary calcinosis (MPC) is characterized by deposits of calcium in normal pulmonary parenchyma. Diffuse pulmonary calcinosis commonly occurs in hypercalcemia and/or hyperphosphatemia and is more commonly related to renal failure than primary hyperparathyroidism, skeletal metastases, or multiple myeloma [1]. Calcium depositions favor alkaline tissue and are thus more common in the upper lobes of the lung, which have a higher ventilation to perfusion ratio and a low capillary pCO2, resulting in an alkaline pH [2]. Therefore, the most common radiographic manifestation consists of poorly defined nodular opacities bilaterally in the upper lung zones [3].

September 2008
D. Starobin, L. Bolotinsky, J. Or, G. Fink and Z. Shtoeger

Background: Locally delivered steroids by inhalers or nebulizers have been shown in small trials to be effective in acute asthma attack, but evidence-based data are insufficient to establish their place as routine management of adult asthma attacks.

Objectives: To determine the efficacy of nebulized compared to systemic steroids in adult asthmatics admitted to the emergency department following an acute attack.

Methods: Adult asthmatics admitted to the ED[1] were assigned in random consecutive case fashion to one of three protocol groups: group 1 – nebulized steroid fluticasone (Flixotide Nebules®), group 2 – intravenous methylprednisolone, group 3 – combined treatment by both routes. Objective and subjective parameters, such as peak expiratory flow, oxygen saturation, heart rate, and dyspnea score, were registered before and 2 hours after ED treatment was initiated. Steroids were continued for 1 week following the ED visit according to the protocol arm. Data on hospital admission/discharge rate, ED readmissions in the week after enrollment and other major events related to asthma were registered.

Results: Altogether, 73 adult asthmatics were assigned to receive treatment: 24 patients in group 1, 23 in group 2 and 26 in group 3. Mean age was 44.4 ± 16.8 years (range 17–75 years). Peak expiratory flow and dyspnea score significantly improved in group 1 patients compared with patients in the other groups after 2 hours of ED treatment (P = 0.021 and 0.009, respectively). The discharge rate after ED treatment was significantly higher in groups 1 and 3 than in group 2 (P = 0.05). All 73 patients were alive a week after enrollment. Five patients (20.8%) in the Flixotide treatment arm were hospitalized and required additional systemic steroids. Multivariate analysis of factors affecting hospitalization rate demonstrated that severity of asthma (odds ratio 8.11) and group 2 (OD[2] 4.17) had a negative effect, whereas adherence to chronic anti-asthma therapy (OD 0.49) reduced the hospitalization rate.

Conclusions: Our study cohort showed the advantage of nebulized steroid fluticasone versus systemic corticosteroids in adult asthmatics managed in the ED following an acute attack. Both these and previous results suggest that nebulized steroids should be used, either alone or in combination with systemic steroids, to treat adults with an acute asthma attack.

[1] ED = emergency department

[2] OD = odds ratio

May 2007
D. Starobin, M. Bargutin, I. Rosenberg, A. Yarmolovsky, T. Levi and G. Fink

Background: Asthma control and treatment compliance are widely investigated issues around the world. Studies have demonstrated relatively low asthma compliance and control in 40–90% of asthma patients in different countries. There are no available data on the Israeli adult asthmatic population

Objectives: To investigate the level of asthma control and compliance in adult asthmatic patients.

Methods: This cross-sectional study of consecutive adult asthmatic patients visiting the pulmonary clinic used a combined questionnaire that included demographics, data on asthma severity and management, and asthma control and compliance scores. Each patient was interviewed and questionnaires were filled out during a routine visit.

Results: The study group comprised 142 males (35.4%) and 259 females (64.6%). Compliance was found optimal in 8 patients (2%), fair in 146 (36%), partial in 156 (39%) and poor in 92 (23%) of the participating asthmatic patients. Asthma control was found optimal in 26 (7%), fair in 124 (31%), partial in 122 (30%) and poor in 129 (32%) patients. Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish origin, higher level of education, and treatment protocol including either single fixed-dose inhalers or short-acting beta-agonist bronchodilators significantly improved compliance in our cohort. Socioeconomic status and compliance were found to positively affect asthma control, whereas active smoking negatively affected asthma control in the study patients.

Conclusions: The figures of optimal asthma control and compliance to treatment in Israeli adult asthmatics are low and worse than reported in other studies abroad.

July 2006
D. Starobin, M.R. Kramer, A. Yarmolovsky, D. Bendayan, I. Rosenberg, J. Sulkes and G. Fink
 Background: Different exercise tests are used to evaluate the functional capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The cardiopulmonary exercise test is considered the gold standard, but the 6 minute walk and the 15 step exercise oximetry tests are considerably less expensive.

Objectives: To determine whether reliable data could be obtained at lower cost.

Methods: The study sample consisted of 50 patients with mild to severe stable COPD]1[. All underwent pulmonary function test and the cardiopulmonary exercise test, 6 minute walk and 15 step exercise oximetry test as part of their regular follow-up visit. Functional capacity was graded according to each test separately and the functional capacities obtained were correlated.

Results: The results showed that most of the patients had severe COPD according to pulmonary function tests (mean forced expiratory volume in the first second 46.3 ± 19.9% of predicted value). There was a good correlation between the cardiopulmonary exercise test and the 6 minute walk functional capacity classes (r = 0.44, P = 0.0013). We did not find such correlation between the 15 step exercise oximetry test and the cardiopulmonary exercise test (r = 0.07, P = 0.64).

Conclusions: The study shows that the 6 minute walk is a reliable and accurate test in the evaluation of functional capacity in COPD patients.


[1] COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

March 2005
J. Cohen, D. Starobin, G. Papirov, M. Shapiro, E. Grozovsky, M.R. Kramer and P. Singer
Background: While increasing numbers of patients require prolonged mechanical ventilation, resources for weaning are either limited (ICU beds) or inadequate (general wards).

Objectives: To report on our initial experience over a 7 month period with an eight-bed mechanical ventilation weaning unit.

Methods: Sixty-nine patients requiring MV[1] for >10 days were admitted to the unit (nurse:patient ratio 1:4). Data collected included reason for MV, duration of hospital stay, and MVWU[2] course. Outcome results (successful weaning and mortality) were compared to those in historic controls (patients ventilated in the general wards over a 4 month period prior to the MVWU; n = 100).

Results: The mean age of the patients was 68 ± 16.6 years and hospital stay prior to MVWU admission 28.6 ± 24.2 days (range 10–72). The main reasons for MV included acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (31%) and recent pneumonia (28%). Mean MVWU stay was 13.5 ± 15.7 days (range 1–72 days). Thirty-four patients (49%) underwent tracheostomy. Fourteen patients required admission to the ICU[3] due to deterioration in their status. Twenty-nine patients (42%) were successfully weaned and discharged to the wards. A further 20 patients were transferred to the chronic ventilation unit of a regional geriatric rehabilitation hospital, where 5 were subsequently weaned and 15 required prolonged ventilation. Compared to controls (matched for age and reason for mechanical ventilation), more MVWU patients underwent successful weaning (49% vs. 12%, P < 0.001) and their mortality rate (n = 12) was significantly lower (17% vs. 88%, P < 0.001).

Conclusion: The higher level of care possible in a MVWU may result in a significantly improved rate of weaning and lower mortality. The assessment of long-term outcome in patients discharged to pulmonary rehabilitation centers requires further investigation.


[1] MV = mechanical ventilation

[2] MVWU = mechanical ventilation weaning unit

[3] ICU = intensive care unit

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