עמוד בית
Wed, 15.01.25

Rules of Procedure

46.   Unless otherwise specified, the procedural rules specified in this section shall apply to all meetings of IMA-WF institutions.

47.   Only members of the relevant institution shall participate in meetings unless the chair of the meeting decides otherwise. The chair of the meeting may invite other people, at his discretion, as observers for a particular session or as permanent observers.

48.   Travel and hotel costs for all WF meetings shall be at the expense of the attendee or his representative chapter, unless specified otherwise.

49.   Minutes shall be taken at each meeting. The minutes shall state the names of participants and a summary of the main points. Decisions shall be recorded in full. At the beginning of each meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting shall be confirmed.

50.   If the regulations do not state otherwise, a member of an IMA-WF institution who is absent from four consecutive meetings without adequate reason, shall cease to serve in the institution and shall be considered as having resigned, provided that before his participation is terminated, he is given a fair opportunity to state his case to the institution. Action of this kind is to be initiated by the chair of the given institution.

51.    Unless otherwise specified in the regulations, a legal quorum of members in each meeting shall be one third of the committee members. If there is no quorum at the appointed time, the meeting shall be legal with any quorum one half hour after the time set for the beginning of the meeting.

52.    The chair shall establish the order of speakers in a committee

53.    Any member may raise a suggestion for a decision regarding topics on the agenda. Decisions shall be taken by simple majority and by a show of hands, unless otherwise stipulated in these regulations.

54.    Votes shall be cast by secret ballot at the request of 10 percent of eligible voters present at a meeting or by decision of the chair of the meeting and/or if specified in these regulations.

55.    An issue that was raised for discussion and defeated shall not be discussed again for six months from the last date on which the issue was raised. If a member feels that the circumstances have changed, he may ask the chair of the meeting to raise the issue again before the six months have elapsed. If the chair is persuaded that the member's request has merit he shall bring the issue to a revote.

56.  Each member who has the right to vote has one vote. In the event of a tie, the chair of the meeting shall decide.

57.   The use of the masculine gender in these regulations is for convenience purposes only. All regulations shall apply equally to males and females, unless specified otherwise.

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