Iatrogenic Gallstone Ileus: A New Complication of Bouveret's Syndrome
Miguel Iuchtman, Amos Sternberg, Ricardo Alfici, Ehud Sternberg, Tzvi Fireman
Depts. of Surgery and Gastroenterology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera, and Rappaport Medical School, Haifa
Bouveret's syndrome involves gastric outlet obstruction caused by a gallstone in the duodenum. This type of gallstone ileus can be diagnosed and treated endoscopically. Endoscopic stone removal is especially indicated in poor risk patients. A dislodged impacted stone can migrate distally and cause small bowel mechanical obstruction. We report a 51-year-old woman who underwent endoscopic duodenal stone manipulation which resulted in small bowel obstruction.