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        תוצאת חיפוש

        ספטמבר 2006

        בוריס שיכמן, איתן אוריאל, נתן מ' בורנשטיין

        בוריס שיכמן, איתן אוריאל, נתן מ' בורנשטיין 

        המח' לנירולוגיה, מרכז רפואי סוראסקי, תל-אביב


        למיטב ידיעתנו, עד כה פורסמו רק שתי פרשות חולים שדווח בהן על הפרעות זיכרון חדות (Acute) הקשורות לטיפול בסילדנפיל. שתי פרשות חולים דומות ניצפו במחלקתנו במהלך שנת 2004. סילדנפיל ("ויאגרה") היא תרופה המעלה את רגישות איבר המין הזכרי לגירוי מיני על-ידי עיכוב של גואנזין ציקלי חד-זרחני בגוף מחילתי (בקורפוס קוורנוסום), ולכן היא ניתנת כטיפול באין-אונות. הסיבוכים מסכני-החיים של סילדנפיל דווחו בטיפול משולב עם ניטרטים.


        קיים מידע מועט בקשר לטיפול בסילדנפיל ומחלות כלי-דם של המוח, ועד כה דווח על פרשות חולים ספורות בלבד שלקו בשיכחה (אמנזיה) כללית חולפת לאחר טיפול בסילדנפיל.


        מדווח בזאת על שני חולים בשיכחה כללית חולפת (TGA Transient Global Amnesia, להלן שכ"ח) שפנו מייד לצורך טיפול לאחר נטילת מנה בודדת של סילדנפיל. האטיולוגיה של שכ"ח עדיין איננה מובנת. אחת ההשערות היא של שינויים בקוטר כלי-דם תוך-גולגולתיים, בעיקר על רקע גודש ואיסכמיה ורידית באזורי ההיפוקמפוס הדו-צדדיים. בקרב החולים הללו לא נמצאו סיבה או עדות לירידת לחץ-דם מערכתית. בהסתמך על הדיווח הנוכחי ועל דיווחים קודמים, ייתכן כי מנה חד-פעמית של סילדנפיל עלולה לגרום לשכ"ח.   

        ספטמבר 2000

        עפר נ' גפרית, עפר ז' שנפלד, רן כץ, עמוס שפירא, יחזקאל לנדאו ודב פודה

        Penile Prosthesis for Erectile Dysfunction: Long-Term Follow-Up 

        Ofer N. Gofrit, Ofer Z. Shenfeld, Ran Katz, Amos Shapiro, Ezekiel H. Landau, Dov Pode


        Urology Dept., Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Our armamentarium for the treatment of erectile dysfunction has recently been expanded by addition of Viagra and the MUSE. However, their long-term results are still unknown. The insertion of a penile prosthesis is invasive, expensive, and irreversible, but under optimal condition provides an acceptable, definitive solution for erectile dysfunction. We evaluated our long-term results with penile prosthesis insertion (PPI).

        From 1987-1998, 57 patients underwent PPI in our department. Mean age was 55 years and the common causes of erectile dysfunction were atherosclerotic disease (23), radical pelvic surgery (15), and diabetes mellitus (14). Semirigid prostheses were inserted in 12 and inflatable prostheses in 45, including 42 single-component and 3 multi-component prostheses.

        Recently we interviewed these patients by telephone, using a standard questionnaire. Those not satisfied with the surgical results (83% of the living patients) were examined in our clinic. Mean follow-up was 53 months. In 37 (84%) the prosthesis was mechanically functional (rates after 1, 5 and 10 years were 87.8%, 80%, and 75%, respectively). In only 2 (2.5%) had serious complications led to prosthesis removal.

        All mechanical failures had occurred in those with inflatable prostheses after a mean of 48.5 months (range 4-113). At the time of the survey 68% were sexually active and 64% were satisfied with the surgical result. We conclude that PPI is safe treatment for erectile dysfunction. Although the rate of mechanically functioning prostheses decreases with time, modern multi-component prostheses may lead to better mechanical results.

        מרץ 1999

        רון פלד, גיורא פילר, יוליה ברגר, נוה טוב, ניר פלד ופרץ לביא

        Recording Nocturnal Erections and Insurance Claims: Cost-Effectiveness


        Ron Peled, Giora Pillar, Y. Berger, Naveh Tov, Nir Peled, Peretz Lavie


        Sleep Lab, Gutwirth Building, Technion Medical School, Haifa


        Road accidents, work accidents, or other trauma can cause impotence and are frequently followed by insurance claims. During 1990-97 we examined 230 males with such a complaint. All underwent full polysomnographic recordings in the sleep laboratory for 2 nights, during the course of which NPT (nocturnal penile tumescence) was examined with special equipment. It was assessed by an experienced technician following planned awakenings from REM sleep.


        In 75 of the 230 subjects (33%), satisfactory erections were observed. In 100 (43%), who experienced at least 3 periods of REM sleep, no erections occurred. These patients were categorized as suffering from organic impotence. In the remaining 55 (24%), the results were inconclusive, with only partial erections or not enough REM sleep periods.


        Since a man recognized as suffering from impotence may be awarded large monthly payments for life, these examinations, in our opinion, are an important tool to prevent unjustified claims, and can save the state unnecessary expenses.

        יולי 1998

        יהודית אסולין-דיין, יאיר לוי ויהודה שינפלד

        Viagra, the First Oral Treatment for Impotence


        Y. Assouline-Dayan, Y. Levi, Y. Shoenfeld


        Medical Dept B, Chaim Sheba Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Impotence, a common problem especially among older men, can now be treated with Viagra, This oral pill, unlike previous approved treatments mostly involving local injections, does not directly cause penile erection, but increases response to sexual stimulation. It acts by enhancing the relaxant effects of nitric acid on smooth muscle, and thus increases blood flow to certain areas of the penis, leading to erection. It has been evaluated in many randomized trials and in all was more successful in inducing erection than placebos. The most common side-effects include headache, flushing and indigestion, but there have also been reports of fatalities.


        We describe a 75-year-old man who had an acute myocardial infraction in the past and who had maturity-onset diabetes and hypertension. In the week prior to admission he had a cardiac scan following a few weeks of exacerbation of anginal pain for which he had been taking nitrites. He took a Viagra pill without prescription or medical advice and 2 hours later, during intercourse with his wife, developed audible respiratory distress and lost consciousness. His wife started cardiac massage but not mouth-to-mouth breathing. The emergency team found ventricular fibrillation and gave 5 electrical shocks and amines and atropine. He remained unconscious, but his pulse returned and he was hospitalized. He then had several generalized convulsions treated with IV valium. 20 minutes after admission there was asystole and all attempts at resuscitation failed.

        Cardiovascular status must be considered prior to prescribing Viagra, and the associated risk evaluated.

        מאי 1998

        אפרים זגנרייך, סולומון ישראלוב, יוסף שמואלי, דן סימון, ג'ק בנאל ופנחס לבנה

        Combinations of Vasoactive Agents by Penile Injection for Erectile Dysfunction


        E. Segenreich, S. Israilov, J. Shmueli, D. Simon, J. Baniel, P. Livne


        Andrology Unit, Institute of Urology, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In the past 15 years there has been continuous increase in the use of injections into the corpora cavernosa of different vasoactive drugs for treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). However, some of these drugs are very expensive, are not available everywhere, and have side effects. We therefore compared the success rate of the most widely used compounds, papaverine and regitine, in 452 patients (age range 26-85) with different types of ED. Each patient received in the clinic injections of papaverine, 6-25 mg, and regitine, 0.05-1.5 mg. When maximal rigidity of the penis (MRP) was >80%, we instructed the patient to self-inject the drug at home, 5-30 minutes before coitus. If after 3 injections MRP was not >80%, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) in an average dose of 10-25 mcg was added. If there was no response, papaverin+regitine+PGE1 were given in higher dosage, and atropine sulfate, 0.02+0.06 mg, was added if necessary.

        Of 452 patients, 305 (67.4%) had MRP >80% after 3 injections of papaverine plus regitine. The other patients received PGE1 in addition. This was helpful in 61 patients (41.5%), while 55 (63.9%) required papaverine + regitine + prostin in higher doses. Of these, only 31 received papaverine + regitine + PGE1 + atropine sulfate. Of these, 20 (64.5%) reached MRP >80%, and 11 (2.4%) MRP <60. For these 11 patients, we recommended a penile prosthesis. Thus in 67.4% of the 452 patients, papaverine + regitine injections were effective; in 41.5%, PGE1; in 63.9%, papaverine + regitine + prostin + atropine sulfate. Only 11 (2.4%) did not react to intracorporeal injection.

        This progressive method of treatment enabled us to select the optimal dosage and combinations of compounds in 441/452 patients (97.5%) according to the severity of their dysfunction. During follow-up of 6 months, spontaneous erections without injection were achieved in 115 (26.0%).

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303