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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אפריל 1997

        משה סלעי, אלינור גושן, תומס טישלר, רוני וויצן, שרה אפטר, אלכס גרניאק ומרינה פרלמן

        Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Musculo-Skeletal Tumors


        M. Salai, E. Goshen, T. Tishler, R. Weitzen, S. Apter, A. Garniek, M. Feldman


        Depts. of Orthopedic Surgery, Nuclear Medicine, Oncology, Imaging Radiology and Pathology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Tumors of the musculoskeletal system are relatively rare. They occur mostly in the young, while in older age groups metastases and myeloma are more prevalent. Treatment has undergone major change in the past 20 years with the introduction of neoadjuvant treatment protocols. According to recent reports 5-year survival rates have increased from 20% to 60-70%. These new protocols involve the use of modern imaging modalities, immunohistochemical pathological analysis and improved surgical technics. This has required establishment of multidisciplinary teams of experts to escort the patient through all the steps of current treatment.

        יצחק אשכנזי ויהושע שמר

        Smoking Habits of Young Israeli Soldiers


        I. Askenazi, J. Shemer


        Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A random sample of 32,166 soldiers were interviewed (on their day of discharge from the Israeli Defence Forces, between 1980-1995) with regard to smoking habits. Among men, prevalence of current smoking was 46.8%, and among women 32.9%. Over the study period, prevalence in men decreased 27%. Among women, prevalence decreased from 1981 to 1991, but since then it has steadily increased. Among men, mean number of cigarettes smoked decreased from 21.6 in 1989 to 16.6 in 1995. Among women cigarettes smoked decreased from a mean of 14.3 in 1989 to 13.1 in 1995. 65.9% of the men and 49.3% of the women had started smoking by the age of 18. Among men the age distribution of smoking changed hardly at all over the years of the study. However, the proportion of women who began to smoke in the youngest age bracket (15 years of younger) doubled over the course of the study.

        אלי קונן, אלכס גרניאק, בנימינה מורג, יזהר הרדן וזלמן רובינשטיין ז"ל

        Insertion of Hickman Catheters in an Interventional Radiology Suite


        Eli Konen, Alex Garniak, Binyamina Morag, Izhar Hardan, Zalman Rubinstein


        Depts. of Radiology and Hemato-oncology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        In the past 20 years Hickman catheters have gained increasing acceptance for many uses, including bone marrow transplantation, long-term chemotherapy, total parenteral nutrition, dialysis, and administration of antibiotics and fluids. Until the past decade these catheters were inserted in the operating room. We present our experience in the percutaneous placement of 203 Hickman catheters in an interventional radiology suite in 190 consecutive patients within a period of 30 months. Catheter placement was successful in 202 (99.5%). The main complications were infections, necessitating removal of the catheter in 11 cases (5.4%) and unintentional dislodgement of the catheter in 8 (3.9%) - all in women and most on the right side. Pneumothorax and thrombosis in the catheter each occurred once. In another patient the guide wire broke during insertion and had to be percutaneously removed from the pulmonary artery. Late fracture of the catheter occurred in 2 others in whom the intravascular fragment was removed percutaneously. We believe that percutaneous Hickman catheter placement in the radiology suite offers advantages over traditional surgical placement.

        מרץ 1997

        קוסטה י' מומצ'וגלו, מרדכי ליפו, אינה יופה-אוספינסקי, ג'קלין מילר ורחל גלון

        Maggot Therapy for Gangrene and Osteomyelitis


        K.Y. Mumcuoglu, M. Lipo, I. Ioffe-Uspensky, J. Miller, R. Galun


        Dept. of Parasitology, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        5 patients with diabetic-foot were treated by maggot therapy. The most serious case was in a 75-year-old man who had gangrene and osteomyelitis of the right foot. Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus sp., Providencia stuartii and Staphylococcus spec. (coagulase positive) were isolated from lesions which did not respond to antibiotic therapy. The patient had twice refused amputation but agreed to maggot therapy. Larvae of the sheep blowfly Phoenicia (Lucilia) sericata were used for twice-weekly treatment over a period of 7 months. Sterile larvae were applied to the wound and replaced every 3-4 days. After 4 months of treatment, the necrotic tissue around the toes and on the sole of the foot detached from the healthy tissue. During the last 3 months of treatment the larvae removed the remaining infected tissue. As therapy progressed, new layers of healthy tissue covered the wound. The offensive odor associated with the necrotic tissue and the intense pain in the foot decreased significantly. At the end of therapy, during which there were no complaints of discomfort, he was able to walk. In the 4 other patients who had relatively superficial gangrene, the maggots debrided the wounds within 2-4 weeks. Thereafter treatment was continued with antibiotics. Maggot therapy can be recommended in cases of intractable gangrene and osteomyelitis, when treatment with antibiotics and surgical debridement have failed.

        פברואר 1997

        צבי גרינולד ויעקב כץ

        Separation of Conjoined Twins: The Anesthesiologist's Perspective


        Zvi Grunwald, Yacov Katz


        Dept. of Anesthesiology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus and Schneider Children's Hospital, Petah Tikva


        Managing anesthesia care for separation of conjoined twins poses a special challenge for the anesthesia team. Early preparation, thorough understanding of the anatomical and the physiological consequences of this complex anomaly, as well as careful coordination with the teams of surgeons, nurses and operating room personnel are mandatory to assure successful separation of the conjoined twins. It is recommended that the mother be transferred to and the babies be delivered at a tertiary care medical center, like the Children's Hospital. Special attention is devoted during the surgical procedure to cardiovascular stability, drug disposition, fluid balance and temperature control. The multidisciplinary team approach makes this complex surgery a success. When postoperative survival cannot be guaranteed for both twins, close contact and consultation is mandated with the parents, medical personnel and religious and legal advisors.

        ינואר 1997

        רות שמרת, רויטל ברוכים, ירון גלנטי, ציונה סמואל, סיריל ליגום, מיכה רבאו ופאול רוזן

        Familial Adenomatous Polyposis: Establishing a Registry and Genetic and Molecular Analysis


        R. Shomrat, R. Bruchim, Y. Galanty, Z. Samuel, C. Legum, M. Rabau, P. Rozen


        Genetic Institute and Depts. of Gastroenterology and Surgery, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), a dominantly inherited disease, is caused by a mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli gene in chromosome 5q21. The gene has 15 exons, a physical length of 10 Kb and an open reading frame of 8.5 Kb. Exon 15 codes 66% of the mRNA and has a mutation cluster region which accounts for over 50% of mutations. The disease usually leads to the appearance of hundreds of adenomatous polyps in the transverse and descending colon between puberty and age 20 years and to colon cancer before the age of 40. Early detection is essential to prevent the development of metastasizing cancer. Since 1994 we have recruited 23 families for genetic counseling. DNA was obtained from 19 unrelated FAP patients and 219 high risk relatives in 19 unrelated families following confirmation of the diagnosis. In addition to linkage studies, direct mutational analysis was performed using the protein truncation test for most of exon 15 and single strand conformation polymorphism analysis for the other exons. These exons account for most of the mutations identified to date. Of 19 unrelated probands, 14 had detectable mutations. Exon 15 accounted for 6 families, exons 5, 7 and 14 for 1 each, exon 9 for 3, and exon 8 for 2. Combined mutational and linkage analysis identified 18 presymptomatic carriers who received genetic and clinical counseling. Our FAP patients did not differ significantly from those of larger studies in other countries with regard to the distribution of the mutations, gender and genotype-phenotype correlation, or ethnic distribution.

        מרדכי ר' קרמר, אילן בר, ליאוניד אידלמן, מילי בובליל, איריס ניצן, צ'רלס ספרונג, שמעון גודפרי, גדעון מרין

        Volume Reduction Surgery in Emphysema


        M.R. Kramer, I. Bar, I. Eidelman, M. Bublil, I. Nitzan, C. Sprung, S. Godfrey, G. Merin


        Depts. of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Anesthesiology, and Institute of Pulmonology, Hadassah-University Hospital and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        Volume reduction surgery (VRS) is a new procedure based on the concept that relieving hyperinflation in emphysema improves diaphragmatic and chest wall mechanics and ventilation perfusion mismatch. We present our early experience with 16 patients who underwent VRS from August 1995 to June 1996. Patient selection was based on: PFT, CT scan, V/Q scan, ABG's and 6-min walk. After pulmonary rehabilitation, operation was by median sternotomy and bilateral lung shaving. Pulmonary function improved significantly. FEV1 increased from 0.68 ± 0.2 to 1.0 ± 0.2 L (p<0.01) and FVC increased from 1.7 ± 0.5 to 2.7 ± 0.5 L (p<0.017). Total lung capacity decreased from 129% ± 24% to 108% ± 20% (p<0.03). 6-min walk increased from 221 ± 90 to 404 ± 123 meters (p<0.001). Complications included 1 death, prolonged air leak in 7 cases and infection in 2. Quality of life improved substantially in 12 of the 16 cases; in 3 cases there was only slight improvement and in 1 the condition became worse. Volume reduction surgery is a promising surgical solution in selected patients with advanced emphysema.

        יוסף פיקל, יובל גלפנד, עידי מצר ובנימין מילר

        Motor Vehicle Accidents And Eye Injuries


        J. Pikkel, Y. Gelfand, E. Mezer, B. Miller


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        The medical records of 24,632 patients treated in our surgical emergency service over a 3-year period were reviewed to determine the frequency and characteristics of ocular trauma caused by motor vehicle accidents (MVA). MVA-related injuries accounted for 13.9% of all visits to the service and involved 1106 of the patients (33%), of whom 77% were young males. At least 1 pathological finding was found in 858 (77.6%) and 169 (15.2%) were admitted. 16 patients sustained very severe ocular injuries which resulted in poor vision.

        ג'מאל זידאן, סאמר קאסם, דרומאה קרן, אברהם קוטן ואליעזר רובינזון

        Differentiated Thyroid Cancer In Arabs In Northern Israel


        J. Zidan, S. Kassem, D. Karen, A. Kuten, E. Robinson


        Northern Israel Oncology Center, Rambam Medical Center, and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Prognostic factors and survival rate of 53 Arabs with differentiated carcinoma of the thyroid treated here were reviewed. Papillary carcinoma was diagnosed in 35 (66%) and follicular carcinoma in 18 (34%); the female/male ratio was 2.3/1 and the median age 32. Age, gender, tumor size, histology and tumor stage were important prognostic factors. The 20-year actuarial survival rate of the entire group was 96%. The probable reason for the high survival rate was the low median age.

        ג'ני פוזן, נעמה תנאי, שמעון שפירו ודפנה פרומר

        The Homeless and The Health System: Profile of the Homeless Patient


        J. Posen, N. Tanai, S. Spiro, D. Frumer


        Social Work Dept., Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv and Faculty of Social Work, Tel Aviv University


        The homeless population is mobile and does not use ambulatory health care services. Thus the major contact between the homeless and the medical establishment occurs primarily when they are treated for acute symptoms in hospital. We describe the clinical and sociodemographic profile of the homeless who require hospital services. The research population included 50 homeless treated in the emergency room and various departments of our medical center between October 1994 and August 1995. Social workers used a questionnaire relating to clinical, sociodemographic and social factors. Most patients were men, 76% under the age of 50. The most common diagnosis was alcoholism; other diagnoses included back, limb and joint injuries, infections, skin diseases, and general exhaustion. There were subgroups with differing needs within this homeless population for which appropriate rehabilitation programs are proposed.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303