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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2000

        רמי אבירם, אלכסנדר שטרייזנט, יורם בייט ומשה פייגין

        Emergency Cesarean Section in a Comatose Parturient after Head Trauma 

        R. Aviram, A. Shtraizent, Yoram Beyth, M. Fejgin


        Ultrasound Division and High Risk Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba (Affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine) and Neurosurgery Dept.,Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva)


        Coma in pregnancy and labor is a rare and complicated situation. One of the causes is severe head trauma, which requires neurosurgical consultation and possibly urgent transfer to a neurosurgical unit. This should follow stabilization, confirmation of fetal viability, and cesarian section when indicated.

        A 38-year-old primigravida at term and in labor, with severe head injury from a vehicular accident is reported. Emergency cesarean section was performed for severe fetal distress during resuscitation. Fetal distress in a comatose parturient with severe head injury may require a short delay in referral to a tertiary trauma center to allow for an emergency cesarean section.

        עפר קרן, פלביה שטיינברג, עמירם כץ וניר גלעדי

        Botulin Toxin for Spasticity in Spinal Cord Damage


        Ofer Keren, Flabia Shinberg, Amiram Catz, Neer Giladi


        Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Ra'anana; Movement Disorder Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Therapeutic injection of botulin toxin is well-recognized for reducing tonus in local dystonia. However, its efficacy in reducing spasticity in spinal cord injuries is still unproven. 4 men and 1 woman (mean age 39 years, range 20-56) with spinal cord injury and debilitating spasticity, and no response to standard treatment for spasticity received injections of botulin, 200-300 U, into 4-8 points in their legs to block muscle-nerve synapses.

        In all 5 tonus was reduced in the area of the block, while in some it was also reduced in more distal muscles. In 1 there was reduced tonus in both the injected and contralateral leg. The therapeutic effect on tonus persisted for 3 months. In spite of objective improvement in tonus in all 5, only 3 felt subjective improvement, but in none was there improvement on standard functional scaling.

        We found injection of botulin toxin effective in reducing tonus in the spinal cord-injured, and to some extent in improving subjective feeling of well-being in some of them. Obective measurement might show functional improvement after larger doses of toxin injected into more muscles. This might be necessary because the muscle mass of the legs is large and the intensity of involuntary contraction is especially high in these patients.

        א' דויטש וא' חברון

        Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Extracranial Complications of Sinusitis


        E. Deutsch, I. Hevron


        ENT Dept., Bikur Cholim Hospital, Jerusalem


        Orbital subperiosteal abscess (SPA) and Pott's puffy tumor (PPT) are the major extracranial complications of acute sinusitis. These complications are aggravated by the close anatomic relationships between the nasal sinuses and the orbits and frontal bone. Furthermore, the rich diploic venous drainage of the region enhances the spread of the infection.

        Between 1992 and 1997, 16 patients (mean age 12 years, range 2-15, 10 of them males), 11 of them with SPA and 4 with PPT were operated on by the senior author by means of endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). Indications for operation included: CT findings of abscess formation and lack of clinical improvement after 48 hours of IV antibiotic therapy. Clinical resolution of symptoms was achieved in all and there were no operative or postoperative complications.

        We emphasize and explain the advantages of ESS over external approaches in surgery for extracranial complications of acute sinusitis by several facts: the technique treats the source of the disease, clinical success rate is high, morbidity is low, and facial distortion and poor cosmetic results completely avoided.

        דוד גלינסקי, ורה פריד, איה בידרמן, ג'ולי צוויקל ויוספה בן משה

        Identifying the Elderly at Risk for Falling 

        D. Galinsky, V. Fried, A. Biderman, J. Cwikel, Y. Ben Moshe


        Geriatric Dept., Soroka University Hospital and Depts. of Family Medicine and of Social Work, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; and ESHEL, Beer Sheba


        Falling is one of the main problems affecting the health of the elderly. A community project was carried out to detect elderly people at high risk for falls. One of its aims was also to develop tools allowing primary care professionals to detect the elderly at risk for falling. Such a screening test in the community-dwelling elderly (EFST) and a protocol for diagnosis and treatment of the elderly at risk for falls is presented.

        נורית ניראל

        Employment of Immigrant Russian Physicians 

        Nurit Nirel


        JDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development, Jerusalem


        This study examined trends in the employment of immigrant physicians from the former Soviet Union. We studied the changes in the proportion of immigrants employed as physicians between 1994 and 1998, job characteristics, positions, professional status, and improvement in employment characteristics, professional status, and in wages due to increased seniority.

        The study population consisted of 7,000 physicians who had immigrated to Israel by June 1992 and had applied to the Ministry of Health for medical licensing. Of these, 726 were interviewed in 1994 and in 1998 all 726 were again approached and 84% were interviewed by telephone.

        Of those interviewed in 1998, 63% were working as physicians, 21% in another occupation, and 16% were not working at all. Of those with medical licenses, 79% were working as physicians. Of those interviewed in 1994, 93% were still employed as physicians in 1998, and 88% of them had been so employed continuously. As of 1998, 85% of those interviewed had 5 or more years seniority as physicians in Israel, and half had been working for more than 5 years at their current place of employment.

        The best predictor-variable for employment as a physician in 1998 was employment as a physician in 1994. The proportions of those employed by a public employer, of those earning monthly salaries, and of those with a tenured position, were greater in 1998 than in 1994.

        In 1998, 70% reported being employed in a authorized staff position. Funding for the salaries of 75% of these physicians came from the budget of their place of employment, not from a grant, stipend, or temporary fund for the assistance of immigrants. These proportions increased with seniority. The proportions of specialists (22%) and residents (37%) had increased in 1998 relative to 1994 (when they were 8% and 23% respectively). In addition, since 1994 gross hourly wages had increased with seniority in real terms by more than 100%.

        These findings are evidence of work stability and improvement in employment conditions of these immigrant physicians. Further, the 1998 follow-up indicated a trend toward becoming "established" and improvement in professional status. However, it also revealed models of temporary employment, not in compliance with physicians' collective work agreements, a situation that warrants examination. It is also important to examine the implications of the absorption of so many physicians for medical manpower in Israel, and for overall expenditure on health.

        ינואר 2000

        מנחם נוימן, בוריס צוקרמן, עופר לביא ועוזי בלר

        Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation for Vaginal Vault Prolapse


        M. Neuman, B. Zuckerman, O. Lavie, U. Beller


        Division of Gynecological Surgery and Oncology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Sacrospinous ligament fixation is a well-known method for correction of vaginal vault prolapse. The procedure is primarily indicated after hysterectomy and as a prophylactic measure for total uterine prolapse.

        8 women with post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse aged 48-72 years, were referred 1-25 years following primary surgery. Sacrospinous ligament fixation was elected to enable simultaneous correction of cystocele and rectocele, and to preserve sexual function. All operations were completed without significant complications.

        In 6 of the 8 patients located for long-term interview, 1 reported mild bulging of the introitus, another mild urinary stress incontinence, urgency and frequency and 1 reported frequency only. Sexual function in 4 was without complaints. Defecation in all patients was normal.
        We conclude that this operation is safe and effective. We encourage gynecologic surgeons to consult an experienced tutor prior to performing this procedure, as this type of surgery is quite dangerous and many gynecologists are not familiar enough with it.  

        דוד רבינרסון, בוריס קפלן, ציון בן-רפאל ואריה דקל

        Spontaneous Bilateral Ectopic Pregnancy 

        David Rabinerson, B. Kaplan, Zion Ben Rafael, Arie Dekel


        Dept. of Gynecology, Beilinson Medical Center, Golda Campus, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Bilateral, spontaneous ectopic pregnancy is rare (1 in 125-1580 ectopic pregnancies). We describe a 30-year-old, unmarried woman with no predisposing factors for ectopic pregnancy who presented in hypovolemic shock, in the 7th week of gestation, complaining of abdominal pain. On immediate laparoscopy there were found blood and clots in the abdominal cavity, a left ampullar pregnancy (5 cm in diameter), and there was active bleeding from the fimbria of the right tube. Bilateral salpingectomy was performed and she received 3 units of packed red cells. She was discharged in good condition 3 days later. The pathologic diagnosis was pregnancy in each tube. This case emphasizes the need for thorough sonographic and laparoscopic observation in order not to miss the presence of bilateral ectopic pregnancy.

        ארתור ליבוביץ, סילביו בלן ובני חבוט

        Model Internet Course for Physicians 

        Arthur Leibovitz, Silvia Balan, Beni Habot


        Geriatric Medical Center, Shmuel Harofeh Hospital, Be'er Ya'akov,  (Affiliated with Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        The Internet is efficient in coping with the ever-increasing volume of medical knowledge. This and other functions have lead to its integration into daily medical practice. It is therefore imperative to disseminate its use among physicians, as some, unfamiliar with the personal computer (PC), may be reluctant to learn to use it. We therefore developed a course for training physicians in the basics of Internet use, consisting of 6 sessions of 2 hours each. It includes training in PC operation as well as in the main Internet functions. The topics are medicine-oriented, including Medline search, general info search, exploring medical sites and reading medical journals on-line.

        41 physicians (8 groups of 4-6 each) with various specialties attended, of whom 38 completed a feedback questionnaire 4 weeks later. 79% reported using the Internet either at home or at their working place. The function used mostly was Medline Search (68%). Although 83% had not been familiar with the PC before, 96% stated that the course was clear and understandable and 99% expressed satisfaction with the quality of the teaching. Based on these results we recommend this course as a model for teaching physicians the use of the Internet.

        דצמבר 1999

        אנדרה מטלון ועמוס ינון

        Malaria in Travelers Returning from Endemic Areas


        Andre Matalon, Amos Yinnon


        Kupat Cholim Klalit, Dan-Petah Tikva District, and Dept. of Family Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Infectious Disease Unit, Shaare Zedek Hospital and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        2 cases of malaria in family practice are described in a 26- and a 50-year-old woman. Both probably could have been prevented had common chemoprophylactic drugs been taken. The risk of malaria is greater than the risk of possible side-effects of the drugs commonly used by travelers for prevention. Family physicians must be aware of the possibility of malaria in young people with fever, especially those who have travelled to equatorial areas and special attention should be given to encourage chemoprophylaxis.

        ברוך קלין, אידה בולדור, יהודית זנדבנק, צבי שפירר ויצחק וינוגרד

        Atypical Mycobacterial Cervical Lymphadenitis in Children


        B. Klin, I. Boldur, J. Sandbank, Z. Schpirer, I. Vinograd


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery, Microbiology and Pathology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Scrofula (mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis) has been well-known for thousands of years. Atypical mycobacteria were first categorized by Timpe and Runyon in 1954. Treatment has varied over the centuries, from exclusion therapy in ancient Greece, through digitalis, iodide, chemotherapy, and surgical excision. The varied differential diagnosis and consequent diagnostic and therapeutic challenges make reassessment of this almost forgotten disease necessary.

        21 patients with typical mycobacterial cervical lymphaden„itis seen in over the past 5 years were reviewed. Age distribution ranged from 1-14 years, with peak incidence at 4 years; 9 were boys and 12 girls. Most presented with nontender, palpable neck masses and minimal constitutional complaints. Adenopathy was unilateral in all cases but 2. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and M. fortuitum were the main causative organisms. All underwent excision of the affected nodes. Long-term follow-up has been uneventful, except for 1 case of local recurrence requiring re-excision.


        This study emphasizes the marked variability in the clinical presentation of scrofula in children, stressing the importance of the differential diagnosis between tuberculous and atypical mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis. The treatment of choice for the latter is complete excision of the affected nodes. Other treatment is followed by recurrence and unnecessary complications and should be avoided.

        פנחס שכטר, יונה אבני, עדה חזן ואברהם צ'רניאק

        Evaluation of Laparoscopy and Laparoscopic Ultrasound in Pancreatic Lesions


        P. Schachter, Y. Avni, A. Rosen, A. Czerniak


        Depts. of Surgery A and of Gastroenterology, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon


        Pancreatic lesions present a diagnostic challenge. Even modern imaging techniques are not sensitive enough in determining resectability of pancreatic tumors. A substantial proportion of patients therefore undergo unnecessary surgical exploration. We determined the impact of laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound (LAPUS) examinations on surgical decision-making in 60 patients with pancreatic lesions.

        Of 48 with solid pancreatic lesions, 22 were defined by LAPUS as having nonresectable tumors, while conventional imaging studies defined only 9 of them as such. 3 of these 9 underwent successful resections of the pancreatic mass. Surgical intervention was ruled out by LAPUS in 16 patients (33.3%) but 26 had resectable lesions of whom 25 underwent surgery. 3 of this group were found to have nonresectable tumors at surgery, a false-positive rate of 6.2%. Overall sensitivity of LAPUS in our series was 88%.

        In 12 patients with cystic pancreatic lesions LAPUS contributed significantly to the preoperative decision due to clear imaging of the cystic lesion. Additional information was obtained from ultrasound guided-biopsy of the cyst wall, as well as determination of tumor-marker levels in the cystic fluid aspirate. LAPUS contributed significantly to operative management in 58%.

        יצחק שושני, נבות גבעול ושלמה טייכר

        Sport-Related Maxillofacial Fractures


        Yitzhak Shoshani, Navot Givol, Shlomo Taicher


        Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Faculty of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The records of 537 patients with 750 maxillofaciafractures were reviewed and analyzed. 55 (10.2%) had sport-related injuries and the rest were due to othercauses. The sport-related group was predominantly male (ratio 9:1) with a mean age of 24.5 years. The mandible was most commonly injured (52.5%), followed by the zygomatic complex (32.8%). The incidence of complicated mid-facial fractures was only 2.8%, and of comminuted fractures 9%. This distribution of injuries is most likely due to the relatively low-energy of trauma associated with many sport activities. The relatively low mean age of the patients, most of whom had full dentition, allowed for conservative treatment of most of the mandibular fractures, using closed reduction.


        Injuries were caused by 11 different sports. The highest incidence was soccer (45%), followed by skating (15%), basketball (9%) and horse-riding (9%). Contact sports were the cause of injuries in 72.2%, with the highest incidence of trauma due to impact with another player (60%). Better protection of the oral and maxillofacial region is needed, especially during high-contact sport.

        נובמבר 1999

        בולסלב קנובל, אנריקה מלמוד, שרון נופך מוזס וליליאנה זיידל

        Follicular Splenic Lymphoid Hyperplasia Associated with EBV Infection


        Boleslaw Knobel, Enrique Melamud, Sharon Nofech-Moses, Liliana Zeidel


        Dept. of Medicine B and Institute of Pathology, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Massive splenomegaly is defined as a spleen weighing about 10 times normal weight. We describe a 36-year-old man who had huge splenomegaly and secondary pancytopenia simulating malignant lymphoma for about 3 months. Splenectomy was necessary because of the suspicion of hematologic malignancy, especially isolated lymphoma of the spleen, and pain and mechanical abdominal disturbances.

        On operation, the spleen was 25 cm long and weighed 250 g. There was florid, reactive follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. Immunohistochemical staining with CD-20(L26), CD-45Ro(UCHL), bcl-2 oncoprotein (Dakopatts), EBV (anti-EBV mol weight 60 KD, Dakopatts) was consistent with reaction to EBV infection and not with follicular lymphoma. Lack of PCR amplification using DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded splenic tissue indicated absence of a monoclonal B cell population carrying rearranged immunoglobulin genes. The lymphocytic population was proven polyclonal by the negative results of PCR for the bcl-2 gene rearrangement. EBV seroconversion from high titer antibodies of anti-EBV-VCA-IgM to negative, and from negative EBNA to positive was consistent with an apparent primary EBV infection.

        We have not found on computerized search a previous report of reactive follicular splenic hyperplasia to EBV infection causing huge splenomegaly, with or without EBV-induced infectious mononucleosis.

        יעקב פלדמן, אירית לקסר ואברהם ירצקי

        Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction without Left Ventric-Ular Hypertrophy Treated with Ace Inhibitors


        Jacob Feldman, Irit Laxer, Abraham Yaretzky


        Geriatric Dept., Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We describe a very unusual case of sudden, severe worsening of congestive heart failure which was caused by ACE inhibitors. Diagnosis was made by echocardiogram showing a typical picture of dynamic, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction without left ventricular hypertrophy, which disappeared on discontinuing ACE inhibitors. This phenomenon has already been described as a complication of other drugs such as nitrates, commonly used as provocative tests for latent obstructive cardiomyopathy. To our knowledge ACE inhibihave not been described as a causative factor.

        אברהם אמיר, רם סילפן ודניאל האובן

        Treatment of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency


        Abraham Amir, Ram Silfen, Daniel J. Hauben


        Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikvah


        Weak and hypernasal speech, along with nasal escape of air, are the main characteristics of velo-pharyngeal incompetence (VPI). We describe 10 years of experience (1989-1998) with surgical treatment of VPI.


        51 patients underwent pharyngeal flap elevation. 37 had cleft palate (8 of them submucous), 7 had neuromuscular disorders and another 7 were idiopathic. All underwent evaluation by a speech therapist before and after operation. 25 had further nasal endoscopy and/or videofluroscopy.


        There was significant speech improvement in volume and clarity in 35 (73%), mild improvement in 13 (27%) and none in 3. The complication rate was 15% and included sleep apnea, wound infection and dehiscence, stridor and bleeding. Complications were correlated with advanced age.


        VPI should be diagnosed as early as possible to achieve good results and to prevent social problems.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303