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        תוצאת חיפוש

        ספטמבר 1998

        רון מימון, אריה הרמן, אלי דרייזין, מתי גלסנר וצבי וינראוב

        Trisomy 18 Anomalies on Sonography and Calculated Risk of Chromosomal Abnormalities During First Trimester


        Ron Maymon, Arie Herman, Eli Dreazen, Mati Glasner, Zvi Weinraub


        Ultrasound Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zrifin, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Women's Health Center, Kupat Holim, Holon Branch, Tel Aviv-Jaffa District


        Trisomy 18 is a chromosomal disorder giving multiple anomalies. Its frequency depends on maternal age. We report a 28-year-old woman in her first pregnancy, who underwent first trimester scanning for screening. Due to increased nuchal translucency and exomphalos, chorionic villous sampling was performed. Cytogenetic diagnosis was trisomy 18 and termination of pregnancy was carried out immediately.

        אוגוסט 1998

        עמירם שראל, ג'ף בורקן, רפאל ל' קרסו, יהודית ברנשטיין ואורי רוזובסקי

        Attitudes of Family Physicians to Alternative Medicine


        Amiram Sarel, Jef Borkan, Ralph L. Carasso, Judith Bernstein, Uri Rozovsky


        Brull-Tel Aviv Community Mental Health Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; and Dept. of Neurology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        80 Israeli family physicians (51.25% men and 48.75% women) participated in a telephone survey concerning attitudes, practices and experience with alternative medicine. 23.75% reported practicing 1 or more alternative techniques, most commonly acupuncture28%) and hypnotherapy (24%). 55% had referred at least 1 patient to an alternative practitioner during the preceding month. Physicians who studied in Israel or Western countries referred more patients than graduates of medical schools of Eastern Europe. Specialists referred patients more often than residents. The most common reason for referral was back pain.

        יולי 1998

        יצחק רויזמן, יצחק ליפשיץ, אורית פפו, יורי קובץ, אברהם ז' רזניק ואריה דורסט

        Leiomyosarcoma of the Stomach


        I. Roisman, I. Lifshitz, O. Papo, Z. Kovach, A.Z. Reznick, A.L. Durst


        Surgical Dept. A, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa; Depts. of Surgery and Pathology, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem; and Surgical Dept. B, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Gastric leiomyosarcoma (GLMS) is a malignant, smooth muscle neoplasm accounting for not more than 0.45%-3.5% of primary gastric malignancies and 17%-20% of all smooth muscle tumors of the stomach. A well-chavariant has been variously referred to as leiomyoblastoma and epithelioid leiomyosarcoma. Because of the rarity of GLMS, few authors have tried to correlate clinical presentation, pathological findings, and treatment. There is no uniform therapeutic approach for leiomyosarcoma of the stomach and reported survival rates vary widely. We present a 56-year-old man whom we treated for this condition.

        רינת חכמון, ג'ורי בר-דוד, אשר בשירי ומשה מזור

        Brucellosis in Pregnancy


        Rinat Hackmon, Juri Bar-David, Asher Bashiri, Moshe Mazor


        Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Brucellosis is rare in pregnancy. Recently, an increase in the incidence of this disease has been observed in our area. We present 7 cases of brucellosis in pregnancy and review the literature on the effects of brucellosis on the outcome of pregnancy. Brucellosis is rare in the Middle East and Africa and the most common source of infection is unpasteurized milk products. Brucella is a coccobacillus, gram-negative bacterium, whose hosts are mostly animals.


        There is controversy about the relationship between brucellosis and the outcome of pregnancy. There is some evidence that there is a higher rate of complications such as abortion, premature rupture of membranes and preterm delivery in infected animals. Reasons for this difference in the impact of brucella in animals and man include the absence of the carbohydrate erythritol in the human placenta, which appears to be a preferential medium and growth factor for brucella in the placentas of animals.


        There is uncertainty regarding effects of brucella in early pregnancy and no evidence of its transplacental passage in later pregnancy, causing adverse obstetrical outcome, although recently there has been a single report of Brucella abortus (biotype 2). 
        We present 7 cases of brucellosis in pregnant women found between 1977-1988. Its incidence among the women who delivered here is 0.007% (7/92,768 deliveries). Our first case was complicated by preterm premature rupture of membranes and preterm delivery in the 20th week of gestation. In 2 other cases there was preterm delivery with 1 developing clinical chorioamnionitis. The 4 remaining women delivered at term, although 1 had preterm premature rupture of membranes and intra-uterine growth retardation, and 2 had postpartum endometritis.

        יוני 1998

        דורון חרמוני, מיכאל קאפמן ואליעזר קיטאי

        Alternative Medicine in a Kibbutz Community


        D. Hermoni, M. Kafman, E. Kitai


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa and Family Medicine Dept., Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Interest in, and use of alternative medicine has increased in the past few years in Israel. Still, little is known about the extent to which it is utilized, the more common treatments, patterns of use, and its influence on the conventional primary care system. We surveyed a kibbutz community to determine prevalence and patterns of use of alternative medicine and satisfaction with the outcome. The entire kibbutz population was asked to fill out a questionnaire (parents answered for their children). They were questioned as to their use of alternative medicine in the previous 5 years, types and dates of treatment, duration of treatment, and whether it had helped.

        Of 1044 subjects, 830 responded (79.5%). 16.4% had used alternative medicine at least once in the previous 5 years. Of these, more than a 1/4 were treated by 2 or more types of alternative therapy. About 2/3 of those responding were women. Most had muscle-skeletal (36%), upper respiratory and/or atopic problems (19.3%). The most common treatments were homeopathy (31%) and acupuncture (20%). In approximately 2/3, the treatment was considered helpful, and either solved the problems or gave long-lasting improvement. 70% of those who used alternative medicine were treated within the previous 15 months and about 40% within the previous 3 months. The use of alternative medicine is increasing and it is now includein standard medical services. Most of those who used alternative therapy felt is hadhelped.

        אלדד זילברשטיין, טלי זילברשטיין, גד שקד, מרים כץ, משה מזור ויצחק לוי

        Acute Appendicitis during Pregnancy


        Eldad Silberstein, Tali Silberstein, Gad Shaked, Miriam Katz, Moshe Mazor, Itzhac Levi


        Dept. of Surgery C, Divisions of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical problem in pregnancy, when it is difficult to diagnose early because of the physiological changes of pregnancy. We studied the problem in the Negev population and present the main issues in diagnosis and management. Between 1988-96, 26 women were operated on for acute appendicitis during pregnancy (1/3297 deliveries), 3 by laparoscopy. In 13 there was a histopathological confirmation of the diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis was more accurate in the first trimester of pregnancy than in the second or third (p=0.073). Premature delivery rate was higher in both confirmed and unconfirmed acute appendicitis than in other pregnancies (p<0.00001), but without significant differences between the 2 groups with appendicitis. Other indexes of maternal and perinatal morbidity did not differ either.

        אייל שיינר, אילנה שוהם-ורדי, משה מזור, רלי הרשקוביץ ומרים

        Parturient Compliance in Intra-Partum Epidural Analgesia


        Eyal Sheiner, Ilana Shoham-Vardi, Moshe Mazor, Reli Hershkowitz, Miriam Katz


        Obstetrics and Gynecology Depts., and Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Dept., Soroka Medical Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The relationship between parturients' sociodemographic characteristics and the tendency of the medical staff to offer and of the parturients to accept intrapartum epidural analgesia, was investigated. 97 Jewish parturients were interviewed during January 1996. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the statistical significance of the results. 10 parturients (10.3%) asked for intrapartum epidural analgesia, and while 46 (47.4%) were offered it, only 22 (22.7%) accepted. Epidural analgesia was mostly offered to, and accepted by: low birth-order parturients (1st-3rd delivery), those belonging to the upper middle class, and to parturients with higher compliance with prenatal diagnostic tests. There was no significant association between the tendency of the medical staff to offer epidural analgesia to secular as compared to traditional parturients.


        We conclude that the use of intrapartum epidural analgesia is related to various maternal sociodemographic characteristics. If the low compliance with epidural analgesia is related to prejudice and unfounded fears, we recommend that the benefits of this type of analgesia be explained before birth in the antenatal clinics.

        רון בן אברהם, ערן סגל, דב פריימרק, אלינור גושן, חנוך הוד, יעקב לביא, צבי זיסקינד ועזריאל פרל

        Massive Pulmonary Embolism


        Ron Ben Abraham, Eran Segal, Dov Freimark, Elinor Goshen, Hanoch Hod, Jacob Lavee, Zvi Ziskind, Azriel Perel


        Depts. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine and Cardiac Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Pulmonary embolism is a common event in hospitalized patients. In some cases it presents with hemodynamic collapse, indicating massive obliteration of the pulmonary vasculature and has a very grim prognosis; 2/3 of such patients die within 2 hours of onset of symptoms. We describe our experience in 13 patients with massive pulmonary embolism. An aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach, utilizing sophisticated imaging techniques, thrombolytic therapy and surgery, led to the survival of 8 of the patients. Our experience supports an aggressive approach in these seriously ill patients.

        מרדכי שמעונוב, מיכאל נובל, מרים קוניצ'בסקי ואליהו ענתבי

        Splenic Artery Aneurysm


        M. Shimonov, M. Nobel, M. Kunichevski, E. Antebi


        Depts. of Surgery A and Pathology, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Splenic artery aneurysm is an uncommon form of vascular disease of unknown etiology. Its clinical importance is due to its high mortality, especially in pregnancy, when maternal mortality is 70% and fetal mortality 95%. Most cases of splenic artery aneurysm are asymptomatic and are diagnosed incidentally. We present a woman with incidentally diagnosed splenic artery aneurysm in whom the splenic artery and its aneurysm were resected.

        לודויג קורנל וארתור פראנקן

        Mechanism of Primary Hypertension


        Ludwig Kornel,* Arthur V. Prancan


        Steroid Research Laboratory, Depts. of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry, and Dept. of Pharmacology, Rush Medical Center, Chicago and *Endocrinology-Diabetes Outpatient Clinic, Kupat Holim Klalit, Jerusalem


        We review various theories of the pathogenetic mechanisms of steroid-induced and essential hypertension. We investigated the possibility that a pathogenetic mechanism leading to glucocorticoid (GC)-induced hypertension or to mineralocorticoid (MC)-induced hypertension, or both, may be of critical importance in primary hypertension. We studied plasma levels of corticosterone (BK) and aldosterone (Aldo), and their concentrations in arterial and renal tissues of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), a model of primary hypertension, and in the antecedent strain WKY rats as a normotensive control. Plasma levels of BK and Aldo were found to be normal and identical in SHRs and WKYs. Tissue (intracellular) levels of BK were more than double in SHRs than in WKYs. Subsequently we examined the activity of 11b-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase (11-HSD) in both aortic and renal tissues of SHRs and WKYs. 11-HSD converts BK to the corresponding 11-keto compound, 11-dehydro-corticosterone (cpd.AK), which is inactive, in view of its inability to bind to the MC receptors (and also to the GC receptors). BK, the main glucocorticoid in the rat, as well as cortisol, have high affinity for the MC-receptor (MR). Normally BK or cortisol are present in 10²-10³ times greater concentrations than Aldo in tissues possessing MR. The enzyme 11-HSD deactivates BK (or cortisol), thus protecting MC-receptors in the MC target tissues from being activated by GC. When we examined arterial and renal tissue activities of 11-HSD in SHRs, the activity of 11-HSD was only one-third that found in the WKY rats. This explained higher levels of BK in the tissues of SHR, and suggested that decreased activity of 11-HSD is a pathogenetic factor for hypertension in SHRs.

        Thus, in a model of primary hypertension such as SHR, decreased activity of 11-HSD in the target tissues of MC appears to lead to glucocorticoid-induced mineralocorticoid hypertension.

        בעז מושקוביץ, שחר מדז'ר, שראל הלחמי ועופר נתיב

        Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy


        Boaz Moskovitz, Shahar Madjar, Sarel Halachmi, Ofer Nativ


        Dept. of Urology, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        The effectiveness of transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) for benign prostatic hypertrophy in poor surgical risk patients (ASA class IV) with indwelling catheters, was assessed. All had had an indwelling catheter for 1-12 months. Removal of the catheter was possible in 14 out of the 24 (58.3%). Urinary peak flow rates were 12.2±3.5 ml/sec at 3 months of follow-up and post-voiding residual urine volumes of less than 50 ml were recorded in 13 catheter-free patients. Our data suggest that TUMT is an effective procedure for management of high risk patients with indwelling catheters in whom surgery or anesthesia are contraindicated.

        מאי 1998

        ד' רוזין, י' קוריאנסקי, מ' שבתאי וע' אילון

        Laparoscopic Approach to Perforated Duodenal Ulcer


        D. Rosin, Y. Kurianski, M. Shabtai, A. Ayalon


        Dept. of General Surgery and Transplantation, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        As laparoscopy becomes more prevalent, it is being used for a growing variety of abdominal operations, both electively and as emergency treatment. We describe our preliminary experience in laparoscopic repair of perforated duodenal ulcer. 2 women and 2 men, aged 40-78 were operated over a period of 4 months and in all laparoscopic suture and omentopexy were performed with meticulous abdominal lavage. Despite somewhat longer operative time but a similar period of hospitalization, the easier post-operative course and fewer wound complications justify this technique. The effectiveness of medical treatment of peptic disease, and especially the anti-Helicobacter pylori regimen, supports the view that closure of the perforation is usually enough, and vagotomy is not needed.

        טוביה וינברגר, טוני חאיק ושלמה קידר

        Acute Gastroenteritis caused by Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli O157:H7


        Tuvia Weinberger, Tony Hayek, Shlomo Keidar


        Dept. of Medicine E, Rambam Medical Center, and Dept. of Family Care, Haifa and West Galilee, and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        We report a 48-year-old man admitted for watery diarrhea, high fever, chills and abdominal cramps. Entero-hemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 was isolated. This new, dangerous pathogen causes dysentery and complications such as hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombo-cytopenic purpura. These complications can cause renal failure, neurological deficit and death. Recognition of E. coli O157:H7 infection is important since it causes a rare and dangerous condition. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case reported in Israel.

        א' הלוי, א' עופר וב' גרטי

        Benign Intracranial Hypertension following Minocyclin


        A. Halevy, I. Offer, B. Garty


        Pediatric Depts. A and B, Schneider Children's Hospital, Petah Tikva and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A 15-year-old girl, who had been treated with minocyclin for acne for 2 months, was admitted for investigation of headache, nausea and papilledema. A space-occupying lesion was ruled out by computerized brain tomography. The diagnosis of benign intracranial pressure (pseudo-tumor cerebri) was made because of elevated cerebrospinal fluid pressure with normal biochemistry and cytology. Tetracyclines, especially minocyclin, commonly used for treating acne in adolescents, can cause benign intracranial pressure.

        ששון מנחם ופסח שורצמן

        Management of Malignant Bowel Obstruction in Home Care


        Menahem Sasson, Pesach Shvartzman


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Kupat Holim Klalit and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Malignant bowel obstruction occurs in about 10% of those with advanced abdominal cancer and in about 25% of those with advanced pelvic cancer. Such patients usually develop nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal dilatation and colicky pain. Traditional therapy consists of intravenous fluids and decompression by duodenal tube, gastrostomy or operation but postoperative mortality is high. Treatment requires hospitalization and therefor such patients have not been considered candidates for home care.

        Palliative medical techniques can cope with this syndrome and allow home care. Hypodermoclysis, non-prokinetic anti-emetics like haloperidol and scopolamine, octeotride, corticosteroids, and narcotics for severe abdominal pain can alleviate symptoms. Medications can be combined and infused subcutaneously in a syringe driver and patients can remain with their families in their natural environment. Such techniques can give these patients who have short life expectancies reasonable quality of life.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303