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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2000

        הקבוצה הישראלית לרישום סתב"א

        Incidence of Insulin Dependent Diabetes in Youth in Israel 

        Israel IDDM Registry Study Group


        Recent reports from different countries have shown an increasing incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM, type I diabetes). In Israel, several surveys of the incidence of IDDM have been conducted. During 1996, a national juvenile diabetes register was founded by specialists in endocrinology, and the Israel Center for Disease Control (ICDC).

        This is the first report of the national incidence of IDDM in the 0-17 year age group in Israel. New cases of juvenile diabetes were reported using an anonymous form. The ICDC was responsible for data collection, control and statistical analyses.

        During 1997, 162 new cases of diabetes mellitus were reported in the age group 0-17, 154 of them diagnosed as IDDM. The annual incidence in the total population of Israel in 1997 was 7.7/100,000. Age-specific incidence was 7.3/100,000 in boys and 8.1 in girls. A family history of IDDM was found in 14.3% of the cases. Incidence was higher for Jews (9.2/100,000) than Arabs (3.6/100,000). Among Jews, children whose fathers were born in Yemen had the highest incidence and those born to fathers born in Israel the lowest incidence.

        IDDM incidence rates for 1997 are higher than reported in previous surveys. It will be possible to draw conclusions regarding possible trends in incidence from data to be gathered in the next few years.

        יאיר הוד, יוסף קורסיה, יובל יסעור וארנה גייר

        Causes of Blindness in Israel 

        Y. Hod, Y. Corcia, Y. Yassur, O. Geyer


        Depts. of Ophthalmology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa and Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva; Israel Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Jerusalem; and Rehabilitation Services Administration, Services for the Blind


        Of the world population, 38 million are blind and another 110 million are visually impaired. Even in the developed countries there are 3.5 million who are blind.

        This study of blindness in Israel is based on the National Blind Registry. At the end of 1998, 15,937 were registered as blind, 0.3% of the total population; 776 (5%) of them were 18 years old or younger; 6,426 (40%) 18-65 years old; and 8,735 (55%) 65 years or older.

        The leading causes of blindness in Israel are glaucoma (2,074, 13%), macular degeneration (1,954, 12%) and diabetes mellitus (1,680, 11%). Since glaucoma and diabetes, and to a lesser extent glaucoma, respond to treatment, blindness could have been avoided in most cases. National screening programs for early diagnosis and treatment of these diseases would reduce prevalence of the newly blind.

        אורית פנחס חמיאל, אילנה קורן ופנינה ורדי

        Type 2 Diabetes among Adolescents in Israel 

        Orit Pinhas-Hamiel, Ilana Koren, Pnina Vardi


        Maccabi Juvenile Diabetes Center, Ramat Hasharon and Lin Diabetes Center, Haifa


        Type 2 diabetes has been considered rare in children and adolescents. Recently, increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes has been reported among adolescents in various parts of the world. We report the occurrence of type 2 diabetes among adolescents in Israel.

        A boy of 14 and girls of 16.5 and 17 were pubertal and extremely obese, with a body mass index (BMI) between 39-47 kg/m2. Acanthosis nigricans, elevated diastolic blood pressure, and hirsutism with menstrual disorders, were associated with insulin resistance, and should raise suspicion of type 2 diabetes. Significant obesity and strong family histories of type 2 diabetes appeared to be important risk factors. Since type 2 leads to long-term morbidity and mortality, its early identification and appropriate treatment are crucial.

        אמיליה אניס, אלכס לבנטל, מלוינה רויטמן ופאול סלייטר

        Introduction of Routine Hepatitis Immunization in Israel 

        Emilia Anis, Alex Leventhal, Malvina Roitman, Paul E. Slater 


        Notification of hepatitis A, which is endemic in Israel, has been compulsory since the establishment of the State. From 1992-98 an average of 2,600 cases were reported annually. Many infections are asymptomatic and mild, especially in children. In general, severity increases with age; in Western countries the case fatality rate is 1.5/1,000 among children less than 5 years old and 27/1,000 among those over 50. Until 1987 incidence in Israel was higher in Jews than in non-Jews, but since 1988 incidence has been about 50% higher in non-Jews.

        Among Jews highest age specific rates shifted from children 1-4 years old to children 5-9 years old in 1970, and in non-Jews in 1989. Improved sanitary conditions and personal hygiene have reduced very early childhood exposure and hence increased the proportion of susceptible older children and adults, in whom symptomatic disease is more prevalent.

        Israel is the first country in the world to include hepatitis A vaccine in its routine immunization schedule. The vaccine is given in 2 doses: at 18 months and 24-30 months of age, and there will be epidemiologic and serologic follow-up. A significant decrease in hepatitis A morbidity is expected in small children within 5 years. The percentage of reported cases in older children and in adults is expected to increase, although the absolute incidence among these groups will decrease.

        Dept. of Epidemiology and Public Health Services, Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem

        ינואר 2000

        י' דומניץ, ר' אבישר וח' סביר

        Corneal Infection - Causes and Effects on Vision


        Y. Domniz, R. Avisar, H. Savir


        Ophthalmology Depts., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Hasharon Hospital, Petah Tikva


        We conducted a retrospective 5-year survey of corneal infections treated in the ophthalmology ward of Hasharon Hospital. The most frequent type of corneal infection was corneal abscess; the most frequent cause was Staphylococcus albus, although this bacterium is not reported as a frequent cause of corneal infections.

        There was improvement in visual acuity in 69.2% and no change in 15.4%. Corneal infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequent cause of worsening of corneal acuity (23.08%). The greatest improvement of visual acuity was in those with corneal ulcers. The worst visual acuity was in those with corneal abscesses. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the main cause of infection in contact-lens wearers.

        In the world medical literature, Staphylococcus albus is considered of very low virulence. This bacterium was the most frequent cause of corneal infections in our study so it may have greater virulence in Israel.

        דצמבר 1999

        אנדרה מטלון ועמוס ינון

        Malaria in Travelers Returning from Endemic Areas


        Andre Matalon, Amos Yinnon


        Kupat Cholim Klalit, Dan-Petah Tikva District, and Dept. of Family Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Infectious Disease Unit, Shaare Zedek Hospital and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        2 cases of malaria in family practice are described in a 26- and a 50-year-old woman. Both probably could have been prevented had common chemoprophylactic drugs been taken. The risk of malaria is greater than the risk of possible side-effects of the drugs commonly used by travelers for prevention. Family physicians must be aware of the possibility of malaria in young people with fever, especially those who have travelled to equatorial areas and special attention should be given to encourage chemoprophylaxis.

        ברוך קלין, אידה בולדור, יהודית זנדבנק, צבי שפירר ויצחק וינוגרד

        Atypical Mycobacterial Cervical Lymphadenitis in Children


        B. Klin, I. Boldur, J. Sandbank, Z. Schpirer, I. Vinograd


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery, Microbiology and Pathology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Scrofula (mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis) has been well-known for thousands of years. Atypical mycobacteria were first categorized by Timpe and Runyon in 1954. Treatment has varied over the centuries, from exclusion therapy in ancient Greece, through digitalis, iodide, chemotherapy, and surgical excision. The varied differential diagnosis and consequent diagnostic and therapeutic challenges make reassessment of this almost forgotten disease necessary.

        21 patients with typical mycobacterial cervical lymphaden„itis seen in over the past 5 years were reviewed. Age distribution ranged from 1-14 years, with peak incidence at 4 years; 9 were boys and 12 girls. Most presented with nontender, palpable neck masses and minimal constitutional complaints. Adenopathy was unilateral in all cases but 2. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and M. fortuitum were the main causative organisms. All underwent excision of the affected nodes. Long-term follow-up has been uneventful, except for 1 case of local recurrence requiring re-excision.


        This study emphasizes the marked variability in the clinical presentation of scrofula in children, stressing the importance of the differential diagnosis between tuberculous and atypical mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis. The treatment of choice for the latter is complete excision of the affected nodes. Other treatment is followed by recurrence and unnecessary complications and should be avoided.

        ראובן צימליכמן

        Treatment of Hypertension with Losartan


        R. Zimlichman


        Dept. of Medicine and Hypertension, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon


        The efficacy, safety and side-effects of treatment with losartan (Ocsaar) was studied for the first time in Israel in a large group of patients with mild to moderate hypertension in several community clinics. The 421 patients (51% men) aged 30-86 years (mean 58.6) received 50 mg of losartan daily, increased when necessary to 100 mg, and/or a second antihypertensive drug was given. After 4 weeks blood pressure was normalized in 344 and after 12 weeks in 363. Side-effects were minimal and treatment was effective in all age groups.

        מתיתיהו ליפשיץ, ולדימיר גברילוב ורפאל גורודישר

        Use of Unlicensed and Off-Label Drugs in Hospitalized Children


        M. Lifshitz, V. Gavrilov, R. Gorodischer


        Toxicology Unit, Pediatrics Dept. A, Soroka Medical Center, and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Many drugs used in children are based on pharmacological data obtained in adults. Therefore, many drugs are either unlicensed for use in children or are prescribed outside the terms of the product license (off-label). This pilot study assessed use of unlicensed or off-label drugs in hospitalized children.

        Drug orders of patients admitted to a general pediatric ward were reviewed retrospectively in a random sample. Assessment was based on the data of the Physicians' Desk Reference and the Israel Drug Compendium. 80 different drugs and 278 drug orders were written for 92 patients (0.5 months - 11 years old, mean 26.9 months) in 97 admissions. Of these 52.9% were either off-label or unlicensed. Patients received 1 or more unlicensed or off-label drugs in 64.9% of admissions. They were more often off-label than unlicensed. The main reasons for use of off-label drugs were unusual doses and inappropriate age. The main reason for unlicensed drugs was modification of a particular formulation of a licensed drug.

        This pilot study indicates that use of drugs in an off-label or unlicensed manner in children is probably quite frequent in Israel. Our data emphasize the need for licensing a large number of drugs for use in children, based on the same scientific principles as in adults. Further collaborative studies in different pediatric centers in Israel, involving different types of pediatric settings (ambulatory and in-hospital), is required to evaluate comprehensively the magnitude of this preliminary finding.

        נובמבר 1999

        בולסלב קנובל, אנריקה מלמוד, שרון נופך מוזס וליליאנה זיידל

        Follicular Splenic Lymphoid Hyperplasia Associated with EBV Infection


        Boleslaw Knobel, Enrique Melamud, Sharon Nofech-Moses, Liliana Zeidel


        Dept. of Medicine B and Institute of Pathology, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Massive splenomegaly is defined as a spleen weighing about 10 times normal weight. We describe a 36-year-old man who had huge splenomegaly and secondary pancytopenia simulating malignant lymphoma for about 3 months. Splenectomy was necessary because of the suspicion of hematologic malignancy, especially isolated lymphoma of the spleen, and pain and mechanical abdominal disturbances.

        On operation, the spleen was 25 cm long and weighed 250 g. There was florid, reactive follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. Immunohistochemical staining with CD-20(L26), CD-45Ro(UCHL), bcl-2 oncoprotein (Dakopatts), EBV (anti-EBV mol weight 60 KD, Dakopatts) was consistent with reaction to EBV infection and not with follicular lymphoma. Lack of PCR amplification using DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded splenic tissue indicated absence of a monoclonal B cell population carrying rearranged immunoglobulin genes. The lymphocytic population was proven polyclonal by the negative results of PCR for the bcl-2 gene rearrangement. EBV seroconversion from high titer antibodies of anti-EBV-VCA-IgM to negative, and from negative EBNA to positive was consistent with an apparent primary EBV infection.

        We have not found on computerized search a previous report of reactive follicular splenic hyperplasia to EBV infection causing huge splenomegaly, with or without EBV-induced infectious mononucleosis.

        גבי וינשטיין, ויטלי יופה ונתן גדות

        Can Police Car Flashing-Light Induce Encephalographic Discharges and Seizures?


        G. Vainstein, V. Yofe, N. Gadoth


        Dept. of Neurology, Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba


        The new police car flashing-light device (930 Heliobe Lightbar) has recently been implicated as potentially epileptogenic. We exposed 30 epileptic patients, 30 nonepileptic patients who suffered from headache and 15 normal volunteers to this light source. All had routine EEGs with standard intermittent photic stimulation, followed by 3-minute stimulation with the Lightbar. In none were either seizures or EEG changes induced. In 1 epileptic spike-and-wave activity induced by standard photic stimulation was enhanced with the Lightbar.

        We could not confirm that the Lightbar is epileptogenic.

        טובה ריניס וישראל פוטסמן

        Listeria Monocytogenes Infections - Ten Years' Experience


        Tova Rainis, Israel Potasman


        Infectious Disease Unit, Bnai Zion Medical Center, and Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        7 cases of listeriosis were diagnosed here between 1988-1997 (6 in last 3 years), or 2.94/100,000 admissions. 2 elderly patients suffered from meningitis and 2 pregnant women presented with premature contractions, 1 of whom delivered a premature, infected baby. 2 other patients had fever and gastroenteritis.

        Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from blood in 4, CSF in 2 and the placenta in 1. It was isolated from those with bacterial meningitis. All patients recovered. Both increased awareness for prevention and better diagnosis are essential to reduce morbidity from this unusual pathogen.

        עפרה לובצקי, אבי ויצמן, יצחק גילת ושמואל טיאנו

        Premature Birth and Cognitive Functioning in Adolescence


        Ofra Lubetzky, Avi Weitzman, Izhak Gilat, Samuel Tyano


        Levinsky College of Education and Geha Hospital, Tel Aviv and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Premature infants are considered a high-risk population for developing cognitive dysfunction. Studies have indicated lower cognitive performance among elementary school children born prematurely. We focused on cognitive functioning of such adolescents. This age was chosen because of its critical importance in the development of the individual.


        50 adolescents aged 14-16 years born prematurely were compared with 50 born at full-term and matched for gender, age and socioeconomic status. All subjects attended regular schools and did not suffer severe neurological disorders. Cognitive functioning was measured by the Bender-Visual Motor Gestalt Test and by 3 subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (revised WISC-R test).


        Results revealed that prematurely born adolescents scored lower than those born at term on all measures of cognitive performance. The results are discussed in terms of their developmental meaning and of therapy for the prematurely born.

        יעקב פלדמן, אירית לקסר ואברהם ירצקי

        Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction without Left Ventric-Ular Hypertrophy Treated with Ace Inhibitors


        Jacob Feldman, Irit Laxer, Abraham Yaretzky


        Geriatric Dept., Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We describe a very unusual case of sudden, severe worsening of congestive heart failure which was caused by ACE inhibitors. Diagnosis was made by echocardiogram showing a typical picture of dynamic, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction without left ventricular hypertrophy, which disappeared on discontinuing ACE inhibitors. This phenomenon has already been described as a complication of other drugs such as nitrates, commonly used as provocative tests for latent obstructive cardiomyopathy. To our knowledge ACE inhibihave not been described as a causative factor.

        שרה כרמל ויונתן הלוי

        Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Services Evaluation by Regular and Private Patients


        Sara Carmel, Jonathan Halevy


        Dept. of the Sociology of Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of

        the Negev, Beer Sheba; Sha'are Zedek Medical Center and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        "Sharap" is a private medical service integrated within our public clinic and hospital services. Clients may choose their physician by paying a fee in addition to what their health insurance agency (Kupat Holim) pays for. All other hospital services are supplied to all patients alike. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which this declared policy is maintained in practice.


        During 5 months in 1997, 198 Sharap patients and 198 regular patients were interviewed in the the general surgery, cardiac surgery, ENT, cardiology, newborn and gynecology wards of this hospital. Both groups were similar in regard to cause of hospitalization, gender, age group (10-year age ranges), and length of hospitalization (at least 24 hours).


        Similar levels of satisfaction with hospitalization in general and with the nursing service and with supportive services were found in both groups. However, Sharap patients were more satisfied with their physicians than regular patients (87% vs 74%, respectively). Similar results were also found using indirect measures of satisfaction. About 86% in both groups reported having achieved the goal of improvement in health. A high proportion of respondents from both groups (82% and 88%, respectively) could not distinguish between Sharap and regular patients in the ward. However, a greater proportion of regular patients (35% vs 21%) wanted more extensive explanations from their physicians regarding their treatment.


        Sharap patients belonged to higher socio-economic classes than regular patients. Our evaluation indicates that although the Sharap service enables the affluent to choose their preferred physician, resulting in a different doctor-patient relationship, the service does not create a significant feeling of discrimination among hospitalized patients, and does not interfere with the high level of health services available to the public at large.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303