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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוקטובר 1999

        מרק ויינברג, ברוך קלין ויצחק וינוגרד

        One-Stage Surgery for Hirschsprung's Disease in Children


        Mark Weinberg, Baruch Klin, Itzhak Vinograd


        Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Traditionally Hirschsprung's disease has been treated by 2-or 3-stage procedures. During the past 6 years a 1-stage Duhamel procedure without stoma has become our treatment of choice for Hirschsprung's disease in neonates and young infants. Over a 6-year period, 15 infants and children with colonic Hirschsprung's disease were treated with the 1-stage Duhamel retro-rectal pull-through procedure without a stoma, with the Lester-Martin modification. All patients had the usual short segment aganglionosis, but 1 had a long segment which included the splenic flexure.

        Early complications included wound infection in 1 and minor rectal bleeding in 3. Late complications included constipation in 1 and enterocolitis in 4. Long-term functional results were very good in all those operated except for 1 with rectal achalasia.


        We conclude that Hirschsprung's disease can be successfully treated with a 1-stage pull-through operation, the child usually benefitting from the shorter hospital stay and the avoidance of a colostomy.

        ספטמבר 1999

        מרדכי מרק, רחל מגנזי, אסנת לוקסנבורג, מרים זיבצינר ויהושע שמר

        Clozapine in the Treatment of Schizophrenia


        M. Mark, R. Magnezi, O. Luxenburg, M. Siebzehner, J. Shemer


        Israel Center for Technology Assessment in Health Care, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Schizophrenia is associated with brain abnormalities and is typically evidenced by disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations; it usually requires extended hospitalization. Its incidence in the western world is estimated at 4-7 cases/10,000/year.

        A method of shortening hospitalization and improving level of functioning is the use of unique medication, including clozapine, which has been in use in Israel for the past 6 years.

        We report 327 patients who participated in a community rehabilitation program and were treated with clozapine. They were compared with 417 patients who corresponded to the guidelines of the Director of Mental Health Services for treatment with clozapine, but were not treated with it for reasons not defined in the guidelines.

        The study included those 25-44 and 45-64 years of age and according to the division of the population of patients hospitalized in both government and private hospitals. The project demonstrates the savings from use of clozapine as opposed to the alternative of hospitalizing these patients. It also shows the complexity and difficulty in assimilating new technologies, in relation to the influence of social considerations and supplier/insurer accounting on the patterns of technological assimilation.

        אוגוסט 1999

        יהודית קליינמן וסימון נגלב

        Multilocular Cystic Mass of the Kidney: A Diagnostic Challenge


        Judy Kleinmann, Simon Negelev


        Urology Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        Multilocular cystic masses of the kidney present a diagnostic challenge because they may be malignant. Renal cell carcinoma with multilocular cysts has been reported. We present 4 cases in which the preoperative differential diagnosis was between a benign and a malignant multilocular cystic kidney mass.

        Our results, combined with those of 33 previously reported cases, reveal that only 32% of cases were diagnosed correctly preoperatively. In 21% of these patients the preoperative clinical evaluation did not correctly diagnose malignancy: 24% of them yielded false negative and 21% false positive results. Angiography was more accurate than CT, US or aspiration of cysts. Frozen section was inaccurate in 55% of cases.

        There is no reliable diagnostic test to distinguish between a malignant and a benign multilocular cystic mass. Invasive angiography is more accurate than other modalities. A therapeutic decision has to be made between nephron-sparing and radical surgery in each case. When nephron-sparing surgery is considered, the possible need to perform radical nephrectomy in second-look surgery must be taken into account.

        נועה ברק, רון ישי ואלישבע לב-רן

        Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Biofeedback Treatment


        N. Barak, R. Ishai, E. Lev-Ran


        Biofeedback Unit, Psychiatric Ward, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Irritable bowel syndrome is a group of heterogenic complaints of functional bowel disorder in the absence of organic pathology. The pathophysiology is unclear. In most cases treatment includes symptomatic remedies, antidepressants, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

        Biofeedback has recently been introduced as a therapeutic modality. Treatment also includes relaxation techniques and guided imagery, together with computer-assisted monitoring of sympathetic arousal. Biofeedback requires active participation of patients in their healing progress and leads to symptom reduction in 2/3.

        יוני 1999

        יעקב פלדמן, ליאורה פלג ואברהם ירצקי

        Clinical, Social and Economic Aspects of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment


        Jacob Feldman, Liora Peleg, Abraham Yaretzky


        Geriatric Dept., Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        It is well known that maelderly patients are referred to nursing homes because of "functional decline" without being thoroughly in. We studied 9 elderly patients, all referred to hospital due to functional decline and diagnosed as follows: spinal stenosis - 2 cases, depression - 3, thyrotoxicosis -1, Parkinson -1, polypharmacy and congestive heart failure -1 patient each. Proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment prevent unnecessary hospitalization in nursing homes. Our study is meant to draw attention to this crucial aspect of geriatric medicine.

        אריה איזנמן ורפאל עינת

        Superficial Skin Necrosis in Short Bowel Syndrome


        Arie Eisenman, Rafael Enat


        Dept. of Medicine B, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Short bowel syndrome causes a complex of symptoms due to compromise of small intestinal nutrient absorption. A 60-year-old woman underwent major resection of the small intestine due to a road accident 3 years ago. The sole manifestation of short-bowel-syndrome was superficial skin necrosis due to vitamin K deficiency. She was asymptomatic for a long time, until treatment with antibiotics further intensified initially subclinical malabsorption.

        It is not clear why there had been no other symptoms and why the main impact was on the fibrinolytic system rather than the coagulation system, as is usually the case. It is recommended that patients after major resection of the small intestine be closely monitored for coagulation function if an oral antibiotic is prescribed.

        אולגה חילקביץ', יואב צ'פמן, בת-שבע בונה, עמוס קורצ'ין

        Prevalence of APOE 4 Allele in Israeli Ethnic Groups


        O. Hilkevich, J. Chapman, B-S. Bone, A.D. Korczyn


        Neurology Dept., Tel Aviv Medical Center, and Depts. of Physiology, Pharmacology and Human Genetics, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The 4 allele of the APOE gene, coding for apo-lipoprotein E, is the most common genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and a significant risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis. There is therefore much interest in studying its frequency in different ethnic groups.

        We examined its frequency in Jews originating from Libya, Buchara and Ethiopia and in Jews of Sepharadi and Ashkenazi origins. Its frequency among Ethiopian immigrants was 0.27, significantly higher than in the other groups, in which the frequency was between 0.067 and 0.10. These differences in allele frequency may serve as a basis for future studies in Israel to assess the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to the incidence of dementia.

        מאי 1999

        שלמה קייזר, יואלה אלוני ואילן חרוזי

        Laparoscopic Treatment of Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by Adhesions


        S. Kyzer, Y. Aloni, I. Charuzi


        Surgery Unit B, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon


        We describe our experience in 14 patients operated on for small bowel obstruction, who underwent laparoscopic adhesiolysis. In 13 (93%) the obstruction was relieved and only 1 case required conversion to open operation. Bowel activity usually resumed within 24-48 hours, and there were no remarkable intraoperative and postoperative complications. During follow-up none developed recurrent obstruction.


        Our experience demonstrates that laparoscopic adhesiolysis is a valid therapeutic option. Additional experience is needed to determine which types of cases are suitable for the procedure.

        אבישי סלע

        Information Provided for Informed Consent in Clinical Trials


        Avishay Sella


        Genitourinary Medical Oncology Unit, Dept. of Oncology, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The Helsinki Declaration contains recommendations guiding physicians who conduct clinical trials. One is that the requirement for informed consent is essential for approval of a trial. An important component of the informed consent doctrine is that all data required for the participant's decision must be provided. We analyze data of a therapeutic trial, and define 12 data components outlined in, or directly derived from the Helsinki Declaration.


        61 instances of informed consent for therapeutic clinical trials from various fields of medicine, from 1994 to 1997, were analyzed. In each the presence of the 12 components was evaluated.

        The data demonstrated that there were only 5 components cited in most cases of informed consent: trial objectives, methods, treatment plan, risks, and the option of withdrawing. Benefit to the participant was mentioned in half the cases, while only limited information was provided about other components such as life-threatening and unpredictable risks, and alternative treatment.

        Examples of informed consent from 1997 showed statistical improvement since 1994 in the data concerning trial objectives, methods, risks and alternative therapy. Informed consent documents of international multicenter trials compared with local trials showed statistical improvement in the data components of the trial objectives, methods, and risks, including those of potentially life-threatening and unpredictable risks, and alternative therapy. Analysis of informed consent showed that not all components required for a comprehensive decision regarding participation in a clinical trial are included. These data emphasize the need to design a structured informed consent protocol in which all the required data components are specifically outlined for potential participants.

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        1000 Cardiac Catheterizations in Congenital Heart Disease


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Over the past 15 years, percutaneous therapeutic cardiac catheterization has become increasingly important in the treatment of congenital heart disease. We describe our experience in 1000 such catheterizations between 1993-1997. 55% were in 1-12-year-olds; only 20% were in patients younger than 1 year old and 11.3% were in adults with congenital heart defects. In about 50% it was at least a second cardiac catheterization. Overall, there were 425 therapeutic cardiac catheterizations, increasing from 33% in the first 200 procedures, to 63% in the last 200.

        We performed 30 different types of therapeutic catheterizations: 23.3% were valvular dilations, 21.4% vessel angioplasties, 36.9% closure procedures, 9.2% electrophysiological procedures, and 9.2% miscellaneous. In 31.3% of therapeutic catheterizations we used 12 new procedures. Minor complications occurred in 8.5% and major in 0.6%; most complications were successfully treated or were self-limited and there was no residual damage.

        In this report the current role of each type of major catheterization is discussed on the basis of our experience. Further development of technology for lesions not amenable to currently available transcatheter methods, and longer follow-up for current techniques will consolidate the role of therapeutic cardiac catheterization in congenital heart disease.

        אפריל 1999

        גד שקד ומריו גולוקובסקי

        Management of Pancreatic Trauma in Damage-Control Laparotomy


        Gad Shaked, Mario Golocovsky


        Dept. of Surgery and Trauma Service, Soroka University Hospital, Beer Sheba and Dept. of Surgery and Trauma Service, Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC


        Major pancreatic trauma challenges the trauma surgeon with diagnostic problems and choices of treatment modalities. The most important determinant guiding management is the integrity of the main pancreatic duct. The preoperative and intraoperative assessment and treatment of pancreatic injury may be difficult, especially when concurrent severe injuries are present. There are alternative approaches in the management of the traumatized pancreas when ductal injury is not obvious during initial exploratory laparotomy.

        יעל לנדאו וורדה גרוס-צור

        Attentional Characteristics of Developmental Right Hemi-Sphere Syndrome


        Yael E. Landau, Varda Gross-Tsur


        Neuropediatric Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Developmental right hemisphere syndrome (DRHS) is characterized by emotional and interpersonal difficulties, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), visuo-spatial handicaps, subtle left body neurologic signs and failure in nonverbal academic domains, especially arithmetic. Concurrence of ADHD and DRHS is not surprising because research has implicated dysfunction of the right hemisphere in both syndromes. Furthermore, the right hemisphere has more brain areas devoted to attentional processing, making it more important and more vulnerable in attentional problems.

        We describe the clinical parameters of DRHS as exemplified by 2 cases, a boy and a girl, both 13 years old. They participated in a study group in which attention and speed of performance were assessed in children with DRHS and were compared to children with ADHD and to a control group. A tendency to overfocusing, difficulty in inhibition, perseverative behaviors, stereotypy, and slowness and absence of hyperactivity characterized the DRHS group. These behaviors led us to hypothesize that the attentional symptoms in DRHS define a specific subgroup of ADHD which requires a different therapeutic approach.

        דוד גורדון, דב לקסמן, יהודית שריג ואסנת גרוץ

        Pelvic Floor Exercise and Biofeedback in Genuine Stress Incontinence


        D. Gordon, D. Luxman, Y. Sarig, A. Groutz


        Women and Children's Division, Liss Hospital, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Municipal Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Stress urinary incontinence is a medical and social problem. In the past decade there has been increased awareness of this condition and the number of those affected who seek help is increasing. Treatment is usually surgical - elevation of the bladder neck. Pelvic floor exercise is an accepted conservative treatment modality used for mild to moderate cases that have not yet completed their families.

        We present our results in 30 women, aged 28-71 years, av. 49% with genuine stress incontinence treated with pelvic floor exercise and biofeedback. 14 patients (46.7%) were completely cured and 15 (50%) were improved. In only 1 was there no improvement.

        Our results show significant improvement in the duration and intensity of pelvic floor contractions after treatment. Pelvic floor exercise with biofeedback is a very important treatment modality, requiring a highly motivated patient and a physiotherapist specialized in pelvic floor exercise.

        דורון אפרמיאן ואליס מרקיציו

        Oral Manifestations of Bulimia Nervosa


        Doron Aframian, Alice Markitziu


        Dept. of Oral Diagnosis, Medicine and Radiology, Hebrew University- Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem


        Bulimia nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder frquently accompanied by changes of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity and of the salivary glands. Routine dental examination in a 25-year-old woman disclosed oral signs and symptoms characteristic of BN and she was referred for psychiatric evaluation. Oral evaluation of patients suspected of BN is recommended to prevent irreversible damage to the oral and perioral structures.

        מרץ 1999

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        Balloon Angioplasty of Native Coarctation of the Aorta


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The use of balloon dilatation to treat native coarctation of the aorta is gaining acceptance among interventional pediatric cardiologists, but is still controversial. We describe our experience with this procedure in 21 children, mean age 5.6 years and mean weight 21.1 kg. Most had an additional congenital heart defect, most commonly a bicuspid aortic valve. 17 were asymptomatic, 3 had tachypnea and 1 infant had severe congestive heart failure and was ventilated. The mean systolic blood pressure was 129.7 mm Hg.


        Balloon dilatation was successful in 90% (19), decreasing the mean maximal systolic gradient from 35.3 to 9 mm Hg (p<0.001), and increasing the narrowest area from 3.9 to 8.2 mm (p<0.001), with a mean balloon-to-coarctation width-ratio of 2.8. There were no complications. Of 15 who underwent repeat cardiac catheterization at a mean interval of 10.6 months, 2 had a maximal systolic gradient of more than 20 mm Hg. 1 of these underwent successful repeat angioplasty and the other, who also had a small aneurysm, underwent surgical repair successfully. 2 others had small aneurysms and they are being followed clinically.


        All patients were seen again after a mean interval of 31 months. The mean systolic blood pressure was 104 mm Hg, significantly lower than before intervention (p<0.002). 1 had an increased pressure gradient between right arm and leg of 35 mm Hg at later follow-up, and repeat cardiac catheterization demonstrated a good result 13 months after the initial procedure. She is awaiting a third catheterization. Overall, 90% had good mid-term results.


        Based on our experience and recent reports, balloon angioplasty is safe and effective in most children older than 7 months and should be considered a viable alternative to operation for discrete aortic coarctation. Further long-term evaluation is needed.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303