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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוגוסט 2000

        יהב אורון, אמיר שחר וערן דולב

        Hospitalization for Renal Colic: Epidemiological Features and Clinical Manifestations


        Yahav Oron, Amir Shahar, Eran Dolev


        Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; Israel Defense Forces Medical Center; Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba; and Dept. of Medicine H, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center


        The medical records of all patients referred to the emergency department (ED) of Sheba Medical Center for renal colic during 1996 were analyzed. Patients discharged from the ED and those hospitalized were compared.

        There was no significant difference between the 2 groups with regard to average age or sex distribution. Statistically significant differences were found with regard to frequency of chills and fever, history of renal colic, referral for renal colic during that year or hospitalization for renal colic or nephrolithiasis, previous positive imaging, stone removal by surgery or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, fever exceeding 37.5o and administration of fluids, pethidine or pramin in the ED, prolonged stay in the ED and previous appendectomy.

        A conditional regression model tested the predictive value of each of those factors. Inclusion of independent variables into the model led to an overall correct classification rate of 84.43%, with 44.83% sensitivity and 93.16% specificity. There were correlations between referrals for renal colic, overall renal colic rate and average monthly temperature, so there was no pure correlation between average monthly temperature and referrals to the ED for renal colic.

        The major indications for hospitalization were actually the clinical ones, indicating either an active metabolic disease or suspected obstruction of the urinary tract. Treatment in the ED and duration of the visit indicated disease severity.

        יולי 2000

        שלומית גזית-ניסים, אייל שיינר, משה מזור ואילנה שהם-ורדי

        Relationship between Occupation and Clinical Characteristics during Pregnancy and Recommendation to Stop Working


        S. Gazit-Nissim, E. Sheiner, M. Mazor, I. Shoham-Vardi


        Depts. of Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation, and of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soroka University Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        We examined the relationship between occupation and clinical characteristics during pregnancy and medical recommendations to stop working. Using a case-control design, we compared 58 working women who had preterm births, with 126 who had delivered at term. All women were interviewed postpartum while still in hospital.

        There were no differences between the groups with regard to physical activity outside the home, weekly work hours, nor duration of work. Only a small proportion had been exposed to unusually difficult working conditions, to hazardous agents or to a very uncomfortable working environment. Women who had had preterm births were advised more often to leave their jobs or modify their working patterns. Multivariate analysis revealed that the physician's decision to recommend cessation of work was influenced primarily by complications during the current pregnancy.

        It appears that our patients at risk for preterm birth are probably correctly identified, and receive appropriate guidelines as to working patterns. It is possible that a poor obstetric history or previous abortions may paradoxically have a protective effect, as they influence the physician to recommend cessation of work.

        יוני 2000

        אורה שובמן, בוריס גילבורד, פנינה לנגביץ' ויהודה שינפלד. עמ' 1043-1046

        אורה שובמן, בוריס גילבורד, פנינה לנגביץ', יהודה שינפלד

        המח' לרפואה פנימית ב' והיחידה לחקר מחלות אוטואימוניות, המרכז הרפואי שיבא תל השומר והפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת תל אביב

        מילות מפתח:

        נוגדני RA33, RA33, מחלות אוטואימוניות, אורה שובמן, בוריס גילבורד, פנינה לנגביץ', יהודה שינפלד, שובמן, גילבורד, לנגביץ', שינפלד

        יצחק וינוגרד, ברוך קלין, א' זילביגר וגדעון אשל

        Aortopexy for Tracheomalacia in Infants and Children


        I. Vinograd, B. Klin, A. Silbiger, G. Eshel


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery, and Anesthesia, Dana Children's Hospital, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center;  Dept. of Pediatric Surgery and Intensive Care Unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        During the past 12 years (1985-1998), 28 infants and children were operated on here for tracheomalacia. The diagnosis was made in all using rigid bronchoscopy. During the examination the infants breathed spontaneously, but the trachea collapsed on forced expiration.

        Indications for surgery were repeated cyanotic spells ("dying spells") in 22, recurrent pneumonia, and inability to extubate (in 8). In 11 there were more than 1 indications. Age at surgery was from 7 days to 3 years (average 11.7 months).

        All 28 children underwent bronchoscopy and guided aortopexy via a left-third intercostal approach. The ascending aorta and aortic arch (and in 6 the proximal innominate artery as well) were lifted anteriorly, using 3-5 non-absorbable sutures (5.0). The sutures were placed through the adventitia of the great vessels and then passed through the sternum.

        Respiratory distress was significantly improved in 21. Another 2 required external tracheal stenting with autologous rib grafts, and in 1 other an internal Palmaz stent was introduced for tracheal stability. In 4 aortopexy failed, 1 of whom had tracheobronchomalacia throughout, and another 3 had laryngomalacia which required tracheostomy to relieve the respiratory symptoms.

        Postoperative complications were minor: pericardial effusion in 1 and relaxation of the left diaphragm in another. 1 infant subsequently died, of unknown cause 10 days after operation, after having been extubated on the 1st postoperative day. On long-term follow-up (6 months to 12 years) 25 were found free of residual respiratory symptoms and 3 remained with a tracheostomy.

        Thus, infants and children with severe tracheomalacia associated with severe respiratory symptoms, can be relieved by bronchoscopic guided suspension of the aortic arch to the sternum.

        דוד פרג, שלמה בכר, אלכסנדר בטלר, ולנטינה בויקו, שמואל גוטליב ויהונתן ליאור

        Thrombolytic Therapy or Primary Coronary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction?


        David Pereg, Shlomo Behar, Alexander Battler, Valentina Boyko, Shmuel Gottlieb, Jonathan Leor: Israel Thrombolytic Survey Group


        Cardiology Division, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; Neufeld Cardiac Research Institute, Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv University; and Cardiology Dept., Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        There has been continuous debate over the superiority of primary percutaneous, transluminal, coronary angioplasty (PTCA) over thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). It was questioned whether this advantage of primary PTCA reported in selected populations by experienced centers can be replicated in our clinical practice.

        We compared demographic and clinical variables, therapies and outcome in AMI treated with primary PTCA vs thrombolytic therapy. Clinical and demographic variables of 1,678 unselected AMI patients (admitted January/February and May/July 1996) were analyzed in 16 cardiac care units with on-site catheterization facilities and ability to perform PTCA. Of these 803 (48%) were treated by thrombolysis and 99 (6%) by primary PTCA.

        The prevalence of adverse prognostic variables, such as anterior wall MI, heart failure on admission or during hospital stay, pulmonary edema, and ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation, was higher in the PTCA group. The 7-day, 30-day and 1-year mortality rates were similar in the 2 groups: 4%, 7.2% and 12.8%, respectively, in the PTCA group and 5%, 7.2% and 11.1% in the thrombolysis group. There was a trend toward lower mortality in subgroups of high-risk patients: those with heart failure on admission (Killip class >1), the elderly (>65 years), and those with previous MI treated with PTCA. After adjusting for confounders, treatment with primary PTCA was not found to be associated with lower mortality.

        Only a small proportion of AMI patients in Israel were treated with primary PTCA in 1996. The frequency of adverse prognostic factors among them was higher but their short and long term outcomes were similar to those of high risk patients treated with thrombolysis.

        מאי 2000

        סימה לבני, אריאל המרמן, שגב שני ויהושע שמר

        Israel Hospital Pharmaceutical Services: A National Survey 

        S. Livny, A. Hammerman, S. Shani, J. Shemer


        Hiliel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera; Israel Center for Technology Assessment in Health Care; Gertner Institute, Tel HaShomer; Dept. of Internal Medicine, Sheba Medical Center, Tel HaShomer; and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Results of a 1996 survey of hospital pharmaceutical services in Israel are presented. A questionnaire was mailed to 46 pharmacy directors in Israel hospitals of which a total of 33 were returned (72%).

        The main services provided at hospital pharmacies are production of pharmaceuticals and inventory management. The pharmacy directors estimated that more then half of their pharmacists' time was spent on technical work that did not need their academic, professional knowledge. In Israel general hospitals there are on the average 1.23 full time pharmacist positions per 100 hospital beds and 1.09 positions for other pharmacy employees.

        A similar survey carried out in the United States showed an average of 7.4 pharmacists per 100 hospital beds. Pharmacists there have broad clinical roles which, in general Israeli pharmacists do not have.

        Computer systems are used in our pharmacies mainly for inventory management. About half of the directors did not think that the location, structure and furnishings of their pharmacy were appropriate for its role.

        Under current conditions, Israel hospital pharmacies are not organized to provide pharmaceutical services beyond inventory management and pharmaceutical production. Appropriate budgets and personnel are required to develop clinical pharmacy services at Israel hospitals. This would lead to improved quality of drug treatment and cost-containment and would allow pharmacists to exploit their knowledge, skills and training that under the current system, are only partially utilized.

        עמית קורח, עוזי יזהר, אהוד רודיס ואמיר אלעמי

        Concomitant Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery and Pulmonary Lobectomy 

        Amit Korach, Uzzi Izhar, Ehud Rudis, Amir Elami


        Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Coronary artery disease amenable to percutaneous interventions or coronary artery bypass grafting, and resectable lung cancer are major causes of morbidity and mortality. We present our experience in the treatment of 3 patients (men aged 64 and 66 and a woman of 77) who each had significant coronary artery disease and a resectable lung tumor. They underwent combined coronary artery bypass grafting and pulmonary lobectomy.

        We conclude from our experience and review of the literature that concomitant surgery in such cases is safe and effective, decreases suffering, and decreases the cost of 2 separate invasive procedures.

        דני ביטרן, עופר מרין, ג'ף פישר, נדיב שפירא, מרק קלוטשטיין ושולי זילברמן

        Mitral Valve Repair in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy with Severeleft Ventricular Dysfunction


        Dani Bitran, Ofer Merin, Jeffrey Fisher, Nadiv Shapira, Marc W. Klutstein, Shuli Silberman


        Depts. of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Anesthesiology and Cardiology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Patients with ischemic mitral insufficiency and poor left ventricular function are high operative risks. We present 101 patients who had mitral valve repair in our department: 21 had severely reduced left ventricular function, 19 were in NYHA functional Class IV, and 2 in Class III. All had concomitant coronary artery bypass.


        There was no early operative mortality, but there were 2 late deaths (9.6%). At follow-up (3-36 months) all valves were functioning normally, 9 patients (43%) were in NYHA functional Class I, and 4 (19%) in Class II.

        Our experience shows that repair of ischemic mitral insufficiency in the presence of severe left ventricular dysfunction can be performed with good results, and is preferable to mitral valve replacement. Late follow-up showed significant symptomatic improvement.

        מירי יבזורי, ניר אוריאל, נורית פורת, רון דגן, רוחמה אמבר, עופר שפילברג ודני כהן

        Development of Molecular Tests for Rapid Detection of Enteropathogens 

        Miri Yavzori, Nir Uriel, Nurith Porat, Ron Dagan, Ruhama Ambar, Ofer Shpilberg, Dani Cohen


        Army Health Branch Research Unit, Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces; Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Soroka University Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Amplification of specific DNA sequences by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enables rapid, sensitive and direct, specific identification of pathogens at very low concentrations in clinical samples. Studies in recent years have reported identification of several enteropathogens directly from stool samples by PCR. The amplification process includes the use of primers complementary to the DNA sequences specific to the pathogen, thus relying on the pathogen's genotype, rather than its phenotype on which identification by the methods of classical microbiology were based.

        We have developed PCR protocols for the differential identification of enteropathogens resembling the normal flora (enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), E. coli O-157), Shigella spp, and the detection of enteropathogens that can not be grown on classic growth media (Norwalk virus). The amplification process is inhibited by several substrates present in fecal material (phenol, hemoglobin), limiting DNA extraction by phenol. The protocols we have developed for direct detection of Shigella spp and ETEC in stools circumvent inhibition of PCR by the use of a 4-hour pre-enrichment step in brain-heart infusion broth.

        Rapid and accurate identification of enteropathogens is important for prompt and focused intervention to stop the chain of transmission in outbreaks of gastroenteritis in military and civilian populations.

        מ' גדלביץ, ד' גיליס, ד' מימוני, א' גרוטו וע' שפילברג

        Trends in Epidemiology of Hepatitis in the Israel Defense Forces 

        Michael Gdalevich, David Gillis, Daniel Mimouni, Itamar Grotto, Ofer Shpilberg


        Institute of Military Medicine, Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces


        During the 50's and 60's there were large scale epidemics of hepatitis A every 3-4 years in the Israel Defense Forces. During these epidemics the annual incidence exceeded 10/1000 soldiers at risk. There has been a highly significant decrease in rates during the past 30 years. The average annual incidence of clinically identified viral hepatitis A decreased from an average of 6/1000 during the 60's to 2.5/1000 during the 70's. The decrease coincided with the introduction in the 1970's of wide-scale post-exposure prophylaxis with immune serum globulin (ISG). The incidence was further significantly reduced to 0.5-1.0/1000 with the introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis with ISG, starting in 1978 (p<0.001).

        Other factors probably played a role in accelerating the decline in morbidity, such as improvement in personal hygiene and sanitation facilities, and in waste disposal and other aspects of military environmental health.

        These improvements were probably more pronounced in the civilian sector, leading to decreased exposure of children to the virus and consequently a higher proportion of seronegatives at induction. Increase in the proportion of recruits without natural immunity to the virus poses greater risk, both in terms of personal morbidity as well as military operational ability. This risk, combined with problems of ISG use and availability, has propelled hepatitis A prevention policy towards the use of the new inactivated vaccines.

        אמנון גיל, אבי שצ'ופק, חיים לבון ויוחאי אדיר

        Decompression Sickness in Divers Treated at the Israel Naval Medical Institute 

        A. Gil, A. Shupak, H. Lavon, Y. Adir


        Israel Naval Medical Institute, Israel Defense Forces, Haifa


        Clinical characteristics of 125 divers treated for decompression sickness (DCS) in the hyperbaric multiplace chambers of this Institute during 1992-1997 were analyzed retrospectively. In 62 (51%) the diagnosis was DCS Type I (joint pain or skin involvement) and in 60 (49%) DCS Type II (neurological, inner ear or pulmonary disease). Risk factors for the evolution of DCS were depth and duration of the dives involving accidents, violation of recommendations of the decompression tables, and repeated dives.

        Results were available for 112 of the 125 patients. 54 of them (48%) recovered completely, and another 54 recovered partially; 4 did not respond to treatment. Inner ear DCS was less responsive to hyperbaric oxygen treatment (p=0.0001). There was significant improvement of neurological function in those with severe neurological injury (p=0.0001). Rapid diagnosis and transportation of divers with DCS to a hyperbaric chamber is of crucial importance.

        אפריל 2000

        ד' ישורון, ח' חמוד, ד' קרן, נ' מורד וי' נשיץ

        Acipimox as a Secondary Hypolipidemia in Combined Hypertriglyceridemia and Hyperlipidemia


        D. Yeshurun, H. Hamood, N. Morad, J. Naschitz


        Hyperlipidemia Clinic, Dept. of Medicine A, Bnai-Zion Medical Center, and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        32 patients with hypertriglyceridemia, excessive hypertri- glyceridemia, and combined hyperlipidemia, were treated with the nicotinic acid derivative acipimox (Olbetam). First line treatment with bezafibrate, or statins in some with combined hyperlipidemia, had failed. In 10 acipimox was discontinued due to side effects or absence of clinical response. The other 22 completed 6 months of treatment with no side effects.

        Acipimox caused a significant 54% decrease in triglyceride levels, a 23% decrease in total cholesterol, and a 12% increase in HDL-cholesterol. LDL-cholesterol was difficult to calculate because of the high triglyceride levels, so no results are presented.

        Although acipimox was much better tolerated than nicotinic acid, it also had side effects, but fewer. Acipimox can therefor be used as a second-line drug, mainly in those with combined hyperlipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia.

        יוסף לבצלטר, גרשון פינק, אליעזר קליינמן, יצחק רוזנברג ומרדכי ר' קרמר

        Preflight Assessment by Hypoxic Inhalation Test in Cardio-Pulmonary Patients 

        J. Lebzelter, G. Fink, E. Kleinman, I. Rosenberg, M.R. Kramer


        Pulmonology Institute, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva


        Flying may expose passengers to hypoxic conditions, which may induce hypoxemia, particularly in those with chronic heart and/or lung disease. Onset of dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain, cyanosis and right heart failure can lead to urgent need for oxygen during flight. The hypoxia inhalation test (HIT) provides a safe and simple means of identifying those who may develop hypoxemia during flight.

        We report our experience with 48 self-reporting patients who underwent HIT prior to pre-planned air travel. They inhaled for 15-minute periods a reduced oxygen concentration (F1O2 15%) under normobaric conditions, during which O2 saturation was monitored by pulse oximeter; electrocardiogram, blood pressure and symptoms were also monitored. O2 saturation of 85% (PaO2 50 mm Hg) was considered a positive test. In the 8 cases (17%) with a positive test, 5 had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 3 had cardiovascular and/or combined heart-lung disease.

        We calculated predicted O2 partial pressure in altitude (PaO2 ALT) and compared it to actual results in the 8 patients with a positive HIT. In 5, use of the predicted formula would have under-diagnosed the hypoxemia that developed during the HIT. Thus, the results of the HIT changed treatment strategy in these patients. We recommend that patients with positive tests use O2 (2LPM or 4LPM) during flight.

        HIT is practical and of potential benefit in the objective assessment of patients with various degrees of heart, lung or combined heart-lung disease. Clinicians should be aware of the relative risk of hypoxia during flight in such patients, and of the value of HIT in identifying them, leading to increase in its use.

        שחר לבנת, אייל אלמוג, גד רבינוביץ' ויורם שניר

        Ethnicity and Emergency Department Visits in the Negev


        Shahar Livnat, Eyal Almog, Gad Rabinowitch, Yoram Snir


        Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Soroka University Medical Center and Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The population of the Negev consists mainly of Jews and Bedouin, who have very different life styles. Patients of both ethnic groups use our emergency department exclusively, providing a unique opportunity to study comparative patient habits.

        In gathering and processing the information we used Data Mining technology, which allows search for unique patterns in large data bases. We examined demographic data on some 64,000 emergency department visits during 1997-8, mostly medical and surgical cases, but not trauma cases. Many more were by Bedouin than Jews, and between the ages of 25 and 44, more by women than men. There were changes in trends in comparison with an arrival survey conducted some 11 years before.

        דורית ניצן קלוסקי ואלכס לבנטל

        The Gift of Breastfeeding 

        Dorit Nitzan Kaluski, Alex Leventhal


        Dept. of Nutrition, Public Health Services, Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem


        Breast milk is the optimal food for infant growth and development, the prevention of infectious diseases and mother- child bonding. From the economic perspective, breastfeeding is cost-effective both for the family and society as a whole. The Israeli Ministry of Health encourages breastfeeding as the exclusive source of nutrition for infants in the first 4-6 months of life, with gradual addition of complementary foods thereafter. The promotion of breastfeeding in Israel requires comprehensive national activity with involvement of all the stakeholders. This includes implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes and joining the international "Baby Friendly Hospitals" project. Knowledge of breastfeeding should be spread, health professionals should be encouraged to become agents of change, support by breast counselors should be encouraged, post-delivery vacations from work should be prolonged and empowerment of women implemented.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303