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        תוצאת חיפוש

        ספטמבר 2001

        ג'מאל זידאן, קרלוס קוזקוב, אלביר שוקחה ועמרם הדרי

        ג'מאל זידאן, קרלוס קוזקוב, אלביר שוקחה ועמרם הדרי


        היח' לאונקולוגיה והמח' לכירורגיה, ביה"ח זיו, צפת, הפקולטה לרפואה רפפורט, הטכניון, חיפה


        רקע: שאתות במשתית (stromal tumors) של דרכי-העיכול הן ממאירויות לא שכיחות. קיימים בספרות הרפואית חילוקי-דעות בנוגע לגורמי-הסיכון ולדרכי הטיפול בלוקים במחלה זו.


        מטרה: עבודה רטרוספקטיבית לקביעת תוצאות הטיפול, שיעור הישרדות וגורמי-סיכון קליניים ופתולוגיים בחולים עם שאתות במשתית בקיבה, בתריסריון, במעי הצם (jejunum), במעי הכרוך (ileum) ובחלחולת. תשעה חולים עברו ניתוח כריתה רחבה של השאת ובחולה אחד הכריתה לא היתה שלמה. גילם הממוצע של החולים היה 63 שנים – 7 גברים ו-3 נשים. גודל השאת הראשונית היה 4.5-17 ס"מ (ממוצע 10 ס"מ). מובאים גם נתונים פתולוגיים אחרים.


        תוצאות: ממוצע ההישרדות של החולים היה 43 חודשים: 4 חולים שרדו 87 חודשים בממוצע ללא הישנות המחלה; חולה אחד שרד עם גרורות בכבד שהתהוו 10 חודשים לאחר הניתוח; וארבעה חולים נפטרו מהישנות המחלה, עם ממוצע הישרדות של 13 חודשים.


        מסקנות: בדומה למדווח בספרות, הגורמים הפרוגנוסטיים להישנות המחלה הם שאת ראשונית <8.5 ס"מ, בשלות נמוכה של תאי השאת ומספר חלוקות <5 בחמישים שדות-ראייה מיקרוסקופיים.

        יוני 2001

        דן ליבוביץ, אריה לינדנר

        דן ליבוביץ, אריה לינדנר


        המח' לאורולוגיה, מרכז רפואי "אסף-הרופא", הפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב


        סרטן הוא סיבת המוות השניה בשכיחותה לאחר מחלות הלב וכלי-הדם. בשלב התהוות הגרורות, אפשרויות הטיפול מצומצמות, ועל אף ריבוי התכשירים הכימותרפיים הפועלים במנגנונים שונים, רק ממאירויות ספורות ניתנות לריפוי בכימותרפיה: סרטן האשך, ליקמיה, לימפומה, כוריוקארצינומה הריונית ושאתות פדיאטריות, כגון מחלת Wilm.

        אנגיוגנזיס הוא תהליך הכרחי להתהוות שאתות, להתפשטותן, לחודרנותן ולהתרחשות גרורות. עיכוב תהליך האנגיוגנזיס נושא פוטנציאל לעצור את מהלך המחלה ובמצבים מסויימים, אף לרפא את החולה. הטיפול נוגדי-האנגיוגנזיס מתאפיינים ברעילות נמוכה, המאפשרת טיפול בטוח גם בחולים במצב ירוד בשל מחלתם הבסיסית.

        תאלידומיד פותח בשנות ה- 50 כתכשיר נוגד-בחילה ומשרה שינה, שנועד להקל על נשים הרות. תוצאות הטיפול בתאלידומיד היו הרות-אסון – תיסמונת הדיסמלה (היפופלזיה של הגפיים) בילדי האימהות שנטלו את התרופה במהלך ההריון. עם זאת, בשל ההשפעה נוגדת האנגיוגנזיס של התאלידומיד, שבה ומתעוררת התעניינות מחודשת בתרופה זו כטיפול בסרטן.


        בסקירה זו, מובאים הניסיונות ליישם את הטיפול בתאלידומיד בחולי סרטן.

        גלית סיבק, מנשה חדד, רמי אברהמי ואביגדור זליקובסקי

        Surgery of the Carotid Body Tumors


        Galit Sivak, Menashe Haddad, Ram Avrahami, Avigdor Zelikovski


        Department of Vascular Surgery, Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson Campus, Petah-Tikva and the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.


        Carotid body tumor is a rare tumor of obscure origin, usually benign, and commonly present as a non-painful cervical mass. Resection is the treatment of choice. When the tumor is very adherent to the carotid artery, it may be necessary to also resect the artery and to reconstruct the arterial continuity using a saphenous or synthetic interposition graft. The most common complication of surgery is damage to the cranial nerves in the vicinity of the artery. We present 8 patients with carotid body tumor who underwent surgery in our department in 1996-1999. Two had a large tumor penetrating the intima which mandated resection of the involved carotid artery and a saphenous interposition graft reconstruction. Our experience with resection of carotid body tumors is detailed, with emphasis on precautions taken to prevent damage to the adjacent cranial nerves.

        מרדכי שמעונוב, פנחס שכטר, יונה אבני, אנדי רבין, עדה רוזן ואברהם צ'רניאק

        Aggressive Surgical Treatment for Cholangiocarcinoma


        M. Shimonov, P. Schecter, Y. Avni1, E. Rabin2, A. Rosen, A. Czerniak,


        1Department of Surgery A, Gastroenterology and 2Invasive-Radiology, Wolfson Medical

        Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel


        Surgery remains the only curative approach to cholangiocarcinoma. Despite operative difficulties concerning tumor location, vascular involvement or hepatic invasion curative resection (i.e. achievement of tumor free margins) carries good survival rates and is associated with low morbidity and mortality. Our experience with 31 patients with cholangiocarcinoma operated during the years 1993-1999 is presented.

        Twenty-five patients were found to have hilar cholangiocarcinoma, 3 carcinoma of mid-choledochus and 3 distal cholangiocarcinoma. All patients were evaluated by a diagnostic protocol including laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound. Surgery consisted of local resection of the tumor with Roux en Y hepaticojejunostomy reconstruction. Three patients had concomitant hepatic resection for hilar cholangiocarcinoma while 3 patients had pancreaticoduodenectomy for distal cholangiocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in all patients. Curative resection was achieved in 19 patients and palliative resection (microscopically involved resected margins) in 12. One patient died at 60 days postop (3.5% mortality). Postoperative complications included cholangitis occuring in 10 patients who were referred with biliary drains, intraabdominal abscess (2 patients) and biliary leakage (1 patient) all treated conservatively.

        Overall survival rate was 82% at one year, 73% at two years and 45% at 5 years. When comparing curative resection with palliative resection, survival rates were 92% versus 71% for 1 year, 72% versus 50% for 2 year and 57% versus 14% for 5 years.

        Selection of patients using Laparoscopic Ultrasound combined with aggressive surgical approach enable curative or palliative resection 15 the only treatment modality which is significantly improved survival.

        מאי 2001

        ירון וינר, רותי גולד, סרגיי זהבי, יהודית זנדבנק ואריאל הלוי

        Primary Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors


        Y. Wiener1, R. Gold1, S. Zehavy2, J. Sandbank2, A. Halevy1


        1Dept. of General Surgery and Dept. of Pathology, 2Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Israel


        Stromal tumors of the GI tract are rare. In the retrospective and prospective study we investigated the relationship between tumor symptomatology, tumor grade and prognostic factors. During the period May 1993 - September 1999, 11 female and 13 male patients with a mean age of 62 (range-29-81) years were operated for primary gastrointestinal stomal tumors (GIST) in our department. Observed signs and symptoms were: GI bleeding (65%), abdominal pain (45%), abdominal mass (15%) and weakness (5%). In 4 patients tumor was an incidental finding during investigation or operation for another tumor. Tumor location (in decreasing order) was: stomach (15), small bowel (SB, 6), esophagus (1), duodenum (1) and colon (1). Preoperative biopsy or FNA were diagnostic in less than 50% of the cases. Operative procedures included wedge resection (8 patients), resection of segment of bowel (10) and extended resection (6), of diaphragm, SB, colon, bladder, kidney and liver. The mean tumor size was 7.8 (range-0.9-22) cm. Four tumors were graded as benign, 8 of indeterminate malignant potential and 12 malignant.

        Conclusion: The main presentation of GIST is acute GI bleeding. Endoscopy is most effective for studying proximal tumors, and CT should be used to identify distal GI tract tumors. Tumor size or malignancy were not necessarily predictive of GI bleeding. When invasive to adjacent organs is present, wide excision should be contemplated as long-term survival can be achieved.


        אפריל 2001

        איריס דותן, דרור ישורון, אהרון חלק, נויה הורוביץ, אליה טיומני, שמעון רייף, זמיר הלפרן ודניאל רחמילביץ
        איריס דותן1, דרור ישורון2, אהרון חלק1, נויה הורוביץ1, אליה טיומני1, שמעון רייף1, זמיר הלפרן1, דניאל רחמילביץ3 

        המכון למחלות דרכי העיכול והכבד1, המח' לאישפוז יום2 והמח' לרפואה פנימית3, מרכז רפואי סוראסקי, תל אביב 

        TNFα הוא ציטוקין פרו-דלקתי במחלת קרוהן. הפחתה ברמתו מביאה לשיפור במצבם של החולים. Imfliximab הוא נוגדן כימרי חד-שיבטי ל- TNFα

        התכשיר ניתן במוסדנו החל בדצבמר 1998 במסגרת פרטנית. עקבנו אחרי החולים ותוצאות הטיפול בהם במטרה להעריך את יעילות ובטיחות התכשיר. התגובה נמדדה על פי מדד פעילות מחלה בחולים שטופלו בשל מחלה פעילה, ועל פי הערכת ההפרשה בחולים שטופלו בשל נצור חיצוני.

        פברואר 2001

        רינה רובינשטיין, רפאל ברויאר ורונלד חישין

        Newer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods in Lung Cancer


        R. Rubinstein, R. Breuer, R. Chisin


        Dept. of Medical Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, and Institute of Pulmonology, Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, Jerusalem


        Positron emission tomography (PET), when used with F-18 fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG), contributes to the evaluation of patients with lung cancer. This technique of imaging detects active tumor tissue by showing increased radiopharmaceutical uptake by metabolically active cells.

        Thus, PET assists in the early diagnosis of pulmonary malignancies that appear only as non-specific findings on CT-scan or chest X-ray. In addition, it is helpful in staging lung cancer before and after resection, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or their combined use.

        We performed 135 FDG-PET studies between July '97-April '99. and present our preliminary results with examples of the main indications for PET in lung cancer.

        דצמבר 1999

        ערן תמיר, יגאל מירובסקי, דרור רובינזון ונחום הלפרין

        Spinal and Extra-Spinal Tumors Mimicking Discal Herniation


        E. Tamir, Y. Mirovsky, D. Robinson N. Halperin


        Orthopedics Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        Low back pain radiating to a limb is usually caused by lumbar disc herniation. Tumors of the spinal cord or near the sciatic or femoral plexus can cause neural compression and clinical signs similar to those of disc herniation. Such tumors are usually misdiagnosed as discal herniation and appropriate treatment is delayed. We present 4 men who had tumors causing low back pain radiating to the leg: a 70-year-old with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, a 20-year-old with aneurysmal bone cyst of the vertebral column, a 52-year-old with retroperitoneal sarcoma and a 32-year-old who also had retroperitoneal sarcoma. Diagnosis and trwere delayed because the clinical symptoms were ascribed to lumbar disc herniation. The latter 2 patients had CT-scans showing lumbar disc herniation, but similar findings are common among asymptomatic individuals.


        The differential diagnosis of low back pain radiating to the leg should include tumor when there is a history of cancer, pain not relieved by conservative treatment nor by lying down, pain is increased at night, pain accompanied by weight loss, and when physical examination demonstrates injury to more than 1 nerve root. In these circumstances work-up should include EMG, radioisotope scan and CT of the pelvis.

        פנחס שכטר, יונה אבני, עדה חזן ואברהם צ'רניאק

        Evaluation of Laparoscopy and Laparoscopic Ultrasound in Pancreatic Lesions


        P. Schachter, Y. Avni, A. Rosen, A. Czerniak


        Depts. of Surgery A and of Gastroenterology, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon


        Pancreatic lesions present a diagnostic challenge. Even modern imaging techniques are not sensitive enough in determining resectability of pancreatic tumors. A substantial proportion of patients therefore undergo unnecessary surgical exploration. We determined the impact of laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound (LAPUS) examinations on surgical decision-making in 60 patients with pancreatic lesions.

        Of 48 with solid pancreatic lesions, 22 were defined by LAPUS as having nonresectable tumors, while conventional imaging studies defined only 9 of them as such. 3 of these 9 underwent successful resections of the pancreatic mass. Surgical intervention was ruled out by LAPUS in 16 patients (33.3%) but 26 had resectable lesions of whom 25 underwent surgery. 3 of this group were found to have nonresectable tumors at surgery, a false-positive rate of 6.2%. Overall sensitivity of LAPUS in our series was 88%.

        In 12 patients with cystic pancreatic lesions LAPUS contributed significantly to the preoperative decision due to clear imaging of the cystic lesion. Additional information was obtained from ultrasound guided-biopsy of the cyst wall, as well as determination of tumor-marker levels in the cystic fluid aspirate. LAPUS contributed significantly to operative management in 58%.

        נובמבר 1999

        חנוך קשתן, פרד קוניקוף, ריאד חדאד, מרק אומנסקי, יהודה סקורניק וזמיר הלפרן

        Photodynamic Therapy for Dysphagia due to Esophageal Carcinoma


        H. Kashtan, F. Konikoff, R. Haddad, M. Umansky, Y. Skornick, Z. Halpern


        Dept. of Surgery A and Institute of Gastroenterology, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Surgery is the mainstay in the treatment of esophageal carcinoma and is effective for palliation of dysphagia. Patients unfit for surgery are difficult therapeutic problems. We evaluated photodynamic therapy for palliation of dysphagia in this condition.

        Patients were given 5-aminolevulinic acid, 60 mg/kg, orally and 24 hour later gastroscopy was performed during which red light illumination (100 j/cmŽ2 for 600 seconds) was administered. This was repeated 48 hours later. The degree of dysphagia was recorded before and 14 days after treatment.

        8 patients with an advanced non-resectable tumor, or who were unfit for surgery, were thus treated. 4 had squamous cell carcinoma of the mid-esophagus and 4 had adenocarcinoma of the lower esophagus. There was mild, self- limited photosensitivity in all. Liver and renal function tests and blood count were not affected by the treatment. Dysphagia was improved in all except 1 patient. A patient with early stage disease continued to eat a normal diet.

        We believe that photodynamic therapy with systemic aminolevulinic acid as a photosensitizer and a non-laser light source is feasible and safe in advanced esophageal cancer. It is an effective modality for relief of dysphagia in that condition.

        ספטמבר 1999

        רם סילפן, אברהם אמיר, מאורה פיינמסר ודניאל האובן

        Malignant Eccrine Poroma


        R. Silfen, A. Amir, M. Feinmesser, D.J. Hauben


        Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Pathology Dept., Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva


        Malignant eccrine poroma (MEP) is rare and both clinical and histologic diagnosis is often difficult. Therefore, diagnosis is sometimes delayed or even incorrect. We report a case in a 70-year old man with MEP of the leg. He demonstrated typical MEP behavior and the problems of differential diagnosis.

        אוגוסט 1999

        יהודית קליינמן וסימון נגלב

        Multilocular Cystic Mass of the Kidney: A Diagnostic Challenge


        Judy Kleinmann, Simon Negelev


        Urology Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        Multilocular cystic masses of the kidney present a diagnostic challenge because they may be malignant. Renal cell carcinoma with multilocular cysts has been reported. We present 4 cases in which the preoperative differential diagnosis was between a benign and a malignant multilocular cystic kidney mass.

        Our results, combined with those of 33 previously reported cases, reveal that only 32% of cases were diagnosed correctly preoperatively. In 21% of these patients the preoperative clinical evaluation did not correctly diagnose malignancy: 24% of them yielded false negative and 21% false positive results. Angiography was more accurate than CT, US or aspiration of cysts. Frozen section was inaccurate in 55% of cases.

        There is no reliable diagnostic test to distinguish between a malignant and a benign multilocular cystic mass. Invasive angiography is more accurate than other modalities. A therapeutic decision has to be made between nephron-sparing and radical surgery in each case. When nephron-sparing surgery is considered, the possible need to perform radical nephrectomy in second-look surgery must be taken into account.

        יוני 1999

        שראל הלחמי, אלכסנדר קסטין, בועז מושקוביץ ועופר נתיב

        Nephron-Sparing Surgery - Initial Experience with 50 Patients


        Sarel Halachmi, Alexander Kastin, Boaz Moskovitz, Ofer Nativ


        Urology Dept., Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        During recent years the use of the new imaging techniques, ultrasonography and computerized tomography, has increased. The accessibility to these methods has changed the pattern of detection of renal lesions. Over 90% of renal masses are now discovered incidentally, while investigating nonurological symptoms. Therefor, most lesions are discovered in their early stages.

        The gold-standard procedure for removing renal masses is radical nephrectomy, which ensures complete removal of an organ-confined lesion, but involves loss of functional tissue. This might be critical in patients with a single kidney, or reduced nephron function. There are several diseases characterized by multiple renal lesions, such as Von Hippel-Lindau and tuberous sclerosis in which radical treatment may lead to chronic dialysis in young patients.


        Nephron-sparing surgery was developed in order to preserve as much functional tissue as possible while removing safely any suspicious renal lesion. This new technique, not involving radical surgery, should be evaluated in cases of renal tumors for its ability to achieve the same cancer cures rates. We present our experience with our first 50 patients who underwent nephron-sparing surgery for removal of renal lesions.

        מאי 1999

        ענת אנגל, ירון בר-דיין, יצחק אנגלברג ויאיר לוי

        Malignant Nodular Hidradenoma (Sweat Gland Tumor)


        Anat Engel, Yaron Bar-Dayan, Santiago Engelberg, Yair Levi


        Depts. of Medicine B, Pathology, and Disease Research Unit, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Malignanhidradenoma is a very rare tumor that originates from sweat glands. We present a 61-year-old man with an ulcerated tumor in his right flank, 4 cm in diameter, that was excised with a wide free margin. Histopathologic study showed an ill-defined, epithelial neoformation, formed by lobules of clear polygonal cells in the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue, diagnosed as malignant nodular hidradenoma.


        1.5 years after excision there was enlargement of the right axillary and inguinal lymph nodes, which showed metastatic, adnexal neoplastic cells. Axillary resection and superficial dissection of the right inguinal nodes were performed. After 3 months the tumor had spread to other lymph nodes and acute obstructive renal failure required insertion of a pig-tail catheter into the right ureter. Radiotherapy was followed by chemo-therapy, but he died from end-stage metastatic disease in multi-organ failure.

        אפריל 1999

        דינה לב, סובחי אבו-עאיד, מרדכי גוטמן, יורם קלוגר, משה מיכוביץ, יצחק מלר, משה ענבר ויוסף קלאוזנר

        Treatment of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma


        Dina Lev-Chelouche, Subhi Abu-Abeid, Mordechai Gutman, Yoram Kluger, Moshe Michovitch, Isaac Meller, Moshe Inbar, Joseph M. Klausner


        Depts. of Surgery B, Orthopedic Oncology and Oncology, Tel Aviv - Sourasky Medical Center (Affiliated with Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        Soft tissue sarcomas are exceedingly rare, making up less than 1% of all solid malignancies. In the retroperitoneum, they tend to be large when diagnosed and are a therapeutic challenge to the surgical oncologist. Our experience with 51 patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas operated on during the past 4 years is presented. 37 were primary and 26 presented as recurrent tumors. The group included many different histological sub-types, the majority being high grade tumors.

        Complete resection was achieved in 84%, necessitating extensive surgery, but was not possible in 8 patients (16%) who underwent partial resection or biopsy only. There was 1 perioperative fatality (2%). 18 (35%) suffered complications, all of which were reversible. The estimated 5-year survival in the complete resection group is 40%, while none of those who underwent partial resection survived more than 2 years. There was significantly better survival in patients with primary, low grade sarcomas which were smaller than 8 cm, compared to those with high-grade, recurrent sarcomas larger than 8 cm. Local recurrence developed in 8 patients of the complete resection group (18%), 2 months to 3 years after surgery.

        These data show that despite the concept of retroperitoneal sarcomas as being aggressive, invasive tumors with a poor prognosis, the prognosis is not unusually bad. With proper surgical technique, resectability may be high, with improved overall survival.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303