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        תוצאת חיפוש

        מרץ 2001

        אילן גל, יגאל וולמן, יוסף הרטוב, גדעון פייט, יוסף לסינג, אריאל יפו

        אילן גל, יגאל וולמן, יוסף הרטוב, גדעון פייט, יוסף לסינג, אריאל יפו


        המכון לדימות על-שמע במיילדות ורפואת נשים, ביה"ח ליולדות ליס, המרכז הרפואי ת"א


        חשיבות המערכת הוורידית והחזר הדם ללב האדם הבוגר ידועה זה שנים. למעשה, השליטה העיקרית בתפוקת הלב הבוגר נקבעת על פי שינויים בזרימה ובהחזר הוורידיים. מדידות לחצים וזרימות במערכת ההחזר הוורידי ללב, משמשים כלי ניטור יומיומי ביחידות לטיפול נמרץ וטיפולים תרופתיים רבים מיועדים לשיפור זרימה זו במצבי אי-ספיקת לב. עם זאת, הזרימה העוברית וההחזר הוורידי ללב העובר לא נחקרו עד לשנים האחרונות. הסיבה לכך כפולה. ראשית, דגם עובר הכבש לבדיקת זרימת הדם שפותח בשנות השישים ייצג בעיקר, את המערכת העורקית. שנית, זיהוי מדויק של מערכת הזרימה הוורידית קשה יותר טכנית ורק עם פיתוח שיטת דופלר בצבע, ניתן היה להדגים ולמדוד בוודאות את צורת גלי הזרימה של מרכיבי המערכת ולדגום אותם. התפתחות נוספת בשנים האחרונות נובעת מהדגמה מדויקת יותר של המערכת ומאפשרת מדידת זרימת הדם במונחי מ"ל/דקה.

        פאביאנה בינימינוב, רבקה זיסין ובן נוביס

        Pseudomembranous Colitis: Clinical, Endoscopic and Radiological Correlation - A 2 - Year Experience


        Fabiana Benjaminov MD(1), Rivka Zissin MD(2), Benjamin Novis MD(1)


        (1)Gastroenterology Institute and (2)CT Unit, Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar-Saba, affiliated to the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel


        Abstract: The incidence rates of pseudomembranous colitis are rising. Early diagnosis and treatment are required for management of this potentially life-threatening disease. This report outlines our 2-year experience (1997-1998) at the gastrointestinal institute with 43 patients diagnosed with pseudomembranous colitis and describes the clinical course and imaging studies.

        The group consisted of 25 women and 18 men, aged 34-93 years (mean: 67). Thirty-nine patients were treated with antibiotics. Twelve patients were referred directly to an endoscopic examination with a presumed clinical diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis (diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain) that was confirmed by colonoscopy. Thirty-one were referred to colonoscopy following abdominal imaging performed to clarify cause of fever and abdominal pain. Twenty-nine patients had an abdominal CT, one had an US and one a barium follow-through. The CT finding suggesting pseudomembranous colitis included colonic mural thickening in 28 patients (71% diffuse versus 29% segmental colitis), with an average wall thickness of 16 mm. Sixteen patients (59%) had pericolonic fat changes and 15 patients (51%) had ascites. All of these patients, except one, had endoscopic findings consistent with pseudomembranous colitis.

        Five patients (11.6 %) died due to the severe PMC.

        To conclude, as an abdominal CT is often performed in the acutely ill patient, it may arouse the diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis in the proper clinical setting. Such a suspected diagnosis justifies endoscopic evaluation, which is the most reliable diagnostic examination.

        מאי 2000

        אלון הריס, חנא ג' גרזוזי, מירה הריס יצחק, ניר שהם ודניאל ר' הולנד.

        Color Doppler Imaging of Central Retinal Artery in Retinopathy of Prematurity


        Alon Harris, Hanna J. Garzozi, Mira Harris-Izhak, Nir Shoham, Daniel R. Holland


        Depts. of Ophthalmology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis and of HaEmek Medical Center, Afula; and Eye Health Northwest, Portland, Oregon


        Color Doppler imaging (CDI) is a noninvasive technique, combining 2-dimensional brightness-modulated (B-mode) ultrasound evaluation of eye and orbital structures, with simultaneous color-coded Doppler imaging of orbital blood flow. It has been used to characterize various ophthalmic disorders in adults. Currently there is no data describing orbital blood flow parameters in either normal children or in those with ophthalmic disease, such as the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).

        We evaluated blood flow in the central retinal artery of preterm infants undergoing examination for ROP. We also investigated whether useful readings could be obtained on a consistent basis, and the reproducibility of differences in central retinal artery blood flow between subjects with and without ROP (including the influence of "plus" disease).

        We obtained hemodynamic readings in 43 of 46 eyes of preterm infants. 13 eyes had no signs of ROP; 18 had ROP (at least stage 1) without "plus" disease, and 12 had ROP with "plus" disease. There were no statistically significant differences in systolic blood flow velocity within the 3 groups. However the average velocity was slower in the "plus" disease group, correlating with the clinical finding of dilated and tortuous blood vessels which characterize the posterior retina of ROP eyes with "plus" disease.

        פברואר 2000

        לי-און לוי ומשה מיכלסון

        Prioritizing Suspected Diagnosis of Both Brain and Abdominalinjuries: Is it a Problem?


        Leon Levi, Moshe Michaelson


        Dept. of Neurosurgery and Trauma Unit, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Current guidelines for management of suspected head and abdominal injuries are based on retrospective studies like that of Wisner & al, Following a recent review in this journal by Y. Kluger & al, which was based on non-Israeli data, we decided to define the current status at our trauma center.

        We compare our data of 18 months of hospital admissions for acute trauma in which head CTs were done with those of 5 articles advocating specific protocols for decisions in pre-laparotomy diagnosis.

        In the 861 cumulated cases, compared with the 800 of Wisner & al, craniotomy was required in 15% vs 7% (p<0.05); laparotomy was much less frequent, 2.7% vs 12.9% (p<0.05). The chance of finding a case requiring both craniotomy and laparotomy was 1 in 300.

        As the clinical condition of multiple trauma involving the head and abdomen is becoming less frequent and includes diverse situations, a comprehensive algorithm might be inaccurate. Good clinical judgment of the clinician and teamwork are therefor preferable.

        אפריל 1998

        מ' סקלייר-לוי, ד' שחם, י' שרמן, י' בר-זיו י' ליבסון

        Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Mediastinal Masses Guided by Computed Tomography


        M. Sklair-Levy, D. Shaham, I. Sherman, I. Bar-Ziv, I. Libson


        Depts. of Radiology and Pathology, Hadassah-University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Progress in diagnostic radiology and pathology during the past decade has changed the approach to diagnosis of mediastinal masses. Diagnosis by CT-guided needle biopsy (CTNB) has replaced open biopsy and mediastinoscopy. CTNB of mediastinal masses is accurate, reliable and safe. It is done under local anesthesia, in ambulatory patients and is tolerated well. Between July 1987 and April 1997 we performed 67 biopsies in 63 patients aged 6-86 years; 33 were women (average age 40.8 years) and 30 men (average age 38.3 years). 57 of 67 biopsies were core biopsies for histologic examination and 10 were cytologic biopsies. In this report we concentrate on the 57 core biopsies. 41 of the biopsies were diagnostic; in 3 of them no evidence of malignancy was found. In 38 of the biopsies a tumor, malignant or benign, or an inflammatory process was diagnosed. In 24 of the biopsies the diagnosis was lymphoma. In 16 there was not enough material for diagnosis. We repeated the biopsy in 4 of the latter due to high suspicion of malignancy and reached a diagnosis in all 4 of them. In 6 the diagnosis was reached only by operation. The biopsies were from all compartments of the mediastinum. There were no complications such as pneumothorax or bleeding, except for 1 case of mild hemoptysis. In conclusion, CTNB of mediastinal lesions is accurate, safe and relatively cheap. In 72% a diagnosis was reached in the first attempt and a second attempt raised the diagnostic rate to 79%. We believe that CTNB should be the first step in tissue diagnosis of mediastinal masses, including those with a high suspicion of lymphoma.

        נובמבר 1997

        תלמה הנדלר, רז גרוס, אלינור גושן, מאיר פייבל, שמואל הירשמן, צילה ש. צבס, לאון גרינהאוס ויוסף זהר

        Brain Imaging and its Clinical Application in Psychiatry


        Talma Hendler, Raz Gross, Elinor Goshen, Meir Faibel, Shmuel Hirshmann, Tzila S. Zwass, Leon Grunhaus, Joseph Zohar


        Psychiatry Unit, Nuclear Medicine Institute and Diagnostic Radiology Dept., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The common structural and functional brain imaging techniques are described from a practical, clinical point of view. The clinical indications for brain imaging in psychiatry are reviewed in relation to the specific limitations and advantages of each technique. The clinical applications of computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) are discussed in relation to the differential diagnosis between organic and functional psychiatric disorders. In a 55-year-old man with late onset of behavioral changes but without neurological signs the application of structural brain imaging (CT and MRI) in case management was demonstrated. The imaging findings involved the differential diagnosis between depression and focal brain lesions. In a 38-year-old man with personality changes and depression following a traumatic brain injury, time interval repeated functional brain imaging (SPECT) was used. Brain imaging reflected improvement in clinical status following treatment and was able to differentiate between reversible and permanent traumatic brain injuries. The superior yield of time interval repeated functional imaging in diagnosis and management of postconcussion syndrome is discussed.

        יוני 1997

        שמואל ארגוב

        Habitual Dependence on Modern Imaging Modalities: The New Golem


        Samuel Argov


        Elisha Hospital, Haifa


        Modern imaging techniques have been taking over our medical life, but none denies the progress that has followed introduction of modern imaging modalities. For the generation of younger physicians who entered the profession after the introduction of these techniques, use of US, CT, MRI and the like is natural and often applied. But the patient is not computerized and medicine is far from being a pure science. 3 cases of common surgical problems are presented in which excessive use of diagnostic modalities resulted in unnecessary operations, thus leading to unnecessary morbidity.


        In these days of soaring medical expenses, many unnecessary imaging and laboratory studies are done for reasons of "defensive" medicine. It is important to fortify the position of clinical diagnosis, but making clinical decisions without requiring expensive and sometimes misleading imaging studies significantly reduces costs. Admittedly, courage and firm professional backbone are required to face a lawyer or a judge and say: "This CT or US study would not have changed my clinical decision; it would have made no positive contribution to it, and might even have mislead me." This paper comes to remind physicians of the importance of clinical diagnosis and the need to develop and rely on primary medical skills. Machines and laboratory tests are aids to diagnosis, they do not make the diagnosis.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303