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  • עברית (HE)
  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2002

        כריסטינה קצור, ראובן מדר, עמי בן-אמוץ וישי לוי

        כריסטינה קצור, ראובן מדר, עמי בן-אמוץ וישי לוי


        מובאות במחקר זה תוצאותיו של מחקר קליני השוואתי, שנבדקו בו ריכוזי הוויטאמינים נוגדי-החימצון ויטאמין E, קארוטן וויטאמין A בפלסמה. נבדקו שתי קבוצות: בקבוצה הראשונה נכללו 15 חולים עם דלקת מיפרקים שיגרונתית (rheumatoid arthritis), ובקבוצת הבקרה נכללו מטופלים ללא מחלות מיפרקים דלקתיות.

        בקבוצת החולים אובחנה ירידה משמעותית בריכוז ויטאמין E, קארוטן וויטאמין A בפלסמה לעומת קבוצת הבקרה (ויטאמין – E 4.9+-30.4 מיקרוג'/מ"ל לעומת 8.2+-43.6 מיקרוג'/מ"ל; ביתא-קארוטן – 0.26+-0.73 מיקרוג'/מ"ל לעומת 0.22+-1.02 מקירוג'/מ"ל; ויטאמין A – 0.07+-0.22 מיקרוג'/מ"ל לעומת 0.15+-0.46 מיקרוג'/מ"ל, 0.01>P, בהתאמה). תוספת ביתא-קארוטן ממקור טבעי (האצה דונלילה) במשך 3 שבועות לקבוצת החולים, הביאה לעלייה משמעותית בריכוז הוויטאמינים: ריכוז ויטאמין E עלה ל- 47.9 מיקרוג'/מ"ל, ריכוז בתא קארוטן עלה ל- 0.21+-0.87 מיקרוג'/מ"ל וריכוז ויטאמין A עלה ל- 0.15+-0.55 מיקרוג'/מ"ל, ללא השפעה על מדדים קליניים של פעילות המחלה. ייתכן שהירידה בריכוז הוויטאמינים נוגדי-החימצון בפלסמה קשורה לעובדה, שתהליכי החימצון מתרחשים במיפרק המודלק. המשמעות של תוספי ויטאמינים נוגדי-חימצון לחולים אלה, אינה ברורה עדיין.

        נובמבר 2001

        יעל אסטרייכר, רפאל פיינמסר

        יעל אסטרייכר, רפאל פיינמסר


        מח' אף-אוזן-גרון, מרכז רפואי רבין, פתח-תקווה


        מחלת הגרון השכיחה ביותר בראשית המאה העשרים היתה שחפת. עם היעלמות השחפת נעלמה גם שחפת הגרון. בד בבד עם העלייה בשכיחות השחפת בשני העשורים האחרונים, עלתה גם שכיחות שחפת הגרון. לשחפת הגרון מיגוון הסתמנויות נרחב, החל בתהליך מוגבל לגרון ועד למחלה רב-מערכתית. המימצאים בגרון אינם תמיד ייחודיים לשחפת: הם יכולים לדמות למחלות כרוניות ולתהליכים שאתיים בגרון. המישלב של סימנים בלתי-סגוליים מחד-גיסא והניסיון הקליני המועט של הרופאים, בפרט הצעירים, עם המחלה מאידך-גיסא, מקשים על איבחון המחלה.


        במאמר זה מובאים השינויים שחלו בשחפת הגרון מבחינת האוכלוסייה הנפגעת, אופן ההדבקה ומיקומה של המחלה בגרון במהלך המאה העשרים. כן מובאות 3 פרשות חולים בשחפת הגרון, הממחישות את הגיוון שבהסתמנויות המחלה.

        מרץ 2001

        מחמוד אבו-שקרה

        מחמוד אבו-שקרה


        היח' למחלות אוטואימוניות שיגרוניות, מרכז רפואי סורוקה ואוניברסיטת בן-גוריון, באר-שבע


        בשנים האחרונות, בעבודות מרובות הודגם קשר בין ממאירות ותופעות אוטואימוניות ושיגרוניות. קשר זה הוא דו-כיווני. מחד גיסא, קיימת שכיחות יותר גבוהה של סך הממאירות בחולים עם דרמאטומיוזיטיס, פולימיוזיטיס וסקלרודרמה בהשוואה לכלל האוכלוסייה. כמו כן, בחולים עם דלקת מיפרקים שיגרונתית וחולי זאבת אדמנתית מערכתית, קיים סיכון מוגבר ללקות בממאירות המאטולוגית או לימפו-פרוליפרטיבית.

        מאידך גיסא, מיגוון רחב של תופעות אימונולוגיות וביטויים שיגרוניים שונים יכולים להתרחש בחולים עם מחלקה ממארת. תופעות אלו יכולות להוות תוצאה של ייצור נוגדנים עצמיים, חדירה של ריקמה שאתית למיפרקים, תיסמונות פארא-ניאופלסטיות שונות, או ביטויים שיגרוניים מישניים לכימותרפיה.

        בגיליון זה של "הרפואה" מדווחים חביב וחב' על חולה עם סרטן הריאה אשר הביטוי הראשוני למחלתו היה כאב בברכיים ותיסמונת אוסטואתרופתיה היפרטרופית.

        בבמה זו, אסקור את המנגנונים והתופעות האוטואימוניות השונות בקרב חולים עם מחלה ממארת ואתייחס לתיסמונת אוסאוארתרופתיה היפרטרופית.

        ינואר 2001

        בולסלב קנובל ופאול רוזמן

        Cholesterol Pericarditis Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis


        B. Knobel, P. Rosman


        Dept. of Medicine B, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Cholesterol pericarditis (CP) is a rare and unusual disease characterized by chronic pericardial effusion with high cholesterol concentration. Precipitation of cholesterol crystals may occur and induce inflammation and constrictive pericarditis. CP may be idiopathic, but is usually associated with a systemic disease, such as tuberculosis, myxedema, or as in our case, rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

        We present a 78-year-old woman with RA, typical deformities of the metacarpo- and metatarso-phalangeal joints and subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules. She was hospitalized with increasing dyspnea and weakness and a 2-dimensional transthoracic echocardiogram showed a large pericardial effusion, without tamponade.

        Blood cholesterol was 208 mg/dl, triglycerides 169 mg/dl, LDH 37 u/L and rheumatoid factor 2560 u; glucose, kidney, and thyroid function tests were normal and PPD test negative. Pericardiocentesis yielded 800 ml of opaque, cloudy fluid, with glucose 19 mg/dl, cholesterol 264 mg/dl (normal 20-40 mg/dl), triglycerides 169 mg/dl, LDH 5820 u/L and rheumatoid factor 40 u; viral titers and cultures for bacterial, mycobacterial and fungal infections were negative. The pericardial fluid had a distinctive scintillating, gold-paint appearance and many cholesterol crystals were evident microscopically.

        The patient responded to treatment with methotrexate and steroids. Factors responsible for increase in pericardial fluid cholesterol may be its liberation from injured pericardial cells and rheumatoid nodules, lysis of red cells, or lymphatic obstruction and impairment of the absorptive capacity of the pericardium.


        אוקטובר 2000

        אדוארד רוזנבלט, נאוה זיגלמן-דניאלי, ג'מאל זידאן, ניסים חיים ואברהם קוטן

        Preservation of the Larynx in Advanced Cancer


        Edward Rosenblatt, Nava Siegelmann-Danieli, Jemal Zidan, Nisim Haim, Abraham Kuten


        Oncology Dept., Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        The effectiveness of sequential chemo-radiotherapy in preserving the larynx in advanced laryngeal carcinoma was assessed. 4 Unselected patients (19 men and 2 women, mean age 60 years) with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (T3-4/N0-3) received induction chemotherapy consisting of 2-3 cycles of cisplatin (100 mg/m2) and 5-flourouracil (1000 mg/m2/day) as a continuous infusion on days 1-5 followed by definitive radiotherapy: 50 Gy to the whole neck, 70 Gy to the larynx and clinically involved nodes, using a combination of 6 MV photons and 9-12 MeV electrons.

        19 of The 21 patients responded to combined therapy but there was no response to induction therapy in 2 (10%) and 2 did not complete therapy due to severe toxicity. At a mean follow-up of 40 months, 7 had undergone total laryngectomy (33%), for an overall 5-year laryngeal preservation rate of 66%. Reasons for total laryngectomy in 2 patients were no response and in 5 tumor recurrence.

        Mean survival was 39 months (range 11-46 months); at last follow-up 17 of 21 were alive and disease-free, 11 of whom had a functional larynx (65% of survivors). 2 died due to disease progression and 1 due to a cardiovascular event. Sequential chemo-radiation allows laryngeal preservation in about 2/3 of surviving patients without compromising survival.

        אפריל 2000

        רועי לנדסברג, פרידה קורנברוט ודב אופיר

        Tracheoesophageal Puncture after Total Laryngectomy


        Roy Landsberg, Frida Korenbrot, Dov Ophir


        Depts. of Otolaryngology and of Head and Neck Surgery, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and the Israel Cancer Association Voice Rehabilitation Program


        Total laryngectomy due to malignant laryngeal tumors is followed by loss of speaking ability. Voice restoration in laryngectomized patients is the main target in their rehabilitation. Until the late 70's, esophageal speech was considered the most effective rehabilitation method. In 1980 Singer and Blom introduced a prosthesis for tracheoesophageal speech which has been gaining popularity. Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) can be performed either at the time of total laryngectomy, or later.

        30 of our patients underwent TEP between 1991 and 1999, 15 at the time of total laryngectomy and 15 as a delayed secondary procedure. Mean follow-up was 36 months (range 6 months to 8 years) during which all regained speaking ability.

        Over the long range, speech rehabilitation with the prosthesis was successful in 24 (80%). In only 1 in the primary TEP group did treatment fail, as the prosthesis had to be removed due to local recurrence of the tumor. Long range failure in 5/15 patients after secondary TEP stemmed from difficulties some patients had in handling the prosthesis and from psychological difficulties in adapting to the new speech device. Complications were mostly minor and occurred mainly in the secondary TEP group.

        TEP performed at the time of total laryngectomy, or later as a secondary procedure, is effective for speech rehabilitation after laryngectomy.

        פברואר 2000

        א' דויטש וא' חברון

        Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Extracranial Complications of Sinusitis


        E. Deutsch, I. Hevron


        ENT Dept., Bikur Cholim Hospital, Jerusalem


        Orbital subperiosteal abscess (SPA) and Pott's puffy tumor (PPT) are the major extracranial complications of acute sinusitis. These complications are aggravated by the close anatomic relationships between the nasal sinuses and the orbits and frontal bone. Furthermore, the rich diploic venous drainage of the region enhances the spread of the infection.

        Between 1992 and 1997, 16 patients (mean age 12 years, range 2-15, 10 of them males), 11 of them with SPA and 4 with PPT were operated on by the senior author by means of endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). Indications for operation included: CT findings of abscess formation and lack of clinical improvement after 48 hours of IV antibiotic therapy. Clinical resolution of symptoms was achieved in all and there were no operative or postoperative complications.

        We emphasize and explain the advantages of ESS over external approaches in surgery for extracranial complications of acute sinusitis by several facts: the technique treats the source of the disease, clinical success rate is high, morbidity is low, and facial distortion and poor cosmetic results completely avoided.

        דצמבר 1998

        ריבה בריק

        Methotrexate Treatment in Refractory Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


        R. Brik


        Pediatrics B Dept., Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        The mean time from initiation of methotrexate (MTX) treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) to partial remission of clinical symptoms and total clinical remission was assessed. 9 girls and 8 boys, from 3 to 18 years of age (mean 11.4±5.4) with active JRA by American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria (5 systemic, 8 polyarticular and 4 pauciarticular disease onset), who failed to respond to adequate courses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), steroids or disease-modidrugs were studied.


        Clinic visits were scheduled at monthly intervals for physical and laboratory assessment disease activity and drug safety. Partial response to MTX was defined a 25% reduction of the active joint count and/or articular severity score. Total clinical remission was defined as in adult rheumatoid arthritis. The duration of disease activity until enrollment ranged from 6 months to 14 years (4.5±3.7 yr); duration of therapy was 3 months to 3 years (14.6±9.3mo) and dosage ranged from 5 to 15 mg/m²/week. Prednisone in doses below 10 mg/day and NSAID were permitted.

        14 of 17 patients (82%) had a 25% reduction in joint activity after 6 weeks to 4 months (9.2±3.2 weeks); 10 (59%) went into full clinical remission after 5 to 26 months (14.3±9 months); 3 relapsed after an initial response to treatment, and 4 (23%) did not respond to MTX. The non-responders were males who required higher doses of prednisone (p<0.0001).

        MTX appears to be effective therapy for children with JRA. An initial response can be expected in most patients after 9 weeks of treatment, and full clinical remission occurs after a mean of 14 months.

        יולי 1998

        יעקב שבירו, אילן קורן ורפאל פיינמסר

        Nerve Preservation during Superficial Parotidectomy


        J. Shvero, I. Koren, R. Feinmesser


        Depts. of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Sensory loss in the operative area after superficial parotidectomy is one of the complications which disturbs the patient. The greater auricular nerve, which stems from the cervical plexus, supplies sensation to the area. Sacrifice of the nerve during superficial parotidectomy causes sensory loss in the area. We investigated the degree of sensory loss in the operative area after superficial parotidectomy in 10 patients in whom the posterior branch of the greater auricular nerve was preserved and compared the results with those in whom it was not, a year after operation. There was more sensory loss when the greater auricular nerve was sacrificed. We therefore suggest preserving the posterior branch of the greater auricular nerve during superficial parotidectomy if at all possible.

        ינואר 1998

        ג'ורג' חביב וראמז אבו אחמד

        Six Cases of Acute Rheumatic Fever in One Year


        George Habib, Ramiz Abu-Ahmad


        Rheumatology Clinic and Dept. of Medicine, Nazareth Hospital; and Medical Dept. B, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        During 1995, 6 cases of acute rheumatic fever were diagnosed here. Taking into account differences in total admissions, this appears to represent an increase over 1994. Most of the cases were males, with average age at diagnosis 19.5 years. All were of low socioeconomic status. 50% had cardiac involvement, and 1 needed treatment with corticosteroids. Most had pharyngeal symptoms prior to the acute attack, and 1 patient had 2 prior episodes of rheumatic fever. A thorough epidemiological study should be done in the Nazareth area to assess the real incidence of acute rheumatic fever, and to determine whether there is a true increase in incidence.

        לודויג פודושין, אלכסנדר ברודסקי, מילו פרדיס, יעקב בן-דוד, יוסף לרבוני ויצחק סרוגו

        Local Treatment of Purulent Chronic Otitis Media with Ciprofloxacin


        Ludwig Podoshin, Alexander Brodzki, Milo Fradis, Jacob Ben-David, Josef Larboni, Isaac Srugo


        Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Microbiology Unit and Dept. of Pharmacology, Bnai-Zion Medical Center, and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        We evaluated the efficacy of ciprofloxacin eardrops compared to tobramycin and to a placebo in the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media. 60 ears were randomly assigned to treatment for 3 weeks with ciprofloxacin, tobramycin or placebo eardrops. The organism most commonly isolated from the ear discharge was Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The clinical responses were 78.9% and 72.2%, respectively, in the ciprofloxacin and tobramycin groups, while it was only 41.2% in the placebo group. Treatment with ciprofloxacin eardrops seemed to be at least as efficient as treatment with tobramycin. Considering the lack of ototoxicity of ciprofloxacin, this treatment may be best for chronic otitis media.

        דצמבר 1997

        א' רווה, ר' סדוב, ב' נגריס ור' פיינמסר

        The Parapharyngeal Space: Tumors and Surgical Approaches


        E. Raveh, R. Sadov, B. Nageris, R. Feinmesser


        Dept. of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        The potential parapharyngeal space contains the great vessels of the neck, cranial nerves IX-XII, the sympathetic chain and lymph nodes. Surgical access is difficult and the infrequency of tumors in it make surgery of this part of the head and neck a challenge. 8 women and 2 men (mean age 54.7, range 31-70 years) with tumors of the parapharyngeal space operated on during the past 6 years are presented. The most common surgical approach was the cervical submandibular, used in 6 of our patients with relative ease and minimal complications. Tumors of deep lobe parotid origin should be operated through a transparotid approach. Large benign or malignant tumors have a better prognosis when the transcervical transmandibular approach is used, providing wider access.

        ראובן מדר

        Bromocriptine for Refractory Rheumatoid Arthritis


        Reuven Mader


        Rheumatic Disease Unit, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula


        In recent years prolactin (PRL) has emerged as an important immunomodulator in various autoimmune disorders. Bromocriptine (BRC) is a dopamine agonist that suppresses secretion of PRL. Good clinical response to BRC has been reported in patients with psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's syndrome, and systemic lupus erythematosus. 5 mg of BRC at bedtime were given to 5 patients (aged 35-50) with refractory rheumatic arthritis (RA) who had failed to respond to previous treatment with at least 2 disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. Patients were assessed at 4-6 week intervals for 6 months. 3 showed more than 25% improvement in the number of tender and swollen joints at 12 weeks of treatment. However, in only 2 of them was improvement maintained till the end of the 6 months. There were no changes in other measures of disease activity. 1 patient dropped out of the study due to acute exacerbation of her disease 4 weeks after initiation of BRC and required intra-articular injections of corticosteroid. The remaining patient did not show any significant clinical changes. No correlation was found between serum PRL levels and disease activity over time. It is suggested that some patients with refractory RA might improve with BRC. Its use in larger doses in larger groups of patients may help elucidate its role in the treatment of RA.

        אבישי גולץ, בתיה אנגל-יגר, הנרי צבי יואכימס, אבירם נצר ושולה פרוש

        Balance Disturbances in Children with Middle Ear Effusions


        Avishay Golz, Batia Angel-Yeger, Henri Zvi Joachims, Aviram Netzer, S. Parush


        Dept. of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Rambam Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Vertigo and dizziness are not common complaints in childhood, but probably present more often than has been thought. These symptoms, caused mainly by otitis media (OM) and middle ear effusion (MEE), are 2 of the most common diseases in children, and until recently had long been neglected in the literature and in practice. We determined objectively the incidence of balance-related symptoms in children with long-lasting MEE, and resolution following insertion of ventilation tubes (VT). 36 children, aged 4-9 years, were studied using electronystagmography (ENG) and the Bruininks-Oseretsky tests for motor proficiency, before and after ventilation of the middle ear. Results were compared to those in 74 healthy children with no history of middle ear disease. Abnormal ENG findings were found in 58%, and 71% had low Bruininks-Oseretsky (BO) test scores. The ENG was abnormal in only 3 of the controls, 1 of whom also had low BO test scores. The symptoms and signs of balance disturbances resolved in 96% following VT insertion. These results indicate that balance-related symptoms often encountered in young children may result from chronic MEE, and that they resolve following evacuation of the effusion and ventilation of the middle ear.

        אוקטובר 1997

        שי חנניה ויוסף הורוביץ

        Gradenigo Syndrome and Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis, in Fusobacterial Acute Otitis Media


        S. Hananya, Y. Horowitz


        Pediatrics Dept., Central Hospital of the Emek, Afula


        In this era of antimicrobial medication, intracranial complications following otitis media are rare. We present a 5-year-old boy who suffered from petrositis (Gradenigo syndrome) and cavernous sinus thrombosis as combined complications of acute otitis media caused by fusobacteria. The diagnosis was made using imaging methods suited to the various structures of the skull. Cure was achieved by prolonged conservative treatment with antibiotics, with gallium scan for evaluation of the bone inflammation.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303