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        תוצאת חיפוש

        מאי 2000

        אהרן פיינסטון, אריה אלדר וצ'ארלס מילגרום

        Pre-Induction Sport Activity in Prevention of Stress Fractures 

        Aharon S. Finestone, Arieh Eldad, Charles Milgrom


        Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces, and Dept. of Orthopedics, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva and Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        Pre-induction sports participation of 392 elite infantry recruits was evaluated for correlation with incidence of stress fractures (SF) during 14 weeks of basic training. 23.7% developed lower extremity stress fractures. 72% of the recruits had participated in sports on a regular basis during the 2 years prior to induction. Their fitness as examined by the Bar-Or induction fitness test, was significantly better than that of those who had not trained. 14.9% of the soldiers who had previously participated in ball games (primarily basketball) as an only sport suffered stress fractures, compared to 31.0% of those whose only sport was running (p<0.005).

        Training for only 6 months prior to induction had no effect on the incidence of SF. The reason for the difference between ball games and running is probably related to the higher strains and strain rates developed during ball games and to their multidirectional nature, as compared to running.

        These findings suggest that participation in a pre-induction program that includes activities that create strains, such as basketball, can reduce incidence of SF in infantry recruits. The training period has to last at least 2 years.

        אפריל 2000

        ד' ישורון, ח' חמוד, ד' קרן, נ' מורד וי' נשיץ

        Acipimox as a Secondary Hypolipidemia in Combined Hypertriglyceridemia and Hyperlipidemia


        D. Yeshurun, H. Hamood, N. Morad, J. Naschitz


        Hyperlipidemia Clinic, Dept. of Medicine A, Bnai-Zion Medical Center, and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        32 patients with hypertriglyceridemia, excessive hypertri- glyceridemia, and combined hyperlipidemia, were treated with the nicotinic acid derivative acipimox (Olbetam). First line treatment with bezafibrate, or statins in some with combined hyperlipidemia, had failed. In 10 acipimox was discontinued due to side effects or absence of clinical response. The other 22 completed 6 months of treatment with no side effects.

        Acipimox caused a significant 54% decrease in triglyceride levels, a 23% decrease in total cholesterol, and a 12% increase in HDL-cholesterol. LDL-cholesterol was difficult to calculate because of the high triglyceride levels, so no results are presented.

        Although acipimox was much better tolerated than nicotinic acid, it also had side effects, but fewer. Acipimox can therefor be used as a second-line drug, mainly in those with combined hyperlipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia.

        מרץ 2000

        ענת לבר-סגל, מיגאל יוכטמן ופלטיאל וינר

        Carbon Dioxide Gas Embolism during Laparascopic Cholecystectomy


        Anat Laver-Segal, Miguel Iuchtman, Paltiel Weiner


        Depts. of Anesthesiology, Surgery A and Medicine A, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera and Rappaport Medical School, The Technion, Haifa


        A case of carbon dioxide gas embolism during laparascopic cholecystetomy is presented. Prompt diagnosis and immediate treatment resulted in positive outcome. Laparascopic cholecystectomy is nowadays one of the most common operations for cholecystectomy and certainly the most frequent endoscopic surgical procedure. It is usually safe and effective. However, a number of serious complications have been reported during the procedure.

        Gas embolism is one of the complications that may occur during the initial gas insufflation or during dissection of the gall bladder. Symptoms are mainly related to the speed and the amount of gas that reaches the venous system. Early recognition and prompt treatment are required to prevent severe morbidity or even fatal outcome.

        Transesophageal echocardiography has detected many unsuspected cases of gas embolism. However, capnograph monitoring of end-tidal CO2, routinely used in everyday anesthesia, is highly reliable in alerting to the possibility of gas embolism and also in confirming its occurrence.

        In cases of suspected gas embolism close collaboration between anesthetist and surgeon is required.

        מיכאל מיכיילביץ, אהוד לבל ומנחם יצחקי

        SYME Amputation for Foot Infections in Diabetics 

        Michael Michailevich, Ehud Lebel, Menachem Itzchaki


        Dept. of Orthopedics, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Syme ankle disarticulation for foot infections in diabetics with concomitant peripheral vascular disease is often unsuccessful. The need for re-amputation usually results from recurrent infection or ischemia of the posterior heel flap. We present 5 such cases of deep foot infections in diabetics who underwent Syme amputation after failure of local debridement. All patients needed reamputation in 4-18 days for ischemia of the flap.

        פברואר 2000

        שבתאי ורסנו, גיורא חביון ומילה גרנקין

        Smoking by an Israeli Hospital Staff, its Attitude to Smoking in Hospitals and to “Smoke-Free” Hospitals


        Shabtai Varsano, Giora Hevion, Mila Garenkin


        Depts. of Pulmonary Medicine, Asthma Care-Education Unit, Hospital Management Office, and Epidemiology and Medical Data Unit; Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Smoking within hospitals is common in general hospitals in Israel. It has a strong negative educational impact, has a negative image and curing its ill effects help keep our hospitals busy. An anonymous questionnaire was answered by 128 members of our hospital staff (28%). Their distribution, according to occupation and sex was representative of the rest of our hospital staff.

        19% of our workers are smokers, a much lower proportion than in our general adult population. The proportion was highest among maintenance (40%) and sanitary-help staff (36%). 23% of nurses and 15% of physicians were smokers. This situation is better than that among Italian or Japanese medical staff, but much worse than among North American medical staff.

        75% of our workers who smoke declared that they smoke outside the room in which they work. 66% and 72% of the staff believe that hospital workers and visitors, respectively, should smoke outside hospital buildings. Only 19% of all workers do not believe that a "smoke-free hospital" is attainable. 34% believe that a "smoke-free hospital" is achievable, and 47% said that it is perhaps achievable. 86% of all the workers, and 41% of the smokers, expect the hospital director to implement an effective policy of enforcing the law limiting smoking within hospitals (and other public buildings) in Israel. 60% are willing to contribute actively to this effort.

        We believe these results strongly suggest that the time is ripe for implementation of the "smoke-free hospital" in Israel. This requires a strong and effective central policy, like that in the USA. We suggest measures that the Israel Ministry of Health take measures to successfully implement this policy.

        שמעון קורץ, מרדכי גולדנפלד ושלמה מלמד

        Early Detection of Glaucoma by a Mobile Unit


        S. Kurtz, M. Goldenfeld, S. Melamed


        Sam Rothberg Glaucoma Center, Goldschleger Eye Institute, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Glaucoma, the third leading cause of blindness in the western world, is characterized by painless, gradual loss of visual fields which may lead to severe visual impairment or even blindness. In 4 years of operation of a mobile glaucoma unit for screening and early diagnosis of glaucoma, 10,037 subjects aged 18-95 years were screened (4504 women, 45%); 55% were under 50 years (Graph 1).

        Ocular hypertension was diagnosed in 8.0%; primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) in 0.8%, with 2/3 already under treatment, the rest newly diagnosed. Pseudo-exfoliative glaucoma was diagnosed in 0.2%; only 2 cases had closed angle glaucoma; 91% of those screened were normal (Fig. 4; age stratification, Graph 3).

        POAG increased with age, from 0.2% in those under 40 years to 10% in those over 80; POAG was more common in men, but OHT was similar in both sexes (6.0% vs. 5.3%). There was no correlation between incidence of POAG and place of work except in the Sorek Nuclear Center (1.9% vs. 0.8%, p=0.11). Other conditions significantly more frequent in POAG than normals were diabetes mellitus (x 2.5), systemic hypertension (x 4), myopia (x 2) and history of intraocular surgery (x 6).

        עפר קרן, פלביה שטיינברג, עמירם כץ וניר גלעדי

        Botulin Toxin for Spasticity in Spinal Cord Damage


        Ofer Keren, Flabia Shinberg, Amiram Catz, Neer Giladi


        Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Ra'anana; Movement Disorder Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Therapeutic injection of botulin toxin is well-recognized for reducing tonus in local dystonia. However, its efficacy in reducing spasticity in spinal cord injuries is still unproven. 4 men and 1 woman (mean age 39 years, range 20-56) with spinal cord injury and debilitating spasticity, and no response to standard treatment for spasticity received injections of botulin, 200-300 U, into 4-8 points in their legs to block muscle-nerve synapses.

        In all 5 tonus was reduced in the area of the block, while in some it was also reduced in more distal muscles. In 1 there was reduced tonus in both the injected and contralateral leg. The therapeutic effect on tonus persisted for 3 months. In spite of objective improvement in tonus in all 5, only 3 felt subjective improvement, but in none was there improvement on standard functional scaling.

        We found injection of botulin toxin effective in reducing tonus in the spinal cord-injured, and to some extent in improving subjective feeling of well-being in some of them. Obective measurement might show functional improvement after larger doses of toxin injected into more muscles. This might be necessary because the muscle mass of the legs is large and the intensity of involuntary contraction is especially high in these patients.

        דוד גלינסקי, ורה פריד, איה בידרמן, ג'ולי צוויקל ויוספה בן משה

        Identifying the Elderly at Risk for Falling 

        D. Galinsky, V. Fried, A. Biderman, J. Cwikel, Y. Ben Moshe


        Geriatric Dept., Soroka University Hospital and Depts. of Family Medicine and of Social Work, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; and ESHEL, Beer Sheba


        Falling is one of the main problems affecting the health of the elderly. A community project was carried out to detect elderly people at high risk for falls. One of its aims was also to develop tools allowing primary care professionals to detect the elderly at risk for falling. Such a screening test in the community-dwelling elderly (EFST) and a protocol for diagnosis and treatment of the elderly at risk for falls is presented.

        ינואר 2000

        רון גל ואלי להט

        Progressive Ptosis in Children as a Presenting Sign of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome 

        Ron Gal, Eli Lahat


        Pediatric Neurology Unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Mitochondrial encephalopathies represent a heterogeneous group of various neurological syndromes caused by defects in mitochondrial metabolism. All clinical syndromes can be subdivided by type of biochemical defect into 3 subgroups: defective oxidation, defects in pyruvate metabolism and various defects in the respiratory chain.

        We present a 12-year-old girl admitted for evaluation of progressive ptosis over a period of 3 years, diagnosed as having the rare mitochondrial encephalopathy, Kearns-Sayre syndrome.

        בן-עמי סלע, יוסף זלוטניק, תמר משוש, גליה יבלונסקי ופביאן אברהם

        Gyrate Atrophy of Choroid and Retina, and Hyperornithinemia 

        B-A. Sela, J. Zlotnik, T. Masos, G. Yablonski, F. Abraham


        Institute of Chemical Pathology and Goldschlager Eye Institute, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina is a rare degenerative disease, characterized biochemically by a marked increase in blood ornithine levels, due to deficiency of ornithine S-amino transferase. 4 men aged 35, 36, 48 and 62 years are described with different stages of myopia, night blindness and loss of peripheral vision, which progressed to tunnel vision and partial blindness. Onset of the disease was at ages 3, 10 and 15 years, respectively, while in the 4th patient there was delayed expression starting at about age 50. Most had posterior subcapsular cataracts, and the ocular fundus exhibited demarcated circular areas of chorioretinal degeneration. So far the only patients described in Israel have been of Iraqui origin. Our fourth patient originated from Istanbul, and he may represent a hitherto undescribed variant with a much delayed expression of the disease.

        דצמבר 1999

        א' חורי, ר' מושיוב ומ' ליברגל

        Thromboembolism in Orthopedic Trauma


        A. Khoury, R. Mosheiff, M. Liebergall


        Orthopedic Surgery Dept., Hadassah University Hospital and Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        Trauma increases risk of thromboembolic complications. Thus, in pelvic fractures and spinal injuries the incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is about 35-60%. Half occur in the pelvic veins and are the most likely to result in pulmonary embolism. While symptomatic pulmonary embolism occurs in 2-10% of patients, more have silent pulmonary embolism. 0.5-2% of pulmonary embolisms are fatal. In lower extremity trauma the incidence of DVT is about 58%, with 18% of them in the proximal veins. Thromboembolic complications are the prime cause of morbidity and mortality among trauma patients, yet they can be prevented efficiently and cost-effectively. The arsenal of prophylactic agents includes heparin, low molecular weight heparin, and mechanical devices including inferior vena cava filters.

        נובמבר 1999

        בן-עמי סלע, תמר משוש, דב פוגל ויוסף זלוטניק

        Alpha-Amino Adipic Aciduria: a Rare Psycho-Motor Syndrome


        Ben-Ami Sela, Tamar Massos, Dov Fogel, Joseph Zlotnik


        Pathological Chemistry and Child Development Institutes, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A 3.5-year-old boy with developmental motor retardation, hypotonicity, and severe speech disturbance had alpha-amino adipic acid in his blood and very high levels in his urine. In only 20 cases has this catabolite of lysine and hydroxylysine been found in high concentrations in urine, due to enzymatic block.

        The clinical features associated with alpha-amino adipic aciduria may include mental retardation, developmental and motor delay, learning difficulties, convulsions, speech problems and ataxia. 3 siblings had milder symptoms of psychomotor delay and intermediate degrees of alpha amino-adipic aciduria, suggesting that the described developmental deficits could be related to this metabolite or its derivatives.

        אוגוסט 1999

        יהודית קליינמן וסימון נגלב

        Multilocular Cystic Mass of the Kidney: A Diagnostic Challenge


        Judy Kleinmann, Simon Negelev


        Urology Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        Multilocular cystic masses of the kidney present a diagnostic challenge because they may be malignant. Renal cell carcinoma with multilocular cysts has been reported. We present 4 cases in which the preoperative differential diagnosis was between a benign and a malignant multilocular cystic kidney mass.

        Our results, combined with those of 33 previously reported cases, reveal that only 32% of cases were diagnosed correctly preoperatively. In 21% of these patients the preoperative clinical evaluation did not correctly diagnose malignancy: 24% of them yielded false negative and 21% false positive results. Angiography was more accurate than CT, US or aspiration of cysts. Frozen section was inaccurate in 55% of cases.

        There is no reliable diagnostic test to distinguish between a malignant and a benign multilocular cystic mass. Invasive angiography is more accurate than other modalities. A therapeutic decision has to be made between nephron-sparing and radical surgery in each case. When nephron-sparing surgery is considered, the possible need to perform radical nephrectomy in second-look surgery must be taken into account.

        חיים יוספי, ראובן ויסקופר, יהושוע לשם, יעל רב-הון, גלעד רוזנברג ואפרת ישכיל

        Multicenter Community-Based Trial of Amlodipine in Hypertension


        C. Yosefy, J.R. Viskoper, Y. Leshem, Y. Rav-Hon, G.I. Rosenberg, E. Yaskil


        (Representing the 39 Investigators of Project AML-IL-95-001, WHO Collaborative Center for Prevention of CV Diseases) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon; Hypertension Clinic, Kupat Holim Afula; Statistics Consulting Unit, Haifa University; and Promedico Ltd., Petah Tikva


        The safety and efficacy of Amlodipine (AML) for mild to moderate hypertension was evaluated in a "real life" setting. This open non-comparative trial included 123 men and 143 women (age 30-91 years, mean 59.4). All had sitting diastolic blood pressure (DBP) between 95 and 115 mmHg, confirmed in most by 2 baseline measurements, 2 weeks apart.

        Eligible patients were given AML 5 mg daily as add-on or monotherapy and were evaluated 4 weeks later. If DBP was then >90 mmHg, the daily dose was raised to 10 mg; those with <90 mmHg remained on 5 mg. AML was continued for 8 weeks. Other BP-lowering drugs were unchanged.


        Of the original 266 patients 22 (8.2%) withdrew due to adverse events (AE), and others were protocol violators, lost to follow-up or withdrew, leaving 211 available for efficacy analysis. In this major group BP was reduced from 165±15/101±4 to 139±11/83±5 after 12 weeks of AML (p<0.05). The reduction was greater in those under 70 years, from 173±12/100±5 to 142±12/80±4 (p<0.05). In those with BMI>30 kg/m², BP decreased from 165±15/101±5 to 140±12/83±5 (p<0.05).


        Mean change in heart rate was -1.5 bpm (p<0.05). Mean final AML dose was 5.5 mg/day. The most common AML-related AE requiring cessation of the drug was pedal edema in 2.6% of the 266 patients; in 3.7% it persisted during therapy. Other AE occurring in >1% were dizziness in 1.8%, headache 1.5%, flushing 1.1% and fatigue 1.1%.

        We conclude that AML is an effective and well-tolerated antihypertensive suitable for most hypertensive patients.

        יוני 1999

        דן צרור, עודד זמיר, נחום בגלייבטר, דן אימרל והרברט פרוינד

        Retroperitoneoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy


        D. Seror, O Zamir, D. Eimerl, H.R. Freund


        Depts. of Surgery and Anesthesia, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        We present our initial experience with retroperitoneoscopic lumbar sympathectomy in a series of 5 men aged 25-45 years. 3 suffered from ischemia of the lower limbs due to Buerger's disease, 1 had severe reflex sympathetic dystrophy and 1 had vasculitis with severe, non-healing lower leg ulcers.


        The right retroperitoneal space was developed with a dissecting balloon-trocar introduced via a small lateral muscle- splitting flank incision. 2 additional 5 mm trocars were used for instrumentation and clipping. L2-L3 or L3-L4 ganglia were resected; mean operating time was 120 minutes. Only oral analgesics were needed for postoperative pain control and oral food intake was resumed the following morning. The procedure was successful in all and was without complications. Mean hospital stay was 2 days.


        All patients reported significant relief of ischemia or dystrophic pain and/or improvement in trophic changes in the extremities. In the patient with leg ulcers, the largest was successfully covered with a skin graft. The retroperitoneoscopic approach to lumbar sympathectomy successfully combines the advantages of minimal invasive surgery and the reliability and effectiveness of well-established open sympathectomy.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303