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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אפריל 1999

        דינה לב, סובחי אבו-עאיד, מרדכי גוטמן, יורם קלוגר, משה מיכוביץ, יצחק מלר, משה ענבר ויוסף קלאוזנר

        Treatment of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma


        Dina Lev-Chelouche, Subhi Abu-Abeid, Mordechai Gutman, Yoram Kluger, Moshe Michovitch, Isaac Meller, Moshe Inbar, Joseph M. Klausner


        Depts. of Surgery B, Orthopedic Oncology and Oncology, Tel Aviv - Sourasky Medical Center (Affiliated with Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        Soft tissue sarcomas are exceedingly rare, making up less than 1% of all solid malignancies. In the retroperitoneum, they tend to be large when diagnosed and are a therapeutic challenge to the surgical oncologist. Our experience with 51 patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas operated on during the past 4 years is presented. 37 were primary and 26 presented as recurrent tumors. The group included many different histological sub-types, the majority being high grade tumors.

        Complete resection was achieved in 84%, necessitating extensive surgery, but was not possible in 8 patients (16%) who underwent partial resection or biopsy only. There was 1 perioperative fatality (2%). 18 (35%) suffered complications, all of which were reversible. The estimated 5-year survival in the complete resection group is 40%, while none of those who underwent partial resection survived more than 2 years. There was significantly better survival in patients with primary, low grade sarcomas which were smaller than 8 cm, compared to those with high-grade, recurrent sarcomas larger than 8 cm. Local recurrence developed in 8 patients of the complete resection group (18%), 2 months to 3 years after surgery.

        These data show that despite the concept of retroperitoneal sarcomas as being aggressive, invasive tumors with a poor prognosis, the prognosis is not unusually bad. With proper surgical technique, resectability may be high, with improved overall survival.

        אורנה בראון-אפל, הלנה אנדרייב, מיכה ברחנא ומנפרד גרין

        Smoking and Incidence of Lung Cancer, 1981-1995


        Orna Baron-Epel, Helena Andreev, Micha Barchana, Manfred S. Green


        Israel Center for Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Tel Hashomer, Israel; Cancer Registry, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, and Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Smoking is the dominant risk factor for lung cancer. We compared trends in smoking with those of the incidence of lung cancer in Israel. The proportion of smokers has declined during the past 20 years; the decrease is greater in men than in women, and more marked in the elderly. Since 1980 the age-adjusted incidence of lung cancer in Jewish men has decreased slightly, but in women it has remained constant. Among Arab men there was an increase in age-adjusted incidence of lung cancer and since 1986 it has been higher than in Jewish men.

        The largest decrease in lung cancer incidence was among Jewish men aged 75 and over. This may be explained by data on the age of smoking cessation in the population. It was observed that the main decrease in smoking occurred among men over the age of 55 in the past 20 years, which correlates with the decline in lung cancer observed in the older age group. Lung cancer rates in Israel are lower than in other western countries despite the similar prevalence of smoking, for unknown reasons.

        מרץ 1999

        ריפעת ספדי, ירון ריבר, יוסף חביב וירון אילן

        Neurological Manifestations of Non A-G Viral Hepatitis


        Rifaat Safadi, Yaron River, Yosef S. Haviv, Yaron Ilan


        Liver Unit, Division of Medicine and Neurology Dept., Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Guillain-Barre and other neurologic syndromes rarely occur as complications of viral hepatitis (A, B and C). Other neurologic syndromes have also been reported in serologically defined viral hepatitis, including mononeuritis, auditory neuritis, and seizures. Chronic hepatitis B and mononeuritis multiplex are found together in 31-54% of patients with periarteritis nodosa. The mechanisms of these associations are unknown, but may include direct cytotoxicity of the virus or immune-mediated damage. Vasculitis of the vasa nervorum plays an intermediate role, at least in some cases. We describe a 36-year-old man with acute non A-G hepatitis complicated by Guillain-Barre syndrome. The neurological manifestation resolved completely without specific therapy within 6 days, as the hepatitis resolved.

        אילון לחמן, אברהם שינפלד, רפאל בולדס, שמואל לוין, מיכאל בורשטיין ומיכאל שטרק

        Operative Laparoscopy in Pregnancy


        Eylon Lachman, Abraham Schienfeld, R. Boldes, Samuel Levin, Michael Burstein, Michael Stark


        Depts. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Misgav Ladach Hospital, Jerusalem


        The development of laparoscopic surgery in gynecology and general surgery has greatly advanced over the past decade, and recently has been successfully performed in pregnancy. In the English literature we found that of the 518 cases reported (mean age 32 years) the most common was for cholecystectomy (45%), followed by operations on the adnexae (34%), appendectomy (15%) and others (6%). To these we add 3 cases of cholecystectomy and 1 of an adnexal tumor. Of all the reported cases, 33% were performed in the 1st trimester, 56% in the 2nd and 11% in the 3rd.

        This review demonstrates a definite trend to laparoscopy in pregnancy. It appears to be safe when performed by experienced surgeons, but further studies addressing safety of laparoscopic surgery during pregnancy are needed to reach definitive conclusions.

        פברואר 1999

        נתן קאופמן, נוגה רייכמן ועידית פלטאו

        Brucellosis Presenting as Acute Abdomen


        Nathan Kaufman, Noga Reichman, Edith Flatau


        Dept. of Medicine B, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula


        Usually symptoms of brucellosis are nonspecific and characterized by a wide range of complaints. Although the disease in Israel is almost exclusively food borne (caused by Brucella melitensis in unpasteurized goat milk products) so the main route of infection is the gastrointestinal tract, but gastrointestinal complications are rare, and only sporadic cases of ileitis or colitis have been described.

        We present a 43-year-old woman with an acute abdomen, probably due to diverticulitis. It was diagnosed only after blood cultures were positive for Brucella melitensis. We believe that its protean manifestations should be consin addition to the other bizarre presentations of this disease, important in our region.

        חנה סטרול, פאול רוזן, טובה ניימן ורות שמרת

        Muir-Torre Syndrome: Importance of Clinical Diagnosis and Genetic Investigation


        Hana Strul, Paul Rozen, Tova Naiman, Ruth Shomrat


        Gastroenterology Dept. and Genetics Institute, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Tel Aviv University


        Muir-Torre syndrome is a relatively rare cutaneous manifestation of hereditary nonpolypous colorectal cancer (HNPCC). This autosomal dominant syndrome is characterized by a combination of sebaceous gland and malignant visceral tumors. The common sites of internal malignancies are the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. It appears in early adult life and its clinical course is relatively slow.

        In some families genetic diagnosis can identify asymptomatic carriers of the mutation. All first-degree relatives, especially mutation carriers, should be referred from the age of 20 years for routine follow-up and early treatment, as it has been proven to decrease morbidity and mortality.

        We present a 51-year-old man with Muir-Torre syndrome diagnosed by the presence of multiple adenomas of sebaceous glands, colonic adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. The family history was typical for HNPCC. A mutation in the hMSH2 gene on chromosome 2p was found in the patient and in several asymptomatic family members. The aim of this report is to increase awareness of this syndrome and emphasize the importance of referring patients and their families for clinical and genetic counseling and diagnosis.

        אבישי סלע, דב פלקס, דיאנה גפני, עפרה רבינוביץ, אהרון סולקס וג'ק בניאל

        Combination Chemotherapy in Metastatic Urothelial Cancer


        A. Sella, D. Flex, D. Gafni, O. Rabinovitz, A. Sulkes, J. Baniel


        Genitourinary Medical Oncology Unit, Depts. of Oncology and Urology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv


        The treatment of metastatic urothelial cancer is based on the combination of cisplatin, methotrexate, vinblastine and adriamycin (M-VAC). From November 1994 to May 1997 we treated 25 patients (51 men, 3 women, aged 50-77) with M-VAC. The tumor originated from the urinary bladder in 14 (56%) and the upper urinary tract in 11 (44%). Disease sites included: primary - 5 (25%), lymph nodes - 17 (68%), lungs - 10 (40%), bones - 8 (32%), pelvic mass and liver each - 4 (16%), with an overall median of 2 (1-5) sites per patient.

        9 patients (38%) had complete responses and 8 (32%) had partial responses, for an overall response rate of 68% (95% CI 48.5%-85%). The median duration of response was 15.3 (1.6-29.6+) months. Median survival of responders was 19.1 (4.8-35.7+) months compared to 6.2 (0.7-11.2) for the non-responders (p<0.05). 13 (52%) of patients are alive, of whom 8 (32%) are free of disease and 5 with a single metastatic site on presentation at follow-up.

        In the 118 treatment cycles we observed grade III-IV toxicity: myelosuppression 53 (45%), thrombocytopenia 4 (3%), stomatitis 8 (6.7%), diarrhea 3 (2.5%). There were 22 infectious episodes and 1 patient died of sepsis.

        We achieved a high response rate with the combination M-VAC. However, only a third had long-term disease-free states and treatment was associated with excessive toxicity. Thera-peutic approaches with new agents are required to improve the response rate and toxicity.

        ינואר 1999

        ענת בן-עמי, גרא גנדלמן, דוד ארגז וזאב שטגר

        Meningitis Due to Streptococcus Bovis Type 2


        Anat Ben-Ami, Gera Gandelman, David Ergaz, Zev Shtoeger


        Dept. of Medicine B, Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot (Affiliated with the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School)


        Meningitis due to Streptococcus bovis is rare. Only 14 cases having been reported in the English literature. All patients (including the patient described) had an underlying disease or were treated by pharmacological agents that predisposed the patient to the infection. Most were treated by monotherapy with penicillin G (or amoxicillin) and recovered.

        We describe a 74-year-old woman who had splenectomy as treatment for hairy cell leukemia 6 months before hospitalization for meningitis and sepsis by S. bovis type 2. She was successfully treated with intravenous amoxicillin. There was neither evidence of endocarditis nor carcinoma of the colon. Although the association between S. bovis meningitis and endocarditis or carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract is not well established, we recommend a full work-up for GI malignancy and endocarditis in every patient with S. bovis meningitis.

        חיים בן-עמי ויהודה עדות

        Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Failure within the Communuity


        Haim Ben-Ami, Yehuda Edoute


        Dept. of Medicine C, Rambam Medical Center and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        Congestive heart failure causes substantial morbidity and mortality. Symptoms and physical findings can help in diagnosis, but have limited sensitivity and specificity. Objective measurement of ventricular function is essential in virtually all patients in whom heart failure is suspected; reversible causes of heart failure must be sought.

        Out-patient management includes education and counseling, emphasis on and assessment of compliance with diet, and pharmacological treatment. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are the mainstay of treatment but are underused, and maximal doses are not given, apparently because of concern about side-effects. Diuretics should be administered only as needed to manage fluid overload. Calcium channel blockers are relatively contraindicated in patients with impaired ventricular function. Patient follow-up should be guided by results of the medical history and physical examination. Routine serial testing of ventricular function and exercise performance is discouraged.

        עידו שולט, נאסר גטאס, יצחק כהן ודוד רימון

        Self-Limited Lymphadenopathy Mimicking Lymphoma or Lupus


        I. Solt, N. Gatas, Y. Cohen, D. Rimon


        Medical Dept. B and Pathology Dept., Western Galilee Regional Hospital, Naharia and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease in a self-limited lymphadenopathy that can be confused histologically and clinically with lymphoma or systemic lupus erythematosus. It was diagnosed in a 37-year-old woman presenting with fever, cervical, submandibular and axillary lymphadenopathy, weight loss and recurrent urinary tract infections. Lymph node biopsy was consistent with the diagnosis of a histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis. Early diagnosis of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease can prevent harmful treatment.

        שמואל בנאי, אנדרי קרן, נטלי דניאל וישעיהו בנחורין

        Use of Abciximab (Reopro) in the Catheterization Laboratory and in Unstable Coronary Syndromes


        Shmuel Banai, Andre Keren, Nataly Daniel, Jesaia Benhorin


        Heiden Dept. of Cardiology, Bikur Cholim Hospital, Jerusalem


        Blockage of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor by Reopro c7E3 Fab-abciximab) has been shown to reduce markedly ischemic complications during and following elective and high-risk coronary intervention CI). Between July ’96 and February ’98, 120 consecutive patients (85 men and 34 women, aged 34-90 - mean 62) received Reopro (20 mg bolus, followed by 10 mg/min for 12-48 hours). 100 were treated with Reopro in the catheterization laboratory, in 76 as prophylactic treatment preceding high-risk CI and in 24 as bailout treatment for acute complications during CI. 20 additional patients were treated in the CCU for acute coronary syndromes, 17 of whom underwent CI 6-48 hours later.

        Coronary angiography demonstrated multivessel disease in 66 (56%), and the target lesions were LAD - 77, RCA - 41, LCX - 22, SVG - 6, and 2 unprotected LMCA (total: 148 lesions dilated in 117 patients). Of the 117 CI, 44 were PTCA alone, and 73 included stenting.

        Indications for prophylactic Reopro for high risk CI were: acute MI (48 hours), early post-MI angina, unstable AP, and/or complex anatomy with visible thrombus. In this high-risk population the overall success rate (open artery, no MI, discharged alive, no need for urgent re-vascularization) was 97% when Reopro was given prophylactically prior to CI. The success rate was lower (87.5%) when Reopro was given in bailout situations.

        In 20 patients with acute coronary syndromes treated in the CCU while receiving maximal combined conventional therapy (including full-dose heparin), all symptoms and dynamic ischemic ECG changes disappeared within minutes following Reopro. 17 underwent successful CI during hospitalization and 3 were treated medically.

        Reopro given prior to high risk CI was associated with a very low rate of complications. In a few cases with acute coronary syndromes, Reopro given in the CCU cases immediate relief of myocardial ischemia and reduced the need for urgent coronary intervention.

        א' אורנוי, ס' שכטמן וג' ארנון

        The Israel Teratogen Information Service: A 10-Year Report 

        A. Ornoy, S. Shechtman, J. Arnon


        Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School and Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem


        The Israel Teratogen Information Service (TIS) was established 10 years ago with the help of the Ministry of Health and the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School. During these 10 years we have had 20,631 calls. We describe the results of our experience in counseling.

        There was a gradual increase in the number of calls, which in 1997 reached 4,447. Most calls (84.5%) were during pregnancy, while 12% were prior to pregnancy. In 75.7% the calls were due to drug exposure during pregnancy; 10.9% were due to exposure to X-rays; there was maternal infection in 6.6% and in 5% immunization during pregnancy. The callers were: physicians in 46.6%, nurses 18.9%, pregnant women 39.5%, and 4.8% others.

        In 76.6% there was no additional risk to the embryo or fetus and in 17.4% there was a small additional risk of less than 1%; a significant additional risk to the fetus was expected in only 6%. In 3625 pregnant women with known outcome there were 8.9% spontaneous and 9.2% induced abortions. Of the 2968 live-born children, 2.3% were malformed, a rate similar to that among controls.

        The information provided by the TIS alleviated the fears most pregnant women have, and reduced unnecessary terminations of pregnancy planned because of unjustified fear of the teratogenic effects of agents to which women were exposed. It reduced the number of children born with congenital anomalies, since pregnancies were interrupted whenever there was a high risk for congenital anomalies.

        דצמבר 1998

        דורון זמיר, רסמי מג'דלה ופלטיאל וינר

        Normotensive Hydrocephalus Complicating Recurrent E. Coli Meningitis


        Doron Zamir, Rasmi Magadle, Paltiel Weiner


        Dept. of Medicine A, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        E. coli meningitis is a disease that occurs in predisposed patients, either as a result of trauma or in neonates after neurosurgery. Recurrent E. coli meningitis in an adult without any apparent predisposition is uncommon, and hydrocephalus complicating bacterial meningitis is even more rare. We report a unique case of a 67-year-old alcoholic man who had had 2 consecutive episodes of E. coli meningitis within 2 months. In both episodes there was a favorable response to ceftriaxone. However, normotensive hydrocephalus appeared a few weeks later, with mental and physical deterioration.

        נובמבר 1998

        משה חשמונאי, דורון קופלמן, אחמד עסליה, יורם קליין, האני בחוס, אלקס בני ויעקב ברוך

        Extensive Liver Resection: a Series of 72 Cases


        Moshe Hashmonai, Doron Kopelman, Ahmed Assalia, Yoram Klein, Hani Bahus, Alex Beny, Yaakov Baruch


        Depts. of Surgery B, Oncology and Unit for Liver Diseases, Rambam Medical Center and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        Partial liver resection is the treatment of choice for various liver diseases, including primary and secondary (metastatic) malignancies, benign tumors, cysts, abscesses, trauma, etc. Improved knowledge of hepatic anatomy and physiology, improved diagnostic techniques and more developed peri-operative treatment have reduced postoperative morbidity and mortality to acceptable levels.

        We present a series of 72 liver resections, the majority of which were liver lobectomies or more extensive procedures performed during 1982-1997. The percentage of postoperative complications, which ranged from 1.3% to 19.4%, and mortality (8.3%; 6/72) are comparable to those of other large series in the world literature. We believe that better appreciation of the surgical potential of Israel by our medical community will improve our therapeutic approach to various liver diseases.

        אוקטובר 1998

        מרים וייל בן הרוש, הדסה גולדברג, אברהם קוטן, יוסף גילבורד ורונית אלחסיד

        Optic Glioma in Children with Type 1 Neurofibromatosis


        M. Ben-Arush, H. Goldberg, A. Kuten, J. Guilbord, R. El-Hassid


        Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Unit, The Northern Israel Oncology Center, and Division of Neurosurgery, Rambam Medical Center; and Technion School of Medicine, Haifa


        During the period 1985-95 we treated 5 girls and 13 boys with optic glioma associated with Type 1 neurofibromatosis (median age 3 years, range 2-10 years). 6 were treated with radiotherapy alone, 1 with surgery and radiation therapy and 1 with chemotherapy in order to postpone irradiation to an older age; 1 is being followed with no therapy. All children are alive, 2-10 years from diagnosis (mean follow-up time 5.4 years). 3 had improvement of vision following therapy and in 4 visual ability stabilized, including the child being followed without treatment. In 1 vision deteriorated despite therapy.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303