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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2000

        דב דיקר, שמואל ניטקה, איתי בר-חוה, ראול אורבייטו, ציון בן-רפאל ואריה דקל

        Microlaparoscopy in Diagnostic and Operative Gynecologic Procedures 

        Dov Dicker, Shmuel Nitke, Itai Bar-Hava, Raul Orvieto, Zion Ben-Rafael, Arie Dekel


        Depts. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson and Golda Campuses, Petah Tikva; and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A recent further development in laparoscopic surgery is microlaparoscoopy. The technique is identical to standard 10 mm laparoscopy except for the use of small, 2 mm scopes and trocars. We used this technique in 19 patients treated from June 1998 to February 1999.

        The advantages of microlaparoscopy are: smaller incisions, less risk of damage to pelvic organs and less postoperative pain. However, the use of microlaparoscopy for operative procedures is limited to simple operations due to the limited field of vision. We urge our colleagues to consider microlaparoscopy whenever diagnostic laparoscopy is needed.

        דוד גלינסקי, ורה פריד, איה בידרמן, ג'ולי צוויקל ויוספה בן משה

        Identifying the Elderly at Risk for Falling 

        D. Galinsky, V. Fried, A. Biderman, J. Cwikel, Y. Ben Moshe


        Geriatric Dept., Soroka University Hospital and Depts. of Family Medicine and of Social Work, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; and ESHEL, Beer Sheba


        Falling is one of the main problems affecting the health of the elderly. A community project was carried out to detect elderly people at high risk for falls. One of its aims was also to develop tools allowing primary care professionals to detect the elderly at risk for falling. Such a screening test in the community-dwelling elderly (EFST) and a protocol for diagnosis and treatment of the elderly at risk for falls is presented.

        ינואר 2000

        תמר פרץ, זאב וושלר, יעל גולדברג, אריה דורסט והרברט פרוינד

        Brief Preoperative Radiotherapy reduces Local Recurrences and Improves Survival in Rectal Cancer


        T. Peretz, Z. Weshler,* Y. Goldberg, A.L. Durst, H.R. Freund


        Depts. of Surgery and Oncology, Hadassah University Hospitals, and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Ein Kerem and Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem


        Locoregional recurrence of rectal cancer ranges between 20%-50% following apparently radical surgery. Radiation has the potential of reducing this high rate of recurrence and residual disease. A retrospective analysis of 78 patients with locally advanced, biopsy proven, adenocarcinoma of the rectum treated between 1980-1987 was conducted. 28 (36%) were treated by surgery alone (surgery); 29 (37%) by surgery and postoperative radiotherapy (post-op); and 21 (27%) by surgery and preoperative radiotherapy (pre-op). 41 were females and 37 males. The median age was 62 years (range 25-90).

        All tumors were resectable. 42 patients (54%) underwent abdomino-perineal resection and 36 (46%) anterior resection patients [8 Dukes B1 (10%); 37 B2 (47%); 2 C1 (3%); 31 C2 (40%]. Local recurrences were verified by transanal or ultrasound guided needle biopsy.

        The 5-year actuarial survival rates by the Kaplan-Meier method for 75 evaluated patients was 55%. Overall 5-year actuarial survival was significantly higher (p=0.001) in pre-op radiotherapy (95%) compared to surgery alone (45%), or surgery with postoperative radiotherapy (32%). The data were significant (p=0.006) for patients with stage B tumors, but not stage C. This trend of improved survival held also at 8-year follow-up (80% pre-op; 32% post-op; 27% surgery). The 5-year actuarial local control was significantly better (p=0.03) for the pre-op irradiated patients (22%), compared with surgery only (56%) and post-op radiotherapy (38%). Local control was better (p=0.02) for Dukes B tumors in the preoperative group, but not Dukes C tumors.

        Actuarial 5-year survival of those without distant metastases was 87% for pre-op patients, 62% for surgery alone and 48% for post-op radiotherapy. As all patients were clinically classified as advanced rectal tumors, tumor downstaging by preoperative radiotherapy seems to be paramount for local control. Improved local control translates into a siginificant advantage in overall actuarial survival.


        יזהר לוי, אריה פרשטנדיג, טליה ששון, דנה וולף, איליה קריצ'ון, יבגני ליבסון, פנחס לבנסארט, אורית פפו, עודד יורים, אחמד עיד ודניאל שובל

        Transarterial Oil Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 

        Izhar Levy, Anthony Verstandig, Talia Sasson, Dana Wolf, Ilia Krichon, Eugin Libson, Pinchas Levensart, Orit Papo, Oded Yurim, Ahmed Id, Daniel Shouval


        Division of Medicine, Liver Unit and Invasive Radiology, Radiology, Pathology and Surgery Depts., Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancy with a grave prognosis. Most patients have both the malignant tumor as well as hepatic cirrhosis. Liver transplantation or hepatectomy are considered the only curative procedures, but can be applied in fewer than 10% of patients. In recent decades the most common treatments of HCC are transarterial chemoembolization with oil (TOCE) and percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI). We summarize our retrospective study of 100 patients (mean age 64) 3treated by TE.

        In 271 procedures between 1989-1998, in 16 patients hepatectomy was combined with TOCE and in 8 PEI was combined with TOCE, while the rest were treated by TOCE alone. Tumor mass was reduced in 36% of those treated by TOCE (tumor volume reduced 24-75%). Alpha-feto protein (AFP) was reduced 25-90% in 20/32 of those with elevated AFP levels. Median survival for the 100 in the entire group was 19 months (10.9 months in those with conservative treatment). Median survival in the 57 in Okuda stage 1 and the 43 in stages 2 or 3 was 30.1 months and 10.9 months, respectively (p<0.0001). Of the 57 in stage 1, 16 underwent hepatectomy in addition to TOCE and 41 were treated only by TOCE (median survival 15 and 26 months, respectively, p not significant).

        Comparing Okuda 1 patients treated by TOCE only with the natural history of the disease and historical controls (Okuda 1 patients treated conservatively in 1984) median survival was 26 and 10 months respectively (p<0.001). The side effects of TOCE were relatively mild. There was 1 fatality (3 days after treatment), and quality of life was maintained. Despite progress in the treatment of HCC by TOCE, PEI, and liver transplantation, long-term survival has remained unsatisfactory.

        מנחם נוימן, בוריס צוקרמן, עופר לביא ועוזי בלר

        Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation for Vaginal Vault Prolapse


        M. Neuman, B. Zuckerman, O. Lavie, U. Beller


        Division of Gynecological Surgery and Oncology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Sacrospinous ligament fixation is a well-known method for correction of vaginal vault prolapse. The procedure is primarily indicated after hysterectomy and as a prophylactic measure for total uterine prolapse.

        8 women with post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse aged 48-72 years, were referred 1-25 years following primary surgery. Sacrospinous ligament fixation was elected to enable simultaneous correction of cystocele and rectocele, and to preserve sexual function. All operations were completed without significant complications.

        In 6 of the 8 patients located for long-term interview, 1 reported mild bulging of the introitus, another mild urinary stress incontinence, urgency and frequency and 1 reported frequency only. Sexual function in 4 was without complaints. Defecation in all patients was normal.
        We conclude that this operation is safe and effective. We encourage gynecologic surgeons to consult an experienced tutor prior to performing this procedure, as this type of surgery is quite dangerous and many gynecologists are not familiar enough with it.  

        דוד רבינרסון, בוריס קפלן, ציון בן-רפאל ואריה דקל

        Spontaneous Bilateral Ectopic Pregnancy 

        David Rabinerson, B. Kaplan, Zion Ben Rafael, Arie Dekel


        Dept. of Gynecology, Beilinson Medical Center, Golda Campus, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Bilateral, spontaneous ectopic pregnancy is rare (1 in 125-1580 ectopic pregnancies). We describe a 30-year-old, unmarried woman with no predisposing factors for ectopic pregnancy who presented in hypovolemic shock, in the 7th week of gestation, complaining of abdominal pain. On immediate laparoscopy there were found blood and clots in the abdominal cavity, a left ampullar pregnancy (5 cm in diameter), and there was active bleeding from the fimbria of the right tube. Bilateral salpingectomy was performed and she received 3 units of packed red cells. She was discharged in good condition 3 days later. The pathologic diagnosis was pregnancy in each tube. This case emphasizes the need for thorough sonographic and laparoscopic observation in order not to miss the presence of bilateral ectopic pregnancy.

        דצמבר 1999

        ערן תמיר, יגאל מירובסקי, דרור רובינזון ונחום הלפרין

        Spinal and Extra-Spinal Tumors Mimicking Discal Herniation


        E. Tamir, Y. Mirovsky, D. Robinson N. Halperin


        Orthopedics Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        Low back pain radiating to a limb is usually caused by lumbar disc herniation. Tumors of the spinal cord or near the sciatic or femoral plexus can cause neural compression and clinical signs similar to those of disc herniation. Such tumors are usually misdiagnosed as discal herniation and appropriate treatment is delayed. We present 4 men who had tumors causing low back pain radiating to the leg: a 70-year-old with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, a 20-year-old with aneurysmal bone cyst of the vertebral column, a 52-year-old with retroperitoneal sarcoma and a 32-year-old who also had retroperitoneal sarcoma. Diagnosis and trwere delayed because the clinical symptoms were ascribed to lumbar disc herniation. The latter 2 patients had CT-scans showing lumbar disc herniation, but similar findings are common among asymptomatic individuals.


        The differential diagnosis of low back pain radiating to the leg should include tumor when there is a history of cancer, pain not relieved by conservative treatment nor by lying down, pain is increased at night, pain accompanied by weight loss, and when physical examination demonstrates injury to more than 1 nerve root. In these circumstances work-up should include EMG, radioisotope scan and CT of the pelvis.

        דורית ניצן קלוסקי ואלכס לבנטל

        Nutrition for Women's Health


        Dorit Nitzan Kaluski, Alex Levental


        Dept. of Nutrition, Public Health Services, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem


        Biological, environmental and social factors predispose women to cardiovascular diseases, malignancy, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and eating disorders. Their prevention requires that health services recognize women as a risk group and provide appropriate financial and professional resources. To develop and apply intervention programs for women, funding must be allocated for data collection, development and assessment of intervention programs and involving women in decision processes. We address the diseases and conditions in which nutrition may contribute to primary or secondary prevention of the specified diseases.

        אייל שיינר, אילנה ינאי, דויד יוחאי ומרים כץ

        Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy


        Eyal Sheiner, Ilana Yanai, David Yohai, Miriam Katz


        Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pathology Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Cervical pregnancy is a rare but serious complication. The most frequent presenting symptom is vaginal bleeding, and is thus common in inevitable abortion. Examination reveals a dilated cervix containing products of conception derived from the emptied uterine cavity. The pathologic criteria are cervical glands opposite the placental site, attachment to and actual invasion of the cervix by the placenta, a portion of the placenta below the posterior reflection, and no fetal parts in the corpus uteri. Treatment ranges from hysterectomy to treatment with chemical agents, mostly methotrexate. We present a case of ectopic, cervical pregnancy with exaggerated placental site in the cervix.

        מתיתיהו ליפשיץ, ולדימיר גברילוב ורפאל גורודישר

        Use of Unlicensed and Off-Label Drugs in Hospitalized Children


        M. Lifshitz, V. Gavrilov, R. Gorodischer


        Toxicology Unit, Pediatrics Dept. A, Soroka Medical Center, and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Many drugs used in children are based on pharmacological data obtained in adults. Therefore, many drugs are either unlicensed for use in children or are prescribed outside the terms of the product license (off-label). This pilot study assessed use of unlicensed or off-label drugs in hospitalized children.

        Drug orders of patients admitted to a general pediatric ward were reviewed retrospectively in a random sample. Assessment was based on the data of the Physicians' Desk Reference and the Israel Drug Compendium. 80 different drugs and 278 drug orders were written for 92 patients (0.5 months - 11 years old, mean 26.9 months) in 97 admissions. Of these 52.9% were either off-label or unlicensed. Patients received 1 or more unlicensed or off-label drugs in 64.9% of admissions. They were more often off-label than unlicensed. The main reasons for use of off-label drugs were unusual doses and inappropriate age. The main reason for unlicensed drugs was modification of a particular formulation of a licensed drug.

        This pilot study indicates that use of drugs in an off-label or unlicensed manner in children is probably quite frequent in Israel. Our data emphasize the need for licensing a large number of drugs for use in children, based on the same scientific principles as in adults. Further collaborative studies in different pediatric centers in Israel, involving different types of pediatric settings (ambulatory and in-hospital), is required to evaluate comprehensively the magnitude of this preliminary finding.

        דפנה ליבסטר, יובל חלד, יאיר שפירא ויורם אפשטיין

        Physiological Aspects of Women in Combat


        D. Libster, Y. Heled, Y. Shapiro, Y. Epstein


        IDF Institute of Military Physiology and Heller Institute for Medical Research, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Since military service is physically demanding, soldiers must maintain high levels of physical fitness for optimal performance of their duties. Women are at a physiological disadvantage when competing against men: they have a smaller muscle mass, more body fat, lower red blood cell counts, lower hemoglobin levels and smaller cardiac outputs. Women are slower and weaker than men and more prone to exercise-induced skeletal injuries. Fewer women than men meet the standards of physically demanding jobs. Therefore integrating women into physically demanding military-oriented jobs requires redesigning or modifying the tasks (different pace, mechanical aids, teamwork). While physical training can increase the physical capacity of women, training cannot completely eliminate gender differences. Thus the data presented do not imply that women cannot be integrated into combat units, but highlight gender-related differences which might have an effect on the ability of women to compete equally with men at the same task.

        נובמבר 1999

        מרק פרידברג

        Congenital Syphilis: Need for Adequate Antenatal Care


        Mark Friedberg


        Pediatrics B Dept., Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Congenital syphilis is well-known and treatable with penicillin. Diagnosis in the neonate and young child may be difficult and consequently morbidity and mortality can be high. Prevention in children is of utmost importance and can be achieved by proper antenatal care and adequate follow-up of pregnant women. This includes identification of pregnant women at risk for contracting syphilis. The case presented demonstrates this need.

        חנוך קשתן, פרד קוניקוף, ריאד חדאד, מרק אומנסקי, יהודה סקורניק וזמיר הלפרן

        Photodynamic Therapy for Dysphagia due to Esophageal Carcinoma


        H. Kashtan, F. Konikoff, R. Haddad, M. Umansky, Y. Skornick, Z. Halpern


        Dept. of Surgery A and Institute of Gastroenterology, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Surgery is the mainstay in the treatment of esophageal carcinoma and is effective for palliation of dysphagia. Patients unfit for surgery are difficult therapeutic problems. We evaluated photodynamic therapy for palliation of dysphagia in this condition.

        Patients were given 5-aminolevulinic acid, 60 mg/kg, orally and 24 hour later gastroscopy was performed during which red light illumination (100 j/cmŽ2 for 600 seconds) was administered. This was repeated 48 hours later. The degree of dysphagia was recorded before and 14 days after treatment.

        8 patients with an advanced non-resectable tumor, or who were unfit for surgery, were thus treated. 4 had squamous cell carcinoma of the mid-esophagus and 4 had adenocarcinoma of the lower esophagus. There was mild, self- limited photosensitivity in all. Liver and renal function tests and blood count were not affected by the treatment. Dysphagia was improved in all except 1 patient. A patient with early stage disease continued to eat a normal diet.

        We believe that photodynamic therapy with systemic aminolevulinic acid as a photosensitizer and a non-laser light source is feasible and safe in advanced esophageal cancer. It is an effective modality for relief of dysphagia in that condition.

        דוד גורדון, אסנת גרוץ ויוסף לסינג

        Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Procedure for Female Stress Incontinence


        David Gordon, Asnat Groutz, Joseph Lessing


        Lis Maternity Hospital, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center


        We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the tension-free vaginal tape procedure (TVT) in 20 consecutive women with urodynamically proven genuine stress incontinence. Mean operating time under spinal analgesia was 37.2‏13 minutes and 80% were discharged within 24 hours. There were 5 uncomplicated, intraoperative bladder perforations, but no defects in healing nor tape rejection. The objective cure rate was 95%, while the subjective rate was 100%. Although follow-up was short (9-16 months), the TVT method seems to be safe and effective for stress urinary incontinence.

        ט' טישלר, ע' קודסיזדה, א' כץ, פ' ראט, ר' ברגר וה' ברנר

        Dose-Intensive Chemotherapy with Continuous Infusion 5-Fluorouracil


        T. Tichler, E. Ghodsizade, A. Katz, P. Rath, R. Berger, H. Brenner


        Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, and Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tikvah


        54 patients with advanced malignancy refractory to chemotherapy were studied to evaluate efficacy and toxicity of continuous infusion of 5-fluorouracil (5FU) given for 3 weeks. We report results of the first 156 courses given in combination with other drugs.


        19 (37%) of the 54 responded, including 3 (6%) with complete response. Toxicity was acceptable, with mucositis in 13 (26%) and 3 (6%) with grade II-III toxicity. Results and toxicity profile were compatible with further disease-oriented studies using this dose-intensive program.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303