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        תוצאת חיפוש

        יולי 1997

        יצחק בן-ציון, פנחס דגטיאר ויעקב קנטי

        Bacterial Culture of Chip Tissue of Enucleated Prostates


        I.Z. Ben-Zion, P.M. Dagtyar, J. Kaneti


        Urology Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        To assess the prevalence of infection and colonization of the prostate by bacteria, chip tissue samples from 166 patients undergoing retropubic prostatectomy were submitted for bacterial tissue culture. In 28 patients with an indwelling catheter before surgery, E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas and Enterobacter were the commonest species encountered, the first the most common. In only 7 patients (20%) who didn't have an indwelling catheter before operation was the culture positive. We confirmed that the longer the time the catheter was indwelling before surgery, the greater the likelihood of positive cultures. However, postoperative outcome and morbidity were not related to culture results. We conclude that even though it is worth trying to sterilize the urine and prostate before prostatectomy, the effect on the postoperative outcome is minimal when proper antimicrobial therapy is given perioperatively.

        יוני 1997

        שמואל ארגוב

        Habitual Dependence on Modern Imaging Modalities: The New Golem


        Samuel Argov


        Elisha Hospital, Haifa


        Modern imaging techniques have been taking over our medical life, but none denies the progress that has followed introduction of modern imaging modalities. For the generation of younger physicians who entered the profession after the introduction of these techniques, use of US, CT, MRI and the like is natural and often applied. But the patient is not computerized and medicine is far from being a pure science. 3 cases of common surgical problems are presented in which excessive use of diagnostic modalities resulted in unnecessary operations, thus leading to unnecessary morbidity.


        In these days of soaring medical expenses, many unnecessary imaging and laboratory studies are done for reasons of "defensive" medicine. It is important to fortify the position of clinical diagnosis, but making clinical decisions without requiring expensive and sometimes misleading imaging studies significantly reduces costs. Admittedly, courage and firm professional backbone are required to face a lawyer or a judge and say: "This CT or US study would not have changed my clinical decision; it would have made no positive contribution to it, and might even have mislead me." This paper comes to remind physicians of the importance of clinical diagnosis and the need to develop and rely on primary medical skills. Machines and laboratory tests are aids to diagnosis, they do not make the diagnosis.

        י' דומניץ, ל' חפץ, ד' חביב, י' קיברסקי, ד' קרקובסקי, פ' נמט

        Laser photorefractive surgery


        Y. Domniz, L. Hefetz, D. Haviv, U. Kibersky, D. Karkovski, P. Nemet


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        As photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) with excimer laser gains world-wide acceptance, more patients are able to discard their spectacles. Our study comprised 611 eyes which underwent PRK and were followed for at least a year. Those with myopia up to -6.00D had better post-operative visual acuity and refraction, than patients with higher grades of myopia. They had less corneal haze and a greater proportion were satisfied with their results. Complaints of halos and glare were similar at all degrees of myopia up to -10.00D.

        מאי 1997

        מ' קליגמן ומ' רופמן

        Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Suspected Femoral Neck Fractures


        M. Kligman, M. Roffman


        Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Painful hip as a result of injury, with or without a history of trauma, is a common reason for referring elderly patients to the emergency room. The diagnosis of femoral neck fracture requires the combination of a physical examination, X-rays, and in problematic cases, a bone scan. However, even this combination does not always provide a diagnosis. We present 50 patients with painful hip who complained of limp and reduced hip joint motion, but had no evidence of fracture, either on X-ray or bone scan. After conservative treatment, 5 patients with no history of trauma underwent hemiarthroplasty of the hip for displaced subcapital fracture. In addition, we present a case of subcapital fracture which was diagnosed only by MRI, in whom both X-rays and bone scan were considered normal.

        אפריל 1997

        נטע בנטור, ג'ני ברודסקי ובני חבוט

        Prevalence Rate, Place of Hospitalization and Source of Referral of Complex Nursing Care Patients in Geriatric Hospitalization


        Netta Bentur, Jenny Brodsky, Beni Habot


        JDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development, Jerusalem; Shmuel Harofeh Geriatric Medical Center; Rishon Lezion Geriatric Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        For the past several years, the hospitalization and care of complex nursing care patients (CNCP) has caused concern among organizers, funders and care-givers of the geriatric hospitalization system (GHS). To assist in improving efficiency of the GHS and to address the lack of comprehensive, empirical and up-to-date information on these patients, we conducted a survey to characterize CNCP, to assess their medical problems and to determine their prevalence among the patients in GHS. The survey was conducted in 1994 using a day census. Data were collected on the 2,319 patients in geriatric beds in all the general hospitals and geriatric hospitals in Israel on the day of the survey.

        28% of the patients in the GHS were CNCP and a quarter of them (7% of all patients) suffered from more than 1 medical condition. Tube feeding was the most prevalent condition (13% of all patients), followed by terminal illness (9%), deep pressure sores (7%) and intravenous transfusion for more than 3 days (6%). The 80% of the CNCP were hospitalized in geriatric hospitals, primarily in geriatric rehabilitation wards. Their average length of stay was over a year. Internal medicine wards of general hospitals were the most frequent source of patient referral. The survey's findings raise issues related to the organization of care of CNCP. They may serve as a basis for the reorganization of the geriatric hospitalization system in order to improve efficiency and quality of care for the benefit of patients, their families and services providers.

        יצחק אשכנזי ויהושע שמר

        Smoking Habits of Young Israeli Soldiers


        I. Askenazi, J. Shemer


        Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A random sample of 32,166 soldiers were interviewed (on their day of discharge from the Israeli Defence Forces, between 1980-1995) with regard to smoking habits. Among men, prevalence of current smoking was 46.8%, and among women 32.9%. Over the study period, prevalence in men decreased 27%. Among women, prevalence decreased from 1981 to 1991, but since then it has steadily increased. Among men, mean number of cigarettes smoked decreased from 21.6 in 1989 to 16.6 in 1995. Among women cigarettes smoked decreased from a mean of 14.3 in 1989 to 13.1 in 1995. 65.9% of the men and 49.3% of the women had started smoking by the age of 18. Among men the age distribution of smoking changed hardly at all over the years of the study. However, the proportion of women who began to smoke in the youngest age bracket (15 years of younger) doubled over the course of the study.

        מרץ 1997

        חיים ביבי, דויד שוסייב, מיכאל ארמוני, מלי אוהלי, שלמה פולק ומנחם שלזינגר

        Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy


        Haim Bibi, David Shoseyov, Michael Armoni, Melly Ohali, Shlomo Pollak, Menachem Schlesinger


        Pediatric Dept., Pediatric Emergency Room, Pediatric Day Care Hospital and Immunology and Clinical Allergy Unit, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon; and Bikur Holim Hospital, Jerusalem (Affiliated with the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)


        Between 1993-1996, 200 pediatric flexible bronchoscopies were performed. Indications were: chronic cough (158 children), persistent pulmonary infiltrates (89), recurrent stridor (28), suspected tracheobronchial foreign body (20), suspected tuberculosis (17) and hemoptysis (3). Some children had more than 1 indication. 124 patients were boys (mean 4.18+2.86 years; range 1 month-15 years) and 76 were girls (mean 4.39+2.7 years; range 4 months-15 years). The procedure included direct vision recorded by video-camera and broncho-alveolar lavage; the lavage fluid was sent for culture, Gram and Ziehl-Nielsen stains and for cytology. There were a few minor side effects: mild stridor which resolved within a few hours (10 children) and transient fever (3). This simple, flexible instrument was effective and helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of children with respiratory symptoms in a secondary hospital facility.

        קוסטה י' מומצ'וגלו, מרדכי ליפו, אינה יופה-אוספינסקי, ג'קלין מילר ורחל גלון

        Maggot Therapy for Gangrene and Osteomyelitis


        K.Y. Mumcuoglu, M. Lipo, I. Ioffe-Uspensky, J. Miller, R. Galun


        Dept. of Parasitology, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        5 patients with diabetic-foot were treated by maggot therapy. The most serious case was in a 75-year-old man who had gangrene and osteomyelitis of the right foot. Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus sp., Providencia stuartii and Staphylococcus spec. (coagulase positive) were isolated from lesions which did not respond to antibiotic therapy. The patient had twice refused amputation but agreed to maggot therapy. Larvae of the sheep blowfly Phoenicia (Lucilia) sericata were used for twice-weekly treatment over a period of 7 months. Sterile larvae were applied to the wound and replaced every 3-4 days. After 4 months of treatment, the necrotic tissue around the toes and on the sole of the foot detached from the healthy tissue. During the last 3 months of treatment the larvae removed the remaining infected tissue. As therapy progressed, new layers of healthy tissue covered the wound. The offensive odor associated with the necrotic tissue and the intense pain in the foot decreased significantly. At the end of therapy, during which there were no complaints of discomfort, he was able to walk. In the 4 other patients who had relatively superficial gangrene, the maggots debrided the wounds within 2-4 weeks. Thereafter treatment was continued with antibiotics. Maggot therapy can be recommended in cases of intractable gangrene and osteomyelitis, when treatment with antibiotics and surgical debridement have failed.

        ינואר 1997

        אמיר אברמוביץ', אבי שצ'ופק, יצחק רמון, אורן שושני, ידידיה בנטור, גדי בר יוסף ואורי טיטלמן

        Hyperbaric Oxygen for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning


        A. Abramovich, A. Shupak, Y. Ramon, O. Shoshani, Y. Bentur, G. Bar-Josef, U. Taitelman


        Israel Naval Medical Institute, Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps, Haifa and Israel Poison Information Center, Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Severe cases of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from all over Israel are treated at the Israel Naval Medical Institute with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). Between 1.11.94 and 15.2.95, 24 cases of CO poisoning were treated. Poisoning was usually due to domestic gas-fired heating systems, CO being the only toxin involved. Since delay between termination of CO exposure and arrival at the emergency department averaged 55 minutes, the level of carboxyhemoglobin measured on presentation did not always reflect the true severity of the poisoning. Poisoning was defined as severe and requiring HBO treatment when 1 or more of the following indications was present: evidence of neurological involvement, cardiographic signs of acute ischemic injury, metabolic acidosis, carboxyhemoglobin level greater than 25%, and pregnancy. 20 (84%) recovered consciousness during the course of 1 session (90 min.) of HBO treatment (p2 2.8 ATA) or immediately thereafter, with resolution of other signs of CO poisoning. 3 required a second treatment session before their symptoms resolved. A patient who arrived in deep coma with severe cerebral edema died. HBO is an important element in the combined treatment of severe CO poisoning. There should be greater awareness of the danger of CO poisoning and the means of preventing it, both among medical staff and the population as a whole, mainly in areas in which cold weather requires use of heating systems, which may be gas-fired.

        יוסף פיקל, יובל גלפנד, עידי מצר ובנימין מילר

        Motor Vehicle Accidents And Eye Injuries


        J. Pikkel, Y. Gelfand, E. Mezer, B. Miller


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        The medical records of 24,632 patients treated in our surgical emergency service over a 3-year period were reviewed to determine the frequency and characteristics of ocular trauma caused by motor vehicle accidents (MVA). MVA-related injuries accounted for 13.9% of all visits to the service and involved 1106 of the patients (33%), of whom 77% were young males. At least 1 pathological finding was found in 858 (77.6%) and 169 (15.2%) were admitted. 16 patients sustained very severe ocular injuries which resulted in poor vision.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303