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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אפריל 1998

        נ' בר-נתן, ז' שפירא, ע' שהרבני, א' יוסים, י' בן ארי, ט' שינפלד, א' זהבי, ר' שפירא, ג' דינרי, ז' בן ארי, ר' טור כספא וא' מור

        Living-Related Liver Transplantation


        N. Bar-Nathan, Z. Shapira, E. Shaharabani, A. Yussim, Y. Ben-Ari, T. Sheinfeld, I. Zehavi, R. Shapira, G. Dinari, Z. Ben-Ari, R. Tur-Kaspa, E. Mor


        Dept. of Transplantation and Liver Institute, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), and Pediatric Intensive Care and Pediatric Gastroenterology Units, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Our experience with living-related liver transplantation is described. In 2 boys and 1 girl, aged 4-4.5 years with acute, fulminating hepatitis A, the presence of very severe jaundice (bilirubin levels > 18 mg%) associated with severe coagulopathy (INR>10) and encephalopathy indicated the need for urgent liver transplantation. In all 3 cases the left lateral hepatic segment of a matched blood type parent was transplanted. None of the donors suffered a serious complication postoperatively and all returned to full activity in 6-16 weeks. The post-transplantation course was uneventful in 1 child, but in the other 2 there was hepatic arterial thrombosis in 1 at 1 day and in the other at 8 days post-transplantation. Early detection of arterial thrombosis by Doppler sonography permitted salvage of the 2 hepatic grafts after thrombectomy and re-anastomosis. In 1 of these 2 children an anastomotic biliary stricture was found 2 months after transplantation. It was corrected at surgery and a percutaneous stent was inserted. All 3 children are alive with normal graft function at 2, 7 and 8 months post-transplantation, respectively. This initial experience indicates that living-related liver transplantation is feasible in Israel. The technique might help to solve our severe organ shortage for children awaiting liver transplantation.

        פסח שורצמן, רויטל גרוס, חווה טבנקין, דני יובל, מרים גרינשטיין ובורמה ויאנקה

        Primary Care Physicians in Israel Compared with European Countries


        P. Shvartzman, R. Gross, H. Tabenkin, D. Yuval, M. Grinshtein, B. Wienka


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba;

        Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; and Nivel Institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands


        This study compares Israeli primary care physicians with those of European countries. In Israel a larger proportion of those in primary care are women. The Israeli physicians see many patients a day, but almost never make home visits. They also report for work the fewest hours a day, but spend 21 hours a month in continuous medical education. (more than Europeans?) The Israeli primary care physician scores high in screening for breast cancer and blood cholesterol level, but very low in the fields of minor surgery and alcohol and smoking prevention, contraception, nutrition counseling and normal pregnancy follow-up. Residency training and education may be inadequate, and more emphasis has to be put on the health system and recognizing environmental influences.

        מרץ 1998

        ד' רוזין, מ' בן חיים, א' יודיץ וע' אילון

        Abdominal Compartment Syndrome


        D. Rosin, M. Ben Haim, A. Yudich, A. Ayalon


        Dept. of General Surgery and Transplantation, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and SacSchool of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Abdominal compartment syndrome refers to a complex of negative effects of intra-abdominal hypertension. Its most common cause is complicated abdominal trauma. The syndrome includes mainly hemodynamic and respiratory manifestations but may involve other systems as well. It may present as a life-threatening emergency in the multi-trauma patient. Awareness of the syndrome may enable the surgeon to take preventive measures or to diagnose it earlier and to treat it effectively. We describe a 21-year old man who developed this syndrome after multiple gunshot wounds, with severe liver injury. After 2 operations the typical manifestations of the syndrome were diagnosed. He was re-operated to release intra-abdominal hypertension and then slowly recovered.

        פברואר 1998

        ירון וייזל, אהוד ראט, נסים אוחנה ודן עטר

        Pelvic Lytic Lesion and Osteoporosis-Related Fractures


        Yaron Weisel, Ehud Rath, Nissim Ohana, Dan Atar


        Orthopedic Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Insufficiency fractures of the pelvis may be overlooked as a cause of hip or groin pain. These fractures occur in the elderly, usually those with pronounced osteopenia of the pelvis. Predisposing factors include corticosteroids, local irradiation and postmenopausal osteoporosis. These fractures are difficult to detect clinically and plain radiographs and other studies may be misleading, delaying diagnosis and treatment. A 65-year-old woman had left groin and hip pain for 2 months with no history of trauma. Plain radiographs showed lytic lesions in the left pubic rami. Bone scan revealed increased uptake in that region, suggesting metastatic bone disease. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated fractures in the left superior and inferior pubic rami, with callus formation with no involvement of soft tissues. Quantitative computed tomography indicated low calcium concentration, below fracture threshold. The diagnosis of insufficiency fractures of the pelvis was confirmed by the favorable clinical and radiographic outcome. It is therefore important to be familiar with the appearance and location of these fractures.

        מויסי מולדבסקי, אלכסנדר סזבון, נינה קוצ'רסקי וחנה טורני

        Screening for Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder with Trophoblastic Differentiation


        M. Moldavsy, A. Sazbon, N. Kuchersky, H. Turani


        Division of Cytology and Depts. of Urology and of Pathology, Rebecca Sieff Government Hospital, Safed


        Urinary bladder carcinoma with trophoblastic differentiation (TD) is a variant of urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma (TCC) which secretes placental proteins, predominantly beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). An aggressive clinical course and a poor prognosis are characteristic of this tumor. We evaluated the frequency and clinical and pathological appearance of TCC-TD in the Upper Galilee and Golan Heights between 1988 and 1995 inclusive. Beta HCG, human placental lactogen (HPL), pregnancy specific beta-1 glycoprotein (SP-1) and placental alkaline phosphatase were determined immunohistochemically in paraffin-embedded TCC of urinary bladder. Tumor grade, stage and patient survival were also determined. There was beta-HCG immunostaining in 13 of 62 cases (20.9%). TD was correlated with higher grades of TCC and with advanced stages of disease. No cases of TCC-TD were found in grade 1, stage 0. Co-expression of beta-HCG and HPL was displayed in 2 cases, beta-HCG and SP-1 in 9, and beta-HCG, HPL and SP-1 in 2. Disease-free survival and overall survival were shorter in TCC-TD.

        דן בר-זהר, יניב שרר, חנה מנור, אמיר פאר, סימון שטראוס ואריאל הלוי

        Epidermoid Cyst of the Spleen


        Dan Bar-Zohar, Yaniv Sherer, Hana Manor, Amir Peer, Simon Strauss, Ariel Halevy


        Dept. of Surgery B and Institute of Radiology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Splenic cysts are rarely found or diagnosed. Excluding cases of trauma, the events preceding their development have not been fully understood. We describe a 22-year-old woman in her 34th week of pregnancy in whom ultrasound revealed a cystic lesion 8610 cm. in diameter in the left upper abdomen. Further imaging tests followed by laparotomy confirmed the splenic origin of the cyst. Splenectomy was performed and the lesion was histopathologically defined as an epidermoid cyst.


        יורם מנחם, צבי ויצמן, חיים לוקר ושמואל אודס

        Clinical Characteristics of Crohn's Disease in Children and Adults


        Yoram Menachem, Zvi Weizman, Chaim Locker, Shmuel Odes


        Gastroenterological Institute and Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        There are few reports contrasting the clinical characteristics of Crohn's disease in different age groups. We therefore compared retrospectively children and adults with Crohn's disease. 23 children (mean age: 12.8±2.5 years) and 66 adults (mean age: 27.0±4.0 years) were studied. Presenting symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea were significantly more common in adults, while in children anorexia and weight loss were more frequent. Children tended to present with extra-gastrointestinal tract symptoms as well, mainly anemia and joint involvement. Common symptoms during active disease did not differ between groups, except that weight loss, evident in all children, was found in only 70% of adults. Anemia was present during active disease in all pediatric cases but in only 62% of adults. There were no significant differences between groups regarding disease location, gastrointestinal complications and extra-intestinal manifestations. We conclude that in children Crohn's disease may differ significantly, mainly presenting with nonclassical symptoms, such as anemia and joint involvement. The primary care physician should be aware of these differences.

        אברהם זינרייך, בוריס גוחשטיין, אלכסנדר גרינשפון, מרים מירון, יהודית רוזנמן ויששכר בן-דב

        Recurrent Tuberculosis in a Psychiatric Hospital


        A. Zeenreich, B. Gochstein, A. Grinshpoon, M. Miron, J. Rosenman, I. Ben-Dov


        Pulmonary and Radiology Institutes, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv University; Israel Ministry of Health; and Gan Meged Hospital


        During 1987-1996, 39 of 720 patients hospitalized (most for severe schizophrenia) were diagnosed as having active pulmonary tuberculosis (5.4%, 975 per 105 per year). In 1992-1993, after a cluster of 5 cases was found, all patients were screened by PPD skin test and chest X-ray and 16 more cases were identified. Diagnosis was confirmed bacteriologically in only 10 of them but there were typical radiological findings in the others. 39 were treated with a multi-drug regimen. In addition, 333 exposed patients and 21% who had converted their skin tests were given isoniazid preventive therapy. A small increase in levels of liver enzymes was common, but significant abnormality (over 4 times the upper limit of normal) was found in only 7 patients, in whom therapy was therefor stopped or changed. During a follow-up period of 4 years, 2 more developed tuberculosis and 33 converted their PPD reactivity status. We conclude that an outbreak of tuberculosis in a psychiatric hospital can be controlled with a relatively low rate of side-effects by using systematic diagnostic and therapeutic measures. However, single step screening is not sufficient. Routine screening of all new patients, a high index of suspicion and contact investigation are needed.

        איריס שי, שמעון ויצמן ויצחק לוי

        Effects of Vertical Banded Gastroplasty on Weight, Quality of Life and Nutrition


        Iris Shai, Shimon Weitzman, Izhak Levy


        Depts. of Epidemiology and Surgery, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        We examined the long term results of vertical banded gastroplasty 3-10 years after operation. They were assessed by weight lost, incidence and severity of untoward effects and improvement in diet and in quality of life in 75 of 122 who had had the operation. Average weight lost was 28.5±14.9 kg (p<0.001) in 5 years and 58.6±30.4% of excess weight, which brought patients to within 32±25.2% of ideal weight. According to these measures, in 63-76% the operation had been successful in causing weight loss. The 2 criteria for successful weight loss were loss of more than 50% of weight in excess of ideal body weight and residual body weight less than 50% greater than ideal body weight. There was a greater risk of failure in unmarried subjects older than 45 (odds ratio for not losing weight was 6; in those weighing more than 120 kg it was 9). We saw evidence of this mostly 4 years after operation (odds ratio 11). The degree of success in weight loss was correlated with texture of food (softness) preferred and length of operation. Of those interviewed, only 65% were satisfied with their results. The greatest improvement in quality of life measurements was in physical activity, perception of health, and frequency of feeling depressed. Side-effects were vomiting, reflux and fatigue. Only 34.7% were able to digest solid foods, so that subjects are at risk for nutritional deficiencies.

        * Based on MS thesis in epidemiology of Iris Shai.

        ינואר 1998

        משה סלעי, אייל סגל, יהודה עמית ואהרן צ'צ'יק

        Closed Intramedullary Nailing of Forearm Fractures in Young Patients


        Moshe Salai, Eyal Segal, Yehuda Amit, Aharon Chechick


        Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Forearm bone fractures are commonly the result of falling on the outstretched hand or of direct injury. The preferred treatment is debated. The possible modalities are: application of a cast, often necessitating repeated manipulations; open reposition and fixation by plates and screws; or closed manipulation and closed intramedullary nailing. We present our favorable results in treating these fractures in young patients by closed intramedullary nailing, and compare them with the unfavorable results of this method in mature adults.

        רויטל גרוס, חוה טבנקין, שולי ברמלי ופסח שורצמן

        Patients' Opinions of the Role of Primary Care Physicians and the Organization of Health Care Services


        Revital Gross, Hava Tabenkin, Shuli Bramli, Pesach Schvartzman


        JDC-Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; Dept. of Family Medicine, HaEmek Hospital, Afula; Kupat Holim Clalit, Northern District; Institute for Specialization, Ben-Gurion University, Northern Branch; and Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Kupat Holim Clalit, Beer Sheba


        Patients' opinions of the role of the primary care physician were studied. The study population consisted of Hebrew-speaking members of the Clalit Sick Fund, aged 18+, who visited primary care and specialty clinics. Interviews took place during January-March 1995 in the Emek and Jerusalem, and during August-October 1995 in Beer Sheba. A total of 2,734 interviews were conducted, and the response rate was 88%. 64% of the respondents preferred the primary care physician as the first address for most problems occurring during the day. Multivariate analysis revealed that the variables predicting this preference were: being over age 45, having completed less than 12 years of schooling, being satisfied with the physician, and when a child's illness was involved. Whether the physician was a specialist had only a marginal effect. The findings also show that among those who did go directly to a specialist for the current visit, 49% would still prefer the primary care physician to be the first address for most problems. However, half of the respondents initiated the current visit to the specialty clinic themselves. The findings also showed that a preference for the primary care physician to be the first address had an independent and statistically significant effect on the following aspects of service consumption: taking the initiative to go to a specialist, the intention to return to the primary care physician or to the specialist for continuing care, and the patient's belief that referral to a specialist was needed. The findings of the study may be of assistance to policy-makers on the national level and to sick funds in planning the role of the primary care physician, so that it corresponds, on the one hand, to the needs of the sick funds and the economic constraints in the health system, and on the other, to the preferences of the patient.

        מאג'ד עודה ואריה אוליבן

        Verapamil-Associated Liver Injury


        Majed Odeh, Arie Oliven


        Medical Dept. B, Bnai-Zion Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Hepatotoxicity due to verapamil is very rare and to the best of our knowledge only 10 cases have been reported. A 54-year-old woman developed cholestatic liver injury and pruritus following treatment with sustained-release verapamil (240 mg/day) for arterial hypertension. The pruritus and all hepatic biochemical abnormalities completely resolved after withdrawal of the drug. Similar to previously reported cases, the pathogenic mechanism of verapamil-associated liver injury in our patient was, most probably, idiosyncratic. These cases emphasize the need for awareness of the possibility that verapamil may occasionally induce liver injury, sometimes severe and potentially fatal.

        מירית הרשמן-סרפוב, אורורה טובי, יצחק סרוגו ודוד בדר

        Fungus-Ball in a Preterm Infant Successfully Treated with Fluconazole


        Mirit Hershman-Sarafov, Orora Tubi, Isaac Srugo, David Bader


        Neonatal and Radiology Depts., and Microbiology Laboratory, Bnai-Zion Medical Center and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Very-low-birth-weight premature infants are at high risk for invasive candidiasis. The most commonly involved organ is the kidney. Renal candidiasis may present as fungus-ball obstructive uropathy. We describe unilateral renal obstruction secondary to fungus-ball in a premature infant. Noninvasive, systemic antibiotic treatment, including amphotericin B and fluconazole, resulted in disappearance of the finding.

        צבי שטיינר, יפים קנדליס, ג'ורג' מוגילנר, דינה אטיאס ויצחק סרוגו

        Conservative Approach in Children with Central Line Infection 

        Zvi Steiner, Yafim Kandelis, George Mogilner, Dina Atias, Isaac Srugo


        Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, and Hematology and Clinical Microbiology Units, Bnei-Zion Medical Center, and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        In 1994-1995, central venous lines were placed in 47 children. All except 1 were of the Broviac type, with subcutaneous tunneling via the internal or external jugular vein. Ages were between 7 days and 16 years. Indications for central venous cannulation were chemotherapy (35 cases), TPN (5), prolonged parenteral antibiotics (4), and repeated blood transfusions (3). The catheter was the source of infection in 13 children (28%), 11 of whom were immunocompromised. The commonly identified bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus (4 cases), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4), coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (2), and various gram-negative rods (3). All cases were treated with antibiotics through the catheter. The most commonly used were oxacillin (4), ceftazidime (4), and amikacin (4). In 10, treatment succeeded without having to remove the line. In 2 others, tunnel infection developed and the catheter had to be removed. 1 child forcefully removed his catheter before treatment could be started. There were no further complications in the group treated conservatively, except for a case of superior vena cava thrombosis in a girl with recurrent infection of the tunnel. In 7 out of 13 treatment was continued and completed at home. This saved 65 days of hospitalization out of 210. We conclude that the conservative approach to treatment is feasible in most cases of infection when the source is the central venous catheter itself. However, when the tunnel is infected, conservative treatment may be ineffective. Treatment can be carried out in the home, with economy in cost and in use of hospital beds, and is preferred by patients and their parents.

        לביא אוד, שלי קרימרמן ויצחק סרוגו

        Incidence, Antimicrobial Resistance and Mortality in Bloodstream Infections in the Critically Ill


        Lavi Oud, Shelly Krimerman, Isaac Srugo


        General Intensive Care Unit and Clinical Microbiology Dept., Bnai-Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        Bloodstream infections (BSI) are 7-fold more common in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) rather than to other hospital wards. The epidemiology of BSI in critically ill patients in Israel has not been systematically addressed. We examined the annual trends in BSI in patients in a general ICU of evolving patterns of antimicrobial resistance and associated mortality rates for the years 1994-1996. The presence of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) when the first positive blood cultures are taken was a prerequisite for its definition as clinically significant. The unit site, staff, practice guidelines, and type of patient were unchanged during the study period. Blood cultures were positive in 220.7-332.0 patients per 1000 ICU admissions, 18-22-fold more common than in regular ward patients. SIRS was a universal finding in these ICU patients. There was multi-drug resistance for the majority of species cultured, reaching 100% in some cases. Crude hospital mortality of ICU patients, with and without positive blood cultures, was 31-54% and 5-14%, respectively. The introduction of a new blood culture system (Bactec 9240) in 1996 was associated with a 61% increase in the rate of patients with positive blood cultures, accounted for mostly by increased isolation of coagulase-negative staphylococci. However the mortality rate for the latter decreased by 59%, suggesting the possibility of a selective increase in detection of contaminated cultures. Although highly prevalent in the study population and generally defining a patient group with high mortality risk, the specificity of SIRS-associated positive blood cultures may be species and culture-system dependent. These findings re-emphasize the need for both improved control measures for the epidemic proportions of BSI and multi-drug antimicresistance, as well as more specific indicators of the clinicaof positive blood cultures in critically ill patients.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303