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        תוצאת חיפוש

        נובמבר 2002

        איתן מור, נתי בר-נתן, ריקי שפירא, מילה קצ'קו וגבריאל דינרי

        איתן מור(1), נתי בר-נתן(1), ריקי שפירא(2), מילה קצ'קו(3), גבריאל דינרי(2)


        המח' להשתלות (1), המכון לגסטרואנטרולוגיה (2) המח' להרדמה (3), המרכז הרפואי שניידר לילדים, פתח תקווה, מסונף לפקולטה לרפואה סוראסקי, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב


        יתר-לחץ-דם שערי בילדים ללא מחלת כבד ראשונית מהווה אתגר טיפולי. במרבית הילדים הלוקים בבעיה זו אין מניעה בגדילה ובהתפתחות, ולכן קיימת נטייה לטיפול שמרני על-ידי קשירה של הדליות בוושט. עם-זאת, עם התהוותו של יתר-לחץ-דם שערי משמעותי, קיים סיכון לדמם בלתי-נשלט ממעקפים ורידיים לאורך מערכת-העיכול. כמו-כן, שריעות הטחול גורמת להפרעה מכאנית ולפעילות-יתר של הטחול (hypersplenism). ניתוחי הדלף בין מערכת השער לוורוד החלול או לווריד הכליה גורמים לירידת הלחץ במערכת השער, ובכך מהווים טיפול סופי לבעיה בריאותית זו.

        המטרה במאמר זה היא להציג את ניסיוננו בניתוחי דלף שערי-מערכתי.

        במשך 5 שנים (1998-2001) הופנו למחלקתנו 9 ילדים (ממוצע גיל 11.4 שנים) לביצוע ניתוח דלף שערי-מערכתי. הנתונים על הניתוח ולאחריו נאספו מתיקי האישפוז והמעקב (סוג הדלף והלחצים במערכת השער לפני ביצוע הדלף ולאחר-מכן). בחמישה ילדים בוצע דלף בין וריד הפדר (המזנטריום) העליון לבין הווריד החלול התחתון, ב-3 ילדים בוצע ניתוח דלף בין וריד הטחול לווריד הכליה, ואילו ילד נוסף עבר כריתת טחול בלבד בעקבות אבחנה משוערת של יתר-לחץ-שערי מישני לפקקת וריד הטחול.

        במעקב שנמשך בין 63-3 חודשים (ממוצע 21.2 חודשים), ב-7 מתוך 8 הילדים נשאר הדלף פתוח, והביא מיידית לירידת הלחץ בשער ולהפחתה ביתר-פעילות הטחול. בילדה נוספת שכבר עברה ניתוח דלף קודם בחו"ל, אירעה חסימה של הדלף החדש בסמוך לניתוח, ובילד אחר שעבר כריתת טחול בלבד הופיעו דליות בוושט לאחר הניתוח שנשלטו באמצעות קשירה אנדוסקופית. במעקב ארוך-טווח לא לקה אף אחד מהילדים בדמם נישנה במערכת-העיכול, ובשלושת הילדים שלקו בשריעות ניכרת של הטחול (splenomegaly) חלה נסיגה בגודלו.

        לסיכום, יש מקום לביצוע ניתוחי דלף שערי-מערכתי בילדים הלוקים ביתר-לחץ-דם שערי ללא מחלת כבד ראשונית, עם דמם בלתי-נשלט או עם שריעות ניכרת של הטחול המלווה בפעילות-יתר של הטחול.

        מרץ 2001

        שבתאי ורסנו, סופי שחר, אורנה בקאל, נעמי אלדור, גיורא חביון ומילה גרנקין

        Attitude of Hospital Visitors Towards Cigarette Smoking inside Hospital Buildings; One More Step Towards a "Smoke Free Hospital" in Israel


        S. Varsano*, S. Shachar+, O. Bacal+, N. Eldor+, G. Hevion**, M. Garenkin#


        Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar-Sava 44281 and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel *Asthma Care - Education Unit, Department of Pulmonary Medicine +Meir School of Nursing **Hospital Management Office #Epidemiology and Medical Data Unit


        In order to determine a policy within the hospital restricting smoking we previously surveyed the attitude of the hospital staff towards smoking inside the hospital buildings. In the present survey we examined the attitude of the hospital visitors on the same issue. One hundred and fifty-seven hospital visitors participated in the survey and answered a questionnaire; 93 visitors were smokers, 64 were non-smokers.

        Eighty-eighth percent of the visitors smoked during their visit, 4 cigarettes on the average, during an average length of stay of 2.8 hours, until completing the questionnaire. Eighty-three percent of the smokers were aware of the law that prohibits smoking in public buildings, and 71% were aware of the signs and advertisements that prohibit smoking in the hospital. Two thirds of the smokers declared that they would have refrained from smoking in the hospital if others around them also refrained from smoking and justified the law that prohibits smoking in public buildings, including hospitals. Sixty-nine percent of the smokers declared that they were willing to cooperate with hospital management in restricting smoking to the hospital grounds outside the hospital buildings, and would accept directives regarding smoking restriction from any hospital personnel. In fact, only 11% of the smokers were requested to stop smoking during their visit.

        These findings reinforce the results of our pervious survey conducted among the hospital staff and indicates the existence of a paradoxical vicious cycle of behavior among smokers and non-smokers, visitors and staff, in the hospital. On the one hand the smokers do not have the self-obedience necessary to stop smoking while visiting in the hospital, although they are aware of their misdeed. On the other hand the non-smokers lack the confidence that they will obtain the cooperation of the smokers, although the smokers are willing to cooperate. Both groups expect someone else to either actively restrict them from smoking or to encourage them to restrict the smokers.

        Our findings suggest that this “someone else” is the hospital management (and the staff endorsed to implement this directive).

        נובמבר 2000

        עפר שנפלד ודין עד-אל

        Penile Reconstruction after Complete Glans Amputation during Ritual Circumcision


        Ofer Z. Shenfeld, Dean Ad-El


        Depts. of Urology and of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Circumcision, so commonly performed, is considered a safe procedure rarely associated with significant complications. A case of complete amputation of the glans penis during neonatal circumcision is reported. The glans was successfully reimplanted, with good post-operative functional and esthetic results.

        פברואר 2000

        שבתאי ורסנו, גיורא חביון ומילה גרנקין

        Smoking by an Israeli Hospital Staff, its Attitude to Smoking in Hospitals and to “Smoke-Free” Hospitals


        Shabtai Varsano, Giora Hevion, Mila Garenkin


        Depts. of Pulmonary Medicine, Asthma Care-Education Unit, Hospital Management Office, and Epidemiology and Medical Data Unit; Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Smoking within hospitals is common in general hospitals in Israel. It has a strong negative educational impact, has a negative image and curing its ill effects help keep our hospitals busy. An anonymous questionnaire was answered by 128 members of our hospital staff (28%). Their distribution, according to occupation and sex was representative of the rest of our hospital staff.

        19% of our workers are smokers, a much lower proportion than in our general adult population. The proportion was highest among maintenance (40%) and sanitary-help staff (36%). 23% of nurses and 15% of physicians were smokers. This situation is better than that among Italian or Japanese medical staff, but much worse than among North American medical staff.

        75% of our workers who smoke declared that they smoke outside the room in which they work. 66% and 72% of the staff believe that hospital workers and visitors, respectively, should smoke outside hospital buildings. Only 19% of all workers do not believe that a "smoke-free hospital" is attainable. 34% believe that a "smoke-free hospital" is achievable, and 47% said that it is perhaps achievable. 86% of all the workers, and 41% of the smokers, expect the hospital director to implement an effective policy of enforcing the law limiting smoking within hospitals (and other public buildings) in Israel. 60% are willing to contribute actively to this effort.

        We believe these results strongly suggest that the time is ripe for implementation of the "smoke-free hospital" in Israel. This requires a strong and effective central policy, like that in the USA. We suggest measures that the Israel Ministry of Health take measures to successfully implement this policy.

        ינואר 1999

        שבתאי ורסנו, אילנה יעקבי ומילה גרנקין

        Proper use of Pressurized Hand-Held Inhalers in Patients with Chronic Airway Obstruction 

        Shabtai Varsano, Ilana Jacoby, Mila Garenkin


        Asthma Care and Education Unit, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, and Epidemiology Unit, Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba; and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Inhaling drugs via hand-held inhalers in recommended for those with chronic obstructive airway disease (COPD). Approximately 8%-9% of Israel's population use hand-held inhalers, many of them pressurized. Skill in using them and ability of chronic users to learn their proper use have not been assessed.

        During 1993 and 1994 we studied 200 patients with bronchial asthma or COPD who regularly used a pressurized hand-held inhaler (PI), but were not trained to use it in our out-patient pulmonary clinic. Only a third were found to be skilled in its use. About half were completely unable to use it properly, and 17% used it in a suboptimal way. Remarkably, only 40% had been taught anything with regard to its use. About 75% of the suboptimal users significantly improved their skill in its use immediately after receiving a single individual teaching and corrective demonstration session. While 15% failed to learn the proper use of the PI, many of those who improved immediately after a single teaching session retained the learned skills for months.

        We conclude that the physician who recommends the use of a PI is responsible for the patient's being taught its proper use in a demonstration session. Skill in its use should be reassessed periodically during the entire treatment period.

        אפריל 1997

        סרג'יו מרצ'בסקי ושושנה וייס

        Characteristics of Hospitalized Alcoholics


        Sergio Marchevsky, Shoshana Weiss


        Residential Center for Alcoholics and Israel Society for the Prevention of Alcoholism, Ramat Gan


        The background characteristics of 1,173 alcoholics hospitalized for 3 months in this center during December 1982 to December 1994 were reviewed. Socio-demographic variables and termination-of-treatment data, are described. The profile of the typical hospitalized alcoholic was that of a Jewish, urban, married, unemployed man, born in Asia-Africa (or in Israel) who had been living for many years in Israel and had many children and a low educational level. They usually start drinking in adolescence and come to the center after more than 15 years of drinking, mainly at home and alone, and also have family relatives who drink. Implications of the data for treatment and for family physicians are presented.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303