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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 1998

        אברהם זינרייך, בוריס גוחשטיין, אלכסנדר גרינשפון, מרים מירון, יהודית רוזנמן ויששכר בן-דב

        Recurrent Tuberculosis in a Psychiatric Hospital


        A. Zeenreich, B. Gochstein, A. Grinshpoon, M. Miron, J. Rosenman, I. Ben-Dov


        Pulmonary and Radiology Institutes, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv University; Israel Ministry of Health; and Gan Meged Hospital


        During 1987-1996, 39 of 720 patients hospitalized (most for severe schizophrenia) were diagnosed as having active pulmonary tuberculosis (5.4%, 975 per 105 per year). In 1992-1993, after a cluster of 5 cases was found, all patients were screened by PPD skin test and chest X-ray and 16 more cases were identified. Diagnosis was confirmed bacteriologically in only 10 of them but there were typical radiological findings in the others. 39 were treated with a multi-drug regimen. In addition, 333 exposed patients and 21% who had converted their skin tests were given isoniazid preventive therapy. A small increase in levels of liver enzymes was common, but significant abnormality (over 4 times the upper limit of normal) was found in only 7 patients, in whom therapy was therefor stopped or changed. During a follow-up period of 4 years, 2 more developed tuberculosis and 33 converted their PPD reactivity status. We conclude that an outbreak of tuberculosis in a psychiatric hospital can be controlled with a relatively low rate of side-effects by using systematic diagnostic and therapeutic measures. However, single step screening is not sufficient. Routine screening of all new patients, a high index of suspicion and contact investigation are needed.

        ינואר 1998

        א' פרסמן, י' קנדליס, י' בכר וג' מוגילנר

        Onchocerca in Israel


        A. Pressman, Y. Kandelis, Y. Bachar, G. Mogilner


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery and Pathology, Bnei-Zion Medical Center and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        The parasite Onchocerca volvulus is well-known in its endemic areas in South and Central America and West Africa. It is transmitted to man by simulium flies and causes systemic infection with skin, lymphatic and ophthalmic manifestations and can cause blindness (river blindness). Treatment with Ivermectin is effective but sometimes there is need for surgical intervention to prevent or treat complications. We describe an 11-year-old girl, a new immigrant from Ethiopia, who had a firm mass in her left thigh, caused by Onchocerca volvulus. It was completely excised. This is a very rare condition in Israel, which must be considered in patients coming from endemic areas.

        מירית הרשמן-סרפוב, אורורה טובי, יצחק סרוגו ודוד בדר

        Fungus-Ball in a Preterm Infant Successfully Treated with Fluconazole


        Mirit Hershman-Sarafov, Orora Tubi, Isaac Srugo, David Bader


        Neonatal and Radiology Depts., and Microbiology Laboratory, Bnai-Zion Medical Center and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Very-low-birth-weight premature infants are at high risk for invasive candidiasis. The most commonly involved organ is the kidney. Renal candidiasis may present as fungus-ball obstructive uropathy. We describe unilateral renal obstruction secondary to fungus-ball in a premature infant. Noninvasive, systemic antibiotic treatment, including amphotericin B and fluconazole, resulted in disappearance of the finding.

        דצמבר 1997

        רונן שפיגל, דני מירון ויוסי הורוביץ

        Pyogenic Liver Abscess in Children


        R. Spiegel, D. Miron, Y. Horovitz


        Dept. of Pediatrics A and Infectious Disease Unit, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula, and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        2 children with pyogenic liver abscesses were hospitalized during the past 2 years. A 6-year-old boy had high fever and hepatomegaly, and a large liver abscess was found in the right hepatic lobe. Streptococcus milleri was isolated from the pus. Treatment with a combination of prolonged drainage of the abscess and antibiotic therapy was successful. A 4-month-old girl who had prolonged fever was found to have osteomyelitis of 3 thoracic vertebrae and 2 liver abscesses in the right lobe. She was treated successfully with broad spectrum antibiotics. Additional workup revealed that she had chronic granulomatous disease.

        ר' דורסט, א' טייטלבאום, י' בר-אל, מ' שלפמן וי' גינת

        Compulsory, Ambulatory Psychiatric Treatment


        R. Durst, A. Teitelbaum, Y. Bar-El, M. Shlafman, Y. Ginath


        Arie Jaros Jerusalem Mental Health Center and Talbieh Mental Health Center (Affiliated with the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem) and Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem District


        The Treatment of Mentally Sick Persons Law of 1955, was repealed and replaced by the Law of 1991. Under the latter, the Order for Compulsory Ambulatory Treatment (OCAT) was addressed for the first time (Section 11, a-d). According to this law, the district psychiatrist instead of issuing a hospitalization order, may issue an OCAT, under which the required treatment is given within the scope of a clinic which he designates, for up to 6 months and under conditions which he specifies. This is done on the basis of psychiatric examination, or an application in writing from the director of a hospital or clinic, when continued ambulatory treatment is needed after discharge from hospital or instead of compulsory hospitalization. The district psychiatrist may extend the period of treatment for further periods, none of which is to exceed 6 months. Compulsory ambulatory treatment is to enable patients to benefit from the positive aspects of living freely in the community, while receiving prompt treatment under compulsory conditions. The concept offers a partial solution, achieving a balance between civil liberties and clinical needs, between over-confinement and under-treatment which might be dangerous or neglectful. The clinical impression has been that the OCAT has not fulfilled expectations. The purpose of this study was to examine the topic in a systematic way in Jerusalem and the soutern districts for the 4 years since inception of the law. In 44.4% of cases OCAT was proven to be effective, while in 33.1% it was found to be ineffective and did not prevent compulsory hospitalization, one of its main goals. It was partially effective in the rest of the cases. It is recommended that suitable means for the enforcement of the law be allocated and that the subject of forceful hospitalization and OCAT be made a mandatory subject in the residency program of psychiatrists.

        אבישי גולץ, בתיה אנגל-יגר, הנרי צבי יואכימס, אבירם נצר ושולה פרוש

        Balance Disturbances in Children with Middle Ear Effusions


        Avishay Golz, Batia Angel-Yeger, Henri Zvi Joachims, Aviram Netzer, S. Parush


        Dept. of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Rambam Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Vertigo and dizziness are not common complaints in childhood, but probably present more often than has been thought. These symptoms, caused mainly by otitis media (OM) and middle ear effusion (MEE), are 2 of the most common diseases in children, and until recently had long been neglected in the literature and in practice. We determined objectively the incidence of balance-related symptoms in children with long-lasting MEE, and resolution following insertion of ventilation tubes (VT). 36 children, aged 4-9 years, were studied using electronystagmography (ENG) and the Bruininks-Oseretsky tests for motor proficiency, before and after ventilation of the middle ear. Results were compared to those in 74 healthy children with no history of middle ear disease. Abnormal ENG findings were found in 58%, and 71% had low Bruininks-Oseretsky (BO) test scores. The ENG was abnormal in only 3 of the controls, 1 of whom also had low BO test scores. The symptoms and signs of balance disturbances resolved in 96% following VT insertion. These results indicate that balance-related symptoms often encountered in young children may result from chronic MEE, and that they resolve following evacuation of the effusion and ventilation of the middle ear.

        א' אדונסקי, ח' סמו וש' לבנקר

        Central Cord Syndrome in the Elderly Who Fall: a Diagnostic Trap


        A. Adunsky, H. Semo, S. Levenkrohn


        Geriatric Rehabilitation Dept., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Acute post-traumatic spinal injury is common and usually poses no diagnostic difficulties. Following a low-energy fall, the onset of acute central cord syndrome in the elderly is not common and is frequently misdiagnosed. Men aged 60 and 81, and a woman aged 75 are described, in whom central cord syndrome was overlooked. Awareness of this condition is important to avoid incorrect diagnosis and hazardous management.

        שרה כרמל ואלון לזר

        Telling the Bad News: do the Elderly Want to Know Their Diagnoses and Participate in Medical Decision Making?


        Sara Carmel, Alon Lazar


        Sociology of Health Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, and Dept. of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        In view of reported changes in western countries in the preferred model of doctor-patient relations, we evaluated the wishes of elderly persons for open doctor-patient communication with regard to terminal disease. Data was collected in 1994 from 987 elderly persons (70+) by structured interviews. Most of respondents wanted open communication and wished to be involved in medical decisions regarding life-sustaining treatment. However, only a minority tell their physicians and/or family members of their wishes. This suggests that most of the elderly expect physicians to be the first to initiate discussions of these issues. The results also indicate that among the elderly, those more educated, less religious, and those living in Israel longer, are more likely to want open communication with their physicians. This is explained by the relationship of these characteristics with the dominant cultural values of this group, and its acceptable models of relations in other areas of life.

        נובמבר 1997

        אודי צינמון ויונה קרוננברג

        Choanal Atresia: 13 Years of Experience


        U. Cinamon, J. Kronenberg


        Depts. of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Choanal atresia is uncommon and consists of congenital blockage between the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx. The anomaly presents either immediately after birth as respiratory distress, or as a coincidental finding at an older age. Treatment is usually surgical. The approaches are transnasal, transseptal, transpalatal and transantral. Different types of stents are used and for various periods after each type of correction. Between 1983-1996, 20 patients with choanal atresia were operated on, in 12 of whom it was bilateral. The youngest was 3 days old and the oldest 22 years (average 6 years). The 20 patients underwent a total of 29 operations of which all were transnasal except for 2 corrected through a transseptal approach; 3 had their primary operation elsewhere. In all cases the atresia was bony or combined bony and membranous, except for 2 in whom there was combined atresia on 1 side and membranous on the other. The success rate was 75% in those first operated on here, in whom stents were employed. In our last 5 cases we used the endonasal approach and a rigid endoscope, a safe technique that has the advantage of direct unobscured vision.

        תלמה הנדלר, רז גרוס, אלינור גושן, מאיר פייבל, שמואל הירשמן, צילה ש. צבס, לאון גרינהאוס ויוסף זהר

        Brain Imaging and its Clinical Application in Psychiatry


        Talma Hendler, Raz Gross, Elinor Goshen, Meir Faibel, Shmuel Hirshmann, Tzila S. Zwass, Leon Grunhaus, Joseph Zohar


        Psychiatry Unit, Nuclear Medicine Institute and Diagnostic Radiology Dept., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The common structural and functional brain imaging techniques are described from a practical, clinical point of view. The clinical indications for brain imaging in psychiatry are reviewed in relation to the specific limitations and advantages of each technique. The clinical applications of computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) are discussed in relation to the differential diagnosis between organic and functional psychiatric disorders. In a 55-year-old man with late onset of behavioral changes but without neurological signs the application of structural brain imaging (CT and MRI) in case management was demonstrated. The imaging findings involved the differential diagnosis between depression and focal brain lesions. In a 38-year-old man with personality changes and depression following a traumatic brain injury, time interval repeated functional brain imaging (SPECT) was used. Brain imaging reflected improvement in clinical status following treatment and was able to differentiate between reversible and permanent traumatic brain injuries. The superior yield of time interval repeated functional imaging in diagnosis and management of postconcussion syndrome is discussed.

        ספטמבר 1997

        יצחק (צחי) בן-ציון, קירה לוין ואשר שיבר

        Capgras' Syndrome


        I. Z. Ben-Zion, K. Levine, A. Shiber


        Psychiatry Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        We present 3 cases of Capgras' syndrome- a delusional disorder in which the patient believes that 1 (or more) of his acquaintances has been replaced by an imposter who appears as a double. 2 were schizophrenics and 1 had depression with psychotic features. This syndrome is rare in our practice, but we do not know if this is due to lack of awareness of the condition, or to the possibility that it is a culture-related syndrome. We suggest that although the syndrome has lost some of it's significance, it is still worth making the diagnosis because of the medical and psychological implications this condition carries.

        סווטלנה ברזובסקי וארנולד רוזין

        Should Physical Restraints be used in an Acute Geriatric Ward?


        Svetlana Barazovski, Arnold Rosin


        Geriatric Dept., Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        A prospective study was carried out in an acute geriatric ward to determine the incidence of the use of physical restraints, the reasons for using them and the consequences. Over a period of 8 months an independent observer documented all cases in which a restraint was used and followed them until it was removed. A questionnaire was submitted to the nurses as to why they applied the restraints. 16% of patients had some form of restraint applied, in 2/3 of them for up to half of their stay in the ward. In over 90% of those restrained, functional (Barthel) and cognitive (mini-mental) scores were between 0-5. In unrestrained patients, the functional score was 0-5 in 79% and the cognitive score 0-5 in 72%. The main reason for applying restraints, usually sheets or body binders, was to prevent the patient from falling out of, or slipping from chairs, rather than to stop them from rising out of them. Other important reasons, which overlapped, were to prevent the patient from interfering with nasogastric tubes, catheters, and IV cannulas, each in 1/3 of the group. Restraints were discarded when deterioration did not allow the patient to sit out of bed, to decrease agitation, to allow enteral or parenteral treatment, and in 12%, when there was supervision by the family. Of 33 families interviewed, none opposed application of restraints, and most left the decision to the responsible ward staff. We conclude that restraints cannot be avoided in some acutely ill, old patients with severe physical and mental dysfunction. However, ways should be sought to minimize their use, as recommended in the literature, by demanding from the staff a specific reason, signed agreement of a physician, close follow-up, and favorable environmental conditions such as suitable chairs, occupational activity, and staff cooperation in removing the restraints.

        ד' גוטליב, מ' קפניס, א' סיסטר, נ' לפקין, ו' מדבדב וש' בריל

        Hospitalization of the Elderly for Stroke Rehabilitation


        D. Gottlieb, M. Kipnis, E. Sister, N. Lipkin, M. Medvedev, S. Brill


        Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, Neurogeriatric Dept., Beit Rivka Geriatric Hospital, Petah Tikva


        This is a descriptive, longitudinal study of 400 elderly patients admitted for stroke rehabilitation to a geriatric department dedicated to this purpose. We present the demographic, medical, and impairment and disability characteristics on admission, and the outcome of rehabilitation. Mean stay was 54 days and 2/3 became independent and returned home. Functional score on admission was the best predictor of outcome, but age and social support were also significant.

        אוגוסט 1997

        א' אדונסקי, א' עטר וה' טראו

        Buschke-Ollendorf Syndrome


        A. Adunsky, E. Atar, H. Trau


        Depts. of Geriatrics, Radiology, and Dermatology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Buschke-Ollendorf syndrome is a rare condition characterized by uneven sclerotic, osseous formations seen on X-ray (osteopoikilosis) and fibrous skin papules (dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata). We report an 82-year-old man with this syndrome. Awareness of the condition is important to avoid misdiagnosis and hazardous management designed for other disorders, such as prostatic metastases.

        מאי 1997

        נטליה בילנקו, עמליה לוי ודרורה פרייזר

        Reporting Maternal Behavior during Diarrhea in Bedouin Children


        Natalya Bilenko, Amalia Levy, Drora Fraser


        Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, S. D. Abraham International Center for Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Diarrhea is still a major cause of morbidity and mortality among children in developing countries. The Bedouin population of southern Israel is in transition from a nomadic to a settled life-style. We examined maternal knowledge and reported behavior when their children had diarrhea. Mothers defined diarrhea as the passing of 4-5 stools per day. The most frequent signs of the illness were an increased number of watery stools with changes in either color or form. The most frequent symptom that prompted mothers to seek medical aid was blood in the stool. All mothers reported increasing fluid intake in their children during diarrhea, and most reported giving herbal tea. About half of the women avoided milk products and used special for the treatment of diarrhea. A quarter of the women reported stopping or decreasing the frequency of breast feeding during diarrhea. Reported cessation of breast feeding during diarrhea was associated with changing to special foods, and failure to note the onset of diarrhea or to recognize signs of dehydration. The withdrawal of breast feeding during episodes of illness and diarrhea is related to lack of knowledge regarding diarrhea. These data indicate that even in this population, with free access to preventive and curative medical care, there should be greater efforts to educate mothers to detect diarrheal disease and to maintain breast feeding during the diarrhea.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303