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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוגוסט 2001

        א' שחר, ג' חסון, ש' פולק

        א' שחר, ג' חסון, ש' פולק


        המכון לאלרגיה, אימונולוגיה ואיידס, מרכז רפואי רמב"ם, הפקולטה לרפואה רפפורט, הטכניון, חיפה


        רקע: בשנים האחרונות גדל והולך בבתי-החולים בישראל השימוש בכפפות לטקס, בעקבות עלייה ניכרת בשיעור המחלות הזיהומיות המועברות דרך דם והפרשות, כגון דלקת כבד מסוג B ו-C ומחלת האיידס. אולם השימוש הגובר בכפפות לטקס וגומי גרם לעלייה במספר מקרי האלרגיה ללטקס בין עובדי מערכת הבריאות. בשני סקרים שנערכו לאחרונה בישראל בבית חולים כללי ובבית חולים לילדים, נמצאה שכיחות נמוכה של אלרגיה ללטקס.


        מטרה: לבדוק שיעור אלרגיה ללטקס בין עובדי בית חולים כללי בישראל החשפוים למגע עם כפפות לטקס.


        שיטות: נכללו במחקר 203  עובדים של מרכז רפואי רמב"ם, ממחלקות שבהן יש שימוש רב בכפפות לטקס. כל עובד ענה בשאלון על פרטים דמוגרפיים, פרטים הקשורים למחלקתו ולפקידו, אנאמנזה אישית ומשפחתית על אלרגיות ופרטים קליניים הקשורים לחשיפה לכפפות לטקס. דגימות-דם ניטלו מכל הנכללים במחקר למטרת בדיקה כמותית של נוגדן IgE כללי ושל נוגדן IgE סגולי ללטקס, שנבדק בשיטת DPC Alastat-ELISA.


        תוצאות: 75 מבין 203 העובדים (36.9%) הצהירו על תופעות קליניות העלולות להיות קשורות לחשיפה ללטקס. רק 32 עובדים (15.8%) הצביעו על תופעות קליניות שניתן ליחסן לתגובת רגישות-יתר מיידית (אלרגיה מטיפוס I), כגון נזלת, התעטשויות, דמעת והפרעות-נשימה, בקרב 30 מהם (המהווים 14.8% מכלל העובדים) נמצאו נוגדני IgE סגוליים ללטקס (מעל 0.35 יב"ל/מ"ל), וב-21 מהם (המהווים 10.3% מכלל העובדים) נמצאו רמות גבוהות מאוד של IgE סגולי ללטקס (1.5 יב"ל/מ"ל). כמחצית מהעובדים (43.4%) עם נוגדני IgE סגוליים ללטקס היו רופאים והשאר אחיות (23.3%), עובדי משק (20.0%) ועובדי מעבדה (13.3%). המאפיינים המשמעותיים ביותר בקרב 30 עובדים עם אלרגיה ללטקס מטיפוץ I היו אנאמנזה אישית ומשפחתית של אלרגיה, רמות גבוהות של IgE כללי וחשיפה ללטקס מעל שעתיים ביום.


        מסקנות: היארעות תגובת יתר של רגישות מיידית ללטקס בקרב עובדי בית חולים כללי בישראל (14.8%) דומה לזו שנמצאה במרכזים רפואיים אחרים בעולם. עובדים עם אנאמנזה אישית או משפחתית של אלרגיה, החשופים ללטקס מעל שעתיים ביום ושבדמם נמצאה רמה גבוהה של IgEכללי, היו בסיכון גבוה ללקות בתופעות קליניות של אלרגיה ללטקס מטיפוס I. על סמך נתונים אלה, ניתן לאתר עובדים במערכת הבריאות שיש למנוע את המשך חשיפתם ללטקס, על-מנת למנוע או להפחית התהוות תופעות קליניות הקשורות באלרגיה ללטקס.

        יולי 2001

        דן גרינברג ויוחנן פייזר

        Costs and Benefits of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair- Is there an Economic Justification?


        Dan Greenberg1, Jochanan G. Peiser2


        1Department of Health Systems Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion, 2Operatory Room Directorate and Division of Surgery, Medical Center, Soroka University, Israel


        Background: With the recent accelerated development of laparoscopic surgery, it has been applied in all fields of surgery. The main issue today is not the technical ability of performing laparoscopic procedures but rather their justification while considering the disease and cost-benefit aspects.

        Objectives: The present study surveys the experience accumulated in recent years concerning the economical aspects of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Issues like length of the surgical procedure, cost, typical complications and recuperation time are being addressed.

        Methods: We reviewed controlled clinical trials that compare laparoscopic and open repair of inguinal hernia. Trials that included at least 100 patients and were published in peer-reviewed journals since 1996 were included. Various operative techniques were compared using clinical and economical parameters.

        Results: Most studies examined the issues from an institutional or health care system viewpoint and not from a comprehensive societal perspective. Therefore, indirect costs were seldom included. Operative times were longer and direct costs were significantly higher in the laparoscopic approach as compared to conventional open surgery. However, recovery time and return to work were found to occur earlier in patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery.

        Conclusions: A shorter recovery time and shorter off-work period after laparoscopic hernia repair could compensate for the increased hospital expenditures. However, this contribution has not yet been completely established and needs further validation by supplementary studies. Other aspects that will have to be evaluated include quality of life and patient satisfaction.

        יוני 2001

        אשר בשירי, בוריס פורמן, משה מזור

        אשר בשירי, בוריס פורמן, משה מזור


        החטיבה למיילדות וגינקולוגיה, מרכז רפואי אוניברסיטאי סורוקה, באר שבע


        הנקת היילוד היא בעלת יתרונות מוכחים לגבי בריאות הילד ומקובל על הכל, שחלב אם מכיל את המרכיבים התזונתיים הטובים ביותר בהשוואה לתחליפים שונים, וכמו כן, נועד לו תפקיד מכריע בהישרדות הילודים במדינות מתפתחות. לאור זאת, תפקיד מכריע בהישרדות הילודים במדינות מתפתחות. לאור זאת, נודעת חשיבות רבה לאמצעי המנע הנבחר בזמן ההנקה, כך שיהיה בעל השפעות מיקטיות על החלב ועל הילוד.

        בחירת אמצעי המנע (contraceptives) לאשה מיניקה צריכה להיקבע באופן אישי ויש לקחת בחשבון מספר שיקולים לגבי הסוג הנבחר ומועד תחילת הנטילה: העדפה אישית, השפעה על הפוריות, השפעה על ההנקה, עלות, שיעור השפעות-הלוואי, מידת היעילות, משך ההשפעה וזמינות השיטה.

        בן-עמי סלע

        בן-עמי סלע


        המכון לכימיה פתולוגית, מרכז רפואי שיבא, תל-השומר; החוג לביוכימיה קלינית, הפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב


        נזק ריקמתי או תהליך דלקתי משרים בפלסמת הדם עלייה בריכוז מספר אנליטים במה שמוגדר כתגובת acute phase. וכן נמדדת במצבי-דחק עלייה בלתי-סגולית ברמות של החלבון amyloid A, פיברינוגן, הפטוגלובין, צרולופלסמין, neopterin, ציטוקין IL-6, ואף ferritin.

        דנה פולק ופנחס נ' דנון

        Stealing Madness - Kleptomania


        Dana M. Polak, Pinhas N. Dannon


        Psychiatry Department C, Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer, Israel


        Kleptomania is one of the common less diagnosed impulse control disorders, which could be treated by the combination of psychological and pharmacological therapy. The most effective treatment regimens include cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy in the psychological field, and antidepressants and mood stabilizers as pharmacological treatment.

        Most of the patients with kleptomania are initially treated only for a comorbid psychiatric disorder, since kleptomaniac symptoms had not been raised in the anamnesis.

        The aim of our article is to inform the physicians about the possible diagnosis and treatment options for this disorder in order to prevent co-morbidity with other psychiatric disorders. Some specific cases are presented in order to explain symptomatology.

        דצמבר 2000

        שושנה ישראל וחיים בראוטבר

        A Molecular Method of Diagnosis of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia


        Shoshana Israel, Chaim Brautbar


        Tissue Typing Unit, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is caused mainly by deficiency of the 21-hydroxylase enzyme. The disease may appear in the classical salt-losing, simple virilizing forms or as a mild, nonclassical form. 21-hydroxylase is encoded by the CYP21B gene on the short arm of chromosome 6, in the midst of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex, between HLA Class I and Class II regions.

        We describe a method for identifying mutations in the CYP21B gene. It is based on amplification of the gene using the polymerase chain reaction and identification of mutations with sequence-specific oligo-probes. The mutations identified were: V281 and P30L responsible for nonclassical CAH, and I2 splice, Q318X, I172N, cluster E6, and a deletion including 8bP in the third exon (8bP del) responsible for the classical form of CAH.

        We also analyzed 2 families affected with the classical form of CAH which demonstrate possible complications in genotyping. Typing for HLA haplotypes can be helpful in certain cases, as demonstrated in 1 of the families presented. In this case it was necessary to distinguish between 2 possible genotypes: 1 with the mutations in tandem on 1 chromosome and the other with the mutated genes on both chromosomes. HLA haplotyping enabled the assignment of the mutations to the relevant chromosomes and thus allowed correct genetic counseling.

        The other family demonstrated the importance of CYP21B genotyping in individuals with the nonclassical form of CAH. This form may consist of 1 mild and 1 severe mutation, representing a serious potential for transmitting the classical form of CAH.

        נובמבר 1999

        מרק פרידברג

        Congenital Syphilis: Need for Adequate Antenatal Care


        Mark Friedberg


        Pediatrics B Dept., Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Congenital syphilis is well-known and treatable with penicillin. Diagnosis in the neonate and young child may be difficult and consequently morbidity and mortality can be high. Prevention in children is of utmost importance and can be achieved by proper antenatal care and adequate follow-up of pregnant women. This includes identification of pregnant women at risk for contracting syphilis. The case presented demonstrates this need.

        בן-עמי סלע, תמר משוש, דב פוגל ויוסף זלוטניק

        Alpha-Amino Adipic Aciduria: a Rare Psycho-Motor Syndrome


        Ben-Ami Sela, Tamar Massos, Dov Fogel, Joseph Zlotnik


        Pathological Chemistry and Child Development Institutes, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A 3.5-year-old boy with developmental motor retardation, hypotonicity, and severe speech disturbance had alpha-amino adipic acid in his blood and very high levels in his urine. In only 20 cases has this catabolite of lysine and hydroxylysine been found in high concentrations in urine, due to enzymatic block.

        The clinical features associated with alpha-amino adipic aciduria may include mental retardation, developmental and motor delay, learning difficulties, convulsions, speech problems and ataxia. 3 siblings had milder symptoms of psychomotor delay and intermediate degrees of alpha amino-adipic aciduria, suggesting that the described developmental deficits could be related to this metabolite or its derivatives.

        דוד גורדון, אסנת גרוץ ויוסף לסינג

        Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Procedure for Female Stress Incontinence


        David Gordon, Asnat Groutz, Joseph Lessing


        Lis Maternity Hospital, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center


        We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the tension-free vaginal tape procedure (TVT) in 20 consecutive women with urodynamically proven genuine stress incontinence. Mean operating time under spinal analgesia was 37.2‏13 minutes and 80% were discharged within 24 hours. There were 5 uncomplicated, intraoperative bladder perforations, but no defects in healing nor tape rejection. The objective cure rate was 95%, while the subjective rate was 100%. Although follow-up was short (9-16 months), the TVT method seems to be safe and effective for stress urinary incontinence.

        ספטמבר 1999

        מנחם נוימן, בוריס צוקרמן, משה זילברמן, עמיצור פרקש ועוזי בלר

        Tension-Free Vaginal Tape: A New Surgical Treatment of Female Urinary Stress Incontinence


        M. Neuman, B. Zuckerman, M. Zilberman, A. Farkash, U. Beller


        Division of Gynecologic Surgery and Oncology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Female urinary stress incontinence diminishes the quality of life of about 5% of women. It is usually dealt with by surgery to correct the relaxed pelvic floor, the cause of the incontinence.

        Tension-free vaginal tape is used in a newly described procedure. It consists of the vaginal introduction of a prolene needle-guided mid-urethral sling. The procedure is easy to perform under local anesthesia, recovery is rapid, and results are similar to those of other effective operations.

        We report 44 patients who underwent this type of surgery. There were no significant complications. The early results were good and although the follow-up has been short, we believe that experience with this operation will play an important role in the treatment of urinary stress incontinence.

        אוגוסט 1999

        נועה ברק, רון ישי ואלישבע לב-רן

        Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Biofeedback Treatment


        N. Barak, R. Ishai, E. Lev-Ran


        Biofeedback Unit, Psychiatric Ward, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Irritable bowel syndrome is a group of heterogenic complaints of functional bowel disorder in the absence of organic pathology. The pathophysiology is unclear. In most cases treatment includes symptomatic remedies, antidepressants, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

        Biofeedback has recently been introduced as a therapeutic modality. Treatment also includes relaxation techniques and guided imagery, together with computer-assisted monitoring of sympathetic arousal. Biofeedback requires active participation of patients in their healing progress and leads to symptom reduction in 2/3.

        יולי 1999

        ירון צלאל, דורון קרייזר, דוד סוריאנו וראובן אחירון

        Sonographic Demonstration of a Levonorgestrel-Releasing LUD


        Yaron Zalel, Doron Kreizer, David Soriano, Reuven Achiron


        Ultrasound Unit, Obstetrics and Gynecologic Dept., Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Mirena, a new intra-uterine device (IUD) introduced in Israel during the past year, releases 20 mcg/day of levonorgestrel for 5 years. It has the advantages of reduced pregnancy rates and diminished menstrual blood loss, together with a low risk of pelvic inflammatory disease compared with current IUD's.


        It has a typical sonographic appearance, differing from that of regular IUD's, which was demonstrated in all 15 women examined in this study. Its sonographic appearance includes both proximal and distal ends of the vertical arm of the device, which extend into the internal cervical os and fundal region, respectively. Acoustic shadowing between both ends defines the location of the device, which should help avoid consultations due to "lost IUD's."

        אמיר הלקין, דינה לב, עודד סולד, פיליפ בידרמן, שרה בולוצ'ניק, פנחס הלפרן ופטריק סורקין

        Severe Heat Stroke in an Intensive Care Unit


        Amir Halkin, Dina Lev, Oded Szold, Philip Bidermann, Sarah Bulocnic, Pinchas Halpern, Patrick Sorkine


        Depts. of Medicine and Surgery, and Intensive Care Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center


        During the August 1998 heat wave in Tel Aviv we admitted many patients for acute heat-related illness; 6 had severe heat stroke and were admitted in critical condition. We describe their clinical courses during the first 5 days of hospitalization, including response to treatment and implications for future management of this disorder.


        The mean APACHE II score of the 6 was 30±3.5 and mean Glasgow Coma Scale rating 3.5±0.5; they were in hypovolemic shock and respiratory failure, necessitating mechanical ventilation. Despite early effective therapy (core temperature in all was reduced to less than 398C in less than 1 hour), there was 1 death (mortality 15%) and 4 required further intensive care for life-threatening multiple organ failure.


        During severe heat waves a significant number of referrals for acute heat-related illness must be anticipated, possibly overwhelming admission capacity of regional intensive-care units. Severe heat stroke complicated by multi-organ failure is not necessarily related to prior physical activity. Although important in determining prognosis, early treatment does not prevent severe complications. Mechanisms regulating body heat may remain disturbed for days following early treatment and apparent stabilization, mandating continued hospitalization.

        מאי 1999

        אבישי סלע

        Information Provided for Informed Consent in Clinical Trials


        Avishay Sella


        Genitourinary Medical Oncology Unit, Dept. of Oncology, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The Helsinki Declaration contains recommendations guiding physicians who conduct clinical trials. One is that the requirement for informed consent is essential for approval of a trial. An important component of the informed consent doctrine is that all data required for the participant's decision must be provided. We analyze data of a therapeutic trial, and define 12 data components outlined in, or directly derived from the Helsinki Declaration.


        61 instances of informed consent for therapeutic clinical trials from various fields of medicine, from 1994 to 1997, were analyzed. In each the presence of the 12 components was evaluated.

        The data demonstrated that there were only 5 components cited in most cases of informed consent: trial objectives, methods, treatment plan, risks, and the option of withdrawing. Benefit to the participant was mentioned in half the cases, while only limited information was provided about other components such as life-threatening and unpredictable risks, and alternative treatment.

        Examples of informed consent from 1997 showed statistical improvement since 1994 in the data concerning trial objectives, methods, risks and alternative therapy. Informed consent documents of international multicenter trials compared with local trials showed statistical improvement in the data components of the trial objectives, methods, and risks, including those of potentially life-threatening and unpredictable risks, and alternative therapy. Analysis of informed consent showed that not all components required for a comprehensive decision regarding participation in a clinical trial are included. These data emphasize the need to design a structured informed consent protocol in which all the required data components are specifically outlined for potential participants.

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        1000 Cardiac Catheterizations in Congenital Heart Disease


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Over the past 15 years, percutaneous therapeutic cardiac catheterization has become increasingly important in the treatment of congenital heart disease. We describe our experience in 1000 such catheterizations between 1993-1997. 55% were in 1-12-year-olds; only 20% were in patients younger than 1 year old and 11.3% were in adults with congenital heart defects. In about 50% it was at least a second cardiac catheterization. Overall, there were 425 therapeutic cardiac catheterizations, increasing from 33% in the first 200 procedures, to 63% in the last 200.

        We performed 30 different types of therapeutic catheterizations: 23.3% were valvular dilations, 21.4% vessel angioplasties, 36.9% closure procedures, 9.2% electrophysiological procedures, and 9.2% miscellaneous. In 31.3% of therapeutic catheterizations we used 12 new procedures. Minor complications occurred in 8.5% and major in 0.6%; most complications were successfully treated or were self-limited and there was no residual damage.

        In this report the current role of each type of major catheterization is discussed on the basis of our experience. Further development of technology for lesions not amenable to currently available transcatheter methods, and longer follow-up for current techniques will consolidate the role of therapeutic cardiac catheterization in congenital heart disease.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303