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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אפריל 1999

        זהבי כהן, אלון יולביץ, ואדים קאפולר, ניצה נוימן ואברהם מרש

        Laparoscopic Spermatic Vein Ligation for Varicocele in Adolescents


        Zahavi Cohen, Alon Yulevich, Vadim Kapuler, Niza Newman, Abraham J. Mares


        Pediatric Surgery Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        We report our initial experience with laparoscopic ligation of spermatic veins in the treatment of varicocele in adolescence. 19 boys, 13 to 18 years old, underwent this treatment between I 1997 and III 98. The varicocele was always on the left side. 12 complained of scrotal discomfort and pain, but in 7 it was found incidentally during routine medical examination by the family or school physician. The diagnosis was based only on physical examination.

        There has been no morbidity related to the laparoscopic procedure and all returned to normal activity within a few days. Follow-up 2-12 months after surgery showed no varicocele in any. We conclude that laparoscopy is useful in the treatment of varicocele in adolescents.

        עמוס פייזר, שלמה פורת, טלי ששון, יעקב אפלבוים, יעקב בר-זיו וארוין שוכר

        CT-Guided Excision of Osteoid Osteoma


        A. Peyser, S. Porat, T. Sasson, J. Apelbaum, J. Bar-Ziv, E. Sucher


        Orthopedic Surgery and Radiology Depts., Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        CT-guided excision of osteoid osteoma is a new surgical technique that enables accurate resection of the nidus during 1-day hospitalization. We present 5-year results in 42 patients (26 males and 16 females, mean age 18 years, range 3-46). In 40 out of 42, complaints disappeared immediately after the procedure. The recovery period was short and the return to normal activity was faster than in the open surgical approach. Complications were minimal and transient.

        פברואר 1999

        שלמה קייזר, איליה קריסטלני, מרינה אליס ואילן חרוזי

        Laparoscopic Repair of Inguinal Hernia Experience in 54 Consecutive Cases


        S. Kyzer, I. Kristalni, M. Alis, I. Charuzi


        Surgical Dept. B, Wolfson Medcial Center, Holon


        We describe our experience in 54 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic repair of 86 inguinal hernias. Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia is technically feasible, does not prolong the length of the procedure nor of hospitalization and is not accompanied by increased morbidity. Although there is not yet general agreement, in our experience and that of others, it appears that laparoscopic repair will be the preferred approach to the treatment of inguinal hernia.

        אליעזר ויצטום, יצחק בן-ציון וולדימיר לרנר

        Alcoholic Delirium: Warning Signs and Diagnosis


        Eliezer Witztum, Izhak Z. Ben-Zion, Vladimir Lerner


        Community Mental Health Center; and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Lately an increasing number of physicians are asked to diagnose and treat physical and mental disorders caused by alcohol abuse, a phenomena which had been quite rare in Israel until recently.

        Early diagnosis and efficient treatment are essential for the management of alcohol-dependent patients. Primary care physicians and hospital personnel should be more alert to the growing numbers of alcohol abusers and to their appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This article describes and summarizes the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal in general, and alcoholic delirium in particular. Problems in diagnosis and treatment are illustrated by typical cases, pointing out early clinical warning signs and suggesting some treatment guidelines.

        ח' שטארקר, ג' וולפין, א' לרנר, ח' שטיין, ש' וינטרוב וד' הנדל

        Ilizarov Reconstructive Surgery in Complex Problems of the Musculoskeletal System


        H. Shtarker, G. Volpin, A. Lerner, H. Stein, S. Wientroub, D. Hendel


        Depts. of Orthopedic Surgery, Western Galilee Hospital, Naharyia, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Dana Children Hospital, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center, and Rabin Medical Center (Golda Campus, and Hasharon Hospital), Petah Tikva


        The Ilizarov technique is an important modality of reconstructive surgery for limb deformities, such as malunion and nonunion of fractures, persistent osteomyelitis, and bone loss following complex limb injuries, as well as in limb- lengthening procedures. It has received wide recognition in the Western world over the past decade. In MEDLINE we found 537 articles published between 1971-1995 that describe the use of this technique. Of these, only 18 were published between 1971-1975, while 261 were published between 1991-1995.

        The present paper describes the developments and updates in this method, as a result of the large experience gained by the authors in a number of centers in Israel using this technique. The Ilizarov apparatus is a circular frame that allows accurate control, much more than any other external fixator, during correction of limb deformities and limb-lengthening. It is minimally invasive, and open techniques and use of internal hardware and bone grafts are not needed.

        Based on our experience, we suggest that this method requires careful preoperative planning and meticulous surgical technique. More important, cooperation between surgeon and patient throughout the lengthy treatment is a prerequisite to ensure complete success, even in the most complicated cases.

        ינואר 1999

        יאיר בר-אל, רמונה דורסט, יוסף מזר, יונתן רבינוביץ, יעקב לרנר וחיים קנובלר

        The Current Compulsory Hospitalization Order and Patients' Rights


        Y. Bar-el, R. Durst, J Mazar, J. Rabinowitz, Y. Lerner, H.Y. Knobler


        Office of Jerusalem District Psychiatrist; Jerusalem Mental Health Center, Kfar Shaul Hospital; Mental Health Services, Israel Ministry of Health; School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University; and Falk Institute for Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, Kfar Shaul (Affiliated with the Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School)


        Israel's "Treatment of Mentally Sick Persons Law" of 1955 was repealed and replaced by the "Treatment of Mental Patients Law" of 1991. Under the latter, the "Compulsory Hospitalization Order" (CHO) defines the new order based on accumulated experience with the old legislation, and on the philosophy that considers the CHO one of the most severely oppressive forms of deprivation of human liberty and rights. The new order sets limits and boundaries for CHO, guarding the rights of those unavoidably committed by force. According to the new law, the district psychiatrist decides upon and issues the order, while the tribunal (District Psychiatric Committee) considers appeals. The order is limited to 1 week, with an option for the district psychiatrist to prolong it on written request for up to 14 days. The tribunal can later prolong the order further.

        The objective of this study was to review changes that have occurred following enforcement of the new law in the Jerusalem district. A comparison was made between CHO's issued the year before the new legislation took effect and the year after. The comparison included review of all CHO's and medical files of all patients hospitalized by coercion during 1990 and 1992. It was assumed that there would be a decline in rate and length of hospitalization of patients forced to be committed by the new law.


        The main findings refuted this hypothesis. In 1992 there was an increase of 38% in the number of compulsory hospitalizations. This increase derived mainly from increased demands for CHO's from psychiatric emergency rooms. There was also an increase in patients hospitalized by order of the District Psychiatric Committee using its authority under section 10(C) of the law.


        Conversely, length of compulsory hospitalization was shorter under the new law.


        In light of these findings, it would seem that the new law has only partially fulfilled expectations of reform in individual rights. There is need for further evaluation and follow-up of the CHO in order to determine whether the "Treatment of Mental Patients Law" of 1991 has in fact fulfilled its objectives. Furthermore, it is necessary to determine means, medical or legal, that may possibly advance further the prospective of human rights while maintaining a suitable balance between civil liberties and clinical needs, of over-confinement versus under-treatment, which may lead to neglect or danger.

        דצמבר 1998

        אליעזר אלקלעי, דניאל יפה וצבי שפינדל

        Radiologic Appearance of "Falling Gallstones" during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


        E. Alkalay, D. Yaffe, Z. Spindel


        Eyn Vered Clinic and Depts. of Radiology and Surgery, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the "gold standard" in treating cholelithiasis. Stones are frequently lost in the peritoneal cavity during the procedure, but "missing stones" have been regarded as insignificant. However, there is accumulating evidence that untreated "lost" stones may cause complications even years after operation.


        We present a 65-year-old woman who presented with vague complaints, anemia and an elevated ESR. CT scan showed an infiltrating process in extra-abdominal muscles compatible with sarcoma. At operation, 2.5 years after previous laparoscopic cholecystectomy, an abscess was found which contained biliary stones. Because of their small size they were not visible on CT scan. We discuss the possible ways of handling "falling stones."

        שמואל כץ, אילן ארז, איטה ליטמנוביץ, לודוויג לזר, אריה רז וציפורה דולפין

        Bowel-Lengthening in a Newborn with Short Bowel Syndrome


        Schmuel Katz, Ilan Erez, Ita Litmanovitz, Ludwig Lazar, Arie Raz, Zipora Dolfin


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery, Neonatology and Pediatrics; Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba


        Advances in parenteral nutrition and supportive therapy have led to improvement in survival of babies with short-bowel syndrome. Those whose intestinal mass is very unlikely to be adequate should have surgical therapy as soon as possible, before they develop the complications of long-term parenteral nutrition or significant enteritis.


        We present a newborn with short-bowel syndrome due to prenatal midgut volvulus. At operation the remaining viable jejunum, 15 cm long, was anastomosed to the cecum. All feeding attempts failed, and the infant suffered from malabsorption. Calories and proteins had to be supplied by intravenous total parenteral nutrition.


        At 3 months of age there was significant widening of the remaining bowel and Bianchi's bowel-lengthening procedure was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful and there was gradual improvement in intestinal absorptive capacity. The patient was weaned from parenteral nutrition at 3 years of age. Now, 2 years later, she eats a normal diet.

        נובמבר 1998

        ישראל דודקביץ, משה סלעי ואהרון צ'צ'יק

        Concept Management in Penetration of Unusually Shaped Foreign Bodies into Extremities


        I. Dudkiewicz, M. Salai, A. Chechik


        Orthopedic Dept., Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        During routine emergency room work penetration by foreign objects is frequently encountered, some of which may be very irregular in shape. These may cause further damage if inappropriately removed. It is important to perform a proper X-ray survey.

        ספטמבר 1998

        לימור גורצק-אוזן, דרורה פרייזר ורון דגן

        Epidemiology of Invasive Hemophilus Influenzae B Infections in Bedouins and Jews; Conjugate Hib Vaccines


        Limor Gortzak-Uzan*, Drora Fraser, Ron Dagan


        Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit and Dept. of Epidemiology, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        From 1989 to 1996, 139 cases of invasive Hemophilus influenzae B (Hib) infections were identified in children in the Negev, 110 of which occurred before introduction of the conjugate vaccine (1989-92). At that time there were 60.5 cases of Hib per 100,000 in the Negev among children under 5 years of age. During 1995-1996, when Hib conjugate vaccine was part of the regular immunization program, Hib decreased to 6.5 cases per 100,000 in that age group. The effectiveness of PRP-OMP vaccine was 96.5% among Jews and 89% among Bedouins, and the efficacy of the immunization program was 99.99%. This degree of success exceeded all expectations based on the literature. During the whole study period, Hib infections were more frequent among Bedouins than Jews. There was no significant difference in the occurrence of Hib among Jews in the Negev before and after the vaccine was introduced. Hib among Bedouins in the Negev was significantly more frequent than in the Israeli population as a whole before the vaccine was introduced. That gap narrowed after the vaccine was introduced because of the decrease in morbidity among the 2 groups.

        * Medical student.

        דוד ב' ויס, שושנה גוטשלק-סבג, צבי צוקרמן, אלחנן בר-און וצבי כהנא

        Follicle-Stimulating Hormone in Azoospermia in Prediction of Spermatogenic Patterns


        David B. Weiss, Shoshana Gottschalk-Sabag, Zvi Zukerman, Elchanan Bar-On, Zvi Kahana


        Kupat Holim Me'uhedet; and Dept. of Pathology and Cytology and Male Infertility Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem; Andrology Unit, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva; and Paper Research Consultant Institute, Jerusalem


        Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is considered to be the most important plasma hormone correlated with spermatogenesis. Elevated FSH plasma levels were shown to be associated with complete damage to testicular seminiferous tubule germinal epithelium. Recently, there have been conflicting reports with regard to the value of FSH plasma levels in predicting seminiferous tubule histology in the azoospermic patient and hence, as a guide for therapy in assisted reproduction using testicular sperm retrieval. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether FSH plasma levels can predict spermatogenic pattern in the testes of the azoospermic infertile patient. 69 infertile men with non-obstructive azoospermia and 18 with very severe oligospermia were studied. In all, plasma levels of testosterone, free testosterone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone were measured by enzyme immunoassay. In the azoospermic patients the seminiferous tubule spermatogenic pattern was determined in testicular aspirates obtained by multiple fine needle aspiration and categorized according to the most mature spermatogenic cell type in the aspirates: Sertoli cells only, spermatogenic maturation arrest or full spermatogenesis. There were no significant differences in plasma levels of any hormone measured except in very severely oligospermic and azoospermic patients. Both normal and elevated levels were detected in all, regardless of seminiferous tubule cytological pattern or plasma FSH in azoospermic patients. It is concluded that plasma levels of FSH can not be used as a predictive parameter, neither for the presence of spermatozoa nor for any other seminiferous tubule cytological pattern in azoospermic infertile men. They cannot serve as guides for selection of azoospermic men for trials of testicular sperm retrieval in assisted reproduction.

        אוגוסט 1998

        סמיח בדארנה, ניר גלעדי וסילביה הוניגמן

        Botulinum Toxin Injection Effective for Post-Peripheral Facial Nerve Palsy Synkinesis


        Samih Badarny, Nir Giladi, Silvia Honigman


        Dept. of Neurology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa; and Movement Disorders Unit, Dept. of Neurology, Tel Aviv Medical Center


        Facial synkinesis is an involuntary activation of muscles innervated by the zygomatic or mandibular branche of the facial nerve in conjunction with voluntary activation of the other branch. It appears frequently after recovery from peripheral facial nerve paralysis. We report 10 patients with facial synkinesis following Bell's palsy with a mean duration of synkinesis of 7±4 years before treatment with periorbital injections of Botulinum toxin type A. 9 had marked subjective and objective improvement starting a few days after injection andlasting 4-9 months. The results suggest a useful treatment option for post-Bell's palsy facsynkinesis with Botulinum toxin type A.

        יולי 1998

        מרק וייזר, רעיה לפידוס, יהודה אברמוביץ ומיכאל דוידזון

        The Electroencephalogram in Psychiatric Patients


        Mark Weiser, Raya Lapidus, Yehuda Abramowitch, Michael Davidson


        Psychiatric Division, Sheba Medical Center and Beer Yaakov Mental Health Center


        270 consecutive electroencephalograms (EEGs) performed in a psychiatric hospital were reviewed. 194 (75%) were within normal limits but 66 (25%) showed diffuse generalized slowing. The contribution of the abnormal EEGs to diagnosis and treatment was evaluated by retrospective file review. In none of the cases with abnormal EEGs was there a relationship to diagnosis or treatment.

        יוני 1998

        דורון חרמוני, מיכאל קאפמן ואליעזר קיטאי

        Alternative Medicine in a Kibbutz Community


        D. Hermoni, M. Kafman, E. Kitai


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa and Family Medicine Dept., Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Interest in, and use of alternative medicine has increased in the past few years in Israel. Still, little is known about the extent to which it is utilized, the more common treatments, patterns of use, and its influence on the conventional primary care system. We surveyed a kibbutz community to determine prevalence and patterns of use of alternative medicine and satisfaction with the outcome. The entire kibbutz population was asked to fill out a questionnaire (parents answered for their children). They were questioned as to their use of alternative medicine in the previous 5 years, types and dates of treatment, duration of treatment, and whether it had helped.

        Of 1044 subjects, 830 responded (79.5%). 16.4% had used alternative medicine at least once in the previous 5 years. Of these, more than a 1/4 were treated by 2 or more types of alternative therapy. About 2/3 of those responding were women. Most had muscle-skeletal (36%), upper respiratory and/or atopic problems (19.3%). The most common treatments were homeopathy (31%) and acupuncture (20%). In approximately 2/3, the treatment was considered helpful, and either solved the problems or gave long-lasting improvement. 70% of those who used alternative medicine were treated within the previous 15 months and about 40% within the previous 3 months. The use of alternative medicine is increasing and it is now includein standard medical services. Most of those who used alternative therapy felt is hadhelped.

        רון בן אברהם, ערן סגל, דב פריימרק, אלינור גושן, חנוך הוד, יעקב לביא, צבי זיסקינד ועזריאל פרל

        Massive Pulmonary Embolism


        Ron Ben Abraham, Eran Segal, Dov Freimark, Elinor Goshen, Hanoch Hod, Jacob Lavee, Zvi Ziskind, Azriel Perel


        Depts. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine and Cardiac Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Pulmonary embolism is a common event in hospitalized patients. In some cases it presents with hemodynamic collapse, indicating massive obliteration of the pulmonary vasculature and has a very grim prognosis; 2/3 of such patients die within 2 hours of onset of symptoms. We describe our experience in 13 patients with massive pulmonary embolism. An aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach, utilizing sophisticated imaging techniques, thrombolytic therapy and surgery, led to the survival of 8 of the patients. Our experience supports an aggressive approach in these seriously ill patients.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303