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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוגוסט 1998

        עמירם שראל, ג'ף בורקן, רפאל ל' קרסו, יהודית ברנשטיין ואורי רוזובסקי

        Attitudes of Family Physicians to Alternative Medicine


        Amiram Sarel, Jef Borkan, Ralph L. Carasso, Judith Bernstein, Uri Rozovsky


        Brull-Tel Aviv Community Mental Health Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; and Dept. of Neurology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        80 Israeli family physicians (51.25% men and 48.75% women) participated in a telephone survey concerning attitudes, practices and experience with alternative medicine. 23.75% reported practicing 1 or more alternative techniques, most commonly acupuncture28%) and hypnotherapy (24%). 55% had referred at least 1 patient to an alternative practitioner during the preceding month. Physicians who studied in Israel or Western countries referred more patients than graduates of medical schools of Eastern Europe. Specialists referred patients more often than residents. The most common reason for referral was back pain.

        יוני 1998

        אלדד זילברשטיין, טלי זילברשטיין, גד שקד, מרים כץ, משה מזור ויצחק לוי

        Acute Appendicitis during Pregnancy


        Eldad Silberstein, Tali Silberstein, Gad Shaked, Miriam Katz, Moshe Mazor, Itzhac Levi


        Dept. of Surgery C, Divisions of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical problem in pregnancy, when it is difficult to diagnose early because of the physiological changes of pregnancy. We studied the problem in the Negev population and present the main issues in diagnosis and management. Between 1988-96, 26 women were operated on for acute appendicitis during pregnancy (1/3297 deliveries), 3 by laparoscopy. In 13 there was a histopathological confirmation of the diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis was more accurate in the first trimester of pregnancy than in the second or third (p=0.073). Premature delivery rate was higher in both confirmed and unconfirmed acute appendicitis than in other pregnancies (p<0.00001), but without significant differences between the 2 groups with appendicitis. Other indexes of maternal and perinatal morbidity did not differ either.

        מאי 1998

        רותי מרגלית-סטשפסקי, אברהם לורבר ואיל מרגלית

        Familial Occurrence of Ebstein Anomaly


        Ruti Margalit-Stashefski, Avraham Lorber, Eyal Margalit


        Family Practice Unit, Kupat Holim Klalit, Haifa, Pediatric Cardiology Unit, Rambam Hospital, Haifa and Ophthalmology Dept., Hadassah--University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Ebstein anomaly is a rare congenital disease which affects location, structure and mobility of the tricuspid valve, and right atrium and ventricle. Although most cases are sporadic, familial occurrence has been reported. We report 2 brothers born with Ebstein anomaly. The parents were first degree cousins and there were 8 other children. 2 daughters were born with other congenital heart anomalies, 1 with ventricular septal defect and the other with severe pulmonary artery stenosis. We suggest that in some families, Ebstein anomaly is an autosomal dominant disease with different expression in the sexes.

        אפריל 1998

        רפאל יוסף חרותי, רון בן-אברהם, מיכאל שטיין, יניר אברמוביץ, יהושע שמר וברוך מרגנית

        Changes in Structure and Process Components of Trauma Care in Emergedepartments


        Rephael Joseph Heruti, Ron Ben-Abraham, Yanir Abramovitch, Michael Stein, Joshua Shemer, Baruch Marganit


        Trauma Control, Israeli Center for Disease Control (ICDC), Israel Ministry of Health and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In recent years there have been tremendous efforts to improve primary trauma care. The Ministry of Health and other authorities have invested in new trauma facilities in various hospitals. A nationwide survey with regard to structure and function of emergency departments was carried out. Compared to a similar survey conducted in 1992, significant progress in quality and quantity of equipment at various emergency departments was demonstrated. However, there are still differences between various hospitals. A drive to standardize trauma care will undoubtedly contribute to improvement in care of the injured.

        ריבה בורוביק, מריאנה שטיינר, יעקב אטד, בוריס שניידרמן, טלי רוזנברג ושולה פלטי

        Taxol as Second-Line Therapy in Recurrent Breast and Ovarian Cancer


        R. Borovik, M. Steiner, J. Atad, B. Sneiderman, T. Rosenberg, S. Palti


        Oncology Depts., Lin Medical Center and Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Results of chemotherapy with Taxol (paclitaxel) in 55 patients with recurrent breast and ovarian cancer were reviewed. Taxol was given as a 3-hour infusion, every 3 weeks, on an outpatient basis. There was complete or partial response in 8 patients (23%) with breast cancer and 10 (50%) with ovarian cancer. Performance status and previous response to adriamycin were important prognostic factors. Toxicity was manageable. Treatment had to be stopped for hypersensitivity reactions in only 2 patients. Taxol given in an ambulatory clinic is safe and effective.

        פסח שורצמן, רויטל גרוס, חווה טבנקין, דני יובל, מרים גרינשטיין ובורמה ויאנקה

        Primary Care Physicians in Israel Compared with European Countries


        P. Shvartzman, R. Gross, H. Tabenkin, D. Yuval, M. Grinshtein, B. Wienka


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba;

        Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; and Nivel Institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands


        This study compares Israeli primary care physicians with those of European countries. In Israel a larger proportion of those in primary care are women. The Israeli physicians see many patients a day, but almost never make home visits. They also report for work the fewest hours a day, but spend 21 hours a month in continuous medical education. (more than Europeans?) The Israeli primary care physician scores high in screening for breast cancer and blood cholesterol level, but very low in the fields of minor surgery and alcohol and smoking prevention, contraception, nutrition counseling and normal pregnancy follow-up. Residency training and education may be inadequate, and more emphasis has to be put on the health system and recognizing environmental influences.

        מרץ 1998

        רון בן אברהם, מיכאל שטיין, יורם קלוגר, גדעון פרת, אברהם ריבקינד ויהושע שמר

        Israel's ATLS Program: Summary and Outlook


        Ron Ben Abraham, Michael Stein, Yoram Kluger, Gideon Paret, Avraham Rivkind, Joshua Shemer


        Medical Dept., Israel Defense Forces and Israel Trauma Society


        In recent years a vigorous effort has been made to improve quality of primary trauma care in Israel. Advanced trauma life support courses (ATLS) were given to physicians throughout the country, regardless of their specialties. In 7 years 4229 physicians participated in 202 courses with an average success rate of 76%. In the future, issues such as mandatory vs. voluntary training, language barriers, and continuous decline of knowledge should be addressed if momentum is to be maintained.

        רויטל גרוס, דינה פלדמן, יונתן רבינוביץ, מרים גרינשטיין ואיילת ברג

        Characteristics of Adults with Emotional Distress, and Patterns of Mental Health Services Use


        Revital Gross, Dina Feldman, Yonathan Rabinowitz, Miriam Greenstein, Ayelet Berg


        Health Policy Research Unit, JDC-Brookdale Institute and Mental Health Division, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem and School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan


        We sought firsthand data on the extent of perceived mental health needs and on patterns of use of mental health services among Israelis aged 22 and over. The data are from a national survey conducted in 1995. A random sample of phone numbers from the telephone company's computerized listings yielded 1,395 completed questionnaires (response rate, 81%).

        At some point in their lives, 27% had experienced emotional distress or mental health problems with which they had difficulty coping alone; 13.4% reported that they had such an experience during 1995. According to multivariate analysis, those more likely to report mental health problems were women, those with a chronic disease, Russian immigrants, divorced or widowed adults, those with a low level of education, and members of the Clalit sick fund. 38% of those who had ever had emotional or mental health problems had asked for help. The proportion of those seeking help was high among respondents aged 35-55, Hebrew speakers (compared to speakers of Russian or Arabic), and city dwellers, and the rate was low among members of the Clalit sick fund. Of those who did seek help, 39% went to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, 25% to their family doctor, 19% to a family member or friend, 7% to a social worker or social service agency, 6% to other medical personnel, and 4% to a psychiatric hospital. 30% turned for assistance to the private sector and 70% to the public sector.

        These findings have special significance in view of the impending reform of the mental health services. As mandated by the new National Health Insurance Law, mental health services are to be included in the basket of health services provided by the sick funds. The data can be of use in the management of sick funds and for physicians working in the community, as they prepare for this change. In addition, the data will be of aid to national policy makers in planning services suited to the needs of different population groups and to allocate resources more rationally.

        פברואר 1998

        אברהם זינרייך, בוריס גוחשטיין, אלכסנדר גרינשפון, מרים מירון, יהודית רוזנמן ויששכר בן-דב

        Recurrent Tuberculosis in a Psychiatric Hospital


        A. Zeenreich, B. Gochstein, A. Grinshpoon, M. Miron, J. Rosenman, I. Ben-Dov


        Pulmonary and Radiology Institutes, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv University; Israel Ministry of Health; and Gan Meged Hospital


        During 1987-1996, 39 of 720 patients hospitalized (most for severe schizophrenia) were diagnosed as having active pulmonary tuberculosis (5.4%, 975 per 105 per year). In 1992-1993, after a cluster of 5 cases was found, all patients were screened by PPD skin test and chest X-ray and 16 more cases were identified. Diagnosis was confirmed bacteriologically in only 10 of them but there were typical radiological findings in the others. 39 were treated with a multi-drug regimen. In addition, 333 exposed patients and 21% who had converted their skin tests were given isoniazid preventive therapy. A small increase in levels of liver enzymes was common, but significant abnormality (over 4 times the upper limit of normal) was found in only 7 patients, in whom therapy was therefor stopped or changed. During a follow-up period of 4 years, 2 more developed tuberculosis and 33 converted their PPD reactivity status. We conclude that an outbreak of tuberculosis in a psychiatric hospital can be controlled with a relatively low rate of side-effects by using systematic diagnostic and therapeutic measures. However, single step screening is not sufficient. Routine screening of all new patients, a high index of suspicion and contact investigation are needed.

        ינואר 1998

        צבי שטיינר, יפים קנדליס, ג'ורג' מוגילנר, דינה אטיאס ויצחק סרוגו

        Conservative Approach in Children with Central Line Infection 

        Zvi Steiner, Yafim Kandelis, George Mogilner, Dina Atias, Isaac Srugo


        Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, and Hematology and Clinical Microbiology Units, Bnei-Zion Medical Center, and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        In 1994-1995, central venous lines were placed in 47 children. All except 1 were of the Broviac type, with subcutaneous tunneling via the internal or external jugular vein. Ages were between 7 days and 16 years. Indications for central venous cannulation were chemotherapy (35 cases), TPN (5), prolonged parenteral antibiotics (4), and repeated blood transfusions (3). The catheter was the source of infection in 13 children (28%), 11 of whom were immunocompromised. The commonly identified bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus (4 cases), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4), coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (2), and various gram-negative rods (3). All cases were treated with antibiotics through the catheter. The most commonly used were oxacillin (4), ceftazidime (4), and amikacin (4). In 10, treatment succeeded without having to remove the line. In 2 others, tunnel infection developed and the catheter had to be removed. 1 child forcefully removed his catheter before treatment could be started. There were no further complications in the group treated conservatively, except for a case of superior vena cava thrombosis in a girl with recurrent infection of the tunnel. In 7 out of 13 treatment was continued and completed at home. This saved 65 days of hospitalization out of 210. We conclude that the conservative approach to treatment is feasible in most cases of infection when the source is the central venous catheter itself. However, when the tunnel is infected, conservative treatment may be ineffective. Treatment can be carried out in the home, with economy in cost and in use of hospital beds, and is preferred by patients and their parents.

        דצמבר 1997

        חן בן אברהם, מיכאל שטיין, יורם קלוגר, גדעון פרת, אברהם ריבקינד ויהושע שמר

        ATLS Course for Surgery Residents - Should it be Mandatory?


        Ron Ben-Abraham, Michael Stein, Yoram Kluger, Gideon Paret, Avraham Rivkind, Joshua Shemer


        Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces; Sourasky Medical Center and Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Senior surgeons were asked about mandatory participation of general surgery residents in the advanced trauma life support (ATLS) course. Although trauma care in Israel is given by surgical residents, in the opinion of their senior mentors the course should continue to be mandatory for them.

        אלכסנדר בלנקשטיין, פליקס פבלוצקי, הקטור רויזין, אברהם גנאל ואהרן צ'צ'יק

        Acquired Torticollis in Hospitalized Children


        Alexander Blankstein, Felix Pavlotsky, Hector Roizin, Abraham Ganel, Aharon Chechick


        Depts. of Orthopedics, Dermatology, Pediatrics and Pediatric Orthopedics, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Torticollis results from various pathological mechanisms, and its elucidation depends on identifying diseases of musculoskeletal, neural and ocular tissues. This study characterized the underlying diseases of children hospitalized with torticollis, excluding congenital torticollis. Records of 36 children with torticollis seen during 4 years were reviewed and categorized according to presumed etiology. Most could be classified into 2 categories: in 39% it was due to trauma and in 36% to upper respiratory tract infection. Most girls were in the first group and most boys in the second group. There were 3 cases of ocular torticollis due to superior-oblique muscle palsy, 1 with a post-burn eschar, 2 with neurological disorders (intramedullary cervical astrocytoma and leukodystrophy with macrencephaly), and in 3 no associated cause was found. There was a clear seasonal trend with 58% of cases presenting from November through February, 33% from April through July, and the rest, of neurological or ocular origin, during the rest of the year. In cases of post-traumatic torticol21% had neurological symptoms such as weakness of the limbs, headaches or incontinence. Only a few had prior upper respiratory tract infection. All children whose torticollis was assigned to infection had had fever. Only 8% had had neurological complaints or vomiting, half of whom presented with fever exceeding 37.5oC. 46% had restriction of movement and 38% had tenderness. In over 60% of those in this group there were signs of an upper respiratory tract infection, such as lymphadenopathy or a white blood cell count exceeding 15,000/microliter. 3 patients with recurrent torticollis were diagnosed as having severe neurological diseases. Mean hospitalization time was 4 days (range 1-28). Hospitalization periods were similar for all kinds of patients and treatment by traction or fixation did not affect this period.

        אוגוסט 1997

        ג'וליה ברדה, דינו ברנשטיין, שגית ארבל-אלון, חיים זכות ויוסף מנצ'ר

        Gynecologic Problems of the Lower Genital Tract in Children and Young Adolescents


        Giulia Barda, Dino Bernstein, Sagit Arbel-Alon, Haim Zakut, Joseph Menczer


        Dept of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Hospital records of 46 girls under the age of 17 years, hospitalized for lower genital tract problems in 1986-95 were reviewed. The most common conditions were results of unintentional injuries (43.5%), imperforate hymen (28.2%) and infections (19.6%). The median age for unintentional injuries was significantly lower than for other conditions (7.0 vs 11.4; p<0.001). Most injuries were external and occurred during outdoor activities. Mean volume of estimated bloody fluid drained in those with imperforate hymen was greater when the diagnosis was made after the age of 12 (783 vs 433; not significant). It has been suggested that hematocolpos and hematometra should be prevented, but the possible unfavorable sequelae have not been documented. The relative order of frequency of the various diagnostic groupings and the diagnoses of labial adhesions and imperforate hymen are specific for the age of the study group.

        יוני 1997

        שאול מ' שאשא, נועם גולדשטיין ואברהם אופק

        International Quality Assurance Standards (ISO 9002) in an Israeli Hospital


        Shaul M. Shasha, Noam Goldstein, Abraham Ofek


        Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya and Ofek Institute, Ramat Hasharon


        This hospital has been certified by the Israel Standards Institute as having a quality assurance system fulfilling the requirements of the international standard, ISO 9002. This is the first hospital in this part of the world to be certified as fulfilling this standard. Its adoption is one of several accepted approaches to quality assurance in medicine. World-wide, very few health organizations, including hospitals, have implemented this system successfully. Opinions regarding its importance are divided, mostly because of lack of experience in its application. We describe its features, goals and structure, and its implementation in various sectors, including health organizations. The process of its adoption, application and implementation is described, and the problems which arose are discussed.

        אמיר ויזרי, אלי מימון, משה מזור, אילנה שוהם-ורדי, טלי זילברשטיין, ארנון ויז'ניצר ומרים כץ

        Effect of the Yom Kippur Fast on Parturition


        A. Wiser, E. Maymon, M. Mazor, I. Shoham-Vardi, T. Silberstein, A. Wiznitzer, M. Katz


        Depts. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and of Epidemiology, Soroka Medical Center, and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Food-withdrawal has been proposed as a possible mechanism for initiating the onset of labor in animals and humans. The hypothesis was based upon the reported increase in deliveries of infants during the Yom Kippur fast. We studied the effect of the fast on full term deliveries of Jewish women, with non-fasting Bedouin women as controls (1988-1995, 1,313 Jewish and 1,091 Bedouin deliveries). To determine the effect of Yom Kippur itself, delivery rates on Sukkot and Yom Kippur were compared in both groups. The mean delivery rate in the Jewish population was significantly higher during Yom Kippur and the day after, than during the 7 days before Yom Kippur (15.1±5.1 and 14.6±4.7 vs 10.7±3.5, p<0.04 and p<0.01, respectively). There was an increase in delivery rate during the 6 hours before the end of the fast. In the Bedouin women there were no changes in delivery rate during any of these periods. There were no significant differences in the rates of deliveries during the Sukkot festival between Jewish and Bedouin women. We conclude that fasting is associated with a significant increase in the rate of deliveries at term.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303