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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוגוסט 1999

        חשמונאי דרזון, שושנה ניסימיאן, חיים יוספי, רונית פלד ואמיל חי

        Violence in the Emergency Department


        H. Derazon, S. Nissimian, C. Yosefy, R. Peled, E. Hay


        Dept. of Emergency Medicine and Epidemiology Unit, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon


        There is an international epidemic of violence in the emergency department (ED) which threatens medical staff daily. The problem is underestimated in Israel and there are as yet no regulations of the Ministry of Health and the Bureau of Security and Safety that deal with the problem.

        At the beginning of 1997 we conducted a retrospective survey to estimate the extent of this problem and to define its causes and the various options for management. An anony-mous questionnaire was given to all permanent workers of our ED: physicians, nurses and reception clerks, as well as physicians who worked in the ED during evening and night shifts at least twice a week.

        74% of (questionnaire) responders experienced violent events, most of them 5 or more times during the previous 2 years. Violence was experienced by 90% of nurses, 70% of physicians and 64% of clerks. The main reason for violence was prolonged waiting in the ED. Other causes were dissatisfaction with treatment, refusal to leave the ED, and language that displeased the patient.

        Most violent patients were middle-aged men, of whom alcohol and drug users were only a small proportion. Most victims of physical violence called hospital security personnel, but only a third of the victims of verbal violence pressed charges. Half of the staff who were physically attacked called the police and most pressed charges. Only 2 attackers were convicted; charges were dropped against 3 because of "lack of public concern." We were unable to ascertain the results of the other charges. Most victims of violence didn't press charges because of fear resulting from threats of the patient and/or family.

        The violent patient was usually characterized by responders as a middle-aged man, sober, of low socioeconomic level, impatient, with a bad previous hospital experience, dissatisfied with treatment and who insisted on being admitted to hospital.

        Suggestions for violence management by questionnaire- responders included 24-hour police protection and a training program in violence management for hospital security and medical staff.

        חיים יוספי, ראובן ויסקופר, יהושוע לשם, יעל רב-הון, גלעד רוזנברג ואפרת ישכיל

        Multicenter Community-Based Trial of Amlodipine in Hypertension


        C. Yosefy, J.R. Viskoper, Y. Leshem, Y. Rav-Hon, G.I. Rosenberg, E. Yaskil


        (Representing the 39 Investigators of Project AML-IL-95-001, WHO Collaborative Center for Prevention of CV Diseases) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon; Hypertension Clinic, Kupat Holim Afula; Statistics Consulting Unit, Haifa University; and Promedico Ltd., Petah Tikva


        The safety and efficacy of Amlodipine (AML) for mild to moderate hypertension was evaluated in a "real life" setting. This open non-comparative trial included 123 men and 143 women (age 30-91 years, mean 59.4). All had sitting diastolic blood pressure (DBP) between 95 and 115 mmHg, confirmed in most by 2 baseline measurements, 2 weeks apart.

        Eligible patients were given AML 5 mg daily as add-on or monotherapy and were evaluated 4 weeks later. If DBP was then >90 mmHg, the daily dose was raised to 10 mg; those with <90 mmHg remained on 5 mg. AML was continued for 8 weeks. Other BP-lowering drugs were unchanged.


        Of the original 266 patients 22 (8.2%) withdrew due to adverse events (AE), and others were protocol violators, lost to follow-up or withdrew, leaving 211 available for efficacy analysis. In this major group BP was reduced from 165±15/101±4 to 139±11/83±5 after 12 weeks of AML (p<0.05). The reduction was greater in those under 70 years, from 173±12/100±5 to 142±12/80±4 (p<0.05). In those with BMI>30 kg/m², BP decreased from 165±15/101±5 to 140±12/83±5 (p<0.05).


        Mean change in heart rate was -1.5 bpm (p<0.05). Mean final AML dose was 5.5 mg/day. The most common AML-related AE requiring cessation of the drug was pedal edema in 2.6% of the 266 patients; in 3.7% it persisted during therapy. Other AE occurring in >1% were dizziness in 1.8%, headache 1.5%, flushing 1.1% and fatigue 1.1%.

        We conclude that AML is an effective and well-tolerated antihypertensive suitable for most hypertensive patients.

        יולי 1999

        ר' בכר, ד' אלג'ם, ג' סרוב, פ' סורקין, ע' סולד ופ' הלפרן

        Injuries Due to Falls in Urban Buses: 100 Consecutive Cases 

        Ron Bachar, David Aladgem, Jacky Sarov, Patrick Sorkine, Oded Szold, Pinchas Halpern


        Dept. of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Unit, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We reviewed the charts of 100 consecutive emergency department (ED) cases of injuries in public buses (not due to actual traffic accidents) seen during 7 months in 1995. There were 29 males and 71 females with a mean age of 55.6-21.4 years, median 60, and range 13-91. 92 were discharged home directly from the ED. 3 were admitted to general surgical wards, and 1 each to the orthopedic, medical and neurosurgical wards, while 2 soldiers were sent for observation to a military clinic.


        There were 28 spinal column, 27 head and 25 chest injuries; 1 patient died. There were no significant differences in admissions during the months of the year. 58% of injuries occurred during normal working hours, with a peak incidence at about 1000 hrs. The most common cause was falling while standing, due to sudden acceleration/deceleration or sharp turns.


        There are 1900 buses in Tel Aviv which carry 1.1 million passengers daily and most of which are capable of significant acceleration. A high proportion of passengers travel standing, and elderly passengers are more liable to fall when the bus accelerates, decelerates or turns. We calculate a potential national yearly bus injury toll from falls of more than 1000, which often result in significant morbidity and even mortality. A national survey is now being planned.

        דורון זמיר, יוסף ויצמן, חן זמיר, צבי פיירמן ופלטיאל וינר

        Mesalamine-Induced Hyper- Sensitivity Pneumonitis


        D. Zamir, J. Weizman, C. Zamir, Z. Fireman, P. Weiner


        Dept. of Medicine A and Gastroenterology Unit, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera and Hadera Subdistrict Health Office


        A 23-year-old woman was admitted with a history of 2 weeks of cough, fever and bilateral lung infiltrates. She had been diagnosed 2 months before as having ulcerative proctitis and was treated with mesalamine, which induced a full remission, but 3 antibiotic regimens failed to improve her lung disease.


        Since computerized tomography revealed bilateral peripheral lung infiltrates and her eosinophile count was elevated, the diagnosis of drug-induced eosinophilic pneumonia was suggested. Mesalamine and antibiotics were stopped and oral corticosteroids begun. She became almost asymptomatic a week after mesalamine withdrawal, and the x-ray became normal.

        רוברט פינאלי, זהבי כהן, ודים קפולר, אגנטה גולן, עדנה קורצברט ואברהם מרש

        Limited Percutaneous Surgical Drainage in Severe Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Low Birth Weight Prematures


        Robert Finaly, Zahavi Cohen, Vadim Kapuller, Agneta Golan, Edna Kurtzbart, Abraham Mares


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery and Neonatology, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The usual treatment of complicated neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is resection of the necrotic bowel, lavage of the peritoneal cavity and diversion enterostomy. Low-birth-weight premature neonates with this condition are in special danger if general anesthesia and full exploratory surgery is contemplated.


        A relatively simple alternate procedure is percutaneous insertion under local anesthesia of a soft abdominal drain, most often in the right lower quadrant. The procedure is done in the neonatal intensive care unit without moving the whole set-up to the operating room.


        4 such cases have been treated within the past year. 3 were discharged home as they did not require additional surgical treatment, not having developed intestinal stenosis or obstruction. 1 recovered from the acute episode, but succumbed to a severe intraventricular hemorrhage and respiratory failure 7 days after the procedure.


        Our limited but most gratifying experience, in addition to similar experience of others, encourages us to recommend this simple surgical approach in the very sick low-birth-weight premature with fulminant NEC.

        יעקב גינדין, משה גייצן, מרינה דושינאט, חנה סיבוני, דליה גולדשטיין, זיוה שפירא, ניצן קונסטנטין, אריה וורם, אריה גולדשמיד ואיתן חי-עם

        Prevalence of Medical Complaints in the Community-Dwelling Elderly


        J. Gindin, M. Geitzn, M. Dushenat, H. Siboni, D. Goldstein, Z. Shapira, N. Konstantin, A. Wurm, A. Goldsmid, E. Hay-Am


        Geriatric Institute of Education and Research, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot; Pharmacology Dept., Kupat Holim Klalit, Tel Aviv and Central District; and Kupat Holim Klalit, Rishon LeZion


        We assessed the prevalence of self-reported medical complaints among the community-dwelling elderly receiving regular medication, and determined associations between health and sociodemographic variables, and the prevalence of complaints.


        The study included 170 patients, 60-90 years of age, living at home. Participants were recruited from the 3 main primary care clinics in Rishon LeZion. All were receiving chronic medication and were followed-up utilizing a long-term medication card. Data were gathered in interviews held in patients' homes using a structured questionnaire which included sociodemographics, diseases and medication, mental state assessment by Katzman's score, and a list of 15 medical complaints common among the aged. Relations to age, gender, education, living arrangements, number of diseases and number of medications per patient were determined.


        Mean age of participants was 73.2±6.0 years and they suffered an average of 4.07±2.16 diseases and took 5.10±2.83 types of drugs. The most prevalent complaints were: weakness and fatigue (65.0%), agitation and restlessness (56.4%), dry mouth (45.6%), constipation (43.6%) and dizziness (43.2%). The number of diseases, gender, education and age had the strongest associations with the prevalence of specific complaints, as well as their total number. The association between number of medications and mean number of complaints was of borderline significance.

        אמיר הלקין, דינה לב, עודד סולד, פיליפ בידרמן, שרה בולוצ'ניק, פנחס הלפרן ופטריק סורקין

        Severe Heat Stroke in an Intensive Care Unit


        Amir Halkin, Dina Lev, Oded Szold, Philip Bidermann, Sarah Bulocnic, Pinchas Halpern, Patrick Sorkine


        Depts. of Medicine and Surgery, and Intensive Care Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center


        During the August 1998 heat wave in Tel Aviv we admitted many patients for acute heat-related illness; 6 had severe heat stroke and were admitted in critical condition. We describe their clinical courses during the first 5 days of hospitalization, including response to treatment and implications for future management of this disorder.


        The mean APACHE II score of the 6 was 30±3.5 and mean Glasgow Coma Scale rating 3.5±0.5; they were in hypovolemic shock and respiratory failure, necessitating mechanical ventilation. Despite early effective therapy (core temperature in all was reduced to less than 398C in less than 1 hour), there was 1 death (mortality 15%) and 4 required further intensive care for life-threatening multiple organ failure.


        During severe heat waves a significant number of referrals for acute heat-related illness must be anticipated, possibly overwhelming admission capacity of regional intensive-care units. Severe heat stroke complicated by multi-organ failure is not necessarily related to prior physical activity. Although important in determining prognosis, early treatment does not prevent severe complications. Mechanisms regulating body heat may remain disturbed for days following early treatment and apparent stabilization, mandating continued hospitalization.

        דפנה דורון, אורית פפו, אורית פורטנוי ואתי גרנות

        EBV-Related Post-Transplantation Lymphoproliferative Disorder


        D. Doron, O. Papo, O. Portnoy, E. Granot


        Depts. of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Radiology, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem


        We describe a 4.5-year-old girl in whom post transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder was diagnosed 1 year after liver transplantation. She ran a complicated course with multiple organ involvement: respiratory failure which required mechanical ventilation, renal failure, bone marrow depression and severe protein-losing enteropathy.

        יוני 1999

        דן ליבוביץ, סימון שטראוס ואהובה שרון

        Acute, Painful, Swollen Testis


        Dan Leibovici, Simon Strauss, Ahuva Sharon


        Dept. of Urology, Ultrasound Unit, Institute of Diagnostic Imaging and Medical Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        An acutely painful and swollen testis mandates urgent diagnostic and therapeutic measures since this symptom complex may indicate torsion of the testis. Prompt scrotal exploration is necessary if the testis is to be saved from ischemic necrosis.

        Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a vasculitis involving mainly medium and small sized arteries and may damage any organ. In PAN, the presentation of an acutely painful and swollen testis raises a perplexing diagnostic problem since the symptoms may be related to vasculitis involving the testis on the one hand, or represent primary testicular pathology unrelated to the underlying PAN. A 31-year-old man with PAN who presented with acute pain and swelling in a solitary testis is reported.

        ג'ורג' חביב וליאון כהן

        Many Faces of Parvovirus


        George Habib, Leon Cohen


        Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        2 women, aged 31 and 37 years, respectively, suffered from acute febrile illness due to acute infection with human parvovirus B19. 1 also had a maculopapular rash and articular symptoms after her fever stopped, a clinical picture typical of erythema infections. The other had leukopenia and thrombocytopenia and had received dipyrone. Although acute infection with human parvovirus usually occurs in childhood, it may also occur in adults, with protean manifestations.

        ע' ברוק וי' בוינובר

        Rehospitalization of Children


        U. Brook, Y. Buyanover


        Pediatrics Dept., Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, and Sackler Medical School, Tel Aviv University


        The aims of the study were to determine the rate of rehospitalization in 1997 a month after the end of initial hospitalization. 72 of 1174 children (6.1%) were rehospitalized. The mean age was 4.6±3.6 years (range 1 month-16 years). The average duration of the initial hospitalization of the 72 children was 8.3±6.0 (range 1-50) days, but only 3.6 days for all hospitalized children. The duration of the rehospitalization was 4.1±2.1 days (range 1-10 days). the interval between the 2 hospitalizations was 11.1±9.6 days (range 1-30 days). Among the diseases of the rehospitalized children in decreasing order were: respiratory diseases (including ORL) (40.9%), gastrointestinal diseases (27.7%), nervous system diseases, and bacteremia and septicemia (5.6%). Second hospitalizations in connection with these conditions were: gastrointestinal disease (34.7%); respiratory disease (29%); and bacteremia and septicemia (11.1%). Our recommendations are for attending physicians to follow-up regularly and periodically children who suffer from chronic diseases and are prone to develop exacerbations. This should be done in cooperation with hospital specialists so that the cooperation may reduce the rehospitalization of these children.

        צבי גרוסמן, ארנסטו קאהן, שמואל גרוס, שי אשכנזי ואיתמר שליט

        Pediatric Research in an Office-Setting Network


        Zahi Grossman, Ernesto Kahan, Samuel Gross, Shai Ashkenazi, Itamar Shalit


        Kupat Holim Maccabi, Tel Aviv; Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association; Dept. of Family Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Pediatric care in the community is gradually replacing traditional care in hospitals. Despite that, research activity in the community setting is minimal due to objective difficulties. These are mainly constraints of time, office work and lack of research-supporting logistics. In the past decade, throughout the world, primary physicians interested in research have grouped together and formed research networks. The aim of such networks is to support and promote research in the community.


        An Israel Pediatric Research in Office-Setting network (IPROS) was established 2 years ago by the Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association (IAPA). Today, there are over 140 pediatricians listed in IPROS, representing the heterogeneous composition of pediatricians in Israel. The network's policy is defined by a joint steering committee. The committee is composed of IAPA representatives, senior network members and Schneider Hospital senior investigators. The research subjects are diverse, and represent common practical issues.


        Effective intra-net communication is vital to the existence of the network, and is accomplished by 3 modalities: 1) semiannual updates by mail, 2) e-mail, using an electronic mailing list to facilitate connection between members, 3) semi-annual meetings. Research budgets are derived from public sources like the Ministry of Health and IAPA, and private sources such as pharmaceutical companies. The administration of the network is supported by Schneider Children's Medical Center, and financed by IAPA.

        ג' איזיקיאל, ש' ולפיש וי' כהן

        Adjuvant Therapy of Large Bowel Carcinoma


        G. Ezekiel, S. Walfisch, Y. Cohen*


        Dept. of Oncology and Colorectal Unit, Soroka Medical Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The National Institutes of Health (NIH) held a consensus conference which recommended 5-FU and levamisole as adjuvant chemotherapy for colon cancer MAC (Modified Astler Coller) stage C.

        From 1991-1994, 37 such patients diagnosed here were treated with 5-FU (intravenous dose of 450/mg/m²/d for 5 days and from day 29, once a week for 48 weeks) and oral levamisole (50 mg 3 times/d. for 3 days, every 2 weeks for a year), as suggested by NIH guidelines.


        16 patients were males and 21 were females, mean age was 62 years and median 64. Cancer locations were: right colon (in 16, 43%), left colon (19, 51%), multiple colon primaries (2, 1%). 25 (68%) had 1-3 positive lymph nodes and 12 (32%) had 4 or more positive lymph nodes.

        Only 20 (54%) finished treatment as prescribed. In the others, 1 or both drugs caused side-effects for which the drugs had to be stopped. 6 patients relapsed while on treatment.


        The most common side-effects were diarrhea, stomatitis and bone marrow suppression. 3 were hospitalized due to neutropenic fever. 5-year actuarial survival of all patients was 61%; 5-year relapse-free survival was 61%; 5-year relapse-free survival of right versus left colon was 41% and 82%, respectively (p<0.01). There was no significant difference in 5-year survival of those with 1-3 positive lymph nodes as compared to those with 4 or more (62% and 56%, respectively). 5-year survival in those who finished or did not finish treatment (excluding those who stopped treatment because of progressive disease) was 83% and 70%, respectively (NS).


        The 5-year survival of our series was similar to that of patients treated similarly elsewhere. The 5-FU and levamisole treatment was not tolerated well by our study population. It has recently been replaced in our service by a 5-FU and leucovorin regimen given for 6 months.


        * Jules E. Harris Chair in Oncology.

        שראל הלחמי, אלכסנדר קסטין, בועז מושקוביץ ועופר נתיב

        Nephron-Sparing Surgery - Initial Experience with 50 Patients


        Sarel Halachmi, Alexander Kastin, Boaz Moskovitz, Ofer Nativ


        Urology Dept., Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        During recent years the use of the new imaging techniques, ultrasonography and computerized tomography, has increased. The accessibility to these methods has changed the pattern of detection of renal lesions. Over 90% of renal masses are now discovered incidentally, while investigating nonurological symptoms. Therefor, most lesions are discovered in their early stages.

        The gold-standard procedure for removing renal masses is radical nephrectomy, which ensures complete removal of an organ-confined lesion, but involves loss of functional tissue. This might be critical in patients with a single kidney, or reduced nephron function. There are several diseases characterized by multiple renal lesions, such as Von Hippel-Lindau and tuberous sclerosis in which radical treatment may lead to chronic dialysis in young patients.


        Nephron-sparing surgery was developed in order to preserve as much functional tissue as possible while removing safely any suspicious renal lesion. This new technique, not involving radical surgery, should be evaluated in cases of renal tumors for its ability to achieve the same cancer cures rates. We present our experience with our first 50 patients who underwent nephron-sparing surgery for removal of renal lesions.

        אריאל המרמן, רמונה רותם, נפתלי מידן ואבי פורת

        Impact of Clinical Pharmacist on Drug Therapy in Medical Departments


        Ariel Hamerman, Rimona Rotem, Naftali Meidan, Avi Porath


        Pharmacy Services, Hospital Management and Medical Dept. F, Soroka University Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Several studies have documented the impact of clinical pharmacy services on patient care and drug costs in hospital wards. However most hospitals in Israel do not provide such services and until recently their benefits in local health care have not been demonstrated. We therefor determined whether the activity of a pharmacist in the medical department of a medical center leads to improved quality of drug utilization and reduced costs.


        During the first 3 months of the clinical pharmacist's work all interventions and consultation were documented. The effect of these interventions on drug costs was calculated by the change in drug acquisition costs during the study period compared with those of preceding months, as well as in the other 5 medical departments of the hospital without clinical pharmacy services.


        During the study period the pharmacist joined 44 clinical rounds in which he documented 40 consultations in response to physicians' requests for drug information and 42 interventions on his own initiative. The pharmacist's recommendations were accepted in 38 of the 42 cases (90%). In 10 cases the pharmacist's initiative in improving the quality of drug therapy led to an increase in drug acquisition costs. However, the overall drug costs during the study period decreased 12.6%. During the same period drug costs in the other medical departments decreased only 2.2%.


        The results of this study conform with those of many other studies that show a beneficial impact of the clinical pharmacist on the quality of drug therapy and on drug costs. They indicate that the clinical pharmacist can play a crucial role in the medical department.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303