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        תוצאת חיפוש

        ינואר 2000

        יזהר לוי, אריה פרשטנדיג, טליה ששון, דנה וולף, איליה קריצ'ון, יבגני ליבסון, פנחס לבנסארט, אורית פפו, עודד יורים, אחמד עיד ודניאל שובל

        Transarterial Oil Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 

        Izhar Levy, Anthony Verstandig, Talia Sasson, Dana Wolf, Ilia Krichon, Eugin Libson, Pinchas Levensart, Orit Papo, Oded Yurim, Ahmed Id, Daniel Shouval


        Division of Medicine, Liver Unit and Invasive Radiology, Radiology, Pathology and Surgery Depts., Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancy with a grave prognosis. Most patients have both the malignant tumor as well as hepatic cirrhosis. Liver transplantation or hepatectomy are considered the only curative procedures, but can be applied in fewer than 10% of patients. In recent decades the most common treatments of HCC are transarterial chemoembolization with oil (TOCE) and percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI). We summarize our retrospective study of 100 patients (mean age 64) 3treated by TE.

        In 271 procedures between 1989-1998, in 16 patients hepatectomy was combined with TOCE and in 8 PEI was combined with TOCE, while the rest were treated by TOCE alone. Tumor mass was reduced in 36% of those treated by TOCE (tumor volume reduced 24-75%). Alpha-feto protein (AFP) was reduced 25-90% in 20/32 of those with elevated AFP levels. Median survival for the 100 in the entire group was 19 months (10.9 months in those with conservative treatment). Median survival in the 57 in Okuda stage 1 and the 43 in stages 2 or 3 was 30.1 months and 10.9 months, respectively (p<0.0001). Of the 57 in stage 1, 16 underwent hepatectomy in addition to TOCE and 41 were treated only by TOCE (median survival 15 and 26 months, respectively, p not significant).

        Comparing Okuda 1 patients treated by TOCE only with the natural history of the disease and historical controls (Okuda 1 patients treated conservatively in 1984) median survival was 26 and 10 months respectively (p<0.001). The side effects of TOCE were relatively mild. There was 1 fatality (3 days after treatment), and quality of life was maintained. Despite progress in the treatment of HCC by TOCE, PEI, and liver transplantation, long-term survival has remained unsatisfactory.

        נובמבר 1999

        עידו וולף ומאיר מועלם

        Multiple Organ Damage due to Cholesterol Embolization


        Ido Wolf, Meir Mouallem


        Dept. of Medicine E, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Cholesterol crystal embolization can affect multiple organ systems and mimic other systemic diseases. We describe a 65-year-old woman who had renal failure, diarrhea, transient ischemic attacks and purple toes due to spontaneous cholesterol crystal embolization.

        חן מימון, אלי דרייזין, צבי וינראוב, יאן בוקובסקי ואריה הרמן

        Screening for Down's Syndrome by Measuring Fetal Nuchal Translucency Thickness


        Ron Maymon, Eli Dreazen, Zwi Weinraub, Ian Bukovsky, Arie Herman


        Ultrasound Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Increased fetal muchal translucency (NT) thickness at 10-14 weeks of gestation may indicate underlying fetal chromosomal abnormalities, anatomical anomalies and genetic syndromes. Between January 1997 and May 1998, 1400 women 10-14 weeks pregnant underwent sonographic screening for detection of Down's syndrome (DS). Follow-up was complete in 1208 (86%).

        Maternal age ranged from 17-44 years (mean 18.0). 87% were found by screening to have a higher risk (1:380) for DS diagnosed at birth. All these fetuses were karyotyped and 8 had chromosomal abnormalities. 2 fetuses with normal NT were diagnosed later as having DS, 1 by the mid-gestation triple test and 1 by amniocentesis because of advanced maternal age.

        Thus sonographic screening identified 8 out of 10 fetuses found to have chromosomal abnormalities at birth. Neonates not karyotyped before birth had no traits at birth that justified chromosomal analysis. Results of this study suggest that NT measurement, combined with maternal age, is an effective 1st trimester screening method for DS in an unselected obstetric population.

        ספטמבר 1999

        רם סילפן, אברהם אמיר, מאורה פיינמסר ודניאל האובן

        Malignant Eccrine Poroma


        R. Silfen, A. Amir, M. Feinmesser, D.J. Hauben


        Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Pathology Dept., Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva


        Malignant eccrine poroma (MEP) is rare and both clinical and histologic diagnosis is often difficult. Therefore, diagnosis is sometimes delayed or even incorrect. We report a case in a 70-year old man with MEP of the leg. He demonstrated typical MEP behavior and the problems of differential diagnosis.

        אריה אלדד

        Burns in Children in Israel: Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment


        Arieh Eldad


        Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces and Burns Unit, Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        45% of all hospitalized burn casualties in Israel are children younger than 16 years old. In various hospitals they make up 30-60% of all burn casualties, depending on the proportion of children in the area of hospital intake, social and economic factors and the type of hospital. Length of hospitalization of children is shorter than that of the general population (7.3 vs 9.0 days). Scalding is the main cause of thermal injuries among babies and infants (70%), while fire burns are the most common causes among adolescents (56.5%); 90% of babies are injured at home; only 40% of adolescents are burned in home accidents.

        In Israel, burned children are treated in 25 different hospitals and in departments of pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, general surgery, pediatrics or burn departments. There is no pediatric burn unit in Israel.

        יולי 1999

        רוברט פינאלי, זהבי כהן, ודים קפולר, אגנטה גולן, עדנה קורצברט ואברהם מרש

        Limited Percutaneous Surgical Drainage in Severe Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Low Birth Weight Prematures


        Robert Finaly, Zahavi Cohen, Vadim Kapuller, Agneta Golan, Edna Kurtzbart, Abraham Mares


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery and Neonatology, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The usual treatment of complicated neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is resection of the necrotic bowel, lavage of the peritoneal cavity and diversion enterostomy. Low-birth-weight premature neonates with this condition are in special danger if general anesthesia and full exploratory surgery is contemplated.


        A relatively simple alternate procedure is percutaneous insertion under local anesthesia of a soft abdominal drain, most often in the right lower quadrant. The procedure is done in the neonatal intensive care unit without moving the whole set-up to the operating room.


        4 such cases have been treated within the past year. 3 were discharged home as they did not require additional surgical treatment, not having developed intestinal stenosis or obstruction. 1 recovered from the acute episode, but succumbed to a severe intraventricular hemorrhage and respiratory failure 7 days after the procedure.


        Our limited but most gratifying experience, in addition to similar experience of others, encourages us to recommend this simple surgical approach in the very sick low-birth-weight premature with fulminant NEC.

        יוני 1999

        אריה איזנמן ורפאל עינת

        Superficial Skin Necrosis in Short Bowel Syndrome


        Arie Eisenman, Rafael Enat


        Dept. of Medicine B, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Short bowel syndrome causes a complex of symptoms due to compromise of small intestinal nutrient absorption. A 60-year-old woman underwent major resection of the small intestine due to a road accident 3 years ago. The sole manifestation of short-bowel-syndrome was superficial skin necrosis due to vitamin K deficiency. She was asymptomatic for a long time, until treatment with antibiotics further intensified initially subclinical malabsorption.

        It is not clear why there had been no other symptoms and why the main impact was on the fibrinolytic system rather than the coagulation system, as is usually the case. It is recommended that patients after major resection of the small intestine be closely monitored for coagulation function if an oral antibiotic is prescribed.

        רון מימון, אלי דרייזין, יוסי טובבין, צבי וינראוב ואריה הרמן

        Outcome in Fetuses with Increased Nuchal Translucency Thickness


        Ron Maymon, Eli Dreazen, Yosi Tovbin, Zwi Weinraub, Arie Herman


        Ultrasound Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Increased thickness of fetal nuchal translucency (TNT) measured at 10-14 weeks of gestation, may suggest underlying fetal chromosomal defects, structural abnormalities or genetic syndromes. We examined the relationship between increased TNT and pregnancy outcome, especially in fetuses with normal karyotypes.

        1400 pregnant women underwent first trimester scanning and screening for chromosomal abnormalities and measurement of fetal TNT. 25 fetuses (2%) with increased TNT (>3 mm) were identified. 8 (30%) had an abnormal karyotype. Of these, 5 pregnancies were aborted, 3 ended in spontaneous abortions before karyotyping, and 2 were terminated, all before detailed cardiac scanning. There was a high association between increased TNT and karyotype abnormalities. The total incidence of favorable outcome in fetuses with normal chromosomal and cardiac features but enlarged TNT was 56%.

        אפריל 1999

        זהבי כהן, אלון יולביץ, ואדים קאפולר, ניצה נוימן ואברהם מרש

        Laparoscopic Spermatic Vein Ligation for Varicocele in Adolescents


        Zahavi Cohen, Alon Yulevich, Vadim Kapuler, Niza Newman, Abraham J. Mares


        Pediatric Surgery Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        We report our initial experience with laparoscopic ligation of spermatic veins in the treatment of varicocele in adolescence. 19 boys, 13 to 18 years old, underwent this treatment between I 1997 and III 98. The varicocele was always on the left side. 12 complained of scrotal discomfort and pain, but in 7 it was found incidentally during routine medical examination by the family or school physician. The diagnosis was based only on physical examination.

        There has been no morbidity related to the laparoscopic procedure and all returned to normal activity within a few days. Follow-up 2-12 months after surgery showed no varicocele in any. We conclude that laparoscopy is useful in the treatment of varicocele in adolescents.

        מרץ 1999

        יהודה לרמן, גבריאל חודיק, חווה אלוני ושי אשכנזי

        Is Official Data on Reported Morbidity Valid? Hepatitis A in Israel as an Example


        Yehuda Lerman, Gabriel Chodik, Hava Aloni, Shai Ashkenazi


        Occupational Health and Rehabilitation Institute, Ra'anana, Schneider Children's Hospital, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Hepatitis A is one of the most frequently reported notifiable infectious diseases in Israel. The annual incidence as reported is around 70/100,000. The physician or the diagnostic laboratory notifies the district health office of the Ministry of Health.

        The purpose of this research was to evaluate the sensitivity of passive surveillance of hepatitis A morbidity among adults, 18 years and over. Methods included study of notifications to the Ministry of Health or hospitalizations of cases of hepatitis A and of positive laboratory tests results (IgM) for hepatitis A. We estimated the extent of under-reporting by 2 different methods of extrapolation.

        Data based on passive surveillance among the adult population, between 1.1.1993-31.12.1994, comprised less than 1/5 of the actual number of cases. Physicians notified about 6.2% of their hepatitis A patients. 5.1% of the notifications to the district health office were sent twice or more, usually both by the physicians and labs.

        The official data on hepatitis A morbidity, based on passive surveillance, are considerably underestimated. Physicians and public health officials should be aware that such data may not accurately reflect the magnitude of the risk or the amount of disease that can be prevented. Efforts should be made to improve this situation.

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        Balloon Angioplasty of Native Coarctation of the Aorta


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The use of balloon dilatation to treat native coarctation of the aorta is gaining acceptance among interventional pediatric cardiologists, but is still controversial. We describe our experience with this procedure in 21 children, mean age 5.6 years and mean weight 21.1 kg. Most had an additional congenital heart defect, most commonly a bicuspid aortic valve. 17 were asymptomatic, 3 had tachypnea and 1 infant had severe congestive heart failure and was ventilated. The mean systolic blood pressure was 129.7 mm Hg.


        Balloon dilatation was successful in 90% (19), decreasing the mean maximal systolic gradient from 35.3 to 9 mm Hg (p<0.001), and increasing the narrowest area from 3.9 to 8.2 mm (p<0.001), with a mean balloon-to-coarctation width-ratio of 2.8. There were no complications. Of 15 who underwent repeat cardiac catheterization at a mean interval of 10.6 months, 2 had a maximal systolic gradient of more than 20 mm Hg. 1 of these underwent successful repeat angioplasty and the other, who also had a small aneurysm, underwent surgical repair successfully. 2 others had small aneurysms and they are being followed clinically.


        All patients were seen again after a mean interval of 31 months. The mean systolic blood pressure was 104 mm Hg, significantly lower than before intervention (p<0.002). 1 had an increased pressure gradient between right arm and leg of 35 mm Hg at later follow-up, and repeat cardiac catheterization demonstrated a good result 13 months after the initial procedure. She is awaiting a third catheterization. Overall, 90% had good mid-term results.


        Based on our experience and recent reports, balloon angioplasty is safe and effective in most children older than 7 months and should be considered a viable alternative to operation for discrete aortic coarctation. Further long-term evaluation is needed.

        גרשון וולפין, ראיק סעיד, וליד סמרי, ברנרד גרימברג ומשה דניאל

        Nerve Palsies Following Prolonged Use of Limb Tourniquets


        G. Volpin, R. Said, W. Simri, B. Grimberg, M. Daniel


        Depts. of Orthopedic Surgery and Neurology, Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya


        Nerve paralysis following the use of tourniquets, regular or pneumatic, for limb surgery is rare. We describe a 19-year-old male soldier who had tourniquets applied for 3 1/4 hours to his arm and both legs due to penetrating injuries. As a result, he suffered palsy of the radial nerve and both common peroneal nerves. Nerve palsy in such cases has not been described in the literature. It is not clear whether the cause is direct mechanical pressure on the nerve, nerve ischemia, or a combination of both.

        We recommend that tourniquets should not be used continuously for more than 2 hours. If evacuation of the injured is delayed, the medical team should consider loosening tourniquets for short intervals or changing for a pressure bandage. This is providing the patient's condition is stable and bleeding does not start again on release of the tourniquet.

        פברואר 1999

        יאיר סקורניק, סופה ברנדינר, גרא גנדלמן וזאב שטגר

        Cerebellar Infarction: Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment


        Y. Skurnik, S. Brandiner, G. Gandelman, Z. Shtoeger


        Medical Dept., Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot (Affiliated with Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem) and Dept. H, Harzfeld Hospital, Gedera


        Cerebellar infarction is relatively infrequent and accounts for about 2% of all strokes. Its clinical presentation and course are variable. It may resemble vestibulitis in mild cases, but the presentation may be more dramatic in other cases. Cerebellar infarction may cause life-threatening complications such as acute hydrocephalus or brain stem compression, resulting from their mass effect in the posterior fossa or extension of the infarct to the brain stem.

        Clinical features alone are insufficient for the diagnosis and for follow-up of patients with cerebellar infarction. However the advent of CT and MRI and their availability enable early diagnosis of cerebellar infarction, and early recognition of the development of acute hydrocephalus or brain stem compression which require surgical decompression. The prognosis of most cases is good when treatment is appropriate.

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        Percutaneous Closure of Patent Arterial Ducts with Occluding Spring Coils


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In recent years percutaneous closure of small and medium- sized patent arterial ducts has been achieved using occluding spring coils. We describe our experience in 93 patients with this tec, using a snare to facilitate the procedure in most. All patients had a clinically apparenpatent arterial duct and had undergone attempts at transcatheter closure at a mean age of 6.8 years. In 1, the duct was a residual lesion following surgical ligation, and in 5 it was a residual following attempted closure with the Rashkind double-umbrella. The mean narrowest diameter of the ducts was 2.1 mm.

        In our 93 patients implantation was successful in 92 (99%), using 1 coil (82 patients), or 2 (10 patients), and in 1 by a combination of a double-umbrella device and an occluding spring coil.

        The mean fluoroscopic screening time for the whole group was 22.8 minutes, which decreased to 16.8 minutes in the last 50 patients. The coil embolized in 7 patients, but was retrieved in 6 and the ducts were subsequently occluded with another coil. In 1 patient the coil was left in a distal small branch of the left pulmonary artery and the duct was successfully occluded with a double-umbrella.

        Color-Doppler echocardiogram performed the morning after placement of the coils showed residual leaks in 18%. At mean follow-up of 24.6 months repeat imaging showed residual leaks in only 3 of these patients (3%).

        We conclude that occlusion of small to medium-sized ducts using coils appears to be effective and is the treatment of choice. The use of a snare to hold and manipulate the coil as it is delivered improves control of the coil, the accuracy of its placement, as well as giving complete occlusion of the ducts.

        ינואר 1999

        ערן תמיר, יגאל מירובסקי ונחום הלפרין

        Epidural Spinal Abscess


        E. Tamir, Y. Mirovsky, N. Halperin


        Orthopedics Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        A 42-year-old man was admitted for fever and severe low back pain radiating to both legs. On MRI, an epidural spinal abscess from S1 to D10 was seen. Treatment included laminectomy, drainage of the abscess and antibiotics. Recovery was complete without neurological damage. Increased awareness of this disease may lead to diagnosis and treatment.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303