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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 1999

        יאיר סקורניק, סופה ברנדינר, גרא גנדלמן וזאב שטגר

        Cerebellar Infarction: Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment


        Y. Skurnik, S. Brandiner, G. Gandelman, Z. Shtoeger


        Medical Dept., Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot (Affiliated with Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem) and Dept. H, Harzfeld Hospital, Gedera


        Cerebellar infarction is relatively infrequent and accounts for about 2% of all strokes. Its clinical presentation and course are variable. It may resemble vestibulitis in mild cases, but the presentation may be more dramatic in other cases. Cerebellar infarction may cause life-threatening complications such as acute hydrocephalus or brain stem compression, resulting from their mass effect in the posterior fossa or extension of the infarct to the brain stem.

        Clinical features alone are insufficient for the diagnosis and for follow-up of patients with cerebellar infarction. However the advent of CT and MRI and their availability enable early diagnosis of cerebellar infarction, and early recognition of the development of acute hydrocephalus or brain stem compression which require surgical decompression. The prognosis of most cases is good when treatment is appropriate.

        ינואר 1999

        אירינה ציקונובה, יוחנן נשיץ, סימונה קרויטורו, אלישע בר-מאיר ודניאל ישורון

        The Challenge of Space-Occupying Lesions in the Iliopsoas Space


        Irena Tsikonova, Jochanan E. Naschitz, Simona Croitoru, Elisha Barmeir, Daniel Yeshurun


        Depts. of Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, Bnai Zion Medical Center, and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Mass lesions in the iliopsoas compartment (MLIPC) are uncommon in patients in departments of medicine and their incidence and etiologies are unclear. In a prospective study we diagnosed various MLIPCs in 7 patients during a 10-year period, representing 0.03% of admissions. Symptoms included abdominal or flank pain (4 cases), pain along the thigh (5), diminished psoas muscle strength (2), fever (2), and hypotension (1). MLIPC was suspected on clinical grounds in 5 cases. In all cases the diagnosis was established by computed tomography (CT). Tissue was sampled by needle biopsy in 4 and on surgery in 1. MLIPCs were caused by hemorrhage (2), infection (2), neoplasia (2) and inflammatory mass (1). Often MLIPCs are life-threatening so their timely diagnosis by early CT scan is important.

        דצמבר 1998

        אילן שלף, אבי כהן ויחיאל ברקי

        Ultrasonographic Imaging of Superior Sagittal Thrombosis


        Ilan Shelef, Avi Cohen, Yehiel Barki


        Depts. of Radiology and Neurosurgery, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Ultrasonographic findings of superior sagittal sinus thrombosis include dilated and hyperechoic sinus (direct imaging of the thrombus). No flow should be demonstrated by the various Doppler techniques. In the deeper sinuses, if the thrombus can not be visualized after a negative Doppler study, MR imaging is recommended. Recanalization and reflow can be demonstrated on follow-up study.

        נובמבר 1998

        חגית כהן, אורי לונטל, מיכאל מטר, חנוך מיודבניק, זאב קפלן, יאיר קסוטו ומשה קוטלר

        Autonomic Dysregulation in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Power Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability


        Hagit Cohen, Uri Loewenthal, Mike A. Matar, Hanoch Miodownik, Zeev Kaplan, Yair Cassuto, Moshe Kotler


        Mental Health Center, Israel Ministry of Health; Anxiety and Stress Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences; Dept. of Life-Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) has been shown to be a reliable noninvasive test for quantitative assessment of cardiovascular autonomic regulatory response, providing a dynamic map of sympathetic and parasympathetic interaction. In a prior study exploring the state of hyperarousal that characterizes the post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) syndrome, we presented standardized heart rate analyses in 9 patients at rest, which demonstrated clear-cut evidence of a baseline autonomic hyperarousal state.

        To examine the dynamics of this hyperarousal state, standardized heart rate analysis was carried out in 9 PTSD patients, compared to a matched control group of 9 normal volunteers. 20-minute ECG recordings in response to a trauma-related cue, as opposed to the resting state, were analyzed. The patients were asked to recount the presumed triggering traumatic event, and the control subjects recounted a significant stressful negative life event.

        Whereas the control subjects demonstrated significant autonomic responses to the stressogenic stimulus of recounting major stressful experiences, the patients demonstrated almost no autonomic response to the recounting of the triggering stressful event. The patients demonstrated a degree of autonomic dysregulation at rest comparable to that seen in the control subjects' reaction to the stress model.

        The lack of response to the stress model applied in the study appears to imply that PTSD patients experience so great a degree of autonomic hyperactivation at rest, that they are unable to marshal a further stress response to the recounting of the triggering trauma, as compared to control subjects. A subsequent study of the effect of medication on these parameters showed that they are normalized by use of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI's).

        Neither the clinical implications of these findings, nor their physiological mechanisms are clear at present. We presume that they reflect a central effect, as the peripheral automatic effects of SSRI's are relatively negligible.

        מאיר כהן, ערן תמיר, סובחי אבו-עאיד, יאיר גלילי, מיכאל גלעדי, שמואל אביטל, רפאל שפיר ויוסף קלאוזנר

        The Diagnosis and Treatment of Fournier's Gangrene


        M. Cohen, E. Tamir, S. Abu-Abid, Y. Galili, M. Giladi, S. Avital, R. Shafir, Y. Klausner


        Surgery and Infectious Disease Depts. and Division of Surgery, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We treated 2 women and 8 men suffering from Fournier's gangrene during 1990-96. 2 had diabetes, 1 suffered from ulcerative colitis and 1 was an alcoholic. In 8 of them the infection was triggered by a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Treatment consisted of repeated wide debridement and early colostomy. This aggressive approach resulted in relief of the septic signs within 24 hours and permitted early skin grafting of the wounds. 2 patients died due to sepsis that caused multiple organ failure. The 8 who survived were hospitalized for an average of 35 days. On follow-up examination 1-5 years later all patients had undergone closure of the colostomy and were completely rehabilitated.

        Fournier's gangrene is not rare in the geriatric population. We believe that early diagnosis and aggressive wide debridement, combined with early colostomy, are the keys to successful treatment.

        נאסר גטאס, נורמן לוברנט ודוד רמון

        Miliary and Reticulo-Nodular Pulmonary Brucellosis


        Nasser Gattas, Norman Loberant, David Ri


        Medical Dept. B and Radiology Depts., Western Galilee Regional Hospital, Nahariya and Rappaport Faculof Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Brucellosis is a classical zoonosis caused by a Gram-negative bacillus of the genus Brucella. Human brucellosis can either be acute or chronic and present with a variety of manifestations, mostly with fever and signs of musculo-skeletal involvement. It may be complicated by involvement of the cardiovascular, central nervous or genito-urinary systems. However, pulmonary brucellosis is a rare complication.

        We report a case of miliary and reticulo-nodular brucellar pneumonia with positive blood and sputum cultures and positive serological tests. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case to be reported from Israel of miliary pneumonia with sputum positive for brucellosis.

        ספטמבר 1998

        דוד ב' ויס, שושנה גוטשלק-סבג, צבי צוקרמן, אלחנן בר-און וצבי כהנא

        Follicle-Stimulating Hormone in Azoospermia in Prediction of Spermatogenic Patterns


        David B. Weiss, Shoshana Gottschalk-Sabag, Zvi Zukerman, Elchanan Bar-On, Zvi Kahana


        Kupat Holim Me'uhedet; and Dept. of Pathology and Cytology and Male Infertility Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem; Andrology Unit, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva; and Paper Research Consultant Institute, Jerusalem


        Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is considered to be the most important plasma hormone correlated with spermatogenesis. Elevated FSH plasma levels were shown to be associated with complete damage to testicular seminiferous tubule germinal epithelium. Recently, there have been conflicting reports with regard to the value of FSH plasma levels in predicting seminiferous tubule histology in the azoospermic patient and hence, as a guide for therapy in assisted reproduction using testicular sperm retrieval. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether FSH plasma levels can predict spermatogenic pattern in the testes of the azoospermic infertile patient. 69 infertile men with non-obstructive azoospermia and 18 with very severe oligospermia were studied. In all, plasma levels of testosterone, free testosterone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone were measured by enzyme immunoassay. In the azoospermic patients the seminiferous tubule spermatogenic pattern was determined in testicular aspirates obtained by multiple fine needle aspiration and categorized according to the most mature spermatogenic cell type in the aspirates: Sertoli cells only, spermatogenic maturation arrest or full spermatogenesis. There were no significant differences in plasma levels of any hormone measured except in very severely oligospermic and azoospermic patients. Both normal and elevated levels were detected in all, regardless of seminiferous tubule cytological pattern or plasma FSH in azoospermic patients. It is concluded that plasma levels of FSH can not be used as a predictive parameter, neither for the presence of spermatozoa nor for any other seminiferous tubule cytological pattern in azoospermic infertile men. They cannot serve as guides for selection of azoospermic men for trials of testicular sperm retrieval in assisted reproduction.

        יוני 1998

        רון בן אברהם, ערן סגל, דב פריימרק, אלינור גושן, חנוך הוד, יעקב לביא, צבי זיסקינד ועזריאל פרל

        Massive Pulmonary Embolism


        Ron Ben Abraham, Eran Segal, Dov Freimark, Elinor Goshen, Hanoch Hod, Jacob Lavee, Zvi Ziskind, Azriel Perel


        Depts. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine and Cardiac Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Pulmonary embolism is a common event in hospitalized patients. In some cases it presents with hemodynamic collapse, indicating massive obliteration of the pulmonary vasculature and has a very grim prognosis; 2/3 of such patients die within 2 hours of onset of symptoms. We describe our experience in 13 patients with massive pulmonary embolism. An aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach, utilizing sophisticated imaging techniques, thrombolytic therapy and surgery, led to the survival of 8 of the patients. Our experience supports an aggressive approach in these seriously ill patients.

        מרץ 1998

        חנה באור, ישראל פוטסמן ונאורה פיק

        Intradermal Hepatitis B Vaccination in Those Not Responsive to Intra-Muscular Vaccination


        Hanna Bauer, Israel Potasman, Neora Pick


        Infectious Disease Unit, Bnai Zion Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Health care workers are at continuous risk of hepatitis B infection. Currently recommended intramuscular vaccination confers immunity in only 85-90%. We examined the immunogenicity and safety of intradermal vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine in nonresponders. 400 hospital employees who had been immunized as recommended were screened for anti-HBs antibodies and 50 were found seronegative. Each received an intramuscular booster injection and antibody level was measured a month later. Excluded were 33 employees, including 24 late responders, 2 HbsAg carriers and 7 uncooperative employees. 17 employees (mean age 47.1 yrs) then received a series of 3 intradermal injections of Energix B, 0.25 ml in the forearm, 2-3 weeks apart. The mean number of previous intramuscular injections was 4.6±1.4 month later there was a mean titer of 315.4±347.0 miu/ml of antibody in 16/17 workers. Side effects were minimal. Intradermal injection of hepatitis B vaccine for nonresponders seems effective for inducing seroconversion. Its cost-effectiveness for the health care system warrants assessment.

        ג'מאל זידאן, סלינה שטיירמן וחנה טורני

        Perisacral Angiosarcoma after Irradiation of Carcinoma of the Sigmoid


        J. Zidan, C. Stayerman, H. Turani


        Oncology Unit and Pathology Institute, Rebecca Sieff Hospital, Safed


        Secondary malignancy is a well-recognized complication of radiation therapy. The risk of postirradiation sarcoma in long-term follow-up is 0.03-0.8%. We report a case of radiation-induced perisacral angiosarcoma 6 years after pelvic irradiation for sigmoid cancer in a 77-year-old man. The tumor was diagnosed postmortem and was locally advanced and metastatic. He died 6 months after onset of symptoms. This case demonstrates the importance of long-term follow-up in those given radiotherapy.

        פברואר 1998

        ירון וייזל, אהוד ראט, נסים אוחנה ודן עטר

        Pelvic Lytic Lesion and Osteoporosis-Related Fractures


        Yaron Weisel, Ehud Rath, Nissim Ohana, Dan Atar


        Orthopedic Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Insufficiency fractures of the pelvis may be overlooked as a cause of hip or groin pain. These fractures occur in the elderly, usually those with pronounced osteopenia of the pelvis. Predisposing factors include corticosteroids, local irradiation and postmenopausal osteoporosis. These fractures are difficult to detect clinically and plain radiographs and other studies may be misleading, delaying diagnosis and treatment. A 65-year-old woman had left groin and hip pain for 2 months with no history of trauma. Plain radiographs showed lytic lesions in the left pubic rami. Bone scan revealed increased uptake in that region, suggesting metastatic bone disease. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated fractures in the left superior and inferior pubic rami, with callus formation with no involvement of soft tissues. Quantitative computed tomography indicated low calcium concentration, below fracture threshold. The diagnosis of insufficiency fractures of the pelvis was confirmed by the favorable clinical and radiographic outcome. It is therefore important to be familiar with the appearance and location of these fractures.

        מויסי מולדבסקי, אלכסנדר סזבון, נינה קוצ'רסקי וחנה טורני

        Screening for Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder with Trophoblastic Differentiation


        M. Moldavsy, A. Sazbon, N. Kuchersky, H. Turani


        Division of Cytology and Depts. of Urology and of Pathology, Rebecca Sieff Government Hospital, Safed


        Urinary bladder carcinoma with trophoblastic differentiation (TD) is a variant of urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma (TCC) which secretes placental proteins, predominantly beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). An aggressive clinical course and a poor prognosis are characteristic of this tumor. We evaluated the frequency and clinical and pathological appearance of TCC-TD in the Upper Galilee and Golan Heights between 1988 and 1995 inclusive. Beta HCG, human placental lactogen (HPL), pregnancy specific beta-1 glycoprotein (SP-1) and placental alkaline phosphatase were determined immunohistochemically in paraffin-embedded TCC of urinary bladder. Tumor grade, stage and patient survival were also determined. There was beta-HCG immunostaining in 13 of 62 cases (20.9%). TD was correlated with higher grades of TCC and with advanced stages of disease. No cases of TCC-TD were found in grade 1, stage 0. Co-expression of beta-HCG and HPL was displayed in 2 cases, beta-HCG and SP-1 in 9, and beta-HCG, HPL and SP-1 in 2. Disease-free survival and overall survival were shorter in TCC-TD.

        דוד ב' ויס, אלחנן בר-און, שושנה גוטשלק-סבג וצבי צוקרמן

        Does Testicular Volume Reflect Spermatogenic Pattern in Azoospermia?


        David B. Weiss, Elchanan Bar-On, Shoshana Gottschalk-Sabag, Zvi Zukerman


        Kupat Holim Mehuhedet and Male Infertility and Cytology Units, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem; and Andrology Unit, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus) Petah Tikva


        The aim of this study was to determine whether testicular volume can serve to predict patterns of spermatogenesis in azoospermia. In 27 tests of azoospermic infertile men, cytological specimens from several sites from each testis were obtained by fine needle aspiration. Testes were classified according to the most mature spermatogenic cell type. Classifications were testes with spermatozoa, with arrested spermatogenic development, and with only Sertoli cells. Prior to fine needle aspiration the 3 dimensions of each testis were determined ultrasonically and its volume calculated. Mean testicular volume (±SD) was 7.71 (±5.95) ml for testes with spermatozoa and 7.55 (±2.35) and 7.31 (±4.42) ml for testes with spermatogenic maturation arrest and with only Sertoli cells, respectively (differences not significant). It is concluded that testicular volume can not be used as a predictive parameter, neither for the presence of spermatozoa nor for the cytological pattern of the testes of azoospermic infertile men.

        דן בר-זהר, יניב שרר, חנה מנור, אמיר פאר, סימון שטראוס ואריאל הלוי

        Epidermoid Cyst of the Spleen


        Dan Bar-Zohar, Yaniv Sherer, Hana Manor, Amir Peer, Simon Strauss, Ariel Halevy


        Dept. of Surgery B and Institute of Radiology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Splenic cysts are rarely found or diagnosed. Excluding cases of trauma, the events preceding their development have not been fully understood. We describe a 22-year-old woman in her 34th week of pregnancy in whom ultrasound revealed a cystic lesion 8610 cm. in diameter in the left upper abdomen. Further imaging tests followed by laparotomy confirmed the splenic origin of the cyst. Splenectomy was performed and the lesion was histopathologically defined as an epidermoid cyst.


        ינואר 1998

        דוד ב' ויס, שושנה גוטשלק-סבג, אלחנן בר-און וצבי צוקרמן

        Are Testes in Oligo/Azoospermia Homogenous or Heterogenous?


        David B. Weiss, Shoshana Gottschalk-Sabag, Elchanan Bar-On, Zvi Zukerman


        Kupat Cholim Meuhedet, Jerusalem; Male Infertility and Cytology Units, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem; and Andrology Unit, Rabin (Beilinson) Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        We determined whether a single testicular specimen is sufficient to represent qualitatively the spermatogenic process within the testes of azoospermic or severely oligospermic infertile men. In 191 testes of azoospermic patients and in 26 of those with severe oligospermia, fine needle aspirations at 3 different sites of each testis were performed. Aspirated material from each puncture was stained and in each smear all spermatogenic cells, as well as Sertoli cells, were identified. Testes were classified according to the most mature spermatogenic cell type present, or the presence of only Sertoli cells. The homogeneity of the testicular spermatogenic process was then evaluated. There was an overall intratesticular difference between aspirates in 14.1% of azoospermic testes and in 26.9% of severely oligospermic testes with regard to the most mature spermatogenic cell type. When spermatozoa were the most mature cell type, they were detected in all of the 3 aspirates in 71.4% of the testes. In 18.4% or 10.2% of this group of testes they were retrieved in only 1 or 2 of the aspirates, respectively. In testes in which spermatids or spermatocytes were the most mature spermatogenic stage, these cell types were detected in all 3 aspirates in only 36.4% and 68.0%, respectively. In azoospermic patients with full testicular spermatogenesis, the likelihood of retrieving spermatozoa from the testes was 84.3%, 92.7% and 100% in 1, 2 and 3 specimens, respectively. The following conclusions were drawn: There is a wide range of testicular heterogeneity in azoospermia or very severe oligospermia for diagnosing the testicular spermatogenic pattern. In azoospermia, specimens from several testicular sites are required. It is strongly recommended that no assisted fertilization be offered to azoospermic patients unless prior evaluation of the spermatogenic pattern in the seminiferous tubules is determined.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303