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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2000

        עפר קרן, פלביה שטיינברג, עמירם כץ וניר גלעדי

        Botulin Toxin for Spasticity in Spinal Cord Damage


        Ofer Keren, Flabia Shinberg, Amiram Catz, Neer Giladi


        Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Ra'anana; Movement Disorder Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Therapeutic injection of botulin toxin is well-recognized for reducing tonus in local dystonia. However, its efficacy in reducing spasticity in spinal cord injuries is still unproven. 4 men and 1 woman (mean age 39 years, range 20-56) with spinal cord injury and debilitating spasticity, and no response to standard treatment for spasticity received injections of botulin, 200-300 U, into 4-8 points in their legs to block muscle-nerve synapses.

        In all 5 tonus was reduced in the area of the block, while in some it was also reduced in more distal muscles. In 1 there was reduced tonus in both the injected and contralateral leg. The therapeutic effect on tonus persisted for 3 months. In spite of objective improvement in tonus in all 5, only 3 felt subjective improvement, but in none was there improvement on standard functional scaling.

        We found injection of botulin toxin effective in reducing tonus in the spinal cord-injured, and to some extent in improving subjective feeling of well-being in some of them. Obective measurement might show functional improvement after larger doses of toxin injected into more muscles. This might be necessary because the muscle mass of the legs is large and the intensity of involuntary contraction is especially high in these patients.

        מאי 1999

        הראל גילוץ, אהרון גבריאל ושמואל יורפסט

        Accidental Severance of a Venous Catheter: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach


        Harel Gilutz, Aharon Gavriel, Shmuel Yurfest


        Cardiology, Heart and Lung, and Vascular Surgery Depts., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The most common invasive procedure performed in hospitals ithe insertion of a vascular access device. This procedure has the rare complication ofcatheter emboli. Accidental cutting of a peripheral catheter, the use of duplex ultrasound to locate the cut and the extraction of the catheter through a venesection is described. If peripheral extraction fails, percutaneous extraction or thoracotomy should be tried, in that order. The immediate precautions have an impact on the final results.

        פברואר 1999

        נתן קאופמן, נוגה רייכמן ועידית פלטאו

        Brucellosis Presenting as Acute Abdomen


        Nathan Kaufman, Noga Reichman, Edith Flatau


        Dept. of Medicine B, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula


        Usually symptoms of brucellosis are nonspecific and characterized by a wide range of complaints. Although the disease in Israel is almost exclusively food borne (caused by Brucella melitensis in unpasteurized goat milk products) so the main route of infection is the gastrointestinal tract, but gastrointestinal complications are rare, and only sporadic cases of ileitis or colitis have been described.

        We present a 43-year-old woman with an acute abdomen, probably due to diverticulitis. It was diagnosed only after blood cultures were positive for Brucella melitensis. We believe that its protean manifestations should be consin addition to the other bizarre presentations of this disease, important in our region.

        מרץ 1998

        ישי לוי, ערן פסטר, גרטרוד דנקנר, עמי בן אמוץ וגרלד ברוק

        Effect of Alpha-Alpha Esterol on Plasma Cholesterol and Antioxidants


        Y. Levy, E. Paster, G. Dankner, A. Ben-Amotz, J.G. Brook


        Lipid Research Unit, Medical Dept. D, Rambam Medical Center; Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion; and Israel National Oceanographic Research Institute, Haifa


        16 patients with hypercholesterolemia were treated with an extract of alpha-alpha leaves (esterol) while on a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Esterol is believed to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and bile acids and may interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients. As oxidative modification of lipoproteins is required for the process of atherosclerosis, plasma antioxidant vitamins were followed. After 4 months of treatment, plasma cholesterol decreased by 10% from 282 to 250 mg/dl (p<0.001) and LDL cholesterol by 13%, from 203 to 177 mg/dl (p<0.001). Plasma antioxidant vitamins E, A and β-carotene were unchanged. Thus, esterol has a cholesterol-lowering effect but apparently does not lower fat-soluble, plasma antioxidant vitamins. Both cholesterol-lowering and plasma antioxidant vitamins are important for the primary prevention of coronary artery disease in hypercholesterolemia.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303