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  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוגוסט 2004

        אמיליה לוברט, ארתור ליבוביץ, רפאל סגל, יהודה באומל, אדי שפירא, אלכסנדר גורביץ, בני חבוט ז"ל

        אמיליה לוברט, ארתור ליבוביץ, רפאל סגל, יהודה באומל, אדי שפירא, אלכסנדר גורביץ, בני חבוט ז"ל 

        בית חולים שמואל הרופא, המרכז הרפואי לגריאטריה, מסונף לפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב


        המחלקות לסיעוד מורכב נועדו לטיפול בחולים שבנוסף לתלותם הגופנית, לוקים במחלות פעילות המחייבות השגחה רפואית מתמדת. לאחרונה הפכו סקרי שביעות-רצון (ש"ר) בקרב חולים למרכיב חשוב בהערכת איכות הטיפול. שיטה זו אינה ישימה בקרב חולים במצב סיעודי מורכב, עקב קשיי התקשורת הנפוצים בחולים אלה. על-מנת להתמודד עם מיגבלה זו, יזמנו סקר בין קרובי-המשפחה של חולים אלה.

        בתשובה לשאלון מובנה, דירגו 147 קרובי-משפחה את רמות ש"ר בהתייחס להיבטים הרפואיים, הסיעודיים והמיבניים של הטיפול על בסיס סולם Likert מ-1 עד 5. רמת ש"ר הכוללת לגבי כל אחת משלוש קבוצות השאלות נמצאה גבוהה – 4.2 נקודות לפחות. רמת ש"ר הממוצעת (ש"ר מסכמת) שניתנה הייתה 4.55 למרכיב הרפואי, 4.39 למרכיב הסיעודי ו-4.32 למרכיב המיבני.

        מבחינת ש"ר כוללת, דירוג מרבי (5 על בסיס סולם Likert) למרכיב הרפואי, הסיעודי והמיבני ניתן על-ידי 60%, 55% ו-40% מהמשיבים לשאלון, בהתאמה.

        לא נמצאו הבדלים בין דירוגי מבקרים תכופים לבין אלה המבקרים לעיתים פחות תכופות. מהתוצאות עולה שביעות-רצון של קרובים לחולים סיעודיים מהטיפול שניתן לבן-משפחתם החולה. סקרים אלה תורמים לאיכות הטיפול, ויש מקום למסדם ולבצעם תקופתית במיסגרות לטיפול ממושך.

        יוני 1999

        יעקב פלדמן, ליאורה פלג ואברהם ירצקי

        Clinical, Social and Economic Aspects of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment


        Jacob Feldman, Liora Peleg, Abraham Yaretzky


        Geriatric Dept., Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        It is well known that maelderly patients are referred to nursing homes because of "functional decline" without being thoroughly in. We studied 9 elderly patients, all referred to hospital due to functional decline and diagnosed as follows: spinal stenosis - 2 cases, depression - 3, thyrotoxicosis -1, Parkinson -1, polypharmacy and congestive heart failure -1 patient each. Proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment prevent unnecessary hospitalization in nursing homes. Our study is meant to draw attention to this crucial aspect of geriatric medicine.

        יוני 1998

        יעקב גינדין, מרק קלרפילד, ציונה חקלאי, פנינה צדקה, ג'ני ברודסקי ומיכאל דייויס

        Geriatric Rehabilitation in Israel: Assessment of Needs and In-Patient Services


        J. Gindin, M.A. Clarfield, Z. Haklai, P. Zedaka, J. Brodesky, M. Davis


        Geriatric Division, Kaplan-Hartzfeld Hospitals, Rehovot; Geriatric Wing, and Health Information and Computer Service, Israel Ministry of Health; Central Bureau of Statistics, Prime Minister's Office; Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; and Health of the Elderly, Israel Center for Disease Control


        Geriatric rehabilitation (GR) in Israel, which has not been thoroughly investigated, was examined by a subcommittee of the Committee on Health of the Elderly, in the Israel Center for Disease Control.


        The needs of the elderly population for rehabilitational services were assessed and the existing services reviewed. A survey of GR beds, their geographic distribution, and the number of patients over 65 after CVA and hip fracture (the 2 main causes for GR need) was carried out. Data were gathered from records of the Ministry of Health and the Central Bureau of Statistics.


        In 1994 there were 1,503 beds for active, long-term geriatric care in general and geriatric hospitals: 751 beds were assigned to rehabilitative geriatrics, and the rest to skilled-nursing geriatrics. A high concentration of beds was found in the geographical center of the country, in contrast to a small number in the periphery. Approximately 10,100 patients were hospitalized that year in rehabilitative geriatric and skilled-nursing wards.


        There was considerable variation between services, as expressed in the wide range in average duration of hospitalization (from 12-269 days). Most of the beds for GR and skilled-nursing care beds were mixed in the geriatric wards together in the wards.


        Limited services and public needs have led to the development of services outside the licensed and regulated settings, a process which has not yet been investigated. About 6,700 older patients were hospitalized during 1994 with a primary diagnosis of CVA. It has been estimated that 4,000 of them needed GR. 2,624 older patients died that year of CVA.


        The increase in CVA prevalence between 1987 and 1994 was far greater than the increase in morbidity, in both the general and older populations. Nearly 4,000 elderly patients with a primary diagnosis of hip fracture, most of whom needed rehabilitation, were hospitalized in 1994. The total number of older patients who needed GR following CVA or hip fracture that year was set at 8,000. However, this figure is up to 30% lower than the actual rates, since the those 2 diagnoses include only 70% of total GR needs.


        It is impossible to obtain a comprehensive picture of GR in Israel based only on currently available data. The subcommittee outlined areas to be thoroughly examined in-depth, including services and needs, as well as GR tools and processes and how to maintain the achievements of rehabilitation after discharge.

        אפריל 1998

        א' ירצקי, ק' ויגדר וי' פלדמן

        Nursing Home-Acquired Pneumonia: Guidelines for Hospitalization


        A. Yaretzky, C. Vigder, I. Feldman


        Geriatric Dept., Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        To determine if there are any specific features of nursing-home acquired pneumonia we carried out a retrospective study in a nursing home between 1995-1996, based on clinical and laboratory data. We found no correlation between these findings and the severity of pneumonia, so it would be hazardous to determine rigid guidelines. These patients should be treated in the nursing home as long as conditions allow, in order to avoid hospitalization.

        אפריל 1997

        נטע בנטור, ג'ני ברודסקי ובני חבוט

        Prevalence Rate, Place of Hospitalization and Source of Referral of Complex Nursing Care Patients in Geriatric Hospitalization


        Netta Bentur, Jenny Brodsky, Beni Habot


        JDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development, Jerusalem; Shmuel Harofeh Geriatric Medical Center; Rishon Lezion Geriatric Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        For the past several years, the hospitalization and care of complex nursing care patients (CNCP) has caused concern among organizers, funders and care-givers of the geriatric hospitalization system (GHS). To assist in improving efficiency of the GHS and to address the lack of comprehensive, empirical and up-to-date information on these patients, we conducted a survey to characterize CNCP, to assess their medical problems and to determine their prevalence among the patients in GHS. The survey was conducted in 1994 using a day census. Data were collected on the 2,319 patients in geriatric beds in all the general hospitals and geriatric hospitals in Israel on the day of the survey.

        28% of the patients in the GHS were CNCP and a quarter of them (7% of all patients) suffered from more than 1 medical condition. Tube feeding was the most prevalent condition (13% of all patients), followed by terminal illness (9%), deep pressure sores (7%) and intravenous transfusion for more than 3 days (6%). The 80% of the CNCP were hospitalized in geriatric hospitals, primarily in geriatric rehabilitation wards. Their average length of stay was over a year. Internal medicine wards of general hospitals were the most frequent source of patient referral. The survey's findings raise issues related to the organization of care of CNCP. They may serve as a basis for the reorganization of the geriatric hospitalization system in order to improve efficiency and quality of care for the benefit of patients, their families and services providers.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303