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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוגוסט 2001

        יהונתן שרעבי, אהוד גרוסמן

        יהונתן שרעבי, אהוד גרוסמן


        המח' לרפואה פנימית ד', מרכז רפואי שיבא, תל-השומר והפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב


        יתר-לחץ-דם (יל"ד) היא מחלה שכיחה ושיעור נע בין 10% בקרב צעירים ועד 50% במבוגרים מעל גיל 65. על אף העדויות המוצקות בדבר התועלת בגילוי המחלה וטיפול בה, שיעורי האיבחון עדיין נמוכים אף יותר. כיום, ההנחיות לאיבחון וטיפול ביל"ד מתבססות על מדידות במרפאה, אולם ייתכן שתנאי זה תורם לקושי בהגעה לשליטה נאותה במחלה בקרב הציבור. בנוסף, בשל האופי המשתנה של לחץ הדם, ערכי לחץ הדם שנמדדו במירפאה אינם משקפים בהכרח את לחץ הדם האופייני לחולה.

        אחד האמצעים היכולים להפחית את הצורך במדידת לחץ-הדם במירפאה, הוא שימוש במכשיר מדידת לחץ-דם עצמי (לד"ע) בביתו של הנבדק. ואכן, בשנים האחרונות, אנו עדים לשימוש גובר והולך במכשירים אלו, ובמקביל – לפירסומן של עבודות אודות יעילותם של מכשירי המדידה, תקפותן של המדידות הביתיות ומשמעותן של התוצאות. עד לאחרונה, לא היו כללים ברורים לניתוח ופירוש התוצאות. השנה, התכנסה ועדה בין-לאומית, שבחנה סוגיות אלו ופירסמה הנחיות קליניות ראשוניות אודות השימוש במכשירי מדידת לחץ-דם ביתיים באיבחון וטיפול ביל"ד. בסקירה זו, נדווח על עבודות מרכזיות בנושא, נציג את ההנחיות ונמליץ על אופן יישומן בהתמודדות היומיומית עם האיבחון והטיפול ביל"ד.

        מרץ 2000

        ראובן צימליכמן

        Cilazapril for Essential Hypertension Treated in the Community 

        Reuven Zimlichman


        Dept. of Medicine and Hypertension Institute, Wolfson Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In a multicenter study in community clinics, 413 patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension were treated with cilazapril (Vasocase), 2.5 mg daily. Patients had either been untreated or had developed side-effects from previous antihypertensive treatment. When response was inadequate the dose was either increased to 5 mg or another antihypertensive medication was added, or both.

        Treatment significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Pulse rate decreased significantly from the second month of treatment onwards. At the end of the 3rd month of treatment blood pressure was normalized or had decreased by more than 10 mmHg in 91.9% of patients. Physicians' evaluations revealed improvement in 62%; patients' self-evaluations suggested improvement in 61%. Efficacy was equal in all age groups and in both obese and nonobese patients. Antihypertensive response was superior in those with normal renal function. Side-effects were rare and similar to those reported in the literature.

        אוגוסט 1999

        חיים יוספי, ראובן ויסקופר, יהושוע לשם, יעל רב-הון, גלעד רוזנברג ואפרת ישכיל

        Multicenter Community-Based Trial of Amlodipine in Hypertension


        C. Yosefy, J.R. Viskoper, Y. Leshem, Y. Rav-Hon, G.I. Rosenberg, E. Yaskil


        (Representing the 39 Investigators of Project AML-IL-95-001, WHO Collaborative Center for Prevention of CV Diseases) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon; Hypertension Clinic, Kupat Holim Afula; Statistics Consulting Unit, Haifa University; and Promedico Ltd., Petah Tikva


        The safety and efficacy of Amlodipine (AML) for mild to moderate hypertension was evaluated in a "real life" setting. This open non-comparative trial included 123 men and 143 women (age 30-91 years, mean 59.4). All had sitting diastolic blood pressure (DBP) between 95 and 115 mmHg, confirmed in most by 2 baseline measurements, 2 weeks apart.

        Eligible patients were given AML 5 mg daily as add-on or monotherapy and were evaluated 4 weeks later. If DBP was then >90 mmHg, the daily dose was raised to 10 mg; those with <90 mmHg remained on 5 mg. AML was continued for 8 weeks. Other BP-lowering drugs were unchanged.


        Of the original 266 patients 22 (8.2%) withdrew due to adverse events (AE), and others were protocol violators, lost to follow-up or withdrew, leaving 211 available for efficacy analysis. In this major group BP was reduced from 165±15/101±4 to 139±11/83±5 after 12 weeks of AML (p<0.05). The reduction was greater in those under 70 years, from 173±12/100±5 to 142±12/80±4 (p<0.05). In those with BMI>30 kg/m², BP decreased from 165±15/101±5 to 140±12/83±5 (p<0.05).


        Mean change in heart rate was -1.5 bpm (p<0.05). Mean final AML dose was 5.5 mg/day. The most common AML-related AE requiring cessation of the drug was pedal edema in 2.6% of the 266 patients; in 3.7% it persisted during therapy. Other AE occurring in >1% were dizziness in 1.8%, headache 1.5%, flushing 1.1% and fatigue 1.1%.

        We conclude that AML is an effective and well-tolerated antihypertensive suitable for most hypertensive patients.

        מרץ 1999

        ולדימיר שץ וסילביו קוזקוב

        Reactive Increase in Blood Pressure on Immobilization, but not Hypertension, Prevents Pressure Ulcers


        Vladimir Shats, Silvio Kozacov


        Geriatric Dept., Rebecca Sieff Hospital, Safed


        Of 135 geriatric patients immobilized for at least 2 days, 37 (27.4%) had pressure ulcers (PU). Those without PU were the control comparison group. Gender, length of immobilization, number of blood pressure determinations and proportion with hypertension were similar in those with and without PU. Those with PU were slightly older than those in the comparison group: 75.5±8.8 and 74.7±9.6 years, respectively (p>0.05).


        Of 66 patients with acute ischemic stroke, reactive increase of systolic or diastolic blood pressure to 140/90 mm Hg or above following immobilization, was seen in 60.6% and 22.7% of patients, respectively, and there were PU in 12.1%. Of 17 with recurrent ischemic stroke, corresponding figures were: 41.2%, 23.5% (p>0.05), and 47.1% (p<0.01). In 7 patients with previous ischemic stroke corresponding figures were: 14.3% and 0% (p<0.01) and 100% (p<0.001). In 36 operated for fracture of the femur, corresponding figures were: 50%, 11.1% (p>0.05), and 27.8% (p>0.05). For 9 patients with severe infections, sepsis or pneumonia, the corresponding figures were: 22.2% and 0.0% (p>0.05), and 44.4% (p<0.04).


        The proportion of patients with reactive increase in systolic blood pressure on immobilization was lower in the PU group than in the controls, 27% vs 59.2%, (p<0.001). The corresponding figures for reactive increase in diastolic blood pressure were similar, 8.1% and 20.4%, respectively (p>0.05).


        The mean systolic blood pressure on immobilization was higher in the control than in the PU group, 145.4±21.7 and 130.8±14.9 mm Hg, respectively (p<0.001). The corresponding figures for the mean diastolic blood pressure were similar, 81.2±10.5 and 75.7±8.9 mm Hg, respectively (p<0.01). An increase in systolic blood pressure on immobilization reduced the risk of developing PU (p<0.05).


        There was no significant statistical relation between diagnosis of hypertension and proportion of patients with PU (p>0.05). Of 67 patients with hypertension, in 23.9% and 74.6% of them there was no increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure, respectively. Statistical difference between lack of diastolic or systolic response was very significant (p<0.001).


        Reactive increase of blood pressure, but not hypertension, predicts reduced risk of PU on immobilization in the hospitalized elderly. Diminished reactive increase of blood pressure in response to stress of any kind may be a criterion of frailty and reduced physiological reserves. Efforts to reduce elevated blood pressure when a patient is immobilized appear irrational.

        דצמבר 1998

        סרגיי גולדשטיין, יאיר לוי ויהודה שינפלד

        Pulmonary Hypertension and Multi-Valvular Damage Caused by Anorectic Drugs


        Serge E. Goldstein, Yair Levy, Yehuda Shoenfeld


        Medical Dept. B and Institute for Immunological Disease Research, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Marked obesity is an independent risk factor for multisystem morbidity. The use of anorectic drugs is an aggressive strategy for weight reduction. It appears to be an easy way of dealing with the problem, because the patient needn't change his behavior. However, such treatment is not harmless. At the end of the 60's an outbreak of pulmonary hypertension was associated with the drug aminorex, and it was soon withdrawn from the market. 30 years later it became clear that new-generation anorectic drugs (fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, phentermine), which were being used world-wide, lead to both pulmonary hypertension and valvular damage.


        We describe a woman of 70 with both these complications which developed after prolonged anorectic therapy with a fenfluramine-phentermine combination.

        יוני 1998

        לודויג קורנל וארתור פראנקן

        Mechanism of Primary Hypertension


        Ludwig Kornel,* Arthur V. Prancan


        Steroid Research Laboratory, Depts. of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry, and Dept. of Pharmacology, Rush Medical Center, Chicago and *Endocrinology-Diabetes Outpatient Clinic, Kupat Holim Klalit, Jerusalem


        We review various theories of the pathogenetic mechanisms of steroid-induced and essential hypertension. We investigated the possibility that a pathogenetic mechanism leading to glucocorticoid (GC)-induced hypertension or to mineralocorticoid (MC)-induced hypertension, or both, may be of critical importance in primary hypertension. We studied plasma levels of corticosterone (BK) and aldosterone (Aldo), and their concentrations in arterial and renal tissues of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), a model of primary hypertension, and in the antecedent strain WKY rats as a normotensive control. Plasma levels of BK and Aldo were found to be normal and identical in SHRs and WKYs. Tissue (intracellular) levels of BK were more than double in SHRs than in WKYs. Subsequently we examined the activity of 11b-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase (11-HSD) in both aortic and renal tissues of SHRs and WKYs. 11-HSD converts BK to the corresponding 11-keto compound, 11-dehydro-corticosterone (cpd.AK), which is inactive, in view of its inability to bind to the MC receptors (and also to the GC receptors). BK, the main glucocorticoid in the rat, as well as cortisol, have high affinity for the MC-receptor (MR). Normally BK or cortisol are present in 10²-10³ times greater concentrations than Aldo in tissues possessing MR. The enzyme 11-HSD deactivates BK (or cortisol), thus protecting MC-receptors in the MC target tissues from being activated by GC. When we examined arterial and renal tissue activities of 11-HSD in SHRs, the activity of 11-HSD was only one-third that found in the WKY rats. This explained higher levels of BK in the tissues of SHR, and suggested that decreased activity of 11-HSD is a pathogenetic factor for hypertension in SHRs.

        Thus, in a model of primary hypertension such as SHR, decreased activity of 11-HSD in the target tissues of MC appears to lead to glucocorticoid-induced mineralocorticoid hypertension.

        פברואר 1998

        ח' סמו, א' אדונסקי וא' גרוסמן

        Orthostatic Hypotension as a Manifestation of Malignant Lymphoproliferative Disease


        H. Semo, A. Adunsky, E. Grossman


        Depts. of Geriatric Medicine and of Medicine D, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        An 85-year-old man was admitted with 6-month history of incapacitating orthostatic hypotension. Investigation led to the discovery of sympathetic dysautonomia, sensorimotneuropathy and malignant lymphoproliferative disease. Several attempts to treat the orhypotension or the neoplastic disease failed to improve his condition. Orthostatic hypotension precipitated by sympathetic dysautonomia may be an infrequent effect of early malignant lymphoproliferative disease.

        מאי 1997

        ולאדימיר קורן, רוברט קולדנוב, עדנה פלג, אווה איזאק, מאיר ברזין ותלמה רוזנטל

        Red Cell Na+/H+ Exchange and Role of Protein Kinase C in its Stimu-Lation in Diabetes Mellitus, Essential Hypertension and Nephropathy


        Wladimir Koren, Robert Koldanov, Edna Peleg, Eva Izsak, Meir Berezin, Talma Rosenthal


        Dept. of Medicine C, Hypertension Unit and Endocrinology Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) was measured as maximal initial velocity of pH-dependent H+ efflux from red cells into an alkaline medium containing Na+ in patients with insulin-dependent or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, with and without hypertension and in normoglycemic, essential hypertensives and normal controls (50 subjects in each subgroup). Maximal velocities of NHE were found in microalbuminuric patients in all subgroups, and NHE correlated with the rate of microalbuminuria (r=0.61, p=0.02). Daily insulin requirements were greater in those with elevated NHE (84±8 vs 42±4 U/day). There was no correlation between NHE and levels of plasma glucose, HbA1 and plasma aldosterone and lipid profile and PRA. NHE was correlated with plasma prolactin (r=0.51, p=0.02) and PTH r=0.24, p=0.05). In uremic patients, NHE was inversively correlated with creatinine clearance (r=-0.48, p=0.03). Since calphostin C, a selective inhibitor of protein kinase C, lowered increased NHE in vitro, the protein kinase C-dependent pathway of the exchanger regulation was concluded to be responsible for NHE activation in diabetes mellitus and essential hypertension.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303