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        תוצאת חיפוש

        יוני 2000

        יצחק פפו, תפחה הורן, הרברט מרדד וראובן אורדע

        Breast Tumors Demonstrated by Tc-99m Sestamibi Scintimammography 

        Itzhak Pappo, Tifha Horne, Herbert Merdad, Ruben Orda


        Dept. of Surgery A, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Dept. of Pathology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zrifin; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Breast cancer can be detected by scintimammography using Tc-99m sestamibi (MIBI). The method is highly accurate, sensitive and specific. Histologically, most of the tumors have been adenocarcinomas.

        We present 2 women with rare breast tumors, primary squamous cell carcinoma and malignant phyllodes tumor. In both, mammography and cytological biopsy were not diagnostic, but MIBI scintimammography demonstrated focal uptake in the diseased breast.

        מאי 2000

        עזרא זהר, יאיר שפירא ויורם אפשטיין

        Man in a Hot Climate - Early Studies of the Institute of Military Physiology 

        Ezra Sohar, Yair Shapiro, Yoram Epstein


        Institute of Military Medicine, Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces and Heller Institute of Medical Research, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        In the 1950's many IDF soldiers were hospitalized for heat stroke - about 25% of whom died. Analyzing these cases revealed that commanders misinterpreted human ability to perform in the heat and ignored basic concepts of fluid and electrolyte balance and heat load.

        In the early 1960's a series of studies was conducted with regard to soldiers' performance in the heat. The first study (1959), which later became a classic, was conducted during a 21-day march from Eilat to Metula, crossing all climatic zones of Israel. The study was followed by other investigations which approached the issues of voluntary dehydration, fluid consumption vs sweat loss, salt additives, and the effect of heat load on performance.

        Based on these early studies, proper regulations were issued to field officers. Over the years, the lessons learned from these studies saved many lives. The number of cases of heat stroke and of other climate-related injuries was dramatically reduced, and performance was enhanced.

        מרץ 2000

        אלכס ירמולובסקי, אלן כץ, אייל פניג, גרשון פינק, דניאל בן דיין, אהרון סולקס ומרדכי ר' קרמר

        High Dose Endobronchial Brachy - Therapy for Malignant Airway Obstruction


        Alex Yarmolovsky, Alan Katz, Eyal Fenig, G. Fink, Daniel Bendayan, Aaron Sulkes, Mordechai R. Kramer


        Institutes of Pulmonology and Oncology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Brachytherapy is especially suitable for palliative treatment of endobronchial tumors adjacent to internal organs that might be damaged by intensive external beam radiation, but are easily accessed with a flexible bronchoscope. This treatment is mostly palliative.

        30 patients underwent such palliative high-dose endobronchial brachytherapy to alleviate malignant airway obstruction. With the aid of a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope an endobronchial catheter was inserted adjacent to the tumor and treatment delivered using a 192Ir remote afterloader for 5-10 min, in 2 or 3 sessions.

        There was symptomatic improvement in 26 (86%) and objective improvement in 27 (90%). 1 patient died of hemoptysis.

        פברואר 2000

        רמי אבירם, אלכסנדר שטרייזנט, יורם בייט ומשה פייגין

        Emergency Cesarean Section in a Comatose Parturient after Head Trauma 

        R. Aviram, A. Shtraizent, Yoram Beyth, M. Fejgin


        Ultrasound Division and High Risk Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba (Affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine) and Neurosurgery Dept.,Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva)


        Coma in pregnancy and labor is a rare and complicated situation. One of the causes is severe head trauma, which requires neurosurgical consultation and possibly urgent transfer to a neurosurgical unit. This should follow stabilization, confirmation of fetal viability, and cesarian section when indicated.

        A 38-year-old primigravida at term and in labor, with severe head injury from a vehicular accident is reported. Emergency cesarean section was performed for severe fetal distress during resuscitation. Fetal distress in a comatose parturient with severe head injury may require a short delay in referral to a tertiary trauma center to allow for an emergency cesarean section.

        אמיליה אניס, אלכס לבנטל, מלוינה רויטמן ופאול סלייטר

        Introduction of Routine Hepatitis Immunization in Israel 

        Emilia Anis, Alex Leventhal, Malvina Roitman, Paul E. Slater 


        Notification of hepatitis A, which is endemic in Israel, has been compulsory since the establishment of the State. From 1992-98 an average of 2,600 cases were reported annually. Many infections are asymptomatic and mild, especially in children. In general, severity increases with age; in Western countries the case fatality rate is 1.5/1,000 among children less than 5 years old and 27/1,000 among those over 50. Until 1987 incidence in Israel was higher in Jews than in non-Jews, but since 1988 incidence has been about 50% higher in non-Jews.

        Among Jews highest age specific rates shifted from children 1-4 years old to children 5-9 years old in 1970, and in non-Jews in 1989. Improved sanitary conditions and personal hygiene have reduced very early childhood exposure and hence increased the proportion of susceptible older children and adults, in whom symptomatic disease is more prevalent.

        Israel is the first country in the world to include hepatitis A vaccine in its routine immunization schedule. The vaccine is given in 2 doses: at 18 months and 24-30 months of age, and there will be epidemiologic and serologic follow-up. A significant decrease in hepatitis A morbidity is expected in small children within 5 years. The percentage of reported cases in older children and in adults is expected to increase, although the absolute incidence among these groups will decrease.

        Dept. of Epidemiology and Public Health Services, Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem

        ינואר 2000

        רון גל ואלי להט

        Progressive Ptosis in Children as a Presenting Sign of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome 

        Ron Gal, Eli Lahat


        Pediatric Neurology Unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Mitochondrial encephalopathies represent a heterogeneous group of various neurological syndromes caused by defects in mitochondrial metabolism. All clinical syndromes can be subdivided by type of biochemical defect into 3 subgroups: defective oxidation, defects in pyruvate metabolism and various defects in the respiratory chain.

        We present a 12-year-old girl admitted for evaluation of progressive ptosis over a period of 3 years, diagnosed as having the rare mitochondrial encephalopathy, Kearns-Sayre syndrome.

        יוסף קוריאנסקי ולאוריאנו פרנאנדס-קרוז

        Endoscopic Parathyroidectomy - Preliminary Experience 

        Joseph Kuriansky, Laureano Fernandez-Cruz


        Dept. of General Surgery and Transplantation, Sheba Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Dept. of Surgery, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona


        Since the advent of extraperitoneal approaches for laparoscopic surgery, the creation of extraperitoneal virtual spaces has spread rapidly. We describe our preliminary experience with selective neck exploration and endoscopic parathyroidectomy in 4 women, aged 57-74, with primary hyperparathyroidism.

        Preoperative localization of parathyroid adenoma was assessed by technetium-sestamibi scanning and cervical ultrasonography. A cervical work space was created by the introduction of a trocar with an inflatable balloon-tip and maintained with low-pressure CO2 insufflation. All procedures were completed endoscopically. There were no intraoperative complications. Mean operative time was 40 minutes and cosmetic results were very satisfactory.

        We found endoscopic parathyroidectomy a feasible and safe option and particularly appropriate for the surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism. Further refinements in technique will enhance its practicability in exploring the mediastinum for ectopic parathyroid glands and in those with secondary hyperparathyroidism.

        יזהר לוי, אריה פרשטנדיג, טליה ששון, דנה וולף, איליה קריצ'ון, יבגני ליבסון, פנחס לבנסארט, אורית פפו, עודד יורים, אחמד עיד ודניאל שובל

        Transarterial Oil Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 

        Izhar Levy, Anthony Verstandig, Talia Sasson, Dana Wolf, Ilia Krichon, Eugin Libson, Pinchas Levensart, Orit Papo, Oded Yurim, Ahmed Id, Daniel Shouval


        Division of Medicine, Liver Unit and Invasive Radiology, Radiology, Pathology and Surgery Depts., Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancy with a grave prognosis. Most patients have both the malignant tumor as well as hepatic cirrhosis. Liver transplantation or hepatectomy are considered the only curative procedures, but can be applied in fewer than 10% of patients. In recent decades the most common treatments of HCC are transarterial chemoembolization with oil (TOCE) and percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI). We summarize our retrospective study of 100 patients (mean age 64) 3treated by TE.

        In 271 procedures between 1989-1998, in 16 patients hepatectomy was combined with TOCE and in 8 PEI was combined with TOCE, while the rest were treated by TOCE alone. Tumor mass was reduced in 36% of those treated by TOCE (tumor volume reduced 24-75%). Alpha-feto protein (AFP) was reduced 25-90% in 20/32 of those with elevated AFP levels. Median survival for the 100 in the entire group was 19 months (10.9 months in those with conservative treatment). Median survival in the 57 in Okuda stage 1 and the 43 in stages 2 or 3 was 30.1 months and 10.9 months, respectively (p<0.0001). Of the 57 in stage 1, 16 underwent hepatectomy in addition to TOCE and 41 were treated only by TOCE (median survival 15 and 26 months, respectively, p not significant).

        Comparing Okuda 1 patients treated by TOCE only with the natural history of the disease and historical controls (Okuda 1 patients treated conservatively in 1984) median survival was 26 and 10 months respectively (p<0.001). The side effects of TOCE were relatively mild. There was 1 fatality (3 days after treatment), and quality of life was maintained. Despite progress in the treatment of HCC by TOCE, PEI, and liver transplantation, long-term survival has remained unsatisfactory.

        נובמבר 1999

        דוד גורדון, אסנת גרוץ ויוסף לסינג

        Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Procedure for Female Stress Incontinence


        David Gordon, Asnat Groutz, Joseph Lessing


        Lis Maternity Hospital, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center


        We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the tension-free vaginal tape procedure (TVT) in 20 consecutive women with urodynamically proven genuine stress incontinence. Mean operating time under spinal analgesia was 37.2‏13 minutes and 80% were discharged within 24 hours. There were 5 uncomplicated, intraoperative bladder perforations, but no defects in healing nor tape rejection. The objective cure rate was 95%, while the subjective rate was 100%. Although follow-up was short (9-16 months), the TVT method seems to be safe and effective for stress urinary incontinence.

        עאמר חוסיין, יוחנן נשיץ ודניאל ישורון

        Fulminant Meningococcemia Presenting as a Gastroenteritis - Like Syndrome


        A. Hussein, Y. Naschitz, D. Yeshurun


        Depts. of Emergency Medicine and of Medicine A, Bnai Zion Medical Center and Bruce Rapport Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        Neisseria meningitidis infection (meningococcemia) is very common throughout the world. It usually presents as meningitis or sometimes pharyngitis. A gastroenteritis-like syndrome, with diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain, may occur in children but is very rare in adults. Search of the medical literature revealed only 3 such cases, all in young adults.

        We report an 80-year-old woman who presented with fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Meningococcus infection was later suspected, and proved by culture. Although treatment was intensive and included ceftriaxone (Rocephin) and garamycin, she did not respond and died 40 hours after admission. We draw attention to the possibility that what is usually a common symptom can be the first presentation of a serious, often fatal condition.

        חן מימון, אלי דרייזין, צבי וינראוב, יאן בוקובסקי ואריה הרמן

        Screening for Down's Syndrome by Measuring Fetal Nuchal Translucency Thickness


        Ron Maymon, Eli Dreazen, Zwi Weinraub, Ian Bukovsky, Arie Herman


        Ultrasound Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Increased fetal muchal translucency (NT) thickness at 10-14 weeks of gestation may indicate underlying fetal chromosomal abnormalities, anatomical anomalies and genetic syndromes. Between January 1997 and May 1998, 1400 women 10-14 weeks pregnant underwent sonographic screening for detection of Down's syndrome (DS). Follow-up was complete in 1208 (86%).

        Maternal age ranged from 17-44 years (mean 18.0). 87% were found by screening to have a higher risk (1:380) for DS diagnosed at birth. All these fetuses were karyotyped and 8 had chromosomal abnormalities. 2 fetuses with normal NT were diagnosed later as having DS, 1 by the mid-gestation triple test and 1 by amniocentesis because of advanced maternal age.

        Thus sonographic screening identified 8 out of 10 fetuses found to have chromosomal abnormalities at birth. Neonates not karyotyped before birth had no traits at birth that justified chromosomal analysis. Results of this study suggest that NT measurement, combined with maternal age, is an effective 1st trimester screening method for DS in an unselected obstetric population.

        אוקטובר 1999

        גיל בר-סלע, ג'ורג'טה פריד, ציפורה ברוטמן, אנה רבקין, ריבה בורוביק ואברהם קוטן

        Breast Conservation: Safe for Early Breast Cancer


        Gil Bar-Sella, Georgetta Fried, Zipora Brotman, Anna Ravkin, Riva Borovik, Abraham Kuten


        Dept. of Oncology, Rambam Medical Center; Dept. of Oncology, Lin Medical Center; and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Between 1981-1993 581 women with primary breast cancer were treated by breast conservation. Their mean age was 56‏12 years and 63% were postmenopausal and 37% pre- or perimenopausal. The median follow-up time was 56 months. 45% had pathological Stage I disease, 49% Stage II, 2.5% Stage III and 3.5% clinical Stage I-II disease. 54% of lesions were excised with good margins, 10% with close margins (<0.5 cm), 9% with microscopic residual, 3% with macroscopic residual, and in 24% margins were not reported. Adjuvant therapy, consisting of combination chemotherapy and/or hormones, was given to 69%.


        Radiotherapy, usually 50 Gy tangential photon irradiation to the whole breast, was given to 564 (97%); an electron or photon "boost" to the tumor with a median dose of 17.5 Gy was given to 378 (65%). Most of those with positive nodes received 50 Gy to the lymphatic drainage system.

        1 year after radiotherapy cosmetic results were rated as "good" or "excellent" in 80%, "moderate" in 17% and "poor" in 3%. The 5-year actuarial survival was 97% in Stage I and 88% in Stage II. 37 patients (6.5%) developed breast recurrence; 11 of these (2%) had simultaneous distant metastases. 5 (<1%) developed axillary or supraclavicular lymph node metastases, and 81 (14%) developed distant metastases. Most local recurrences were in those younger than 40, and in those with primary tumors >1.75 cm.


        The satisfactory level of local control achieved is attributed to the high doses of radiation (up to 75 Gy) administered to those with high risk lesions.

        ספטמבר 1999

        ר שטיינמן, גילה אבלס סוטון ודני אלעד

        Equine Rhodococcus Equi Pneumonia: First Report in Israel and its Significance for Man


        A. Steinman, G.A. Sutton, D. Elad


        Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and Kimron Veterinary Institute, Beit Dagan


        Rhodococcus equi is an important pathogen in young horses. In recent years it has been increasingly recognized as an opportunistic infectious agent in patients with immune deficiency. The increase in recognized cases may be related to the increased prevalence of AIDS. However, more cases may have been recognized lately due to increased awareness of the pathogenicity of this bacterium. Based on medical reports, there appears to be an association between Rhodococcus equi infections and exposure to animals, horses in particular.

        During the past year, 2 cases of rhodococcus pneumonia were diagnosed in foals in Israel. This information deserves the attention of the local medical community because of the zoonotic potential of Rhodococcus equi and the danger of its becoming more common. The climate in Israel is conducive to its growth and viability and since it flourishes in an environment with horses, the significant growth in our equine industry in recent years may contribute to an increase in Rhodococcus infections.

        אברהם ירצקי, יעקב פלדמן וקרולה ויגדר

        Infective Endocarditis Presenting as Polyarticular Septic Arthritis


        Abraham Yaretzky, Jacob Feldman, Carola Vigder


        Geriatric Dept., Meir Hospital, Kfar-Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We report acute polyarthritis in an 86-year-old man which was initially considered to be an exacerbation of osteoarthritis. After a delay of a few days a diagnosis of septic polyarthritis as an initial symptom of infective endocarditis was made. Although rheumatic manifestations in infective endocarditis are common, septic polyarthritis is rarely seen. In our patient the course of the disease was rapidly fatal.

        אוגוסט 1999

        אמיר לבנה ואלי להט

        Familial Hemiplegic Migraine of Childhood


        A. Livne, E. Lahat


        Pediatric Division and Pediatric Neurology Unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Familial hemiplegic migraine is a rare autosomal, dominant, migraine subtype. It is characterized by acute episodes of hemiplegia and hemisensory deficits, and other neurological abnormalities occurring either before or together with severe headache, nausea and vomiting; episodes last several hours and then spontaneously subside. Intervals between episodes are relatively prolonged. Unless there is a relevant family history suggesting this syndrome, the diagnosis is usually delayed. Recently the gene for the syndrome was identified on chromosome 19. We report 3 boys and 1 girl, 11-15 years old with hemiplegic migraine.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303