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        תוצאת חיפוש

        יוני 2001


        Eosinophilic Ascites - Presenting Symptom of the Hypereosinophilic Syndrome


        Sofia Rimbrot1, Michael Bennett2, Marina Komorovski2, Yishai Levy3


        1Department of Medicine A, 2Department of Haematology, Haemek Medical Center, Afula and 3Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israel


        We report a case of a 22 year old man with a history of bronchial asthma, suffering from diarrhea, eosinophilic ascites and prominent blood and bone marrow eosinophilia. The patient responded to corticosteroid treatment.

        Later, hydroxyurea was added to this treatment because of recurrence of eosinophilia, ascites and hepatosplenomegaly.

        Eosinophilic ascites is rarely the outstanding symptom of the hypereosinophilic syndrome.

        Following the exclusion of other reasons for eosinophilia, concomitant unexplained hepatosplenomegaly suggested the diagnosis of a hyperereosinophilic syndrome.

        אבירם ניסן, רם שפירא, רולנד חישין, עודד זמיר, דיאנה פרוס, מרטין קליין, מחמוד בדרייה והרברט פרוינד

        Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer: A Validation Study and Preliminary Results


        Aviram Nissan, Ram M. Spira, Roland Chisin, Oded Zamir, Diana Prus, Martin Klein, Mahmoud Badriyyah, Herbert R. Freund


        Departments of Surgery. Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, and Pathology. Hadassah University Hospital Mount Scopus and Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        Introduction: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has been recently proven to be an accurate staging method for breast cancer, replacing axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in selected cases. We present our initial experience and the process of introduction and implementation of SLNB in a University Hospital setting.

        Material and methods: 46 SLNB were performed in 42 consecutive female patients with invasive breast cancer. Treatment included 0.4mCi-2mCi of Tc-99m rhenium colloid injected either 2 hours before surgery (0.4 mCi) or the night before surgery (2 mCi). Four milliliters of Patent Blue V were injected peritumoral 10 minutes prior to skin incision in all patients. Following SLNB all women underwent subsequent ALND. Sentinel nodes were processed both with multiple (10-15) H&E sections and immunohistochemistry with cytokeratin antibodies stain.

        Results: Blue dye, isotope or the combination of both identified 43/46 (93%) of the sentinel lymph nodes. ALND was performed only unilaterally in 4 patients with bilateral breast cancer bringing the total evaluable SLNB to 39. In the 39 patients in whom the sentinel node was successfully identified and underwent ALND, the SLNB was true positive (TP) in 17/39 (44%) true negative (TN) in 20/39 (51%) and false negative in 2/39 [(5%), both T2 lesions] with overall accuracy of 95%. In the last 10 cases all sentinel nodes were successfully identified with 70% TP and 30% TN.

        Conclusions: Experience with at least 30-40 consecutive cases for safe implementation of SLNB in clinical practice. Specific training and dedication is required for the entire team involved, including surgeons, nuclear medicine physicians and technicians and pathologists.  

        מרץ 2001

        אפרים אייזן

        אפרים אייזן


        המרכז הגריאטרי שיקומי פלימן, חיפה הפקולטה לרפואה, הטכניון, חיפה


        נפילות מהוות את אחת מבעיות הבריאות הקשות והשכיחות ביותר בקרב קשישים. נפילות נישנות בקרב קשישים מהוות סימן לתשישות, הפרעות בתנועה ומחלות כרוניות וחדות. נפילות כשלעצמן עלולות להחמיר קשיים בתיפקוד בקשיש כתוצאה מפציעות, הגבלות פעילות, פחד מנפילות ואיבוד תנועתיות ועצמיות, תופעה זו היא הגורם השכיח ביותר לפציעות בלתי מכוונות ולשברים בקרב קשישים.

        נפילה מוגדרת כאירוע שבעיקבותיו האדם מוצא עצמו באופן לא מכוון על מישטח אחר, הנמצא נמוך ממקום הימצאו הקודם. נפילות המתרחשות עקב הפעלת כוח חיצוני רב (לדוגמה, תאונת דרכים), פעילות ספורטיבית או תקיפה, אינן נכללות בדרך כלל במסגרת האמורה. הגורמים וגורמי הסיכון לפנילות אלה בדרך כלל שונים ומהווים נושא נפרד.

        פברואר 2001

        סמו, פלדמן, אדונסקי, קצב לב, לב, קשישים, קשיש, זיקנה, גריאטריה,

        Heart Rate Variability with Spells of Unconsciousness in the Elderly


        H. Semo, S. Feldman, A. Adunsky


        Dept. of Geriatric Medicine and Neufeld Institute of Cardiology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Presyncope, syncope and falls in undetermined circumstances are frequent among the elderly. They may be caused by orthostatic hypotension secondary to autonomic insufficiency. Tilt-tests and determination of catecholamines in serum and urine may establish the diagnosis, but often may not be feasible in these patients.

        A simple, indirect, noninvasive technique to assess autonomic insufficiency is analysis of heart rate variability during Holter-monitoring. We present 5 cases in which it proved useful in the investigation of spells of unconsciousness.

        רינה רובינשטיין, רפאל ברויאר ורונלד חישין

        Newer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods in Lung Cancer


        R. Rubinstein, R. Breuer, R. Chisin


        Dept. of Medical Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, and Institute of Pulmonology, Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, Jerusalem


        Positron emission tomography (PET), when used with F-18 fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG), contributes to the evaluation of patients with lung cancer. This technique of imaging detects active tumor tissue by showing increased radiopharmaceutical uptake by metabolically active cells.

        Thus, PET assists in the early diagnosis of pulmonary malignancies that appear only as non-specific findings on CT-scan or chest X-ray. In addition, it is helpful in staging lung cancer before and after resection, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or their combined use.

        We performed 135 FDG-PET studies between July '97-April '99. and present our preliminary results with examples of the main indications for PET in lung cancer.

        ינואר 2001

        זאב פידלמן, זאב קורשון, זאב ארינזון ורינת פרידמן

        זאב פילדמן1, זאב קורשון1, זאב ארינזון1, רינת פרידמן2


        1מרכז רפואי לגריאטריה, נתניה, 2"נופי השרון", דיור מוגן, נתניה


        התלונה על נדודי שינה אופיינית לקשישים ובד"כ מתמידה. שכיחותה עולה עם הגיל ומדווחת אצל נשים, גרושים או אלמנים, המתגוררים לבד, ומשתייכים למעמד חברתי-כלכלי הנמוך. נדודי שינה יכולים להופיע כמחלה בפני עצמה או כביטוי להפרעות פסיכיאטריות, פיזיולוגיות, או על רקע טיפול תרופתי.

        המטרה בסקירה: להרחיב את המודעות לנושא נדודי השינה בקרב קשישים ולהרחיב את הנושא, בעיקר בנוגע לשינויים הפיזיולוגיים ולגישה הטיפולית.

        רם ישי

        האתיקה הרפואית, כבר מימיה הראשונים, מטילה על הרופא אחריות לטובת החולה. בזמננו, ממשיכים הקודים לתמוך במסורת זו, וקובעים מחויבות להגיש טיפול יעיל ומצפוני לטובת החולה מעבר לשיקול דעת הרופא עצמו, על הצהרת ג'נבה (1948) "בריאות החולה שלי היא חשיבותי הראשונה". בין היסודות של כללי ההתנהגות האתית מצויה מחד גיסא מחויבות של הרופא להגיש לחולה מידע שיעזור לו לקבל החלטות, ומאידך גיסא הצורך לשמור על הסודיות כדי למנוע פגיעה בחולה על ידי הציבור. נשאלת השאלה, האם ההתפתחויות בכלי התקשורת והאינטרנט משרתות את החולה או פוגעות בו.

        אוגוסט 2000

        פליציה שטרן, יצהל נ' ברנר, זאב פוליאק, סופיה ברנדינר, מרגריטה קומרניצקי, בן-עמי סלע, רם דולמן ויוסף דרור

        Nutritional Status and Vitamin B6 Supplementation in the Institutionalized Elderly


        Felicia Stern, Yitshal N. Berner, Zeev Polyak, Sophya Bernadiner, Margarita Komarnitsky, Ben Ami Sela, Ram Doolman, Yoseph Dror


        Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science, and Nutrition, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Subacute Dept. and Clinical Nutrition, Hartzfeld Geriatric Hospital, Kaplan Medical Center, Gedera; and Institute of Chemical Pathology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Nutritional status and vitamin B6 status were assessed in 18 men and 32 women, average age 84, living in a home for the aged. Average proportion of energy derived from protein was higher than the recommended; fiber intake was very low. Also low were intakes of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamins D and E, thiamin, folic acid and vitamin B6.

        Supplementation with vitamin B6 (10mg/d) for 28 days in those with the lowest B6 status assessed by B6 intake, activation coefficient of aspartate transaminase and plasma pyridoxamine concentrations led to improved B6 status (marked decrease in activation coefficient) and increased synthesis and decreased degradation of many short-lived neutrophil proteins. Though our elderly enjoy a variety of foods, some have marginal deficiencies that can be improved. Therefore, in the institutionalized elderly, micronutrient supplementation should be administered at a level low enough to be safe (below recommended upper level of intake) but high enough to be effective.

        אמיר ורדי, ענבל לוין, גדעון פרת וזהר ברזילי

        The Sixth Vital Sign: End-Tidal Co2 in Pediatric Trauma Patients during Transport


        Amir Vardi, Inbal Levin, Gideon Paret, Zohar Barzilay


        Pediatric Transport Team of the Pediatric Critical Care Unit, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Transport of pediatric trauma victims, within as well as between medical centers, has become a frequent event and an integral activity of pediatric critical care units. Monitoring patients during transport is of utmost importance, as an unstable environment poses an increased threat to the patient's stability. The level of monitoring and care should approximate that of the critical care unit. Monitoring end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) has become routine for many pediatric intensive care unit patients but technical problems have limited its use during transport.

        Our transport team uses a transportable EtCO2 monitor of the side-stream type (NPB 75), requiring very small samples; midstream sampling overcomes humidity interference. The monitor is small and lightweight, operates on a rechargeable battery and is especially designed for the demanding environment of transport.

        From October 1997 through January 1999, 187 pediatric patients, 62 of whom were trauma victims, were transported for a total of 45 hours, including 2 hours of in-flight transport. Age range was 3 months to 16 years. Of the 53 monitored for EtCO2, in 9 (17%) monitoring resulted in a significant, immediate change of treatment during transport.

        We find EtCO2 an important adjunct in monitoring pediatric trauma patients during transport. In addition to conventional monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature and blood oxygen saturation, we suggest EtCO2 as the sixth vital sign that should be monitored.

        יולי 2000

        אילנה סלוצקי-שרגא, משה וולק, סופי ווליס, ישראל ווליך ודוד סומפולינסקי

        Multiresistant Escherichia Coli from Elderly Patients


        Ilana Slucky-Shraga, Moshe Wolk, Sofia Volis, Israel Vulikh, David Sompolinsky


        Dept. of Medicine and Microbiology Laboratory, Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital, Bnei Brak; Central Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem; and Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan


        We examined all ceftriaxone-resistant Escherichia coli isolates obtained from clinical samples during 16 months (1‚Dec. '97 - 31 Mar. '99). A total of 97 resistant isolates from 36 patients were obtained, mostly from urine specimens. Of these patients, 35/36 were over 75 years old, most lived in nursing homes, were dependent on nursing in their daily lives, and were incontinent and/or had indwelling catheters.

        All 97 isolates had similar susceptibility profiles: resistant to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, ampicillin, amoxycillin/clavulanate, tricarcillin/clavulanate, aztreonam, and cefuroxime; decreased susceptibility to ceftazidime and cefepime; and susceptible to imipenem and meropenem. Double-disc tests indicated that all strains produced extended spectrum beta-lactamase(s). All the isolates belonged to 1 of 3 E. coli serotypes: 79 were 0153:H31, 13 were 0142:H10, and 5 were 0102:H6.

        יחזקאל טיטיון, זאב אשכול, צבי חורש ומיכאל סודרי

        Mortality in Fractures of the Hip 

        Y. Titiun, Z. Eshkol, Z. Horesh, M. Soudry


        Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Beilinson Campus, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Prevalence of hip fractures is increasing world-wide, as the mean age of populations increases. Despite advances in anesthesia, nursing care, and surgical techniques, hip fractures remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly.

        We operated on 65 cases of hip fractures from 1995 to the end of 1997: average age was 82.9, 72% were women, average waiting time for operation was 1.6 days, perioperative mortality was 3.5% and postoperative mortality 26.2%.

        מרץ 2000

        מיכאל מיכיילביץ, אהוד לבל ומנחם יצחקי

        SYME Amputation for Foot Infections in Diabetics 

        Michael Michailevich, Ehud Lebel, Menachem Itzchaki


        Dept. of Orthopedics, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Syme ankle disarticulation for foot infections in diabetics with concomitant peripheral vascular disease is often unsuccessful. The need for re-amputation usually results from recurrent infection or ischemia of the posterior heel flap. We present 5 such cases of deep foot infections in diabetics who underwent Syme amputation after failure of local debridement. All patients needed reamputation in 4-18 days for ischemia of the flap.

        פברואר 2000

        אורנה צישינסקי ויעל לצר

        Nocturnal Eating Disorder - Sleep or Eating Disorder?


        Orna Tzischinski, Yael Lazer


        Sleep Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine and Israel Institute of Technology; and Eating Disorders Clinic, Psychiatric Division, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Nocturnal eating disorder (NED) is a rare syndrome that includes disorders of both eating and sleeping. It is characterized by awakening in the middle of the night, getting out of bed, and consuming large quantities of food quickly and uncontrollably, then returning to sleep. This may occur several times during the night. Some patients are fully conscious during their nocturnal eating, while some indicate total amnesia. The etiology of NED is still unclear, as research findings are contradictory.

        Those suffering from NED exhibit various levels of anxiety and depression, and many lead stressful life-styles. Familial conflict, loneliness and personal crises are commonly found. Recently, a connection has been discovered between NED and unclear self-definition, faulty interpersonal communication, and low frustration threshold. Several authors link it to sleepwalking, leg movements during sleep, and sleep apnea. Treatment is still unclear and there have been trials of pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. However, pharmacological treatment has generally been found to be the most effective, although each case must be considered individually.

        In 1998, 7 women referred to our Eating Disorders Clinic, 5% of all referrals, were subsequently diagnosed as suffering from NED. Of these, 3 suffered from concurrent binge-eating disorder and 4 also from bulimia nervosa. 2 case studies representative of NED are presented.

        ינואר 2000

        אילנה פרידריך וישי לוי

        Diabetic Ketoacidosis during the Ramadan Fast 

        I. Friedrich, Y. Levy


        Dept. of Medicine A, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula, and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        We report a 15-year-old Muslim boy with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) who presented with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) during the Muslim Ramadan month of day-time fasting. DKA apparently occurred due to omitting pre-lunch insulin combined with dehydration and overeating during the permitted sunset-to-sunrise meals.

        It is well-known that fasting accelerates development of lipolysis and ketosis and increases glucagon levels. Thus, these pathophysiological aberrations related to fasting in ketosis-prone patients, in conjunction with fasting, endanger metabolic control in IDDM.

        אוגוסט 1999

        נועה ברק, רון ישי ואלישבע לב-רן

        Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Biofeedback Treatment


        N. Barak, R. Ishai, E. Lev-Ran


        Biofeedback Unit, Psychiatric Ward, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Irritable bowel syndrome is a group of heterogenic complaints of functional bowel disorder in the absence of organic pathology. The pathophysiology is unclear. In most cases treatment includes symptomatic remedies, antidepressants, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

        Biofeedback has recently been introduced as a therapeutic modality. Treatment also includes relaxation techniques and guided imagery, together with computer-assisted monitoring of sympathetic arousal. Biofeedback requires active participation of patients in their healing progress and leads to symptom reduction in 2/3.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303