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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2001

        אשר ברק, אורי אפרתי ומרדכי ר' קרמר

        אשר ברק(1), אורי אפרתי(1), מרדכי ר' קרמר(2)


        היחידה למחלות ריאות ילדים, בי"ח שיבא תל-השומר(1), המכון למחלות ריאה: מרכז רפואי ע"ש רבין, פתח תקווה(2)


        בשנים האחרונות, התפתח הסיווג של מחלות דרכי הנשימה הקטנים: הסימפונונים (bronchioles). מגוון המחלות והגורמים הרבים והמשותפים לחלקם, גורמים לא פעם לבלבול. מחלות הסימפונונים מסוג ברונכיוליטיס חסימתי (bronchiolitis obliterans – ב"ח) וברונכיוליטיס חסימתי עם דלקת בהתארגנות (bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia – בחד"ה). מהווה סיבות חשובות למחלות ריאה מפושטות והסננתיות. ההכרה בהבדלים שבין שתי תיסמונות אלו מאפשרת קביעת פרוגנוזה וטיפול מתאים לחולה. בסקירה ספרותית זו מדווח על המיבנה האנטומי של הסימפונונים, הסיווג הפתולוגי והקליני של מחלות הסימפונונים. מושם דגש על המשותף והשונה שבמחלות ב"ח ובחד"ה: מהלך קליני, בדיקות רנטגן, טיפול ופרוגנוזה של כל אחת ממחלות אלו.

        עדי לייבה ויהודה שינפלד

        בעשור האחרון, פורסמו מספר עבודות, בהן הודגם, כי בקרב חולים עם תחלואה של חלל הפה, ובייחוד דלקת מיסב-השן – דמ"ש (דלקת מיסב השן – periodontitis) ודלקת חניכיים, קיימת היארעות מוגברת באופן משמעותי של טרשת העורקים וביטוייה הקליניים השונים: מחלת לב כלילית, אוטם בשריר הלב ואירוע מוחי. במקביל להצטברות המידע האפידמיולוגי, חלה בשנים האחרונות התקדמות רבה בכל הקשור להבנת התהליכים שביסוד טרשת העורקים.

        בתוך הרובד הטרשתי קיימים תהליך דלקתי ותגובה חיסונית פעילה, שבהם נוטלים חלק, בין השאר, לימפוציטים מסוג T ומאקרופאגים משופעלים. מאמץ מחקרי רב נעשה על מנת לאתר את מחוללי הנזק הראשוני בדופן כלי הדם ואותם אנטיגנים, נגד אנטיגנים זרים (ממקור חיידקי, נגיפי וכיו"ב); לחלופין, ייתכן שמדובר בתגובה-צולבת כנגד אנטיגנים עצמוניים.

        נסקור את התאוריות השונות לגבי הקשר בין מחלות חלל הפה ומיסב-השן ובין טרשת העורקים. תאוריות אלו מדגימות היטב את מרכזיותו של הגירוי הזיהומי והתגובה החיסונית כלפיו בהתהוות מחלת טרשת העורקים.

        רם אלעזרי ויוסף קליש

        Tuberculous Meningitis in HIV


        R. Elazary, Y. Kalish


        Medical Dept., Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, Jerusalem


        The increase in prevalence of tuberculous meningitis during the past decade has been attributed in part to the increase of AIDS. Failure to diagnose HIV can cause irreversible damage and even death. We describe a man with AIDS admitted through the emergency room because of high fever and headaches for more than a month, He was cachectic and had nuchal rigidity without major neurological deficit. Brain imaging was normal and lumbar puncture showed neutrophils, lymphocytes, hypochloremia, elevated protein, and decreased glucose; cryptococcal antigen was negative but acid-fast staining was positive.

        Anti-TB chemotherapy was started using 4 drugs and dexamethasone was also given. Considerable improvement in his general condition followed rapidly.

        Use of corticosteroids in tuberculous meningitis has been a major issue. They are added to antimicrobial agents in order to decrease reactivity of inflammatory mediators and thus reduce central nervous system damage.

        We review several controlled studies in which steroids were added to treat tuberculous meningitis. The conclusions of most were that they decrease morbidity and mortality, especially of those moderately to severely ill. Most considered as ungrounded the possibility of exacerbating latent tuberculous, or any other opportunistic infection outside the central nervous system. However, it is currently recommended to add prednisone, 1 mg/kg/d for 2-4 weeks when initiating antituberculous treatment.

        ינואר 2001

        בולסלב קנובל ופאול רוזמן

        Cholesterol Pericarditis Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis


        B. Knobel, P. Rosman


        Dept. of Medicine B, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Cholesterol pericarditis (CP) is a rare and unusual disease characterized by chronic pericardial effusion with high cholesterol concentration. Precipitation of cholesterol crystals may occur and induce inflammation and constrictive pericarditis. CP may be idiopathic, but is usually associated with a systemic disease, such as tuberculosis, myxedema, or as in our case, rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

        We present a 78-year-old woman with RA, typical deformities of the metacarpo- and metatarso-phalangeal joints and subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules. She was hospitalized with increasing dyspnea and weakness and a 2-dimensional transthoracic echocardiogram showed a large pericardial effusion, without tamponade.

        Blood cholesterol was 208 mg/dl, triglycerides 169 mg/dl, LDH 37 u/L and rheumatoid factor 2560 u; glucose, kidney, and thyroid function tests were normal and PPD test negative. Pericardiocentesis yielded 800 ml of opaque, cloudy fluid, with glucose 19 mg/dl, cholesterol 264 mg/dl (normal 20-40 mg/dl), triglycerides 169 mg/dl, LDH 5820 u/L and rheumatoid factor 40 u; viral titers and cultures for bacterial, mycobacterial and fungal infections were negative. The pericardial fluid had a distinctive scintillating, gold-paint appearance and many cholesterol crystals were evident microscopically.

        The patient responded to treatment with methotrexate and steroids. Factors responsible for increase in pericardial fluid cholesterol may be its liberation from injured pericardial cells and rheumatoid nodules, lysis of red cells, or lymphatic obstruction and impairment of the absorptive capacity of the pericardium.


        דצמבר 2000

        אלי רוזן

        Eosinophilic Pneumonia induced by Minocycline


        Eli Rosen


        Medical Dept. B, Hillel Yaffe Hospital, Hadera


        Eosinophilic pneumonia is a rare adverse effect of minocycline. To date there are about 70 chemical compounds that cause drug-induced, eosinophilic lung disease.

        A 20-year-old woman who developed eosinophilic pneumonia due to minocycline is described. Diagnosis was established by history, signs and symptoms, peripheral eosinophilia, chest x-rays and response to combined cessation of treatment and a short course of steroids.

        Physicians should be aware to this rare adverse effect of the drug. Attention to the possibility of minocycline-induced eosinophilic pneumonia can prevent unnecessary, expensive investigation. Cessation of intake is usually sufficient for cure.

        מוחמד עבדולגני, רימה פלדמן, משה שי ויעקב וורקל

        Atrophic Gastritis Presenting with Pulmonary Embolism


        Muhammad A. Abdul-Ghani, Rima Feldman, Moshe Shai, Jacob Varkel


        Dept. of Medicine C, Western Galilee Hospital, Naharia


        Atrophic gastritis is an autoimmune gastropathy in which there is destruction of gastric parietal cells. This results in intrinsic factor deficiency and disturbance in vitamin B12 absorption. Its clinical manifestationa are therefore the consequences of B12 deficiency and include anemia and neurological defect. In addition, lack of B12 results in metabolic changes, including disturbances of methionine metabolism and accumulation of homocysteine.

        In recent years, there has been increasing evidence suggesting that hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for thrombo-embolic disease. We describe a 51-year-old man with atrophic gastritis, severe B12 deficiency and hyperhomocystein-emia. The initial clinical manifestation was pulmonary embolism, without either anemia or neurological signs. B12 deficiency should therefore be considered in patients being investigated for hypercoagulability.

        אוקטובר 2000

        חיים גולן, מרינה לנדאו, אילן גולדברג ושרה ברנר

        Dermatitis from Contact with Agave Americana


        Haim Golan, Marina Landau, Ilan Goldberg, Sara Brenner


        Dermatology Dept., Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center


        Various plants induce dermatitis in man. There have been only a few published cases of contact dermatitis caused by Agave americana (AA).

        We report intentional exposure to AA in a soldier seeking sick leave, and review our previously reported cases. Treatment with oral antihistamines and topical saline compresses resulted in subsidence of the systemic symptoms within 24h and regression of cutaneous manifestations in 7-10 days.

        Physicians should be alert to the possibility of self-inflicted contact dermatitis induced by exposure to plants, especially to A. americana. Systemic signs may accompany the cutaneous lesions.

        י' דומניץ, ר' אבישר וח' סביר

        Corneal Infection in Wearers of Contact Lenses


        Y. Domniz, R. Avisar, H. Savir


        Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin; and Hasharon Hospital, Petah Tikva


        This is a 5-year retrospective survey of corneal infection in wearers of optical contact lenses (OCL). 23 of the 61 patients (38%; Hasharon Hospital) with positive cultures wore OCL. Visual acuity improved in 15 (65%), no change was noted in 4 (17.5%) and there was deterioration in 4 (17.5%), as compare with status on admission.


        Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most common cause of infections among OCL wearers. The improvement in visual acuity expected due to wearing OCL was affected by infections. After Staphylococcus albus infections had the highest rate (100%) of improvement in visual acuity and after Ps. aeruginosa the lowest rate (57.2%) of improvement, as well as the highest rate of deterioration (42.8%) found following recovery.


        OCL wearers are at higher risk for damage to visual acuity following corneal infection, and highly virulent infections in OCL wearers are responsible for a high risk of damage to visual acuity.

        אוגוסט 2000

        מרינה כצמן, אלי שילוח ומיכה רפופורט

        Anticoagulant Treatment in Pericardial Effusion - A Therapeutic Dilemma 

        Marina Katsman, Elie Shiloah, Micha Rappoport


        Dept. of Medicine C, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        Anticoagulant treatment for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and pericardial effusion is controversial, since the treatment might cause hemopericardium and tamponade. On the other hand, anticoagulants are strongly indicated in many situations in AMI, including: left ventricular thrombus, unstable angina, severe heart failure, deep vein thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, atrial fibrillation, as part of thrombolytic treatment, and during cardiac catheterization.

        We describe a 70-year-old man who presented with both pericardial effusion and a left ventricular thrombus 3 weeks after an extensive, anterior wall AMI. Anticoagulants and corticosteroids were administered simultaneously under hem-odynamic and echocardiographic monitoring, without complications.

        It is our impression that anticoagulant treatment is safe in patients with pericardial effusion.

        יוני 2000

        נעם פינק ומאיר מועלם

        Minocycline Pneumonitis and Eosinophilia


        Noam Fink, Meir Mouallem


        Dept. of Medicine E, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Pneumonitis with eosinophilia is one of the less common and severe adverse effects of minocycline. The disease evolves in days or weeks from the beginning of treatment, and is usually characterized by dyspnea, fever and bilateral infiltrates in the chest X-ray. With cessation of the antibiotic, and sometimes adding cortico-steroids, clinical and roentgenological resolution follow.

        We present a case given minocycline for folliculitis and 3 weeks later fever, cough and shortness of breath developed. The clinical and roentgenological course was consistent with minocycline pneumonitis accompanied by eosinophilia.

        מאי 2000

        מ' גדלביץ, ד' גיליס, ד' מימוני, א' גרוטו וע' שפילברג

        Trends in Epidemiology of Hepatitis in the Israel Defense Forces 

        Michael Gdalevich, David Gillis, Daniel Mimouni, Itamar Grotto, Ofer Shpilberg


        Institute of Military Medicine, Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces


        During the 50's and 60's there were large scale epidemics of hepatitis A every 3-4 years in the Israel Defense Forces. During these epidemics the annual incidence exceeded 10/1000 soldiers at risk. There has been a highly significant decrease in rates during the past 30 years. The average annual incidence of clinically identified viral hepatitis A decreased from an average of 6/1000 during the 60's to 2.5/1000 during the 70's. The decrease coincided with the introduction in the 1970's of wide-scale post-exposure prophylaxis with immune serum globulin (ISG). The incidence was further significantly reduced to 0.5-1.0/1000 with the introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis with ISG, starting in 1978 (p<0.001).

        Other factors probably played a role in accelerating the decline in morbidity, such as improvement in personal hygiene and sanitation facilities, and in waste disposal and other aspects of military environmental health.

        These improvements were probably more pronounced in the civilian sector, leading to decreased exposure of children to the virus and consequently a higher proportion of seronegatives at induction. Increase in the proportion of recruits without natural immunity to the virus poses greater risk, both in terms of personal morbidity as well as military operational ability. This risk, combined with problems of ISG use and availability, has propelled hepatitis A prevention policy towards the use of the new inactivated vaccines.

        פברואר 2000

        א' דויטש וא' חברון

        Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Extracranial Complications of Sinusitis


        E. Deutsch, I. Hevron


        ENT Dept., Bikur Cholim Hospital, Jerusalem


        Orbital subperiosteal abscess (SPA) and Pott's puffy tumor (PPT) are the major extracranial complications of acute sinusitis. These complications are aggravated by the close anatomic relationships between the nasal sinuses and the orbits and frontal bone. Furthermore, the rich diploic venous drainage of the region enhances the spread of the infection.

        Between 1992 and 1997, 16 patients (mean age 12 years, range 2-15, 10 of them males), 11 of them with SPA and 4 with PPT were operated on by the senior author by means of endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). Indications for operation included: CT findings of abscess formation and lack of clinical improvement after 48 hours of IV antibiotic therapy. Clinical resolution of symptoms was achieved in all and there were no operative or postoperative complications.

        We emphasize and explain the advantages of ESS over external approaches in surgery for extracranial complications of acute sinusitis by several facts: the technique treats the source of the disease, clinical success rate is high, morbidity is low, and facial distortion and poor cosmetic results completely avoided.

        אמיליה אניס, אלכס לבנטל, מלוינה רויטמן ופאול סלייטר

        Introduction of Routine Hepatitis Immunization in Israel 

        Emilia Anis, Alex Leventhal, Malvina Roitman, Paul E. Slater 


        Notification of hepatitis A, which is endemic in Israel, has been compulsory since the establishment of the State. From 1992-98 an average of 2,600 cases were reported annually. Many infections are asymptomatic and mild, especially in children. In general, severity increases with age; in Western countries the case fatality rate is 1.5/1,000 among children less than 5 years old and 27/1,000 among those over 50. Until 1987 incidence in Israel was higher in Jews than in non-Jews, but since 1988 incidence has been about 50% higher in non-Jews.

        Among Jews highest age specific rates shifted from children 1-4 years old to children 5-9 years old in 1970, and in non-Jews in 1989. Improved sanitary conditions and personal hygiene have reduced very early childhood exposure and hence increased the proportion of susceptible older children and adults, in whom symptomatic disease is more prevalent.

        Israel is the first country in the world to include hepatitis A vaccine in its routine immunization schedule. The vaccine is given in 2 doses: at 18 months and 24-30 months of age, and there will be epidemiologic and serologic follow-up. A significant decrease in hepatitis A morbidity is expected in small children within 5 years. The percentage of reported cases in older children and in adults is expected to increase, although the absolute incidence among these groups will decrease.

        Dept. of Epidemiology and Public Health Services, Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem

        ינואר 2000

        י' דומניץ, ר' אבישר וח' סביר

        Corneal Infection - Causes and Effects on Vision


        Y. Domniz, R. Avisar, H. Savir


        Ophthalmology Depts., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Hasharon Hospital, Petah Tikva


        We conducted a retrospective 5-year survey of corneal infections treated in the ophthalmology ward of Hasharon Hospital. The most frequent type of corneal infection was corneal abscess; the most frequent cause was Staphylococcus albus, although this bacterium is not reported as a frequent cause of corneal infections.

        There was improvement in visual acuity in 69.2% and no change in 15.4%. Corneal infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequent cause of worsening of corneal acuity (23.08%). The greatest improvement of visual acuity was in those with corneal ulcers. The worst visual acuity was in those with corneal abscesses. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the main cause of infection in contact-lens wearers.

        In the world medical literature, Staphylococcus albus is considered of very low virulence. This bacterium was the most frequent cause of corneal infections in our study so it may have greater virulence in Israel.

        ניר הילזנרט, מרקוס מוסטוסלבסקי ודוד טובבין

        Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C in Hemodialysis Patients 

        Nir Hilzenrat, Marcus Mostoslavsky, David Tovbin


        Liver Disease Service - Division of Gastroenterology, Dialysis Unit, Dept. of Nephrology and Division of Internal Medicine, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Acquired infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in hemodialysis patients has been described lately. In dialysis units in Italy and France, the prevalence and incidence of HCV are 20-60% and 1-2%, respectively. Most infected patients develop chronic hepatitis. The clinical presentation of acute HCV in hemodialysis patients is very mild and therefore the diagnosis is often made only by laboratory tests. Acute infection is usually followed by mild elevation of liver enzymes and the presence of HCV-RNA and anti-HCV in serum.

        We report a 48-year-old man on hemodialysis who developed acute hepatitis C. The diagnosis was made by finding mild elevation of liver enzymes and the presence of HCV-RNA in his serum. A few months later, he developed severe hepatitis which was followed by rapid deterioration in liver function. However, the virus was eradicated and liver function tests became normal. Surprisingly, serum anti-HCV antibodies were detected 5 months later.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303