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  • פעולות מהירות
  • עברית (HE)
  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        מאי 2001

        ירון וינר, רותי גולד, סרגיי זהבי, יהודית זנדבנק ואריאל הלוי

        Primary Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors


        Y. Wiener1, R. Gold1, S. Zehavy2, J. Sandbank2, A. Halevy1


        1Dept. of General Surgery and Dept. of Pathology, 2Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Israel


        Stromal tumors of the GI tract are rare. In the retrospective and prospective study we investigated the relationship between tumor symptomatology, tumor grade and prognostic factors. During the period May 1993 - September 1999, 11 female and 13 male patients with a mean age of 62 (range-29-81) years were operated for primary gastrointestinal stomal tumors (GIST) in our department. Observed signs and symptoms were: GI bleeding (65%), abdominal pain (45%), abdominal mass (15%) and weakness (5%). In 4 patients tumor was an incidental finding during investigation or operation for another tumor. Tumor location (in decreasing order) was: stomach (15), small bowel (SB, 6), esophagus (1), duodenum (1) and colon (1). Preoperative biopsy or FNA were diagnostic in less than 50% of the cases. Operative procedures included wedge resection (8 patients), resection of segment of bowel (10) and extended resection (6), of diaphragm, SB, colon, bladder, kidney and liver. The mean tumor size was 7.8 (range-0.9-22) cm. Four tumors were graded as benign, 8 of indeterminate malignant potential and 12 malignant.

        Conclusion: The main presentation of GIST is acute GI bleeding. Endoscopy is most effective for studying proximal tumors, and CT should be used to identify distal GI tract tumors. Tumor size or malignancy were not necessarily predictive of GI bleeding. When invasive to adjacent organs is present, wide excision should be contemplated as long-term survival can be achieved.


        אפריל 2001

        ינינה גלבויז, שרה שפירו, ניצה להט ואריאל מילר

        ינינה גלבויז (1), שרה שפירו (2), ניצה להט (2), אריאל מילר (1,3)


        (1) היחידה לנירואימונולוגיה, המח' לנירולוגיה, (2) היחידה לחקר אימונולוגיה, המרכז הרפואי כרמל, הטכניון – הפקולטה לרפואה, (3) מכון רפפורט למחקר במדעי הרפואה, חיפה


        אנזימי המטריקס-מטלופרוטאינאזות (matrix metal-loproteinases - MMP's) (אממ"פ)* הם משפחת אנזימים פרוטאוליטיים אשר, יחד עם מעכביהם הריקמתיים – TIMs, מעורבים בעיצוב המירקם החוץ-תאי (ECM) (מח"ת – מירקם חוץ-תאי) במיגוון מצבים פיזיולוגיים, כגון התפתחות עוברית וריפוי פצע. לאחרונה, מצטברות עדויות למעורבות אממ"פ גם במיגוון רחב של מחלות, כגון התפשטות גרורות, טרשת העורקים, מצבי דלקת ומחלות אוטואימוניות.

        בתהליכים דלקתיים של מערכת העצבים המרכזית, האממ"פ הם הגורם העיקרי בהרס מחסום הדם-מוח, בהתהוות בצקת מוחית, בהסננת תאי דלקת, בתהליכי הרס מיאלין ובהתהוות צלקת הגליה במוח. פעילות מוגברת של MMPs אובחנה בבעלי-חיים חולים בדגם ניסיוני של מחלות דה-מיאליניות וטרשת נפוצה. רמות גבוהות של אממ"פ, בעיקר MMP-2 ו-MMP-9, התגלו שינויים בפרופיל האממ"פ דווחו גם בהקשר של דלקות עוצבה חיידקיות ונגיפיות. כמו כן, למרות סתירות מסוימות במימצאים, נראה כי אממ"פ מעורבים גם בתהליכי הצטברות חלבון הביתא-amyloid במחלת אלצהיימר. מעורבות אממ"פ במחלות מערכת העצבים המרכזית מעוררת עניין מיוחד בזכות יכולתם לשמש בסימנים לפעילות המחלה ובזכות הפוטנציאל הטיפולי הטמון בשימוש במעכבי אממ"פ.

        ינואר 2001

        שי שרוט, יואב צפמן ויהודה שינפלד

        שי שרוט1, יואב צפמן1, יהודה שינפלד2


        1המח' למחלות עצבים, המרכז הרפואית תל-אביב, 2מח' לרפואה פנימית ב' והמרכז למחלות אוטואימוניות, בי"ח שיבא, תל-השומר


        תיסמונת האנטיפוספוליפידיים, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) היא מחלה רב-מערכתית שבה מעורבים נוגדנים ואנטיגנים שונים. הפרעה האוטואימונית מתבטאת קלינית באירועים פקקתיים-תסחיפיים נשנים (עורקיים וורידיים), בהפלות עצמוניות נשנות, בתרומבוציטופניה ובכייל גבוה של נוגדנים כנגד פוספוליפידים ((antiphospholipid-antibodies - aPL וכן של נוגד קרישה זאבתי (lupus anticoagulant - LA). התיסמונת יכולה להתרחש משנית למחלות אוטואימוניות אחרות (כמו זאבת אדמנתית מערכתית systemic-lupus-erythematosus (SLE), לממאירויות או לזיהומים וכן כתגובה לתרופות. כשלא נמצאת סיבה ראשונית מעין אלו להתהוות התיסמונת, היא מוגדרת כראשונית (primary APS).

        הנוגדנים הנמנים עם משפחת ה- aPL מאותרים בבדיקה שבה נמדדת תגובתיות (reactivity) חיסונית כלפי קרדיוליפין (aCL) ופוספוליפידים למיניהם הטעונים שלילית, בנוכחות או ללא נוכחות  ביתא 2 – גליקופרוטאין או קופקטורים חלבוניים אחרים, או ע"י תגובתיות חיסונית כלפי ביתא 2 – גליקופרוטאין (הידוע כקופקטור חיוני לקישור ה- aPL) או קופקטורים חלבוניים אחרים לבד, או על ידי יכולתם לעכב את מנגנון הקרישה בתבחיני קרישה התלויים בפוספוליפידים (LA=).

        לא כל בני-האדם עם aPL יהיו תסמיניים. בסקר פרוספקטיבי של בנק הדם התגלה, שב- 6.5% מהאוכלוסייה הכללית אובחנו בתבחין ELISA נוגדנים מסוג IgP-aPL. לעתים קרובות, יורד כיל-ה- aPLלטווח התקין עם הזמן, ללא אירועים פקקתיים.

        בחולים הלוקים ב- APS, דווח על ביטויים קליניים שונים, הכוללים סיבוכים המאטולוגיים, סיבוכים בעור, מחלת מסתמי הלב והיפגעות הכליות. בנוסף, דווח על ביטויים נירולוגיים שונים המערבים בעיקר את מערכת העצבים המרכזית. בסקירה זו, נדונים ההיבטים הנירולוגיים של תיסמונת הנוגדנים האנטיפוספוליפידיים.

        רפאל נגלר ואברהם זאב רזניק

        Antioxidant Profile of Human Saliva and its Biological Significance


        R. M. Nagler, A. Z. Reznick


        Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Salivary Clinic and Oral Biochemistry Laboratory; Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Saliva is the first biological medium to come in contact with materials entering the body through the oral cavity. These materials are contained in food and drink (or inhaled as volatile ingredients). Accordingly, saliva contains various defense mechanisms which have been thoroughly investigated. They include immunological and enzymatic systems aimed at pathological microorganisms. Saliva also can protect the mucosa against mechanical insults and when required, promote its healing via agents such as the epidermal growth factor.

        Another defense mechanism in saliva which has been gaining increased attention and seems to be of paramount importance is its antioxidant system. We discuss both the molecular and enzymatic components of the salivary antioxidant system in respect to mixed, parotid, submandibular and sublingual saliva and under various physiological conditions of secretion.


        דצמבר 2000

        זיו גיל, עדי ארן, אורנה פרידמן, ליאנה בני-עדני ושלמה קונסטנטיני

        Folic Acid for Preventing Neural Tube Defects


        Ziv Gil, Adi Aran, Orna Friedman, Liana Beni-Adani, Shlomo Constantini


        Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Dana Children's Hospital, Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv


        Spina bifida and anencephaly are the most common, serious malformations in neural tube defects (NTD). Randomized trials in the last 2 decades have demonstrated that folic acid, 0.4 mg/d, reduces the incidence of NTD by more than 50%. We investigated the use of folic acid and multivitamins containing folic acid in childbearing women.

        Of 221 women interviewed, 67 (30%) regularly took pills containing 0.4 mg folic acid. Women with higher educational levels were more likely to take multivitamins with folic acid than were the less educated (p=0.05). Of the women who took folic acid, only 5 (7.5%) used separate folic acid tablets, before and during their pregnancy. The rest used multivitamins containing folic acid. The 5 women who took folic acid separately were college-educated and nonreligious, and they took multivitamins in addition (p>0.05).

        Of the women interviewed, 58 (26.2%) were Bedouin of the Negev. 24 (41.4%) of them took pills containing folic acid on a regular basis. This percentage is higher than that in the Jewish women in the study who took folic acid for prevention of NTD (17%; p=0.038).

        Most of the women took folic acid after the first trimester. Only a minority took daily periconceptional folic acid. Multivitamins containing 0.4 mg of folic acid were more popular than folic acid tablets alone. This study emphasizes the need for continuing efforts to increase consumption of folic acid and awareness of its benefits among women of childbearing age.

        מוחמד עבדולגני, רימה פלדמן, משה שי ויעקב וורקל

        Atrophic Gastritis Presenting with Pulmonary Embolism


        Muhammad A. Abdul-Ghani, Rima Feldman, Moshe Shai, Jacob Varkel


        Dept. of Medicine C, Western Galilee Hospital, Naharia


        Atrophic gastritis is an autoimmune gastropathy in which there is destruction of gastric parietal cells. This results in intrinsic factor deficiency and disturbance in vitamin B12 absorption. Its clinical manifestationa are therefore the consequences of B12 deficiency and include anemia and neurological defect. In addition, lack of B12 results in metabolic changes, including disturbances of methionine metabolism and accumulation of homocysteine.

        In recent years, there has been increasing evidence suggesting that hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for thrombo-embolic disease. We describe a 51-year-old man with atrophic gastritis, severe B12 deficiency and hyperhomocystein-emia. The initial clinical manifestation was pulmonary embolism, without either anemia or neurological signs. B12 deficiency should therefore be considered in patients being investigated for hypercoagulability.

        ספטמבר 2000

        קובי שדה, איריס דותן ויורם לבוא

        Systemic Mastocytosis


        K. Sade, I. Dotan, Y. Levo


        Depts. of Pulmonary and Allergy Diseases and of Medicine T, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center


        Mastocytosis has a highly variable clinical expression, and systemic mastocytosis is occasionally associated with a myeloproliferative or a myelodysplastic disorder. These patients often present without skin involvement and have a very poor prognosis. We report a 72-year-old man with this condition who had spells of flushing and dyspnea, myelo-fibrosis, and high serum and urine histamine levels.

        אוגוסט 2000

        יואל סגל, דוד ארגז, אוסקר ליפשיץ, פליקס גוטספלד וזאב שטגר

        Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage of Obscure Origin


        Yoel Siegel, David Ergaz, Oscar Liphshitz, Felix Gottesfeld, Zev Sthoeger


        Depts. of Medicine B and Surgery, and Gastroenterology Unit, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot (Associated with Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem)


        Gastrointestinal bleeding of obscure origin consists of recurrent bouts of acute or chronic bleeding for which no definite source is discovered in routine endoscopic and barium contrast studies of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts. Usually its cause is angiodysplasia of the intestine, but many cases are due to tumors, mostly of the small bowel, which may be malignant.

        In patients under the age of 50, the proportion with malignancy is relatively high (up to 14%) as compared to older patients. We describe a 45-year-old woman who suffered from gastrointestinal bleeding for 3 years. The cause of bleeding was not found despite extensive work-up.

        In her last admission for acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage she was given a total of 30 units of blood. A tumor of the small intestine found by angiography was excised and found to be a stromal tumor of uncertain malignant potential. 1 year after operation she is asymptomatic without bleeding and her hemoglobin is stable without treatment.

        נובמבר 1999

        עידו וולף ומאיר מועלם

        Multiple Organ Damage due to Cholesterol Embolization


        Ido Wolf, Meir Mouallem


        Dept. of Medicine E, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Cholesterol crystal embolization can affect multiple organ systems and mimic other systemic diseases. We describe a 65-year-old woman who had renal failure, diarrhea, transient ischemic attacks and purple toes due to spontaneous cholesterol crystal embolization.

        אוקטובר 1999

        נגה רייכמן, מאזן אליאס, ראול רז ועדית פלטאו

        Cryptococcal Meningitis Following Cryptococcal Pneumonia in an Immunocompetent


        N. Reichman, M. Elias, R. Raz, E. Flatau


        Dept. of Internal Medicine B and Infectious Disease Unit, HaEmek Hospital, Afula and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is common in the immunocompromised (especially due to AIDS), but also occurs in immunocompetent subjects. CM can complicate cryptococcal pneumonia (CP) not only in the immunocompromised but also in the immunocompetent. We describe a healthy 26-year-old man who developed a prolonged lung infection. Diagnosis of cryptococcal pneumonia was established from bronchoscopic washings. He recovered spontaneously, so no antifungal treatment was given.

        4 months later he was admitted with cryptococcal meningitis and was treated successfully with amphotericin B. An extensive immunologic study revealed no abnormalities. Since CM can complicate cryptococcal pneumonia, it is recommended that patients with CP be followed, even if recovery is apparently complete.

        ב' פורטר

        Computerization in a Community Health Service Provider


        Boaz Porter


        Maccabi Health Services, Beer Sheba


        As the second largest health service provider organization in Israel, we have been progressively computerized. The process was begun in 1988, focusing on improving administrative and financial processes.


        Today there is a single centralized database for 6,000 users. The system monitors member eligibility, accounting procedures and clinical processes, including diagnoses, laboratory tests, imaging procedures and drug-prescribing. The potential of the computer for physician support is now being realized through integration of clinical guidelines and reminder systems into the computerized clinical record. In addition, the centralized database is used for quality improvement, facilitating cost-effective drug-prescribing and efficient use of technology.

        The establishment of a computerized working environment for 2,000 physicians and 4,000 other healthcare workers serving 1.3 million patients is a unique model for the development of community health services. Data regarding demographics, disease patterns, drug-prescribing, use of new technology and costs are now readily available to all, from senior management to the individual physician in independent practice.


        The computer revolution has also presented a new set of problems such patient-record confidentiality and the effect of the computer on the physician-patient encounter.

        גיל בר-סלע, ג'ורג'טה פריד, ציפורה ברוטמן, אנה רבקין, ריבה בורוביק ואברהם קוטן

        Breast Conservation: Safe for Early Breast Cancer


        Gil Bar-Sella, Georgetta Fried, Zipora Brotman, Anna Ravkin, Riva Borovik, Abraham Kuten


        Dept. of Oncology, Rambam Medical Center; Dept. of Oncology, Lin Medical Center; and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Between 1981-1993 581 women with primary breast cancer were treated by breast conservation. Their mean age was 56‏12 years and 63% were postmenopausal and 37% pre- or perimenopausal. The median follow-up time was 56 months. 45% had pathological Stage I disease, 49% Stage II, 2.5% Stage III and 3.5% clinical Stage I-II disease. 54% of lesions were excised with good margins, 10% with close margins (<0.5 cm), 9% with microscopic residual, 3% with macroscopic residual, and in 24% margins were not reported. Adjuvant therapy, consisting of combination chemotherapy and/or hormones, was given to 69%.


        Radiotherapy, usually 50 Gy tangential photon irradiation to the whole breast, was given to 564 (97%); an electron or photon "boost" to the tumor with a median dose of 17.5 Gy was given to 378 (65%). Most of those with positive nodes received 50 Gy to the lymphatic drainage system.

        1 year after radiotherapy cosmetic results were rated as "good" or "excellent" in 80%, "moderate" in 17% and "poor" in 3%. The 5-year actuarial survival was 97% in Stage I and 88% in Stage II. 37 patients (6.5%) developed breast recurrence; 11 of these (2%) had simultaneous distant metastases. 5 (<1%) developed axillary or supraclavicular lymph node metastases, and 81 (14%) developed distant metastases. Most local recurrences were in those younger than 40, and in those with primary tumors >1.75 cm.


        The satisfactory level of local control achieved is attributed to the high doses of radiation (up to 75 Gy) administered to those with high risk lesions.

        אוגוסט 1999

        מאמר המערכת. עמ' 115
        מאמר המערכת


        יולי 1999

        רוברט פינאלי, זהבי כהן, ודים קפולר, אגנטה גולן, עדנה קורצברט ואברהם מרש

        Limited Percutaneous Surgical Drainage in Severe Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Low Birth Weight Prematures


        Robert Finaly, Zahavi Cohen, Vadim Kapuller, Agneta Golan, Edna Kurtzbart, Abraham Mares


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery and Neonatology, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The usual treatment of complicated neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is resection of the necrotic bowel, lavage of the peritoneal cavity and diversion enterostomy. Low-birth-weight premature neonates with this condition are in special danger if general anesthesia and full exploratory surgery is contemplated.


        A relatively simple alternate procedure is percutaneous insertion under local anesthesia of a soft abdominal drain, most often in the right lower quadrant. The procedure is done in the neonatal intensive care unit without moving the whole set-up to the operating room.


        4 such cases have been treated within the past year. 3 were discharged home as they did not require additional surgical treatment, not having developed intestinal stenosis or obstruction. 1 recovered from the acute episode, but succumbed to a severe intraventricular hemorrhage and respiratory failure 7 days after the procedure.


        Our limited but most gratifying experience, in addition to similar experience of others, encourages us to recommend this simple surgical approach in the very sick low-birth-weight premature with fulminant NEC.

        אמיר הלקין, דינה לב, עודד סולד, פיליפ בידרמן, שרה בולוצ'ניק, פנחס הלפרן ופטריק סורקין

        Severe Heat Stroke in an Intensive Care Unit


        Amir Halkin, Dina Lev, Oded Szold, Philip Bidermann, Sarah Bulocnic, Pinchas Halpern, Patrick Sorkine


        Depts. of Medicine and Surgery, and Intensive Care Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center


        During the August 1998 heat wave in Tel Aviv we admitted many patients for acute heat-related illness; 6 had severe heat stroke and were admitted in critical condition. We describe their clinical courses during the first 5 days of hospitalization, including response to treatment and implications for future management of this disorder.


        The mean APACHE II score of the 6 was 30±3.5 and mean Glasgow Coma Scale rating 3.5±0.5; they were in hypovolemic shock and respiratory failure, necessitating mechanical ventilation. Despite early effective therapy (core temperature in all was reduced to less than 398C in less than 1 hour), there was 1 death (mortality 15%) and 4 required further intensive care for life-threatening multiple organ failure.


        During severe heat waves a significant number of referrals for acute heat-related illness must be anticipated, possibly overwhelming admission capacity of regional intensive-care units. Severe heat stroke complicated by multi-organ failure is not necessarily related to prior physical activity. Although important in determining prognosis, early treatment does not prevent severe complications. Mechanisms regulating body heat may remain disturbed for days following early treatment and apparent stabilization, mandating continued hospitalization.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303