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        תוצאת חיפוש

        נובמבר 1999

        שרה כרמל ויונתן הלוי

        Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Services Evaluation by Regular and Private Patients


        Sara Carmel, Jonathan Halevy


        Dept. of the Sociology of Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of

        the Negev, Beer Sheba; Sha'are Zedek Medical Center and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        "Sharap" is a private medical service integrated within our public clinic and hospital services. Clients may choose their physician by paying a fee in addition to what their health insurance agency (Kupat Holim) pays for. All other hospital services are supplied to all patients alike. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which this declared policy is maintained in practice.


        During 5 months in 1997, 198 Sharap patients and 198 regular patients were interviewed in the the general surgery, cardiac surgery, ENT, cardiology, newborn and gynecology wards of this hospital. Both groups were similar in regard to cause of hospitalization, gender, age group (10-year age ranges), and length of hospitalization (at least 24 hours).


        Similar levels of satisfaction with hospitalization in general and with the nursing service and with supportive services were found in both groups. However, Sharap patients were more satisfied with their physicians than regular patients (87% vs 74%, respectively). Similar results were also found using indirect measures of satisfaction. About 86% in both groups reported having achieved the goal of improvement in health. A high proportion of respondents from both groups (82% and 88%, respectively) could not distinguish between Sharap and regular patients in the ward. However, a greater proportion of regular patients (35% vs 21%) wanted more extensive explanations from their physicians regarding their treatment.


        Sharap patients belonged to higher socio-economic classes than regular patients. Our evaluation indicates that although the Sharap service enables the affluent to choose their preferred physician, resulting in a different doctor-patient relationship, the service does not create a significant feeling of discrimination among hospitalized patients, and does not interfere with the high level of health services available to the public at large.

        חן מימון, אלי דרייזין, צבי וינראוב, יאן בוקובסקי ואריה הרמן

        Screening for Down's Syndrome by Measuring Fetal Nuchal Translucency Thickness


        Ron Maymon, Eli Dreazen, Zwi Weinraub, Ian Bukovsky, Arie Herman


        Ultrasound Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Increased fetal muchal translucency (NT) thickness at 10-14 weeks of gestation may indicate underlying fetal chromosomal abnormalities, anatomical anomalies and genetic syndromes. Between January 1997 and May 1998, 1400 women 10-14 weeks pregnant underwent sonographic screening for detection of Down's syndrome (DS). Follow-up was complete in 1208 (86%).

        Maternal age ranged from 17-44 years (mean 18.0). 87% were found by screening to have a higher risk (1:380) for DS diagnosed at birth. All these fetuses were karyotyped and 8 had chromosomal abnormalities. 2 fetuses with normal NT were diagnosed later as having DS, 1 by the mid-gestation triple test and 1 by amniocentesis because of advanced maternal age.

        Thus sonographic screening identified 8 out of 10 fetuses found to have chromosomal abnormalities at birth. Neonates not karyotyped before birth had no traits at birth that justified chromosomal analysis. Results of this study suggest that NT measurement, combined with maternal age, is an effective 1st trimester screening method for DS in an unselected obstetric population.

        אוקטובר 1999

        לוציאן מוסקוביץ ואבי בלייך

        Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with Psychotic Features


        Lucian Moskowits, Avi Bleich


        Dept. of Psychiatry, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often accompan-ied by psychiatric comorbidity, usually depressive and anxiety disorders. Comorbidity with psychosis has seldom been described. We present 6 case-studies of Israeli military veterans with PTSD and psychosis (all men aged 28-43). All developed PTSD shortly after a period of months or even years, sometimes following trauma-related triggering. Psychotic symptoms such as delusions or auditory hallucinations usually had paranoid or depressive features related in content to the traumatic experience. The combined course and interaction between PTSD and psychotic disorder is discussed, as well as the diagnosis of PTSD with psychotic features.

        מרק ויינברג, ברוך קלין ויצחק וינוגרד

        One-Stage Surgery for Hirschsprung's Disease in Children


        Mark Weinberg, Baruch Klin, Itzhak Vinograd


        Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Traditionally Hirschsprung's disease has been treated by 2-or 3-stage procedures. During the past 6 years a 1-stage Duhamel procedure without stoma has become our treatment of choice for Hirschsprung's disease in neonates and young infants. Over a 6-year period, 15 infants and children with colonic Hirschsprung's disease were treated with the 1-stage Duhamel retro-rectal pull-through procedure without a stoma, with the Lester-Martin modification. All patients had the usual short segment aganglionosis, but 1 had a long segment which included the splenic flexure.

        Early complications included wound infection in 1 and minor rectal bleeding in 3. Late complications included constipation in 1 and enterocolitis in 4. Long-term functional results were very good in all those operated except for 1 with rectal achalasia.


        We conclude that Hirschsprung's disease can be successfully treated with a 1-stage pull-through operation, the child usually benefitting from the shorter hospital stay and the avoidance of a colostomy.

        גיל בר-סלע, ג'ורג'טה פריד, ציפורה ברוטמן, אנה רבקין, ריבה בורוביק ואברהם קוטן

        Breast Conservation: Safe for Early Breast Cancer


        Gil Bar-Sella, Georgetta Fried, Zipora Brotman, Anna Ravkin, Riva Borovik, Abraham Kuten


        Dept. of Oncology, Rambam Medical Center; Dept. of Oncology, Lin Medical Center; and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Between 1981-1993 581 women with primary breast cancer were treated by breast conservation. Their mean age was 56‏12 years and 63% were postmenopausal and 37% pre- or perimenopausal. The median follow-up time was 56 months. 45% had pathological Stage I disease, 49% Stage II, 2.5% Stage III and 3.5% clinical Stage I-II disease. 54% of lesions were excised with good margins, 10% with close margins (<0.5 cm), 9% with microscopic residual, 3% with macroscopic residual, and in 24% margins were not reported. Adjuvant therapy, consisting of combination chemotherapy and/or hormones, was given to 69%.


        Radiotherapy, usually 50 Gy tangential photon irradiation to the whole breast, was given to 564 (97%); an electron or photon "boost" to the tumor with a median dose of 17.5 Gy was given to 378 (65%). Most of those with positive nodes received 50 Gy to the lymphatic drainage system.

        1 year after radiotherapy cosmetic results were rated as "good" or "excellent" in 80%, "moderate" in 17% and "poor" in 3%. The 5-year actuarial survival was 97% in Stage I and 88% in Stage II. 37 patients (6.5%) developed breast recurrence; 11 of these (2%) had simultaneous distant metastases. 5 (<1%) developed axillary or supraclavicular lymph node metastases, and 81 (14%) developed distant metastases. Most local recurrences were in those younger than 40, and in those with primary tumors >1.75 cm.


        The satisfactory level of local control achieved is attributed to the high doses of radiation (up to 75 Gy) administered to those with high risk lesions.

        ספטמבר 1999

        ר שטיינמן, גילה אבלס סוטון ודני אלעד

        Equine Rhodococcus Equi Pneumonia: First Report in Israel and its Significance for Man


        A. Steinman, G.A. Sutton, D. Elad


        Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and Kimron Veterinary Institute, Beit Dagan


        Rhodococcus equi is an important pathogen in young horses. In recent years it has been increasingly recognized as an opportunistic infectious agent in patients with immune deficiency. The increase in recognized cases may be related to the increased prevalence of AIDS. However, more cases may have been recognized lately due to increased awareness of the pathogenicity of this bacterium. Based on medical reports, there appears to be an association between Rhodococcus equi infections and exposure to animals, horses in particular.

        During the past year, 2 cases of rhodococcus pneumonia were diagnosed in foals in Israel. This information deserves the attention of the local medical community because of the zoonotic potential of Rhodococcus equi and the danger of its becoming more common. The climate in Israel is conducive to its growth and viability and since it flourishes in an environment with horses, the significant growth in our equine industry in recent years may contribute to an increase in Rhodococcus infections.

        הלן שיינפלד

        When are Menopausal Symptoms Psychiatric?


        Helen Shoenfeld


        Talbia Mental Health Center, Jerusalem


        Nervousness, sleep disorders, mood instability and sexual dysfunction are frequent symptoms during menopause. It is commonly believed that they are due to the characteristic menopausal hormonal changes. However, they also commonly occur in psychiatric disorders unrelated to the menopause. The literature deals with the characteristic psychological aspects and studies have examined the ways in which menopausal phenomena are related to the hormonal background and its effect on the brain.

        The clinical menopausal picture may be complicated by secondary psychiatric disease. Also, menopausal symptoms and symptoms of previous psychiatric disease may coexist. In addition, menopause may precipitate psychiatric disorders in women predisposed to them.

        Accumulated personal myths and expectations related to the menopause are likely to affect the way in which a woman copes with it. Important factors in this connection include education, culture and certain life events. In all such cases precise evaluation of the etiology, with its intermingled gynecological and psychiatric factors is required. Such women should be treated by both a gynecologist and a psychiatrist.

        We present 5 cases, 4 of which were sent to the menopause clinic and were then referred for psychiatric evaluation and treatment. The other case presented at a psychiatric clinic due to a first acute psychostate. Laboratory tests showed typical changes of menopause.

        אברהם ירצקי, יעקב פלדמן וקרולה ויגדר

        Infective Endocarditis Presenting as Polyarticular Septic Arthritis


        Abraham Yaretzky, Jacob Feldman, Carola Vigder


        Geriatric Dept., Meir Hospital, Kfar-Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We report acute polyarthritis in an 86-year-old man which was initially considered to be an exacerbation of osteoarthritis. After a delay of a few days a diagnosis of septic polyarthritis as an initial symptom of infective endocarditis was made. Although rheumatic manifestations in infective endocarditis are common, septic polyarthritis is rarely seen. In our patient the course of the disease was rapidly fatal.

        אוגוסט 1999

        אברהם דומב. עמ' 127-131

        אברהם דומב

        המח' לכימיה תרופתית, ביה"ס לרוקחות, הפקולטה לרפואה, האוניברסיטה העברית, ירושלים






        ד. זלצר, י. שפירא וש. ברלינר. עמ' 124-126

        ד. זלצר, י. שפירא, ש. ברלינר

        מח' לרפואה פנימית ד' והיחידה לטיפול בנוגדי קרישה, מרכז רפואי סוראסקי תל-אביב והפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת תל- אביב

        מיכאל אהרנפלד, פנינה לנגביץ ויהודה שינפלד. עמ' 120-124

        מיכאל אהרנפלד1, פנינה לנגביץ2, יהודה שינפלד3

        מחלקות לרפואה פנימית ג1, ו2 ו- ב3 והיחידה למחלות מיפרקים, המרכז הרפואי שיבא, תל-השומר

        מירן אפשטיין. עמ' 117-119

        מירן אפשטיין

        יהודית קליינמן וסימון נגלב

        Multilocular Cystic Mass of the Kidney: A Diagnostic Challenge


        Judy Kleinmann, Simon Negelev


        Urology Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin


        Multilocular cystic masses of the kidney present a diagnostic challenge because they may be malignant. Renal cell carcinoma with multilocular cysts has been reported. We present 4 cases in which the preoperative differential diagnosis was between a benign and a malignant multilocular cystic kidney mass.

        Our results, combined with those of 33 previously reported cases, reveal that only 32% of cases were diagnosed correctly preoperatively. In 21% of these patients the preoperative clinical evaluation did not correctly diagnose malignancy: 24% of them yielded false negative and 21% false positive results. Angiography was more accurate than CT, US or aspiration of cysts. Frozen section was inaccurate in 55% of cases.

        There is no reliable diagnostic test to distinguish between a malignant and a benign multilocular cystic mass. Invasive angiography is more accurate than other modalities. A therapeutic decision has to be made between nephron-sparing and radical surgery in each case. When nephron-sparing surgery is considered, the possible need to perform radical nephrectomy in second-look surgery must be taken into account.

        נועה ברק, רון ישי ואלישבע לב-רן

        Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Biofeedback Treatment


        N. Barak, R. Ishai, E. Lev-Ran


        Biofeedback Unit, Psychiatric Ward, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Irritable bowel syndrome is a group of heterogenic complaints of functional bowel disorder in the absence of organic pathology. The pathophysiology is unclear. In most cases treatment includes symptomatic remedies, antidepressants, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

        Biofeedback has recently been introduced as a therapeutic modality. Treatment also includes relaxation techniques and guided imagery, together with computer-assisted monitoring of sympathetic arousal. Biofeedback requires active participation of patients in their healing progress and leads to symptom reduction in 2/3.

        סנטיאגו ריכטר, רחל חג'אג', משה שלו וישראל ניסנקורן

        Measuring Residual Urine by Portable Ultrasound Scanner


        Santiago Richter, Rachel Hag'ag, Moshe Shalev, Israel Nissenkorn


        Urology Dept. and Outpatient Clinic, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Urethral catheterization, the standard method of measuring residual urine, is uncomfortable and associated with risk of infection and trauma to the urethra. It has also been reported as inaccurate to a certain extent. We compared catheterization with ultrasound scanning in a prospective study of 52 men and 3 women.

        100 measurements of postvoiding residual urine by portable ultrasound scanner, were each followed immediately by urethral catheterization (both procedures performed by an experienced nurse in our outpatient clinic). A difference of >25€ml between measurements by scanner and by catheter was considered significant.

        The range of residual urine measured by scanner was 1-425 ml, and by catheter 1-410 ml. There was good matching between the 2 methods in 85 of 100 measurements (scanning accuracy 85%). In 30/85 matching was excellent while in 55 cases the mean difference was 8.5±6.2 ml, range 1-24 ml. The accuracy of scanning was 85%; there was perfect matching between the 2 methods in 30 cases. In the remaining 15 cases the mean difference was 41.8±13.6 (range 25-56).


        Each catheterization took 4-5 minutes and scanning 30 seconds. There were no complications after catheterization, but all reported discomfort and dysuria for 1-2 hours thereafter. Scanning was absolutely uneventful in all.

        The cost per catheterization, including medication, disposable materials and personnel time was approximately 80 NIS. Our 80-90 measurements of residual urine a month require annually about 80 hours and a budget of about NIS 80,000. Scanning requires only 8 hours, while the cost of the portable scanner is significantly less than NIS 80,000 and it can be used for more than a year.

        We conclude that measuring urine residual with the noninvasive scanner instead of by catheterization is easier, more accurate, and more cost-effective.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303