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        תוצאת חיפוש

        ספטמבר 2001

        הלן שיינפלד, פאולה רושקה, אירנה פינקלשטיין, הלל דיוויס

        הלן שיינפלד, פאולה רושקה, אירנה פינקלשטיין, הלל דיוויס


        המרכז לבריאות הנפש טלביה, ירושלים


        הוואגיניסמוס הוא הפרעה המשויכת לגינקולוגיה ולפסיכיאטריה. רק חלק מהלוקות בוואגיניסמוס מגיעות לטיפול פסיכיאטרי. ייתכן שמקורה הנפשי של ההפרעה שכיח יותר מהאבחנות בפועל. במאמר זה מובאים הנסיבות והגורמים הפסיכולוגיים שבבסיס תופעה זו, בחמש פרשות חולות. בשלוש פרשות החולות הראשונות – נשים צעירות מרקע תרבותי שמרני או דתי – אובחן ואגיניסמוס ראשוני שגרם לנישואים בלתי-ממומשים. התגלה שלאותן נשים היה "סוד" הקשור לחוויה מינית מוקדמת. פרט זה הוא משמעותי ואף עשוי להוות נקודת-מיפנה בטיפול. שתי פרשות החולות הנותרות הן של נשים מבוגרות יותר שלקו בתופעה של ואגיניסמוס מישני לאחר שנים של חיי-מין ללא ואגיניסמוס. במאמר נדונות דרכי הטיפול, השונות בדרך-כלל, בכל אחד משני סוגי ואגיניסמוס מישני עשויה להתגלות הפרעה משמעותית ברקע האישיותי או הזוגי, שיחייב טיפול נרחב וממושך יותר. נודעת חשיבות רבה לכך שרופאים יתנו את דעתם לאותן נשים הזקוקות לטיפול פסיכיאטרי, ולא גינקולוגי.

        אוגוסט 2001

        ח' מצקין, י' קוור, א' שטנגר, ר' אגאי, נ' אסנה, ע' מרימסקי

        ח' מצקין, י' קוור, א' שטנגר, ר' אגאי, נ' אסנה, ע' מרימסקי


        המחלקות לאורולוגיה ואונקולוגיה, מרכז רפואי סוראסקי, תל-אביב, והפקולטה לרפואה, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב


        סרטן הערמונית הוא השאת השכיחה ביותר בגברים מבוגרים. הטיפול בלוקים במחלה מוקדית המוגבלת לבלוטה הוא בניתוח או בהקרנות. בעשור האחרון הוכנסה שיטת הטיפול בקרינה מייננת פנימית – ברכיתרפיה באמצעות גרגירי יוד רדיואקטיביים. אנו מדווחים במאמר זה על 150 חולים ראשונים שטופלו בברכיתרפיה והיו במעקב שנע בין 3-24 חודשים (חציון 15 חודש). בעשרים מהחולים שולבה גם קרינה חיצונית, בהתאם למדדי קבלה מקובלים.

        במעקב שנערך ב-89% מהחולים נצפו ערכי PSA נמוכים מ-0.5 נאנוג'/מ"ל, כעדות להחלמה. רק ב-6 חולים נצפתה עלייה מתונה בערכי PSA – כעדות להישנות המחלה או לאי-החלמה ממנה.

        התחלואה היתה בינונית, והתבטאה בהפרעות בהטלת שתן כתוצה מחסימה ובגירוי (irritability), שנמשכו כ-3 חודשים בממוצע. לאחר תקופה זו, ערכי ה-IPSS – ניקוד לתסמינים של מוצא השלפוחית – חזרו לערכים טרם הטיפול.

        שליש מהחולים התלוננו על אין-אונות, שהופיעה רק לאחר הטיפול. הערכים נמדדו באמצעות שאלון למילוי עצמי (IIEF). החולים לא לקו בסיבוכים קשים, ולכן לא היו זקוקים לניתוח, אישפוז או צנתור ממושכים, ולא הובחנו נזקי קרינה באזור החלחולת.

        לסיכום, במאמר זה מדווח לראשונה בישראל על שיטת הטיפול בברכיתרפיה באמצעות יוד-125 בלוקים בסרטן הערמונית. תוצאותיה לטווח קצר ולטווח בינוני מצויות במתאם עם הדיווחים בספרות, ופגיעתה באוחר-החיים של החולה היא מיקטית (minimal), דהיינו הפגיעה בהרגלי ההשתנה והזיקפה של החולים היא נמוכה (רק בשליש מהחולים) ובהשוואה להשפעות-הלוואי והסיבוכים המדווחים בטיפולים חלופיים, כגון ניתוח רדיקלי או קרינה חיצונית.

        יוני 2001

        אבירם ניסן, רם שפירא, רולנד חישין, עודד זמיר, דיאנה פרוס, מרטין קליין, מחמוד בדרייה והרברט פרוינד

        Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer: A Validation Study and Preliminary Results


        Aviram Nissan, Ram M. Spira, Roland Chisin, Oded Zamir, Diana Prus, Martin Klein, Mahmoud Badriyyah, Herbert R. Freund


        Departments of Surgery. Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, and Pathology. Hadassah University Hospital Mount Scopus and Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        Introduction: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has been recently proven to be an accurate staging method for breast cancer, replacing axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in selected cases. We present our initial experience and the process of introduction and implementation of SLNB in a University Hospital setting.

        Material and methods: 46 SLNB were performed in 42 consecutive female patients with invasive breast cancer. Treatment included 0.4mCi-2mCi of Tc-99m rhenium colloid injected either 2 hours before surgery (0.4 mCi) or the night before surgery (2 mCi). Four milliliters of Patent Blue V were injected peritumoral 10 minutes prior to skin incision in all patients. Following SLNB all women underwent subsequent ALND. Sentinel nodes were processed both with multiple (10-15) H&E sections and immunohistochemistry with cytokeratin antibodies stain.

        Results: Blue dye, isotope or the combination of both identified 43/46 (93%) of the sentinel lymph nodes. ALND was performed only unilaterally in 4 patients with bilateral breast cancer bringing the total evaluable SLNB to 39. In the 39 patients in whom the sentinel node was successfully identified and underwent ALND, the SLNB was true positive (TP) in 17/39 (44%) true negative (TN) in 20/39 (51%) and false negative in 2/39 [(5%), both T2 lesions] with overall accuracy of 95%. In the last 10 cases all sentinel nodes were successfully identified with 70% TP and 30% TN.

        Conclusions: Experience with at least 30-40 consecutive cases for safe implementation of SLNB in clinical practice. Specific training and dedication is required for the entire team involved, including surgeons, nuclear medicine physicians and technicians and pathologists.  

        מאי 2001

        ויקטור גינזבורג, גבריאל סנדרו, לואיס גולקמן, נתן וקסלר, שמואל יורפסט ויפים חרך

        Surgery in Patients over 100 Years of age 5-Year Experience (1995-2000)


        Victor Ginzburg1, Gabriel Szendro1, Luis Golcman1, Natan Weksler2, Shemuel Yurfest1, Yefim Charach1


        The Departments of Vascular Surgery1 and Anesthesiology2, Soroka Medical Center, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheba, Israel


        The age distribution of a given national population is of utmost importance when dealing with public health and analyzing the use of various national health facilities. This is based on the totally different use of health sources by different age groups. Despite continuous prolongation of life expectancy and the related aging of the western hospitalized population the sub-group of patients over 100 year old of age is unusual demographically and accounts for only a very small portion of the total number of patients hospitalized in surgical wards. During the 5 year experience between 1995 and 2000 seventeen such patients were admitted to our surgical departments. Eight of those underwent 11 operations with zero peri-operative mortality and no significant complications. These 11 operations in this elderly population are the basis of our report.

        אפריל 2001

        רון אפלבוים, ניסים חיים, מנחם בן-שחר, איריס ולטוך, דוד פרג'י, עדי שרעבי-נוב, יהודית בן-אריה ויורם כהן

        The Chemotherapeutic Treatment of Advanced Hodgkin's Disease


        R. Epelbaum1, N. Haim1, M. Ben-Shahar1, I. Valtuch1, D. Faraggi3, A. Sharabi-Nov3, Y. Ben-Arie2, Y. Cohen4


        Departments of Oncology1 and 2Pathology, Rambam Medical Center, and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; 3Department of Statistics, Haifa University, Haifa; and 4Department of Oncology, Soroka University Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Between 1972 and 1994, 121 adult patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease received MOPP (M) combination chemotherapy, MOPP alternating with ABVD (M-A) or MOPP and ABV hybrid (M/A). Radiation therapy was given to 1/3 of them. The median age was 35 years, 58% had stage III and 42% had stage IV disease. Failure-free survival at 10 years was 43.9%. It was 66.7%, 48.4% and 29.9% for patients treated by M/A, M-A and M, respectively. Overall survival at 10 years was 40.8%, and 78.2%, 48% and 27.7% for patients treated by M/A, M-A and M, respectively. Multivariate analysis found age (above or below 65 years) and combination chemotherapy (with or without adriamycin) to be significant prognostic factors. M/A combination was more myelotoxic, while M combination caused more second primaries. Today, 80% of patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease may be cured, with low rate of long-term toxicity.

        מרץ 2001

        פאביאנה בינימינוב, רבקה זיסין ובן נוביס

        Pseudomembranous Colitis: Clinical, Endoscopic and Radiological Correlation - A 2 - Year Experience


        Fabiana Benjaminov MD(1), Rivka Zissin MD(2), Benjamin Novis MD(1)


        (1)Gastroenterology Institute and (2)CT Unit, Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar-Saba, affiliated to the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel


        Abstract: The incidence rates of pseudomembranous colitis are rising. Early diagnosis and treatment are required for management of this potentially life-threatening disease. This report outlines our 2-year experience (1997-1998) at the gastrointestinal institute with 43 patients diagnosed with pseudomembranous colitis and describes the clinical course and imaging studies.

        The group consisted of 25 women and 18 men, aged 34-93 years (mean: 67). Thirty-nine patients were treated with antibiotics. Twelve patients were referred directly to an endoscopic examination with a presumed clinical diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis (diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain) that was confirmed by colonoscopy. Thirty-one were referred to colonoscopy following abdominal imaging performed to clarify cause of fever and abdominal pain. Twenty-nine patients had an abdominal CT, one had an US and one a barium follow-through. The CT finding suggesting pseudomembranous colitis included colonic mural thickening in 28 patients (71% diffuse versus 29% segmental colitis), with an average wall thickness of 16 mm. Sixteen patients (59%) had pericolonic fat changes and 15 patients (51%) had ascites. All of these patients, except one, had endoscopic findings consistent with pseudomembranous colitis.

        Five patients (11.6 %) died due to the severe PMC.

        To conclude, as an abdominal CT is often performed in the acutely ill patient, it may arouse the diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis in the proper clinical setting. Such a suspected diagnosis justifies endoscopic evaluation, which is the most reliable diagnostic examination.

        פברואר 2001

        רונן גלילי, נחום נשר, רם שרוני, גדעון אורצקי ומילטון סאוטה

        Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery: Experience with 586 Patients


        R. Galili, N. Nesher, R. Sharony, G. Uretzy, M. Saute


        Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Carmel Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Recent advances in optics, video systems and endoscopic operating instruments have led to increasing application of thoracoscopic surgery, as it has become easier to perform and more accurate.

        We performed 586 video-assisted thoracic surgical procedures for diagnosis and treatment (May 1992-Dec. 1998) 127 were for diagnostic thoracoscopy and 79 for pleurodesis. 380 cases of operative thoracoscopy included pulmonary wedge resection (for interstitial lung disease, benign and malignant pulmonary tumors and pulmonary metastases) bullectomy, management of empyema, pleural tumor biopsy, thoracic sympathectomy, pericardial window formation, thoracic spinal procedures and resection of posterior mediastinal cysts. Recently we have had good experience in evacuating blood and blood clots from the thorax which accumulated after cardiac and thoracic surgery.

        Patients were placed in the lateral thoracotomy position and were ventilated with a double-lumen endotracheal tube, enabling collapse of the operated lung. The operating approach was through 1-3 thoracic ports. Mean operation time was 55 minutes, chest-tubes remained for 2.2 days (mean) and mean hospitalization was 3.3 days. There were no wound infections or significant postoperative complications. 5 patients had air leaks longer than 7 days; none required further surgical intervention.

        There was intercostal neuralgia and Horner's syndrome after thoracic sympathectomy (1 each) In cases in which localizing the parenchymal lesion was difficult, the lung was palpated directly by inserting a finger through a small incision or a mini-thoracotomy. Conversion to thoracotomy was performed when primary malignancy of lung was diagnosed by frozen section. Only 2 patients had thoracotomy for uncontrolled bleeding. Thoracoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique with very low morbidity and high diagnostic accuracy. Postoperative recovery is brief and uneventful.

        ינואר 2001

        עמוס נאמן, יחזקאל שוטלנד, יואל מץ ואבי שטיין

        Screening for Early Detection of Prostatic Cancer


        A. Neheman, Y. Shotland, Y. Metz, A. Stein


        Dept. of Urology, Carmel Hospital, Lady Davis Medical Center, Haifa


        Prostatic cancer (PC) is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer mortality in men word-wide. In Israel it is the most common cause of cancer mortality in men, after lung cancer and colo-rectal cancer.

        We screened, for the first time in Israel, for prostatic cancer using serum levels of PSA and a digital rectal examination (DRE). The purpose was not only to diagnose PC but also to increase public awareness of the condition.

        300 men in the Haifa area who met statistical criteria for early diagnosis of PC participated. They filled a questionnaire regarding risk factors for PC (age, family history (FH) of prostatic and breast cancer, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, previous PSA sampling) and were examined. Those who had out-of-ragne, age-related PSA values, or a pathologic DRE underwent trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) examination and guided biopsy of the prostate. Those with a positive biopsy for PC underwent radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy.

        41 (14.3%) had out-of-range, age-related PSA levels and 10 (3.5%) had a pathologic DRE. 39 (13.3%) underwent TRUS and biopsy and 6 (2.04%) had clinically significant PC, all early stages (Gleason 4-6).

        Correlation between age and PSA has been proven statistically significant (p<0.05). Symptoms of urinary tract obstruction and nocturia were related to a high PSA (p=0.035 and 0.002, respectively). Those with PC had at least 1 symptom of urinary tract obstruction; 6 (15.3%) who underwent TRUS and biopsy and a FH of prostate cancer. However, no subject with a FH of PC had biopsy-proven cancer. Those with PC had PSA values from 4.9 to 31.8 ng/ml (9.6 median). Age-related PSA had a positive predictive value of 17.1%.

        Results of our annual screening for early detection of PC using age-related PSA, and DRE are encouraging: cases detected were clinically significant and treatable. It would appear that screening for PC will result in decreasing the incidence of metastatic cancer and therefore mortality. 

        נובמבר 2000

        משה בוסתן, שבתאי רומנו, ראיד סלים, יעקב רוזנמן ואליעזר שלו

        Burch Laparoscopic Procedure for Repairing Proven Stress Incontinence


        Moshe Bustan, Shabtai Romano, Raed Salim, Jacob Rosenman, Eliezer Shalev


        Depts. of Obstetric and Gynecology and of Urology, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula


        There are more than 200 procedures for repairing stress urinary incontinence. We evaluated the safety and efficiency of the Burch laparoscopic procedure in 32 women with urodynamically proven genuine stress incontinence.

        Mean operating time was 40 minutes and mean hospitalization time after the procedure was 30 hours. The cure rate was 97%, similar to that rin other studies (80-95%). The major complications w2 cases (6.2%) of unintended bladder injury, diagnosed and repaired laparoscopically. Although follow-up has only been for 3-42 months, the high cure rate and safety and advantages of laparoscopy over laparotomy, make laparoscopic Burch colposuspension the procedure of choice for repairing stress incontinence.

        אוקטובר 2000

        אדוארד רוזנבלט, נאוה זיגלמן-דניאלי, ג'מאל זידאן, ניסים חיים ואברהם קוטן

        Preservation of the Larynx in Advanced Cancer


        Edward Rosenblatt, Nava Siegelmann-Danieli, Jemal Zidan, Nisim Haim, Abraham Kuten


        Oncology Dept., Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        The effectiveness of sequential chemo-radiotherapy in preserving the larynx in advanced laryngeal carcinoma was assessed. 4 Unselected patients (19 men and 2 women, mean age 60 years) with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (T3-4/N0-3) received induction chemotherapy consisting of 2-3 cycles of cisplatin (100 mg/m2) and 5-flourouracil (1000 mg/m2/day) as a continuous infusion on days 1-5 followed by definitive radiotherapy: 50 Gy to the whole neck, 70 Gy to the larynx and clinically involved nodes, using a combination of 6 MV photons and 9-12 MeV electrons.

        19 of The 21 patients responded to combined therapy but there was no response to induction therapy in 2 (10%) and 2 did not complete therapy due to severe toxicity. At a mean follow-up of 40 months, 7 had undergone total laryngectomy (33%), for an overall 5-year laryngeal preservation rate of 66%. Reasons for total laryngectomy in 2 patients were no response and in 5 tumor recurrence.

        Mean survival was 39 months (range 11-46 months); at last follow-up 17 of 21 were alive and disease-free, 11 of whom had a functional larynx (65% of survivors). 2 died due to disease progression and 1 due to a cardiovascular event. Sequential chemo-radiation allows laryngeal preservation in about 2/3 of surviving patients without compromising survival.

        ספטמבר 2000

        גבריאל סנדרו, אלכסנדר קלימוב, אנדרו לנוקס, בת-שבע יונתן, ליז אברהמי, בת-שבע יחיאלי, מורה גריפין, שמואל יורפסט, יפים חרך, לואיס גולקמן ואנדרו ניקלאיידס

        Ent of Femoral Artery Pseudo-Aneurysms 

        G. Szendro, A. Klimov, A. Lennox, B. Jonathan, L. Avrahami, B. Yechieli, M. Griffin, S. Yurfest, Y. Charach, L. Golcman, A.N. Nicolaides


        Vascular Surgery Dept., Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheba; Irvine Laboratory for Cardiovascular Investigation and Research, St. Mary's  Hospital, Imperial College Medical  School, London; Vascular Laboratory, Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheba; and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The femoral artery remains the most used peripheral site for radiological catheter access. With a greater number of both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures being performed by interventional radiologists and cardiologists, and with larger catheters being used for stenting and endovascular grafting, the incidence of iatrogenic pseudo-aneurysms reported has reached as high as 0.5-2%. Ideally, they should thrombose spontaneously. However, when this does not occur, management options include: observation, ultrasound-guided obliterative compression, direct thrombin injection, embolization, stent graft insertion, and very rarely- surgery.

        During a 7-year period (1992-1999) we treated 131 cases of femoral artery false aneurysms. Until 1998 ultrasound-guided compression-obliteration, with a 95% success rate, was our method of choice. Since 1998, direct thrombin injection, with 100% success in 24 cases, has become our preferred method. It is pain-free, fully successful even in anticoagulated patients, and is currently our treatment of choice.

        אברהם אביגדור, יזהר הרדן, עופר שפילברג, פיה רענני, איתמר גרוטו ויצחק בן-בסט

        High-Dose Chemotherapy and Autologous Stem Cell Trans-Plantation for Refractory and Relapsing Hodgkin's Disease


        A. Avigdor, I. Hardan, O. Shpilberg, P. Raanani, I. Grotto, I. Ben-Bassat


        Hematology Institute and Hemato-oncology Unit, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        High dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation are widely used in relapsed and primary refractory Hodgkin's disease. We transplanted 42 patients with Hodgkin's disease between 1990-1998. Median follow-up was 31 months (range 1-102). 29 (69%) were transplanted after relapse and 13 (31%) were refractory to first line therapy. Median age at transplantation was 29 years (range 19-58) and 23 (55%) were males.

        All were treated with the BEAM protocol (carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine and melphelan). 18 who were in remission received radiotherapy following transplantation. The source of the stem cells was bone marrow in 17% and peripheral blood in 83%. At initial diagnosis: 57% had stage III-IV disease and B symptoms were present in 52%. 75% were treated with MOPP, ABVD or with related versions. Radiotherapy followed in 52%. Prior to transplantation, 45% of the relapsed group were in the advanced stage. 33% and 12% of all patients had lung and bone involvement, respectively.

        The complete remission rate was 86% for the 2 groups. 2 (5%) died from transplant-related complications and MDS/AML developed in 2 (5%) after transplantation. The 3-year overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were 68% and 60%, respectively. The 3-year OS for the relapsed group was 64% compared with 76% for the refractory group, and the 3-year DFS for the relapsed group was 60% vs. 42% for the refractory group (neither difference significant). Radiotherapy following transplantation did not have a beneficial effect on DFS. No prognostic factors for outcome of transplantation were found, most probably due to the limited number of patients and the high variability of disease characteristics.

        We conclude that high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation are effective and relatively safe for relapsed or primary refractory Hodgkin's disease. The DFS at 3 years was longer for those transplanted after relapse than those with primary refractory disease, but not significantly. Patients with primary refractory disease can be salvaged with high dose chemotherapy.

        עזרא שהרבני, זיו בן ארי, נתי בר-נתן, אלכס יוסים, ריקי שפירא, רני טור-כספא, זכי שפירא ואיתן מור

        Experience with 100 Liver Transplant Recipients 

        Ezra Shaharabani, Ziv Ben-Ari, Nathan Bar-Nathan, Alex Yusim, Rivka Shapira, Ran Tur-Kaspa, Zaki Shapira, Eytan Mor


        Transplantation Dept., Liver Institute, Rabin Medical Center; and Pediatric Gastroenterology Institute, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice for end- stage liver disease. During the past 8 years we performed 102 liver transplants in 84 adults and 16 children. In the adults, 9 were combined transplants: 1 a liver-pancreas transplant for type I diabetes, and 8 liver-kidney transplants. In the children, transplants included 5 whole-livers, 5 left-lateral liver segments from living-related donors, 4 reduced-grafts of right or left lobes, and 2 split left-lateral segments.

        At a mean follow-up of 31 months (range 1-96) 70 were alive, 3 had died during surgery and 15 during the first postoperative months. Mortality was due to primary graft non-function (7), sepsis (10), intracranial hemorrhage (1), tumors (4), recurrent hepatitis B (2), biliary strictures (2) and chronic rejection (1). The 1- and 4-year survival rates were 79.5% and 69.6%, respectively.

        After transplantation, 10 developed biliary stricture (5 corrected by balloon dilatation) and 8 anastomotic stricture (7 corrected by surgery), and there were 2 multiple intra-hepatic strictures. There was hepatic artery thrombosis in 5, including 4 children. In 3, grafts were salvaged by thrombectomy and 2 others underwent re-transplantation. In those who survived transplantation by more than 1-month, recurrent hepatitis B was seen in 6 of 17 (35%) and recurrent hepatitis C in 12 of 19 (63%).

        Thus, results of our first 100 liver transplants are similar to those reported by larger centers, showing that in an appropriate setting good results can be achieved by small transplant programs.

        יולי 2000

        אברהם בכר ומיכאל סודרי

        Multiresistant Escherichia Coli from Elderly Patients


        Ilana Slucky-Shraga, Moshe Wolk, Sofia Volis, Israel Vulikh, David Sompolinsky


        Dept. of Medicine and Microbiology Laboratory, Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital, Bnei Brak; Central Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem; and Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan


        We examined all ceftriaxone-resistant Escherichia coli isolates obtained from clinical samples during 16 months (1 Dec. '97 - 31 Mar. '99). A total of 97 resistant isolates from 36 patients were obtained, mostly from urine specimens. Of these patients, 35/36 were over 75 years old, most lived in nursing homes, were dependent on nursing in their daily lives, and were incontinent and/or had indwelling catheters.

        All 97 isolates had similar susceptibility profiles: resistant to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, ampicillin, amoxycillin/clavulanate, tricarcillin/clavulanate, aztreonam, and cefuroxime; decreased susceptibility to ceftazidime and cefepime; and susceptible to imipenem and meropenem. Double-disc tests indicated that all strains produced extended spectrum beta-lactamase(s). All the isolates belonged to 1 of 3 E. coli serotypes: 79 were 0153:H31, 13 were 0142:H10, and 5 were 0102:H6.

        אלכסנדר ציביאן, איגור שרמן, יעקב יעקבי, סורין אליאס, עמי סידי וג'ק אשרוב

        Noncontrast Spiral CT for Diagnosis of Acute Flank Pain


        Alexander Tzivian, Igor Sherman, Yacov Yacobi,  Surin Elias, Ami Sidi, Jack Asherov


        Depts. of Urology, Emergency Medicine, and of Radiology, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon


        Acute flank pain is commonly encountered in the emergency department, and often requires imaging to establish its cause. For decades intravenous urography and sonography have been the primary media for evaluating flank pain.

        Recently, noncontrast spiral CT (NCSCT) has been shown to be accurate and highly successful in diagnosing cause in such cases. We evaluated its use in the diagnosis of acute flank pain. During a 7-month period, 147 such cases had NCSCT imaging immediately after initial evaluation in the emergency department. Using a spiral CT scan without oral or IV contrast media, 109 of 147 cases were found to have ureteral stones, and 34 others to have other urological conditions unrelated to the cause of pain; 38 CT scans were negative for ureterolithiasis and in 14 non-urological disease was diagnosed.

        NCSCT is a valuable diagnostic technique for patients in the emergency department with flank pain. It rapidly and accurately detects ureteral stones causing renal colic and also detects extra-urinary causes of acute flank pain.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303