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        תוצאת חיפוש

        מאי 2000

        משה אברמוביץ, מוטי שמושקביץ, אבי וייצמן ומרדכי מרק

        New Psychopharmacological Approaches in Mental Health as Applied by the Israel Defense Forces


        Moshe Zvi Abramowitz, M. Shmushkevich, Avraham Weizman, Mordechai Mark


        Mental Health Department, Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces; Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; Jerusalem Mental Health Center; and Geha Psychiatric Hospital


        In the past decade there have been far-reaching developments in psychopharmacology. Previously, only a few classes of medication were at the disposal of psychiatrists, as many had serious side effects that limited their use. Now our psychopharmacological armamentarium has grown considerably, allowing for greater choice of treatment in the military.

        We review these developments, and discuss the special considerations to be taken into account when treating soldiers with psychiatric medication. We discuss suitable medication for ongoing outpatient treatment, as well as the standard list of medication currently used by units deployed in the field.

        Advances in psychopharmacologic treatment should enable more soldiers to serve safely in the military with fewer restrictions on their duties.

        מרץ 2000

        שלומית גזית-ניסים, אייל שיינר, משה מזור ואילנה שהם-ורדי

        Relationship Between Preterm Birth and Exertion During Pregnancy


        S. Gazit-Nissim, E. Sheiner, M. Mazor, I. Shoham-Vardi


        Depts. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Epidemiology and of Health Services Evaluation, Soroka-University Medical Center, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The relationship between physical activity at home and at work during pregnancy and preterm birth was studied. Using a case-control design, 99 women who delivered preterm were compared with 189 women who had term deliveries. The risk of preterm birth was tested in relation to characteristics of work in and outside the home. All women were interviewed post-partum before discharge.

        There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in relation to sociodemographic and obstetrical factors, but level of education was significantly lower in the study group versus the control group (p=0.001).

        Women who delivered preterm had devoted less time 3 months prior to delivery to household chores (mean of 3.7 hours vs. 4.8 hours in the control group, p=0.002). They also had spent less time walking around the home than the controls (1.2 vs. 1.5 hours, p=0.02). There were no differences between the groups in relation to physical activity outside the home, not during working hours, nor in duration of work. Significantly fewer women who delivered preterm were active in sports (odds ratio 0.22; 95% confidence interval 0.50-0.65; p=0.002).

        A low level of education was significantly related to the risk of preterm birth, which may have resulted from lesser compliance with their physician's recommendations. It appears that in women not used to significant physical activity but who had access to adequate prenatal care, physical effort during pregnancy was not related to a higher risk of preterm birth.

        פברואר 2000

        לי-און לוי ומשה מיכלסון

        Prioritizing Suspected Diagnosis of Both Brain and Abdominalinjuries: Is it a Problem?


        Leon Levi, Moshe Michaelson


        Dept. of Neurosurgery and Trauma Unit, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Current guidelines for management of suspected head and abdominal injuries are based on retrospective studies like that of Wisner & al, Following a recent review in this journal by Y. Kluger & al, which was based on non-Israeli data, we decided to define the current status at our trauma center.

        We compare our data of 18 months of hospital admissions for acute trauma in which head CTs were done with those of 5 articles advocating specific protocols for decisions in pre-laparotomy diagnosis.

        In the 861 cumulated cases, compared with the 800 of Wisner & al, craniotomy was required in 15% vs 7% (p<0.05); laparotomy was much less frequent, 2.7% vs 12.9% (p<0.05). The chance of finding a case requiring both craniotomy and laparotomy was 1 in 300.

        As the clinical condition of multiple trauma involving the head and abdomen is becoming less frequent and includes diverse situations, a comprehensive algorithm might be inaccurate. Good clinical judgment of the clinician and teamwork are therefor preferable.

        אמנון הדר, גרשון הולצברג ומשה מזור

        Anaphylactic Shock after Diclofenac Sodium 

        Amnon Hadar, Gershon Holcberg, Moshe Mazor


        Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soroka University Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Anaphylaxis due to diclofenac sodium (Voltaren) is rare. We describe a 39-year-old woman who received a suppository of diclofenac for analgesia 6-hours after cesarean section. She developed severe angioedema and profound hemodynamic shock 10 minutes after the diclofenac, to which she had been exposed in the past without any side-effects. There are few reports of such an acute, life-threatening, multisystem reaction to this drug in the English literature.

        רמי אבירם, אלכסנדר שטרייזנט, יורם בייט ומשה פייגין

        Emergency Cesarean Section in a Comatose Parturient after Head Trauma 

        R. Aviram, A. Shtraizent, Yoram Beyth, M. Fejgin


        Ultrasound Division and High Risk Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba (Affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine) and Neurosurgery Dept.,Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva)


        Coma in pregnancy and labor is a rare and complicated situation. One of the causes is severe head trauma, which requires neurosurgical consultation and possibly urgent transfer to a neurosurgical unit. This should follow stabilization, confirmation of fetal viability, and cesarian section when indicated.

        A 38-year-old primigravida at term and in labor, with severe head injury from a vehicular accident is reported. Emergency cesarean section was performed for severe fetal distress during resuscitation. Fetal distress in a comatose parturient with severe head injury may require a short delay in referral to a tertiary trauma center to allow for an emergency cesarean section.

        דוד גלינסקי, ורה פריד, איה בידרמן, ג'ולי צוויקל ויוספה בן משה

        Identifying the Elderly at Risk for Falling 

        D. Galinsky, V. Fried, A. Biderman, J. Cwikel, Y. Ben Moshe


        Geriatric Dept., Soroka University Hospital and Depts. of Family Medicine and of Social Work, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; and ESHEL, Beer Sheba


        Falling is one of the main problems affecting the health of the elderly. A community project was carried out to detect elderly people at high risk for falls. One of its aims was also to develop tools allowing primary care professionals to detect the elderly at risk for falling. Such a screening test in the community-dwelling elderly (EFST) and a protocol for diagnosis and treatment of the elderly at risk for falls is presented.

        ינואר 2000

        משה לשנו, חגי אמיר ודליה לשנו

        Cost-Effectiveness of Imaging Procedures in Knee Injuries 

        Moshe Leshno, Hagai Amir, Dalia Leshno


        School of Business Administration, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Dept. of Orthopedics, Tel Aviv Medical Center; Israel Defense Forces, and Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University


        It is clear to experts in the health care industry that with regard to medical decision-making, considering costs of medical devices is not a good index, but it is highly important to include medical aspects. This approach guarantees an advance and an appropriate method.

        We present a cost-effectiveness analysis to target the optimal strategy of how to use medical diagnostic devices in cases of knee injuries. Today, one of the more common medical emergency referrals seen worldwide is in the area of orthopedics, knee injuries in particular. They can harm soft tissue, bone tissue, or both simultaneously. The diagnosis of soft tissue injury is difficult at best. Among the devices helping the clinician make an accurate diagnosis are MRI and ultrasound (US).

        We conclude that US is superior to MRI in this condition. This is especially true when the orthopedic examination leads to the suggestion of arthroscopy. The results were not modified, and a sensitive study of the parameters that influence the decision- making process was undertaken. Decision-makers should not consider medical outcome alone, but should take into account the costs. A clinical study should validate the assumption on which this study was based.

        מיכל סודק, אלון בן-נון, לאוניד מלקין ומשה חשמונאי

        Solid and Papillary Pancreatic Neoplasm 

        Michal Soudack, Alon Ben-Nun, Leonid Malkin, Moshe Hashmonai


        Depts. of Diagnostic Radiology, Surgery A and B, and Pathology, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Solid and papillary neoplasm of the pancreas is an interesting and rare malignant tumor. It occurs most commonly in young women. It was first described in 1959 and since then has been referred to by different names, including solid and cystic tumor, solid and cystic epithelial neoplasms, and others. Its malignant potential is low and metastasis is very rare.

        Treatment includes partial pancreatectomy with full resection of the tumor. The prognosis is generally very good. We present 3 women (aged 17, 19, 39) diagnosed and treated for solid and papillary neoplasm of the pancreas. The unique clinical, histological, and epidemiological characteristics of this tumor are detailed.

        אוקטובר 1999

        חיים קנובלר, דורית בן עמי, אורנה אינטרטור, שלומית כץ, דניאלה משה ויעקב לרנר

        Symptom Severity among Chronic Schizophrenics in Hospital and in the Community


        Haim Y. Knobler, Dorit Ben Ami, Orna Intrator, Shlomit Katz, Daniela Moshe, Yaacov Lerner


        Jerusalem Mental Health Center, Falk Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Studies, and Dept. of Statistics, Hebrew Universitry of Jeruselam


        We compared severity of symptoms of chronic schizophrenics in a psychiatric hospital with those treated in its outpatient clinics.


        The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the Mini-Mental State examination were used to assess the schizophrenic symptoms and cognitperformance, respectively, of 25 chronic schizophrenic inpatients matched for gender, age and education with 25 chronic scoutpatients. The Global Assessment Scale and the Clinical Global Impression Scale were used to test global functioning. Assessment included psychiatric and medical history and treatment and demographic characteristics.


        In-patients had significantly more positive, negative and general psychiatric symptoms. Their cognitive and general functioning were impaired. Most in-patients also had medical problems. Age of onset of schizophrenia among the in-patients was younger.


        Results show a marked difference in severity of symptoms and level of functioning between chronic schizophrenic in-patients and out-patients. These differences should be considered in the planning of discharge of chronic in-patients from psychiatric hospitals into the community.

        ספטמבר 1999

        מנחם נוימן, בוריס צוקרמן, משה זילברמן, עמיצור פרקש ועוזי בלר

        Tension-Free Vaginal Tape: A New Surgical Treatment of Female Urinary Stress Incontinence


        M. Neuman, B. Zuckerman, M. Zilberman, A. Farkash, U. Beller


        Division of Gynecologic Surgery and Oncology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Female urinary stress incontinence diminishes the quality of life of about 5% of women. It is usually dealt with by surgery to correct the relaxed pelvic floor, the cause of the incontinence.

        Tension-free vaginal tape is used in a newly described procedure. It consists of the vaginal introduction of a prolene needle-guided mid-urethral sling. The procedure is easy to perform under local anesthesia, recovery is rapid, and results are similar to those of other effective operations.

        We report 44 patients who underwent this type of surgery. There were no significant complications. The early results were good and although the follow-up has been short, we believe that experience with this operation will play an important role in the treatment of urinary stress incontinence.

        אוגוסט 1999

        סנטיאגו ריכטר, רחל חג'אג', משה שלו וישראל ניסנקורן

        Measuring Residual Urine by Portable Ultrasound Scanner


        Santiago Richter, Rachel Hag'ag, Moshe Shalev, Israel Nissenkorn


        Urology Dept. and Outpatient Clinic, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Urethral catheterization, the standard method of measuring residual urine, is uncomfortable and associated with risk of infection and trauma to the urethra. It has also been reported as inaccurate to a certain extent. We compared catheterization with ultrasound scanning in a prospective study of 52 men and 3 women.

        100 measurements of postvoiding residual urine by portable ultrasound scanner, were each followed immediately by urethral catheterization (both procedures performed by an experienced nurse in our outpatient clinic). A difference of >25€ml between measurements by scanner and by catheter was considered significant.

        The range of residual urine measured by scanner was 1-425 ml, and by catheter 1-410 ml. There was good matching between the 2 methods in 85 of 100 measurements (scanning accuracy 85%). In 30/85 matching was excellent while in 55 cases the mean difference was 8.5±6.2 ml, range 1-24 ml. The accuracy of scanning was 85%; there was perfect matching between the 2 methods in 30 cases. In the remaining 15 cases the mean difference was 41.8±13.6 (range 25-56).


        Each catheterization took 4-5 minutes and scanning 30 seconds. There were no complications after catheterization, but all reported discomfort and dysuria for 1-2 hours thereafter. Scanning was absolutely uneventful in all.

        The cost per catheterization, including medication, disposable materials and personnel time was approximately 80 NIS. Our 80-90 measurements of residual urine a month require annually about 80 hours and a budget of about NIS 80,000. Scanning requires only 8 hours, while the cost of the portable scanner is significantly less than NIS 80,000 and it can be used for more than a year.

        We conclude that measuring urine residual with the noninvasive scanner instead of by catheterization is easier, more accurate, and more cost-effective.

        יולי 1999

        יעקב גינדין, משה גייצן, מרינה דושינאט, חנה סיבוני, דליה גולדשטיין, זיוה שפירא, ניצן קונסטנטין, אריה וורם, אריה גולדשמיד ואיתן חי-עם

        Prevalence of Medical Complaints in the Community-Dwelling Elderly


        J. Gindin, M. Geitzn, M. Dushenat, H. Siboni, D. Goldstein, Z. Shapira, N. Konstantin, A. Wurm, A. Goldsmid, E. Hay-Am


        Geriatric Institute of Education and Research, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot; Pharmacology Dept., Kupat Holim Klalit, Tel Aviv and Central District; and Kupat Holim Klalit, Rishon LeZion


        We assessed the prevalence of self-reported medical complaints among the community-dwelling elderly receiving regular medication, and determined associations between health and sociodemographic variables, and the prevalence of complaints.


        The study included 170 patients, 60-90 years of age, living at home. Participants were recruited from the 3 main primary care clinics in Rishon LeZion. All were receiving chronic medication and were followed-up utilizing a long-term medication card. Data were gathered in interviews held in patients' homes using a structured questionnaire which included sociodemographics, diseases and medication, mental state assessment by Katzman's score, and a list of 15 medical complaints common among the aged. Relations to age, gender, education, living arrangements, number of diseases and number of medications per patient were determined.


        Mean age of participants was 73.2±6.0 years and they suffered an average of 4.07±2.16 diseases and took 5.10±2.83 types of drugs. The most prevalent complaints were: weakness and fatigue (65.0%), agitation and restlessness (56.4%), dry mouth (45.6%), constipation (43.6%) and dizziness (43.2%). The number of diseases, gender, education and age had the strongest associations with the prevalence of specific complaints, as well as their total number. The association between number of medications and mean number of complaints was of borderline significance.

        אפריל 1999

        אברהים מטר, משה ולד ושמואל אלדר

        Laparoscopy for Common Bile Duct Stones


        Ibrahim Matter, Moshe Wald, Shmuel Eldar


        Depts. of Surgery and Urology, B'nai-Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        We performed 75 laparoscopic cholecystectomies during July and September 1996. In 3 men and 4 women, aged 32-87 years, there was obstructive jaundice caused by choledocholithiasis. During laparoscopy in the jaundiced patients, calculi were identified by cholangioscopy and intra-operative cholangiography. They were washed into the duodenum (confirmed cholangiographically) after intravenous glucagon injections and dilation of the papilla of Vater.

        Serum bilirubin and liver enzyme levels returned to normal within a few days. There was no operative or postoperative morbidity, nor any biliary-related systemic complications. Average postoperative hospitalization was 3 days.

        דינה לב, סובחי אבו-עאיד, מרדכי גוטמן, יורם קלוגר, משה מיכוביץ, יצחק מלר, משה ענבר ויוסף קלאוזנר

        Treatment of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma


        Dina Lev-Chelouche, Subhi Abu-Abeid, Mordechai Gutman, Yoram Kluger, Moshe Michovitch, Isaac Meller, Moshe Inbar, Joseph M. Klausner


        Depts. of Surgery B, Orthopedic Oncology and Oncology, Tel Aviv - Sourasky Medical Center (Affiliated with Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        Soft tissue sarcomas are exceedingly rare, making up less than 1% of all solid malignancies. In the retroperitoneum, they tend to be large when diagnosed and are a therapeutic challenge to the surgical oncologist. Our experience with 51 patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas operated on during the past 4 years is presented. 37 were primary and 26 presented as recurrent tumors. The group included many different histological sub-types, the majority being high grade tumors.

        Complete resection was achieved in 84%, necessitating extensive surgery, but was not possible in 8 patients (16%) who underwent partial resection or biopsy only. There was 1 perioperative fatality (2%). 18 (35%) suffered complications, all of which were reversible. The estimated 5-year survival in the complete resection group is 40%, while none of those who underwent partial resection survived more than 2 years. There was significantly better survival in patients with primary, low grade sarcomas which were smaller than 8 cm, compared to those with high-grade, recurrent sarcomas larger than 8 cm. Local recurrence developed in 8 patients of the complete resection group (18%), 2 months to 3 years after surgery.

        These data show that despite the concept of retroperitoneal sarcomas as being aggressive, invasive tumors with a poor prognosis, the prognosis is not unusually bad. With proper surgical technique, resectability may be high, with improved overall survival.

        מרץ 1999

        פרנקלין גרייף, משה רובין, איתן מור, ישראל נודלמן, ארנולד סיחון, אריה פיגר, אלכס בלינקי ושלמה ללצ'וק

        Liver Surgery - Five Years of Experience


        Franklin Greif, Moshe Rubin, Eitan Mor, Israel Nudelman, Arnold Sihon, Arie Figer, Alex Belinki, Shlomo Lelcuk


        Hepatobiliary Unit and Depts. of Surgery B, Transplantation, Oncology and Radiology, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus) and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Major hepatic resections have been associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In the past decade or so this has changed and such procedures are now done in increasing numbers. In the past 5 years we operated on 129 patients with benign or malignant hepatic lesions (75 females, 54 males; age-range 14-84). the reason for surgery was malignancy in 94 (72.9%) and benign lesions in 35 (27.1%). The most common indication for surgery was liver metastases secondary to colorectal cancer in 45% of all patients or 61.7% of those operated for malignancy. Primary liver cancer was the cause for liver resection in 13.2% of all patients or 18.1% for those with malignancy. Of the 35 patients with benign lesions the leading causes for surgery included: giant cavernous hemangioma, simple liver cysts, echinococcus cysts and focal nodular hyperplasia (11%, 22.8%, 20% and 14.3%, respectively).


        76 patients underwent anatomical resection and 63 had either a nonanatomical resection or a different operation. Among the former the most common procedure was right hepatectomy (36) and among the later a nonanatomical resection equal to 1-3 Couinod segments (44). Operating time ranged from 55 min. to 8:41 hours with a mean of 3:31‏1:37. Mean hospital stay was 8.7‏5.8 days and 86.8% received between 0-2 units of blood. Overall mortality was 6.2% and 31.2% of the fatalities had cirrhosis. Overall mortality in noncirrhotic patients was 2.6%. The complication rate was 16.3% and only 7 patients (4.4%) were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. This indicates that major liver resections can be done safely, with morbidity and mortality similar to that of other major abdominal operations. 

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303