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        תוצאת חיפוש

        נובמבר 1997

        מ' בירגר, ר' שאנני ופ' פבלוצקי

        Biofeedback Treatment of Raynaud's Disease


        M. Birger, R. Sha'anani, F. Pavlotzki


        Psychiatric Day Care and Dermatology Depts., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Psychiatric Service of Leumit Health Insurance Company


        Raynaud's disease is characterized by intermittent peripheral vasoconstriction leading to pallor, cyanosis and reactive vasodilation of the arterioles of fingers and toes. These phenomena are accompanied by sensations of cold or warmth, pain and difficulty in manipulating the palms. Ulcerations of the fingertips can occur in severe cases. Since conservative medical treatment, consisting of preventive measures and changing various habits, results in alleviation in only half the patients, sympathectomy is often required. Psychological intervention, including biofeedback, also has a significant role. Biofeedback involving relaxation techniques, guided imagination, and in parallel, computer-assisted monitoring of sympathetic arousal, might lead to symptom reduction as a unique treatment or in conjunction with other treatment modalities.

        ספטמבר 1997

        ירון שפירא, רפאל הירש, רות יורטנר, משה ניל"י, ברנרדו וידנה, אליק שגיא

        Prosthetic Heart Valve Thrombosis: A 3-Year Experience


        Yaron Shapira, Rafael Hirsch, Ruth Jortner, Moshe Nili, Bernardo Vidne, Alex Sagie


        Sheingarten Echocardiography Unit and Cardiology Dept., Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A series of 12 patients with 16 episodes of prosthetic heart-valve thrombosis over 3 years is presented. Most episodes affected mitral or tricuspid bileaflet prostheses. All patients were inadequately anticoagulated at the time of thrombosis. The clinical presentation was acute and severe in 6 patients, and subacute or chronic in the rest. Physical examination was suggestive of stuck valves in most cases. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed increased transvalvular gradients in most. However, clearer evidence of valve thrombosis was obtained from transesophageal echocardiography or fluoroscopy. 9 patients eventually had their valves re-replaced successfully, and the preoperative diagnosis was confirmed in all. 5 patients were operated as soon as the diagnosis was established, and an additional 4 were operated after failure of anticoagulation. In 4 patients the valve leaflets became completely mobile after a course of thrombolysis. Prosthetic valve thrombosis is a severe and potentially fatal complication in patients with mechanical heart valves. Alertness of physicians at all levels- the general practitioner, the internist and the cardiologist- to the possibility of valve thrombosis and to its clinical presentation may lead to prompt and earlier diagnosis and to comprehensive therapy.

        יולי 1997

        יצחק בן-ציון, פנחס דגטיאר ויעקב קנטי

        Bacterial Culture of Chip Tissue of Enucleated Prostates


        I.Z. Ben-Zion, P.M. Dagtyar, J. Kaneti


        Urology Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        To assess the prevalence of infection and colonization of the prostate by bacteria, chip tissue samples from 166 patients undergoing retropubic prostatectomy were submitted for bacterial tissue culture. In 28 patients with an indwelling catheter before surgery, E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas and Enterobacter were the commonest species encountered, the first the most common. In only 7 patients (20%) who didn't have an indwelling catheter before operation was the culture positive. We confirmed that the longer the time the catheter was indwelling before surgery, the greater the likelihood of positive cultures. However, postoperative outcome and morbidity were not related to culture results. We conclude that even though it is worth trying to sterilize the urine and prostate before prostatectomy, the effect on the postoperative outcome is minimal when proper antimicrobial therapy is given perioperatively.

        יוני 1997

        דורון מרימס, דורון זילברמן, ליליאנה לופו ועמנואל סיקולר

        Embolic Splenic Infarction: A Rare Complication of Atrial Fibrillation


        Doron Merims, Doron Zilberman, Liliana Lupu, Emanuel Sikuler


        Depts. of Medicine B and Radiology, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Splenic infarction is a rare disorder. The typical clinical presentation is sudden pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, and awareness to this possibility is the major clue for diagnosis. We describe a 49-year-old man with chronic atrial fibrillation and splenomegaly who was treated with anticoagulants. Because of hematuria, the regular dose of anticoagulant therapy was reduced. The hematuria stopped but he complained of sudden onset of pain in the left upper quadrant. Computerized tomography and isotope scan of the spleen confirmed the clinical suspicion of splenic infarction. Treatment with anticoagulants and analgesics was followed by clinical improvement.

        ר' בן-אברהם, ר' מ' קריווזיק-הורבר, ג' הודקר, ע' פרל ופ' ג' אדנט

        Effect of Chlorocresol VS Caffeine on Muscle Contracture in Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptible Patients


        R. Ben-Abraham, R.M. Krivosic-Horber, G. Haudcoeur, A. Perel, P.J. Adnet


        Dept. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Dept. d'Anesthesie-Reanimation Chirurgicale, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie Hospitaliere, et Service des Urgence, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Lille Cedex, France


        The phenotype of susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MHS); can only be detected reliably by the in vitro caffeine-halothane contracture test (CHCT). Enhanced sensitivity of the calcium-induced calcium release mechanism is responsible for the exaggerated contracture response of skeletal muscle fibers from MHS patients to halothane and caffeine. Chlorocresol was demonstrated to be a potent activator of Ca++release from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. This effect is probably mediated through action on a ryanodine sensitive Ca++ release channel known to be more sensitive in MH. We studied the effect of chloroscresol on the mechanical contracture response of skeletal muscle from patients presenting for the in vitro CHCT. Chlorocresol induces contracture response in a concentration 1/200 of that of caffeine in muscle strips from MH patients. By adding chlorocresol to the protocol of the CHCT, there is clearer discrimination between the responses of MH patients and normal subjects can be achieved. 

        עדי רחמיאל, דינה לוינזון, דרור איזנבוד, דורון רוזן ודב לאופר

        Distraction Osteogenesis for Hypoplastic Facial Bones


        Adi Rachmiel, Dina Lewinson, Dror Eizenbud, Daren Rosen, Dov Laufer


        Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and Orthodontics and Cleft Palate Unit, Rambam Medical Center; and Division of Morphological Sciences, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Distraction osteogenesis is a well-known method for bone lengthening which stretches callus to generate new bone in the distracted area. The method was developed by Ilizarov for the lengthening of long enchondral bones. In recent years the method has also been applied to the facial bones and to the jaw.

        מאי 1997

        נטליה בילנקו, עמליה לוי ודרורה פרייזר

        Reporting Maternal Behavior during Diarrhea in Bedouin Children


        Natalya Bilenko, Amalia Levy, Drora Fraser


        Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, S. D. Abraham International Center for Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Diarrhea is still a major cause of morbidity and mortality among children in developing countries. The Bedouin population of southern Israel is in transition from a nomadic to a settled life-style. We examined maternal knowledge and reported behavior when their children had diarrhea. Mothers defined diarrhea as the passing of 4-5 stools per day. The most frequent signs of the illness were an increased number of watery stools with changes in either color or form. The most frequent symptom that prompted mothers to seek medical aid was blood in the stool. All mothers reported increasing fluid intake in their children during diarrhea, and most reported giving herbal tea. About half of the women avoided milk products and used special for the treatment of diarrhea. A quarter of the women reported stopping or decreasing the frequency of breast feeding during diarrhea. Reported cessation of breast feeding during diarrhea was associated with changing to special foods, and failure to note the onset of diarrhea or to recognize signs of dehydration. The withdrawal of breast feeding during episodes of illness and diarrhea is related to lack of knowledge regarding diarrhea. These data indicate that even in this population, with free access to preventive and curative medical care, there should be greater efforts to educate mothers to detect diarrheal disease and to maintain breast feeding during the diarrhea.

        מרדכי קליגמן, בני ברנפלד ומשה רופמן

        Recurrent Chronic Multifocal Bone Infection


        Mordechai Kligman, Benny Bernfeld, Moshe Roffman


        Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        We present a 9-year-old girl who had chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis. The bones involved were: right clavicle, distal fibula (bilateral), left sacroiliac and right wrist. After 10 years of follow-up, she is asymptomatic but presents radiological evidence of lesions in the right clavicle and left sacroiliac joint. The diagnosis was made by exclusion criteria. The biopsy and results of cultures from various bones were negative 4 times. Although chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis is rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute or chronic osteomyelitis and neoplasms. Its recognition avoids unnecessary laboratory tests and antibiotic therapy.

        ר' דורסט ופ' רבאודנגו-רושקה

        Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Facilitating Alcohol and Drug Abuse in an Adult


        R. Durst, P. Rebaudengo-Rosca


        Talbieh Mental Health Center, Jerusalem (Affiliated with the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School)


        Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been considered a mental and behavioral disorder of childhood and adolescence. It is being increasingly recognized in adults, who may have psychiatric co-morbidity with secondary depression, or a tendency to drug and alcohol abuse. We describe a 32-year-old woman known for years as suffering from borderline personality disorder and drug dependence (including hasshish, marijuana, LSD and "exstasy'") and alcohol abuse that did not respond to treatment. Only when correctly diagnosed as ADHD and appropriately treated with the psychotropic stimulant, methylphenidate (Ritalin), was there significant improvement. She succeeded academically, which had not been possible previously, the craving for drugs diminished and a drug-free state was reached. Although administration of psychostimulants to drug abusers is controversial, as they are addictive, in cases of ADHD they have promoted drug abstinence.

        ולאדימיר קורן, רוברט קולדנוב, עדנה פלג, אווה איזאק, מאיר ברזין ותלמה רוזנטל

        Red Cell Na+/H+ Exchange and Role of Protein Kinase C in its Stimu-Lation in Diabetes Mellitus, Essential Hypertension and Nephropathy


        Wladimir Koren, Robert Koldanov, Edna Peleg, Eva Izsak, Meir Berezin, Talma Rosenthal


        Dept. of Medicine C, Hypertension Unit and Endocrinology Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) was measured as maximal initial velocity of pH-dependent H+ efflux from red cells into an alkaline medium containing Na+ in patients with insulin-dependent or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, with and without hypertension and in normoglycemic, essential hypertensives and normal controls (50 subjects in each subgroup). Maximal velocities of NHE were found in microalbuminuric patients in all subgroups, and NHE correlated with the rate of microalbuminuria (r=0.61, p=0.02). Daily insulin requirements were greater in those with elevated NHE (84±8 vs 42±4 U/day). There was no correlation between NHE and levels of plasma glucose, HbA1 and plasma aldosterone and lipid profile and PRA. NHE was correlated with plasma prolactin (r=0.51, p=0.02) and PTH r=0.24, p=0.05). In uremic patients, NHE was inversively correlated with creatinine clearance (r=-0.48, p=0.03). Since calphostin C, a selective inhibitor of protein kinase C, lowered increased NHE in vitro, the protein kinase C-dependent pathway of the exchanger regulation was concluded to be responsible for NHE activation in diabetes mellitus and essential hypertension.

        אפריל 1997

        רות אברמוביץ ונטע נוצר

        Use of Student Feedback by Pre-Clinical and Clinical Course Directors


        Ruth Abramowitz, Netta Notzer


        Medical Education Unit, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We examined the conceptual and instrumental uses of student feedback on teaching by 2 preclinical and clinical course directors with authority to change structure and content of the courses, assess suitability of instructors and to change methods of student feedback questionnaires have been collected systematically for over 2 decades. A report based on this feedback is sent to course directors, the dean, his assistants and the head of the curriculum committee. Course directors from both groups made broad use of the feedback but made greater use of the report than preclinical course directors. Students had greater regard for individual teaching by clinical course directors than by preclinical course coordinators. No relationship was found between the degree of use of feedback by members of either group and their level of teaching. We conclude that senior faculty use student feedback in their decisions regarding the structure and teaching methods of their courses and are not influenced by individual assessments, positive or negative, by their students.

        חיים ד' דננברג

        Salbutamol Intoxication


        Haim D. Danenberg


        Division of Medicine, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem


        A 20-year-old asthmatic woman who ingested 300 mg of salbutamol (Albuterol) and 30 g of paracetamol is presented. She had sinus tachycardia up to 160/min, hypotension (80/50 mmHg), tremor, hypokalemia (2.1 mEq/l) and hyperglycemia (12.1 mEq/l). Treatment was by gastric lavage, fluids, potassium and N-acetylcysteine. Symptoms resolved in 24 hours.

        רן כץ ואריה בלשר

        Superficial Dorsal Penile Vein Thrombosis (Mondor's Disease)


        Ran Katz, Arye Blachar


        Depts. of Urology and Radiology, Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


        Superficial venous thrombosis of the chest wall was first described by Mondor in 1939. Braun-Falco reported in 1955 superficial penile vein involvement in diffuse thrombophlebitis of the abdominal wall and in 1958 Helm and Hodge first described isolated superficial dorsal penile vein thrombosis. Since then, fewer than 50 cases have been reported. The clinical presentation is usually redness and swelling of the dorsum of the penis, accompanied by a palpable, tender thrombotic vein. This acute and painful disease frightens the patient, who is concerned about his fertility and sexual function. The main cause of this disease is frequent sexual intercourse. Diagnosis is based upon anamnesis, physical examination and penile sonography with color Doppler imaging. It is usually a benign disease which resolves quickly under appropriate medical therapy. We present a man who was admitted for this condition and was successfully treated.

        יצחק אשכנזי ויהושע שמר

        Smoking Habits of Young Israeli Soldiers


        I. Askenazi, J. Shemer


        Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A random sample of 32,166 soldiers were interviewed (on their day of discharge from the Israeli Defence Forces, between 1980-1995) with regard to smoking habits. Among men, prevalence of current smoking was 46.8%, and among women 32.9%. Over the study period, prevalence in men decreased 27%. Among women, prevalence decreased from 1981 to 1991, but since then it has steadily increased. Among men, mean number of cigarettes smoked decreased from 21.6 in 1989 to 16.6 in 1995. Among women cigarettes smoked decreased from a mean of 14.3 in 1989 to 13.1 in 1995. 65.9% of the men and 49.3% of the women had started smoking by the age of 18. Among men the age distribution of smoking changed hardly at all over the years of the study. However, the proportion of women who began to smoke in the youngest age bracket (15 years of younger) doubled over the course of the study.

        א' דימנט, מ' ליברגל, ש' פורת ור' מושיוב

        Treatment of Open Fractures due to Dog Bite


        A. Dimant, M. Liebergall, S. Porat R., Mosheiff


        Orthopedic Dept., Hadassah-University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        2 patients aged 12 and 19, respectively, sustained open fractures of the wrists due to dog bites. Both were bitten on a wrist by Rotweiller dogs, but with different magnitudes of injury to bone and soft tissue. Treatment, clinical course and recovery are described, together with recommendations for dealing with open fractures due to animal bites. In the presence of considerable injury to soft tissue and bone, and of exposure to canine oral flora, open fractures due to dog bites should be dealt with as high grade open fractures.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303