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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 1999

        תמי שוחט, נעמי ורסנו, אמנון קירו, גלית גולן, אלה מנדלסון ומיכאל וינגרטן

        Influenza Surveillance through Sentinel Reporting Clinics


        T. Shohat, N. Versano, A. Kiro, G. Golan, E. Mendelson, M. Weingarten


        For the Influenza Surveillance Network: Israel Center for Disease Control, Israel National Laboratory for Influenza and Central Virology Laboratory; Netka Child Health Center and Dept. of Family Medicine, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva


        In a joint effort of the Israel Center for Disease Control, the National Center for Influenza in the Central Virology Laboratory, together with a group of collaborating pediatricians and family physicians, a network for influenza surveillance was established in the winter of 1996-97. Nose and throat swabs were obtained from 571 patients with flu-like illness. 133 (23%) were positive for influenza virus. Both influenza A(H3N2) and B were isolated, predominantly influenza B during the beginning of the season. Both circulating strains were antigenically similar to those included in the vaccine for 1996-1997. Patients from whom influenza virus was isolated were significantly more likely to suffer from cough and myalgia in comparison with patients whose cultures were negative (p=0.02 and 0.003. respectively). Results of the first year of surveillance indicate that sentinel reporting clinics are useful for timely detection and identification of the viral strains circulating in the community, thus allowing prompt intervention in preventing the spread of influenza. Conclusions from the first year of the study were drawn and applied in the winter of 1997-1998.

        ינואר 1999

        מיגל יוכטמן, עמוס שטרנברג, ריקרדו אלפיסי, אהוד שטרנברג וצבי פיירמן

        Iatrogenic Gallstone Ileus: A New Complication of Bouveret's Syndrome


        Miguel Iuchtman, Amos Sternberg, Ricardo Alfici, Ehud Sternberg, Tzvi Fireman


        Depts. of Surgery and Gastroenterology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera, and Rappaport Medical School, Haifa


        Bouveret's syndrome involves gastric outlet obstruction caused by a gallstone in the duodenum. This type of gallstone ileus can be diagnosed and treated endoscopically. Endoscopic stone removal is especially indicated in poor risk patients. A dislodged impacted stone can migrate distally and cause small bowel mechanical obstruction. We report a 51-year-old woman who underwent endoscopic duodenal stone manipulation which resulted in small bowel obstruction.

        אהוד לבל ומנחם יצחקי

        Lymphoma of the Knee Joint Simulating Patellar Fracture


        E. Lebel, M. Itzchaki


        Orthopedics Dept., Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Fracture of the patella is not uncommon after direct anterior knee trauma. However, there are other medical situations that resemble it radiologicaly. We present a patient mistakenly diagnosed as having a patellar fracture who had primary, solitary, malignant B-cell lymphoma of the knee space eroding the lower pole of the patella. We have found no reports of such a lesion in the literature. Another commbenign condition that might erode adjacent bone is chronic synovitis. Our patient was treated withchemo- and radiotherapy and the lesion fully regressed with no evidence of local or systemic recurrence 1.5 years after diagnosis.

        א' איל, א' אסיה, א' יורנגסון, ח' נגר וצ' שפירר

        Atypical Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis


        O. Eyal, A. Asia, U. Yorgenson, H. Nagar, Z. Schpirer


        Pediatric and Pediatric Surgery Depts., Dana Hospital, Tel Aviv- Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv


        Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS) is the most common reason for nonbilious vomiting in infants. Its cause is unknown. Hypertrophy of pyloric muscle can progress after birth and reach complete gastric outlet obstruction. Usually symptoms start after the age of 3 weeks. In the past diagnosis was based on history of projectile, nonbilious vomiting and palpation of a pyloric mass. Greater awareness of IHPS and increased use of imaging modalities, mainly abdominal ultrasonography, have resulted in a change in the clinical condition at presentation. The length of illness before admission has decreased and weight loss, dehydration and metabolic abnormalities have become less common. We describe an atypical clinical manifestation of IHPS: bilious vomiting. This atypical presentation may be due to earlier diagnosis.

        זהבי כהן, ניצה נוימן, עדנה קורצברט, ודים קפולר ואברהם מרש

        Diagnostic and Therapeutic Laparoscopy for Non-Palpable Testis


        Zahavi Cohen, Niza Newman, Edna Kurzbart, Vadim Kapuller, Abraham J. Mares


        Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        From January 1994 to July 1997, 20 boys 1.5-13 years of age underwent laparoscopic examination and treatment for non-palpable testis. In 1 there was bilateral nonpalpable testis. Only 3 had intra-abdominal testes viable for orchiopexy. In 8 atrophic testicles were removed and in 9 laparoscopic examination revealed intra-abdominal blind ending of the spermatic cord and no testicular tissue.

        We conclude that laparoscopy is a useful and safe technique for accurate diagnosis and may avoid additional intervention in treating non-palpable testes. Furthermore, intra-abdominal testes may be managed laparoscopically under the same anesthetic.

        ענת בן-עמי, גרא גנדלמן, דוד ארגז וזאב שטגר

        Meningitis Due to Streptococcus Bovis Type 2


        Anat Ben-Ami, Gera Gandelman, David Ergaz, Zev Shtoeger


        Dept. of Medicine B, Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot (Affiliated with the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School)


        Meningitis due to Streptococcus bovis is rare. Only 14 cases having been reported in the English literature. All patients (including the patient described) had an underlying disease or were treated by pharmacological agents that predisposed the patient to the infection. Most were treated by monotherapy with penicillin G (or amoxicillin) and recovered.

        We describe a 74-year-old woman who had splenectomy as treatment for hairy cell leukemia 6 months before hospitalization for meningitis and sepsis by S. bovis type 2. She was successfully treated with intravenous amoxicillin. There was neither evidence of endocarditis nor carcinoma of the colon. Although the association between S. bovis meningitis and endocarditis or carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract is not well established, we recommend a full work-up for GI malignancy and endocarditis in every patient with S. bovis meningitis.

        סילביה קוטון, דני כהן ומנפרד גרין

        Diarrheal Disease among Care-Givers at Children's Day- Care Centers 

        S. Koton, D. Cohen, M.S. Green


        Israel Center for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Gertner Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces; Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine; Sakler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Diarrheal disease tends to spread from infected children to their families. Due to the increased risk of exposure, children's caregivers in day-care centers may have a higher incidence of diarrhea, particularly when caring for very young children. We therefore examined the incidence of diarrhea and antibodies to Shigella among caregivers in day-care centers, according to age groups of children in their care (<18, 18-34, and >35 months) and in comparison with the general population. 2 studies with a retrospective cohort and seroepidemiological cross-sectional design were carried out. Questionnaires were completed by 401 caregivers in 36% of all WIZO day-care centers. As a measure of past exposure to Shigella, levels of S. sonnei and S. flexneri antibodies were examined in the blood of 110 caregivers (ELISA method).

        There was a higher incidence of diarrhea among young children, increasing the potential exposure to diarrheal agents among their caregivers. Nevertheless, no statistically significant differences in diarrhea incidence were found among caregivers of the various age groups during the previous year (p=0.768) and during the previous month (p=0.319), nor in absenteeism due to diarrhea during the last month (p=0.761). Levels of Shigella antibodies were similar among caregivers in all 3 groups. Diarrheal incidence was higher among women in the population control group than among caregivers during the previous year (p=0.005) and month (p=0.067). No statistically significant differences in levels of S. sonnei and S. flexneri antibodies were found between caregivers and women in the control group.

        There was no evidence that diarrhea is an occupational hazard for caregivers of young children. An explanation may be the development of protective immunity against common diarrheal agents due to recurrent exposure.

        עידו שולט, נאסר גטאס, יצחק כהן ודוד רימון

        Self-Limited Lymphadenopathy Mimicking Lymphoma or Lupus


        I. Solt, N. Gatas, Y. Cohen, D. Rimon


        Medical Dept. B and Pathology Dept., Western Galilee Regional Hospital, Naharia and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease in a self-limited lymphadenopathy that can be confused histologically and clinically with lymphoma or systemic lupus erythematosus. It was diagnosed in a 37-year-old woman presenting with fever, cervical, submandibular and axillary lymphadenopathy, weight loss and recurrent urinary tract infections. Lymph node biopsy was consistent with the diagnosis of a histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis. Early diagnosis of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease can prevent harmful treatment.

        יהורם זינגר ופסח שורצמן

        Second Degree A-V Block in Graves© Disease


        Yoram Singer, Pesach Shvartzman


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Cardiac tachyarrhythmias are common in thyrotoxicosis. We report an uncommon case of a 53-year-old woman with Grave's disease who developed second degree A-V block while euthyroid on propylthiouracil. The most likely mechanism is an autoimmune response causing infiltration of the cardiac conduction pathways.

        אדוארד רמדאן, דן צרור, רומן בליאבסקי וזאב דרזניק

        Tension-Free Repair of Inguinal Hernia with Properitoneal Mesh


        Eduard Ramadan, Dan Seror, Roman Belavsky, Zeev Dreznik


        Dept. of Surgery A, Rabin Medical Center, Golda Campus (Hasharon Hospital) Petah Tikvah, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The results of properitoneal mesh repair of inguinal hernia were evaluated in 38 of 43 consecutive patients operated by Stoppa's technique. In 33 patients the hernia was bilateral and in 10 unilateral; in 20 it was recurrent. In 33/43 patients the mesh was fixed either by sutures or metal clips. The overall recurrence rate after 22 (14-36) months of follow-up, was 10.5%. This result was composed of a 3.0% recurrence rate in the fixated-mesh group, and 30.0% among those with non-fixated mesh.

        The outcome following the Stoppa method for tension-free properitoneal mesh repair of inguinal hernia, compares favorably with those of other methods, provided proper attention is paid to adequate mesh placement and fixation. Further prospective studies are needed to define the role and indications for this technique in the laparoscopic era.

        מנשה ברזילי, אריה ביטרמן, דורית שלג-אייזנברג ונתן פלד

        The Fate of Gallstones "Dropped" during Laparoscopy


        Menashe Barzilai, Arie Bitterman, Dorit Schlag-Eisenberg, Nathan Peled


        Depts. of Radiology and Surgery B, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the procedure of choice for removing symptomatic, stone-containing gallbladders. It is estimated that in 30-40% of these operations stone(s) spill into the peritoneal cavity. It was assumed that these "dropped stones" are harmless and are dissolved and absorbed spontaneously. We present a 70-year-old woman in whom such a stone, dropped during laparoscopy, led to formation of an intraperitoneal abscess.

        שבתאי ורסנו, אילנה יעקבי ומילה גרנקין

        Proper use of Pressurized Hand-Held Inhalers in Patients with Chronic Airway Obstruction 

        Shabtai Varsano, Ilana Jacoby, Mila Garenkin


        Asthma Care and Education Unit, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, and Epidemiology Unit, Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba; and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Inhaling drugs via hand-held inhalers in recommended for those with chronic obstructive airway disease (COPD). Approximately 8%-9% of Israel's population use hand-held inhalers, many of them pressurized. Skill in using them and ability of chronic users to learn their proper use have not been assessed.

        During 1993 and 1994 we studied 200 patients with bronchial asthma or COPD who regularly used a pressurized hand-held inhaler (PI), but were not trained to use it in our out-patient pulmonary clinic. Only a third were found to be skilled in its use. About half were completely unable to use it properly, and 17% used it in a suboptimal way. Remarkably, only 40% had been taught anything with regard to its use. About 75% of the suboptimal users significantly improved their skill in its use immediately after receiving a single individual teaching and corrective demonstration session. While 15% failed to learn the proper use of the PI, many of those who improved immediately after a single teaching session retained the learned skills for months.

        We conclude that the physician who recommends the use of a PI is responsible for the patient's being taught its proper use in a demonstration session. Skill in its use should be reassessed periodically during the entire treatment period.

        א' אורנוי, ס' שכטמן וג' ארנון

        The Israel Teratogen Information Service: A 10-Year Report 

        A. Ornoy, S. Shechtman, J. Arnon


        Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School and Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem


        The Israel Teratogen Information Service (TIS) was established 10 years ago with the help of the Ministry of Health and the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School. During these 10 years we have had 20,631 calls. We describe the results of our experience in counseling.

        There was a gradual increase in the number of calls, which in 1997 reached 4,447. Most calls (84.5%) were during pregnancy, while 12% were prior to pregnancy. In 75.7% the calls were due to drug exposure during pregnancy; 10.9% were due to exposure to X-rays; there was maternal infection in 6.6% and in 5% immunization during pregnancy. The callers were: physicians in 46.6%, nurses 18.9%, pregnant women 39.5%, and 4.8% others.

        In 76.6% there was no additional risk to the embryo or fetus and in 17.4% there was a small additional risk of less than 1%; a significant additional risk to the fetus was expected in only 6%. In 3625 pregnant women with known outcome there were 8.9% spontaneous and 9.2% induced abortions. Of the 2968 live-born children, 2.3% were malformed, a rate similar to that among controls.

        The information provided by the TIS alleviated the fears most pregnant women have, and reduced unnecessary terminations of pregnancy planned because of unjustified fear of the teratogenic effects of agents to which women were exposed. It reduced the number of children born with congenital anomalies, since pregnancies were interrupted whenever there was a high risk for congenital anomalies.

        דצמבר 1998

        יהודה לימוני ופסח שוורצמן

        Influence of Warning Labels on Medicines and Physicians' Orders on Patient Behavior


        Yehuda Limony, Pesah Shwarzman


        Child Health Center of Kupat Holim Klalit, Kiryat Gat and Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Compliance of 40 mothers with a warning label, "for external use," on a medicine package was checked in a survey in a primary care clinic for children. We also checked parents' attitudes to giving a medicine to their child when instructions given by the physician or by a friend contradicted the printed warning on the label. All mothers who were told that the medicine was recommended by their physicians accepted the recommendation without hesitation. Another group included 20 mothers who were told that the medicine was recommended by a friend. 9 of 20 mothers in this group refused to use the medicine. Talking with the nurse about the potential risk of medicine in general, some mothers, after second thought, refused to give the medicine to their child. At the end, 65% of recommendations made by a friend were rejected by mothers as compared to only 15% of the physicians' recommendations.


        35 of 40 mothers (87%) understood the meaning of the warning label, but only 13 (32%) had noticed it at all. We conclude that patients may accept their physicians' recommendation to use a medicine despite a contradictory warning label much more readily than when it was recommended by a friend. Therefore, any intervention program intended to promote a more cautious use of medicines should include not only the explanations of the various warning labels but should also promote a change in the patient's behavior to a more active search for warning labels.

        אליעזר אלקלעי, דניאל יפה וצבי שפינדל

        Radiologic Appearance of "Falling Gallstones" during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


        E. Alkalay, D. Yaffe, Z. Spindel


        Eyn Vered Clinic and Depts. of Radiology and Surgery, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the "gold standard" in treating cholelithiasis. Stones are frequently lost in the peritoneal cavity during the procedure, but "missing stones" have been regarded as insignificant. However, there is accumulating evidence that untreated "lost" stones may cause complications even years after operation.


        We present a 65-year-old woman who presented with vague complaints, anemia and an elevated ESR. CT scan showed an infiltrating process in extra-abdominal muscles compatible with sarcoma. At operation, 2.5 years after previous laparoscopic cholecystectomy, an abscess was found which contained biliary stones. Because of their small size they were not visible on CT scan. We discuss the possible ways of handling "falling stones."

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303