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        תוצאת חיפוש

        יוני 1998

        בעז מושקוביץ, שחר מדז'ר, שראל הלחמי ועופר נתיב

        Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy


        Boaz Moskovitz, Shahar Madjar, Sarel Halachmi, Ofer Nativ


        Dept. of Urology, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        The effectiveness of transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) for benign prostatic hypertrophy in poor surgical risk patients (ASA class IV) with indwelling catheters, was assessed. All had had an indwelling catheter for 1-12 months. Removal of the catheter was possible in 14 out of the 24 (58.3%). Urinary peak flow rates were 12.2±3.5 ml/sec at 3 months of follow-up and post-voiding residual urine volumes of less than 50 ml were recorded in 13 catheter-free patients. Our data suggest that TUMT is an effective procedure for management of high risk patients with indwelling catheters in whom surgery or anesthesia are contraindicated.

        מאי 1998

        ד' רוזין, י' קוריאנסקי, מ' שבתאי וע' אילון

        Laparoscopic Approach to Perforated Duodenal Ulcer


        D. Rosin, Y. Kurianski, M. Shabtai, A. Ayalon


        Dept. of General Surgery and Transplantation, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        As laparoscopy becomes more prevalent, it is being used for a growing variety of abdominal operations, both electively and as emergency treatment. We describe our preliminary experience in laparoscopic repair of perforated duodenal ulcer. 2 women and 2 men, aged 40-78 were operated over a period of 4 months and in all laparoscopic suture and omentopexy were performed with meticulous abdominal lavage. Despite somewhat longer operative time but a similar period of hospitalization, the easier post-operative course and fewer wound complications justify this technique. The effectiveness of medical treatment of peptic disease, and especially the anti-Helicobacter pylori regimen, supports the view that closure of the perforation is usually enough, and vagotomy is not needed.

        טוביה וינברגר, טוני חאיק ושלמה קידר

        Acute Gastroenteritis caused by Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli O157:H7


        Tuvia Weinberger, Tony Hayek, Shlomo Keidar


        Dept. of Medicine E, Rambam Medical Center, and Dept. of Family Care, Haifa and West Galilee, and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        We report a 48-year-old man admitted for watery diarrhea, high fever, chills and abdominal cramps. Entero-hemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 was isolated. This new, dangerous pathogen causes dysentery and complications such as hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombo-cytopenic purpura. These complications can cause renal failure, neurological deficit and death. Recognition of E. coli O157:H7 infection is important since it causes a rare and dangerous condition. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case reported in Israel.

        רותי מרגלית-סטשפסקי, אברהם לורבר ואיל מרגלית

        Familial Occurrence of Ebstein Anomaly


        Ruti Margalit-Stashefski, Avraham Lorber, Eyal Margalit


        Family Practice Unit, Kupat Holim Klalit, Haifa, Pediatric Cardiology Unit, Rambam Hospital, Haifa and Ophthalmology Dept., Hadassah--University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Ebstein anomaly is a rare congenital disease which affects location, structure and mobility of the tricuspid valve, and right atrium and ventricle. Although most cases are sporadic, familial occurrence has been reported. We report 2 brothers born with Ebstein anomaly. The parents were first degree cousins and there were 8 other children. 2 daughters were born with other congenital heart anomalies, 1 with ventricular septal defect and the other with severe pulmonary artery stenosis. We suggest that in some families, Ebstein anomaly is an autosomal dominant disease with different expression in the sexes.

        ששון מנחם ופסח שורצמן

        Management of Malignant Bowel Obstruction in Home Care


        Menahem Sasson, Pesach Shvartzman


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Kupat Holim Klalit and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Malignant bowel obstruction occurs in about 10% of those with advanced abdominal cancer and in about 25% of those with advanced pelvic cancer. Such patients usually develop nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal dilatation and colicky pain. Traditional therapy consists of intravenous fluids and decompression by duodenal tube, gastrostomy or operation but postoperative mortality is high. Treatment requires hospitalization and therefor such patients have not been considered candidates for home care.

        Palliative medical techniques can cope with this syndrome and allow home care. Hypodermoclysis, non-prokinetic anti-emetics like haloperidol and scopolamine, octeotride, corticosteroids, and narcotics for severe abdominal pain can alleviate symptoms. Medications can be combined and infused subcutaneously in a syringe driver and patients can remain with their families in their natural environment. Such techniques can give these patients who have short life expectancies reasonable quality of life.

        אלכס כהנא, ויקטור שולזון, אורית דולברג, פלורלה מגורה ויורם שיר

        Intravenous Lignocaine for Chronic Pain


        Alex Cahana, Victor Shvelzon, Orit Dolberg, Florella Magora, Yoram Shir


        Pain Treatment Services, Depts. of Anesthesiology of Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and of Hadassah-University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Intravenous injection of lignocaine relieves pain in animals with experimentally induced pain, and in man, mainly those with neuropathic pain. 106 patients were treated with intravenous lignocaine during a period of 18 months (212 treatment sessions). Blood pressure, heart rate and pain scores were continuously monitored after an intravenous bolus of lignocaine, 1 mg/kg, followed by continuous infusion of lignocaine, 5 mg/kg during 1 hour. There was significant pain relief after each session in most patients, lasting from a few hours to 4 weeks. There were no significant side effects. We present 2 of our patients. Due to its simplicity, efficacy and safety, intravenous lignocaine injection is recommended for those with neuropathic pain unrelieved by other therapeutic modalities.

        צבי ויצמן, ילנה ברוטמן, דרורה לידר וחיים זגרמן

        Evaluation of a Local Infant Formula Enriched with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids


        Zvi Weizman, Elena Brutman, Drora Leader, Chaim Zegerman


        Pediatric Gastroenterology Dept. and Nutrition Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheba;

        and Ma'abarot Products Industry, Kibbutz Ma'abarot


        Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are vital for the normal development of the brain and the eye retina in infancy. Breast milk contains significant amounts of PUFA, and compensates for their low production in infancy. Only recently a few companies with worldwide product distribution have started to enrich infant formula with PUFA. We evaluated the safety and clinical efficacy of a locally made PUFA-enriched infant formula, produced for the first time in Israel.

        50 normal, full term infants participated in a prospective, randomized double-blind study. Half received a regular whey-predominant infant formula (Materna Plus), and the other half a PUFA-enriched formula (Materna Premium), both produced in Israel, for 30 days. Evaluation included physical examination, growth parameters, stool analysis, daily parental questionnaires regarding infant behavior and defecation, and developmental assessment.

        There were no significant differences on comparing growth parameters, infant behavior, attacks of restlessness, gas severity, or stool characteristics in the 2 groups. There were no side effects or abnormal stool findings in either group, and no differences in developmental assessment at 3 months of age.

        We conclude that the locally-produced PUFA-enriched infant formula is safe and clinically efficient. We assume that the lack of any effect on developmental indices is due to the relatively short exposure to the PUFA-enriched diet. Nevertheless, based on the recent literature, there is no doubt that PUFA supplementation isvital in improving infant brain and eye development.

        אלברטו הנדלר ואורן אגרנט

        Emergency Stenting for Acute Left Main Coronary Artery Closure during Cardiac Catheterization


        Alberto Hendler, Oren Agranat


        Catheterization Laboratory, Rama Marpeh Hospital, Petah Tikva


        We report a case of acute closure of the left main coronary artery, a rare complication of diagnostic cardiac catheterization, treated by emergency stenting prior to aorto-coronary by-pass surgery. We suggest encroachment of the Judkins catheter into a calcified left main ostium, with dissection and acute thrombosis of this segment, as the possible mechanism.

        Clinically, the patient's condition deteriorated to cardiogenic shock and loss of consciousness. Remarkably, there was no angiographic evidence of significant left main coronary artery disease, besides the presence of calcification in the proximal part of the left coronary system and ventricularization of coronary pressure at the time of engagement. We chose to slide quickly the angioplasty guidewire through the left main coronary artery, which allowed prompt mechanical recanalization and rapid restoration of coronary flow, with dramatic clinical and hemodynamic improvement. This relatively simple procedure allowed stenting the left main artery after brief predilation, and the patient came to by-pass surgery in excellent condition. The rationale for surgery in this case was the need for complete coronary revascularization because of significant 3-vessel coronary artery disease.

        אפריל 1998

        חיים ביבי, ג'מאל מחמיד, דויד שוסיוב, מיכאל ארמוני, צביקה ליס, שלמה פולק ומנחם שלזינגר

        Fatal Asthma in Children: Preventable?


        Haim Bibi, Jamal Mahamid, David Shoseyov, Michael Armoni, Zvika Liss, Menachem Schlesinger


        Pediatrics Dept., Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon (Affiliated with the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev); Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Bikur Holim Hospital, Jerusalem, and Kupat Holim Klalit, Darom District


        Sudden death from asthma is rare but occurs in the young age group. We recently faced this rare situation, when 3 asthmatic children were dead on arrival at the local emergency room. All 3 had been treated with beta-2 agonist inhalation on a regular basis, without anti-inflammatory treatment. 2 of the children died while inhaling the beta-2 agonist. It is important that there be clear guidelines and full education about the management of asthma, during and between exacerbations, to prevent such deaths.

        ריבה בורוביק, מריאנה שטיינר, יעקב אטד, בוריס שניידרמן, טלי רוזנברג ושולה פלטי

        Taxol as Second-Line Therapy in Recurrent Breast and Ovarian Cancer


        R. Borovik, M. Steiner, J. Atad, B. Sneiderman, T. Rosenberg, S. Palti


        Oncology Depts., Lin Medical Center and Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Results of chemotherapy with Taxol (paclitaxel) in 55 patients with recurrent breast and ovarian cancer were reviewed. Taxol was given as a 3-hour infusion, every 3 weeks, on an outpatient basis. There was complete or partial response in 8 patients (23%) with breast cancer and 10 (50%) with ovarian cancer. Performance status and previous response to adriamycin were important prognostic factors. Toxicity was manageable. Treatment had to be stopped for hypersensitivity reactions in only 2 patients. Taxol given in an ambulatory clinic is safe and effective.

        מ' סקלייר-לוי, ד' שחם, י' שרמן, י' בר-זיו י' ליבסון

        Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Mediastinal Masses Guided by Computed Tomography


        M. Sklair-Levy, D. Shaham, I. Sherman, I. Bar-Ziv, I. Libson


        Depts. of Radiology and Pathology, Hadassah-University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Progress in diagnostic radiology and pathology during the past decade has changed the approach to diagnosis of mediastinal masses. Diagnosis by CT-guided needle biopsy (CTNB) has replaced open biopsy and mediastinoscopy. CTNB of mediastinal masses is accurate, reliable and safe. It is done under local anesthesia, in ambulatory patients and is tolerated well. Between July 1987 and April 1997 we performed 67 biopsies in 63 patients aged 6-86 years; 33 were women (average age 40.8 years) and 30 men (average age 38.3 years). 57 of 67 biopsies were core biopsies for histologic examination and 10 were cytologic biopsies. In this report we concentrate on the 57 core biopsies. 41 of the biopsies were diagnostic; in 3 of them no evidence of malignancy was found. In 38 of the biopsies a tumor, malignant or benign, or an inflammatory process was diagnosed. In 24 of the biopsies the diagnosis was lymphoma. In 16 there was not enough material for diagnosis. We repeated the biopsy in 4 of the latter due to high suspicion of malignancy and reached a diagnosis in all 4 of them. In 6 the diagnosis was reached only by operation. The biopsies were from all compartments of the mediastinum. There were no complications such as pneumothorax or bleeding, except for 1 case of mild hemoptysis. In conclusion, CTNB of mediastinal lesions is accurate, safe and relatively cheap. In 72% a diagnosis was reached in the first attempt and a second attempt raised the diagnostic rate to 79%. We believe that CTNB should be the first step in tissue diagnosis of mediastinal masses, including those with a high suspicion of lymphoma.

        ליויה תאודור, רונית שירי-סברדלוב, גלית הירש-יחזקאל, רויטל ברוכים בר-שדה, אוה גאק, אירית פרידמן, אנה קרוגליקובה, גלעד בן-ברוך, שולמית ריזל, משה פפא ואיתן פרידמן

        Oncogenetic Counseling and Genetic Testing of Those at High Risk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer


        Livia Theodor, Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov, Galit Hirsch Yechezkel, Revital Bruchim Bar-Sade, Eva Gak, Irit Friedman, Anna Kruglikova, Gilad Ben-Baruch, Shulamit Risel, Moshe Z. Papa, Boleslav Goldman, Eitan Friedman


        Oncogenetics Unit, Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Genetics, and Gynecology, Oncology, and Surgical Depts., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        There is inherited predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer in 5-10% of all women with these diseases. Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 presumably account for most of the genetically susceptible individuals. We summarize 2 years of experience in counseling and testing for inherited predisposition to these cancers.

        597 women (from 320 families) have been evaluated since August 1995. 242 were evaluated for inherited predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. One-third had clear-cut evidence of familial background. 74 families were of Ashkenazi origin; the age range of breast cancer was 30-35, of ovarian cancer 40-45. In 80% of families other cancers were also noted in first degree family members, including lung, colon, and prostate cancer and leukemia.

        Genetic testing revealed that 45% of affected and 25% of unaffected women were carriers of a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2: 67/90 185delAG (BRCA1), 12/90 6174delT (BRCA2), and 4/90 of 5382insC (BRCA1). In addition, a novel mutation in exon 11 of BRCA1 was detected, carried by 7/90 women. The experience gained in oncogenetic counseling and genetic testing for inherited cancer predisposition will eventually enable determining an optimal, rational therapeutic regimen in carriers of mutations.

        יפה שיף וטלי לרמן-שגיא

        Ketogenic Diet for Intractable Epilepsy in Adults


        Yaffa Schiff, Tally Lerman-Sagie


        Nutrition and Diet Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center; and Pediatric Neurology Unit, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The ketogenic diet is an accepted alternative for children with intractable generalized or multi-focal seizures not amenable to surgery. It is not commonly used in adults because of the impression that the diet is less effective after childhood, when it is more difficult both to achieve ketosis and to change dietary habits. We present a 20-year-old man with intractable epilepsy since early childhood who is being treated with great success by a medium-chain triglyceride ketogenic diet. It has not only controlled the seizures but has also improved quality of life. We recommend a therapeutic trial of the ketogenic diet in intractable epilepsy for all ages.

        נ' בר-נתן, ז' שפירא, ע' שהרבני, א' יוסים, י' בן ארי, ט' שינפלד, א' זהבי, ר' שפירא, ג' דינרי, ז' בן ארי, ר' טור כספא וא' מור

        Living-Related Liver Transplantation


        N. Bar-Nathan, Z. Shapira, E. Shaharabani, A. Yussim, Y. Ben-Ari, T. Sheinfeld, I. Zehavi, R. Shapira, G. Dinari, Z. Ben-Ari, R. Tur-Kaspa, E. Mor


        Dept. of Transplantation and Liver Institute, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), and Pediatric Intensive Care and Pediatric Gastroenterology Units, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Our experience with living-related liver transplantation is described. In 2 boys and 1 girl, aged 4-4.5 years with acute, fulminating hepatitis A, the presence of very severe jaundice (bilirubin levels > 18 mg%) associated with severe coagulopathy (INR>10) and encephalopathy indicated the need for urgent liver transplantation. In all 3 cases the left lateral hepatic segment of a matched blood type parent was transplanted. None of the donors suffered a serious complication postoperatively and all returned to full activity in 6-16 weeks. The post-transplantation course was uneventful in 1 child, but in the other 2 there was hepatic arterial thrombosis in 1 at 1 day and in the other at 8 days post-transplantation. Early detection of arterial thrombosis by Doppler sonography permitted salvage of the 2 hepatic grafts after thrombectomy and re-anastomosis. In 1 of these 2 children an anastomotic biliary stricture was found 2 months after transplantation. It was corrected at surgery and a percutaneous stent was inserted. All 3 children are alive with normal graft function at 2, 7 and 8 months post-transplantation, respectively. This initial experience indicates that living-related liver transplantation is feasible in Israel. The technique might help to solve our severe organ shortage for children awaiting liver transplantation.

        מרץ 1998

        ישי לוי, ערן פסטר, גרטרוד דנקנר, עמי בן אמוץ וגרלד ברוק

        Effect of Alpha-Alpha Esterol on Plasma Cholesterol and Antioxidants


        Y. Levy, E. Paster, G. Dankner, A. Ben-Amotz, J.G. Brook


        Lipid Research Unit, Medical Dept. D, Rambam Medical Center; Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion; and Israel National Oceanographic Research Institute, Haifa


        16 patients with hypercholesterolemia were treated with an extract of alpha-alpha leaves (esterol) while on a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Esterol is believed to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and bile acids and may interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients. As oxidative modification of lipoproteins is required for the process of atherosclerosis, plasma antioxidant vitamins were followed. After 4 months of treatment, plasma cholesterol decreased by 10% from 282 to 250 mg/dl (p<0.001) and LDL cholesterol by 13%, from 203 to 177 mg/dl (p<0.001). Plasma antioxidant vitamins E, A and β-carotene were unchanged. Thus, esterol has a cholesterol-lowering effect but apparently does not lower fat-soluble, plasma antioxidant vitamins. Both cholesterol-lowering and plasma antioxidant vitamins are important for the primary prevention of coronary artery disease in hypercholesterolemia.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303