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        תוצאת חיפוש

        נובמבר 1999

        בן-עמי סלע, תמר משוש, דב פוגל ויוסף זלוטניק

        Alpha-Amino Adipic Aciduria: a Rare Psycho-Motor Syndrome


        Ben-Ami Sela, Tamar Massos, Dov Fogel, Joseph Zlotnik


        Pathological Chemistry and Child Development Institutes, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A 3.5-year-old boy with developmental motor retardation, hypotonicity, and severe speech disturbance had alpha-amino adipic acid in his blood and very high levels in his urine. In only 20 cases has this catabolite of lysine and hydroxylysine been found in high concentrations in urine, due to enzymatic block.

        The clinical features associated with alpha-amino adipic aciduria may include mental retardation, developmental and motor delay, learning difficulties, convulsions, speech problems and ataxia. 3 siblings had milder symptoms of psychomotor delay and intermediate degrees of alpha amino-adipic aciduria, suggesting that the described developmental deficits could be related to this metabolite or its derivatives.

        בולסלב קנובל, אנריקה מלמוד, שרון נופך מוזס וליליאנה זיידל

        Follicular Splenic Lymphoid Hyperplasia Associated with EBV Infection


        Boleslaw Knobel, Enrique Melamud, Sharon Nofech-Moses, Liliana Zeidel


        Dept. of Medicine B and Institute of Pathology, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Massive splenomegaly is defined as a spleen weighing about 10 times normal weight. We describe a 36-year-old man who had huge splenomegaly and secondary pancytopenia simulating malignant lymphoma for about 3 months. Splenectomy was necessary because of the suspicion of hematologic malignancy, especially isolated lymphoma of the spleen, and pain and mechanical abdominal disturbances.

        On operation, the spleen was 25 cm long and weighed 250 g. There was florid, reactive follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. Immunohistochemical staining with CD-20(L26), CD-45Ro(UCHL), bcl-2 oncoprotein (Dakopatts), EBV (anti-EBV mol weight 60 KD, Dakopatts) was consistent with reaction to EBV infection and not with follicular lymphoma. Lack of PCR amplification using DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded splenic tissue indicated absence of a monoclonal B cell population carrying rearranged immunoglobulin genes. The lymphocytic population was proven polyclonal by the negative results of PCR for the bcl-2 gene rearrangement. EBV seroconversion from high titer antibodies of anti-EBV-VCA-IgM to negative, and from negative EBNA to positive was consistent with an apparent primary EBV infection.

        We have not found on computerized search a previous report of reactive follicular splenic hyperplasia to EBV infection causing huge splenomegaly, with or without EBV-induced infectious mononucleosis.

        גבי וינשטיין, ויטלי יופה ונתן גדות

        Can Police Car Flashing-Light Induce Encephalographic Discharges and Seizures?


        G. Vainstein, V. Yofe, N. Gadoth


        Dept. of Neurology, Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba


        The new police car flashing-light device (930 Heliobe Lightbar) has recently been implicated as potentially epileptogenic. We exposed 30 epileptic patients, 30 nonepileptic patients who suffered from headache and 15 normal volunteers to this light source. All had routine EEGs with standard intermittent photic stimulation, followed by 3-minute stimulation with the Lightbar. In none were either seizures or EEG changes induced. In 1 epileptic spike-and-wave activity induced by standard photic stimulation was enhanced with the Lightbar.

        We could not confirm that the Lightbar is epileptogenic.

        חנוך קשתן, פרד קוניקוף, ריאד חדאד, מרק אומנסקי, יהודה סקורניק וזמיר הלפרן

        Photodynamic Therapy for Dysphagia due to Esophageal Carcinoma


        H. Kashtan, F. Konikoff, R. Haddad, M. Umansky, Y. Skornick, Z. Halpern


        Dept. of Surgery A and Institute of Gastroenterology, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Surgery is the mainstay in the treatment of esophageal carcinoma and is effective for palliation of dysphagia. Patients unfit for surgery are difficult therapeutic problems. We evaluated photodynamic therapy for palliation of dysphagia in this condition.

        Patients were given 5-aminolevulinic acid, 60 mg/kg, orally and 24 hour later gastroscopy was performed during which red light illumination (100 j/cmŽ2 for 600 seconds) was administered. This was repeated 48 hours later. The degree of dysphagia was recorded before and 14 days after treatment.

        8 patients with an advanced non-resectable tumor, or who were unfit for surgery, were thus treated. 4 had squamous cell carcinoma of the mid-esophagus and 4 had adenocarcinoma of the lower esophagus. There was mild, self- limited photosensitivity in all. Liver and renal function tests and blood count were not affected by the treatment. Dysphagia was improved in all except 1 patient. A patient with early stage disease continued to eat a normal diet.

        We believe that photodynamic therapy with systemic aminolevulinic acid as a photosensitizer and a non-laser light source is feasible and safe in advanced esophageal cancer. It is an effective modality for relief of dysphagia in that condition.

        טובה ריניס וישראל פוטסמן

        Listeria Monocytogenes Infections - Ten Years' Experience


        Tova Rainis, Israel Potasman


        Infectious Disease Unit, Bnai Zion Medical Center, and Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        7 cases of listeriosis were diagnosed here between 1988-1997 (6 in last 3 years), or 2.94/100,000 admissions. 2 elderly patients suffered from meningitis and 2 pregnant women presented with premature contractions, 1 of whom delivered a premature, infected baby. 2 other patients had fever and gastroenteritis.

        Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from blood in 4, CSF in 2 and the placenta in 1. It was isolated from those with bacterial meningitis. All patients recovered. Both increased awareness for prevention and better diagnosis are essential to reduce morbidity from this unusual pathogen.

        דוד גורדון, אסנת גרוץ ויוסף לסינג

        Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Procedure for Female Stress Incontinence


        David Gordon, Asnat Groutz, Joseph Lessing


        Lis Maternity Hospital, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center


        We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the tension-free vaginal tape procedure (TVT) in 20 consecutive women with urodynamically proven genuine stress incontinence. Mean operating time under spinal analgesia was 37.2‏13 minutes and 80% were discharged within 24 hours. There were 5 uncomplicated, intraoperative bladder perforations, but no defects in healing nor tape rejection. The objective cure rate was 95%, while the subjective rate was 100%. Although follow-up was short (9-16 months), the TVT method seems to be safe and effective for stress urinary incontinence.

        חיים ביבי, אלנה שויחט, דוידי שוסיוב, מיכאל ארמוני, אמיל חי ודורית אטר

        Evaluation of Asthmatic Children Presenting at Emergency Rooms


        Haim Bibi, Elena Shoychet, David Shoseyov, Michael Armoni, Emil Chai, Dorit Ater


        Pediatric Pulmonary Clinic and Pediatric Dept., Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon; Pediatric Pulmonary Clinic, Bikur Cholim Hospital, Jerusalem; Emergency Room, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon; and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Bronchial asthma in the pediatric age group has become prevalent recently. Many children who suffer from asthma arrive at the emergency room (ER) with exacerbations which did not respond to medical treatment at home.


        Between July and December 1997, 136 children 8 months to 14 years of age (61% below 3 years), were studied in our pediatric ER. Investigation included physical examination and pulse oximetry, which were used as guidelines for scoring the children on arrival and post-treatment. Spirometry was done in those who could cooperate. For each patient a detailed questionnaire about medical and sociodemographic factors was filled.


        Primary pediatricians used mainly beta-agonist and corticosteroid inhalators, while pediatric pulmonologists used mainly inhaled steroids. There was no relationship between severity of attack on arrival at the ER, mode of treatment and speed of recovery in the ER. More children treated by a general pediatrician more were admitted to hospital. Low parental education and paternal smoking were risk factors for recurrent hospital admissions.


        Our results indicate that parents must be educated to stop smoking, especially those with asthmatic children, and primary pediatricians should be updated with regard to proper treatment and follow-up of asthma.

        עידו וולף ומאיר מועלם

        Multiple Organ Damage due to Cholesterol Embolization


        Ido Wolf, Meir Mouallem


        Dept. of Medicine E, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Cholesterol crystal embolization can affect multiple organ systems and mimic other systemic diseases. We describe a 65-year-old woman who had renal failure, diarrhea, transient ischemic attacks and purple toes due to spontaneous cholesterol crystal embolization.

        יעקב פלדמן, אירית לקסר ואברהם ירצקי

        Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction without Left Ventric-Ular Hypertrophy Treated with Ace Inhibitors


        Jacob Feldman, Irit Laxer, Abraham Yaretzky


        Geriatric Dept., Meir Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We describe a very unusual case of sudden, severe worsening of congestive heart failure which was caused by ACE inhibitors. Diagnosis was made by echocardiogram showing a typical picture of dynamic, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction without left ventricular hypertrophy, which disappeared on discontinuing ACE inhibitors. This phenomenon has already been described as a complication of other drugs such as nitrates, commonly used as provocative tests for latent obstructive cardiomyopathy. To our knowledge ACE inhibihave not been described as a causative factor.

        ד' זמיר, ש' שטורך, ח' זמיר, צ' פיירמן וח' זונדר

        Low Prevalence of Hepatitis G Infection in Dialysis Patients


        Doron Zamir, Shimon Shtorch, Chen Zamir, Zvi Fireman, Hilkiau Zonder


        Internal Medicine Dept. A, Liver Clinic, Dialysis Unit and GI Unit, Hillel Yaffe Hospital and Hadera Subdistrict Health Office


        Prevalence of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in the general western population ranges from 0.2-1.5%. In high-risk groups, such as patients with chronic liver disease, hematologic disorders and drug addicts, prevalence is as high as 10%-15%. Dialysis patients have increased rates of HGV infection (6%-50%).


        We evaluated prevalence of HGV infection among dialysis patients, and the association between HGV infection and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Serum samples were screened for HGV infection by RT-PCR. Screening for HCV infection was performed by an EIA test and confirmed by RIBA and RT-PCR for HCV. Sera were also tested for HBV markers.


        The study group included all 78 hemodialysis patients and 7 of the 12 peritoneal dialysis patients in our unit during September to November 1997. 4 (5.2%) were HGV-positive but none were peritoneal dialysis patients. 1 of the 12 HCV-positives was also infected with HGV. HGV infection was not associated with duration of dialysis, number of blood transfusions or levels of transaminases.


        Prevalence of HGV infection among our hemodialysis patients was low (5.2%), but higher than reported for the general population. Prevalence of HGV/HCV infection in hemodialysis patients was low and unrelated to duration of dialysis, number of blood transfusions and levels of transaminases.

        אוקטובר 1999

        נגה רייכמן, מאזן אליאס, ראול רז ועדית פלטאו

        Cryptococcal Meningitis Following Cryptococcal Pneumonia in an Immunocompetent


        N. Reichman, M. Elias, R. Raz, E. Flatau


        Dept. of Internal Medicine B and Infectious Disease Unit, HaEmek Hospital, Afula and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is common in the immunocompromised (especially due to AIDS), but also occurs in immunocompetent subjects. CM can complicate cryptococcal pneumonia (CP) not only in the immunocompromised but also in the immunocompetent. We describe a healthy 26-year-old man who developed a prolonged lung infection. Diagnosis of cryptococcal pneumonia was established from bronchoscopic washings. He recovered spontaneously, so no antifungal treatment was given.

        4 months later he was admitted with cryptococcal meningitis and was treated successfully with amphotericin B. An extensive immunologic study revealed no abnormalities. Since CM can complicate cryptococcal pneumonia, it is recommended that patients with CP be followed, even if recovery is apparently complete.

        אילן כהן, יהודה קולנדר, ג'וזפין איסקוב, אהרון צ'צ'יק ויצחק מלר

        Elastofibroma, a Rare Cause of Snapping Scapula Syndrome


        Ilan Cohen, Yehuda Kolender, Josephine Isakov, Aaron Chechick, Yitzhak Meller


        Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Depts. of Orthopedic Oncology and Pathology, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv


        Scapular pain is a common complaint in daily orthopedic practice. A different type of scapular discomfort, the snapping scapula syndrome that occurs when smooth gliding motion of the scapula upon the chest wall is interfered with is much less common.


        We studied the syndrome of periscapular pain and discomfort, and present a rare etiology: elastofibroma dorsi, a unique, benign, soft tissue-tumor with unique characteristics.

        Elastofibroma appears deep to the lower scapular pole, is often bilateral, and consists of a mixture of collagen, elastic fibers and fibroblasts. We present 6 cases, in 3 men and 3 women aged 51-65.

        בני אבידן, בתיה וויס, יהודה חוברס, אניטה יונש, שמעון בר מאיר ונתן קלר

        Sensitivity and Resistance of Helicobacter Pylori to Antibiotic Treatment


        Benny Avidan, Batia Weiss, Yeuda Chowers, Anita Younash, Simon Bar-Meir, Nathan Keler


        Dept. of Gastroenterology and Microbiology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Resistance to antibiotics is considered the main reason for failure to eradicate Helicobacter pylori (HP). Resistance rates are different in developed and developing countries and are not known for Israel. We studied HP resistance rates in 40 patients who underwent esophagoduodenoscopy for various indications and were found to have gastric HP colonies.


        Sensitivity was determined by E-test, using clarythromycin, amoxycillin, clindamycin, erythromycin and metronidazole. The resistance rate for metronidazole was up to 67% but that for clindamycin was only 10%. HP was very sensitive to both macrolide antibiotics, erythromycin and clarythromycin.

        מרק ויינברג, ברוך קלין ויצחק וינוגרד

        One-Stage Surgery for Hirschsprung's Disease in Children


        Mark Weinberg, Baruch Klin, Itzhak Vinograd


        Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Traditionally Hirschsprung's disease has been treated by 2-or 3-stage procedures. During the past 6 years a 1-stage Duhamel procedure without stoma has become our treatment of choice for Hirschsprung's disease in neonates and young infants. Over a 6-year period, 15 infants and children with colonic Hirschsprung's disease were treated with the 1-stage Duhamel retro-rectal pull-through procedure without a stoma, with the Lester-Martin modification. All patients had the usual short segment aganglionosis, but 1 had a long segment which included the splenic flexure.

        Early complications included wound infection in 1 and minor rectal bleeding in 3. Late complications included constipation in 1 and enterocolitis in 4. Long-term functional results were very good in all those operated except for 1 with rectal achalasia.


        We conclude that Hirschsprung's disease can be successfully treated with a 1-stage pull-through operation, the child usually benefitting from the shorter hospital stay and the avoidance of a colostomy.

        גיל בר-סלע, ג'ורג'טה פריד, ציפורה ברוטמן, אנה רבקין, ריבה בורוביק ואברהם קוטן

        Breast Conservation: Safe for Early Breast Cancer


        Gil Bar-Sella, Georgetta Fried, Zipora Brotman, Anna Ravkin, Riva Borovik, Abraham Kuten


        Dept. of Oncology, Rambam Medical Center; Dept. of Oncology, Lin Medical Center; and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Between 1981-1993 581 women with primary breast cancer were treated by breast conservation. Their mean age was 56‏12 years and 63% were postmenopausal and 37% pre- or perimenopausal. The median follow-up time was 56 months. 45% had pathological Stage I disease, 49% Stage II, 2.5% Stage III and 3.5% clinical Stage I-II disease. 54% of lesions were excised with good margins, 10% with close margins (<0.5 cm), 9% with microscopic residual, 3% with macroscopic residual, and in 24% margins were not reported. Adjuvant therapy, consisting of combination chemotherapy and/or hormones, was given to 69%.


        Radiotherapy, usually 50 Gy tangential photon irradiation to the whole breast, was given to 564 (97%); an electron or photon "boost" to the tumor with a median dose of 17.5 Gy was given to 378 (65%). Most of those with positive nodes received 50 Gy to the lymphatic drainage system.

        1 year after radiotherapy cosmetic results were rated as "good" or "excellent" in 80%, "moderate" in 17% and "poor" in 3%. The 5-year actuarial survival was 97% in Stage I and 88% in Stage II. 37 patients (6.5%) developed breast recurrence; 11 of these (2%) had simultaneous distant metastases. 5 (<1%) developed axillary or supraclavicular lymph node metastases, and 81 (14%) developed distant metastases. Most local recurrences were in those younger than 40, and in those with primary tumors >1.75 cm.


        The satisfactory level of local control achieved is attributed to the high doses of radiation (up to 75 Gy) administered to those with high risk lesions.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303