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        תוצאת חיפוש

        יוני 1998

        דורון חרמוני, מיכאל קאפמן ואליעזר קיטאי

        Alternative Medicine in a Kibbutz Community


        D. Hermoni, M. Kafman, E. Kitai


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa and Family Medicine Dept., Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Interest in, and use of alternative medicine has increased in the past few years in Israel. Still, little is known about the extent to which it is utilized, the more common treatments, patterns of use, and its influence on the conventional primary care system. We surveyed a kibbutz community to determine prevalence and patterns of use of alternative medicine and satisfaction with the outcome. The entire kibbutz population was asked to fill out a questionnaire (parents answered for their children). They were questioned as to their use of alternative medicine in the previous 5 years, types and dates of treatment, duration of treatment, and whether it had helped.

        Of 1044 subjects, 830 responded (79.5%). 16.4% had used alternative medicine at least once in the previous 5 years. Of these, more than a 1/4 were treated by 2 or more types of alternative therapy. About 2/3 of those responding were women. Most had muscle-skeletal (36%), upper respiratory and/or atopic problems (19.3%). The most common treatments were homeopathy (31%) and acupuncture (20%). In approximately 2/3, the treatment was considered helpful, and either solved the problems or gave long-lasting improvement. 70% of those who used alternative medicine were treated within the previous 15 months and about 40% within the previous 3 months. The use of alternative medicine is increasing and it is now includein standard medical services. Most of those who used alternative therapy felt is hadhelped.

        רון בן אברהם, ערן סגל, דב פריימרק, אלינור גושן, חנוך הוד, יעקב לביא, צבי זיסקינד ועזריאל פרל

        Massive Pulmonary Embolism


        Ron Ben Abraham, Eran Segal, Dov Freimark, Elinor Goshen, Hanoch Hod, Jacob Lavee, Zvi Ziskind, Azriel Perel


        Depts. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine and Cardiac Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Pulmonary embolism is a common event in hospitalized patients. In some cases it presents with hemodynamic collapse, indicating massive obliteration of the pulmonary vasculature and has a very grim prognosis; 2/3 of such patients die within 2 hours of onset of symptoms. We describe our experience in 13 patients with massive pulmonary embolism. An aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach, utilizing sophisticated imaging techniques, thrombolytic therapy and surgery, led to the survival of 8 of the patients. Our experience supports an aggressive approach in these seriously ill patients.

        לודויג קורנל וארתור פראנקן

        Mechanism of Primary Hypertension


        Ludwig Kornel,* Arthur V. Prancan


        Steroid Research Laboratory, Depts. of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry, and Dept. of Pharmacology, Rush Medical Center, Chicago and *Endocrinology-Diabetes Outpatient Clinic, Kupat Holim Klalit, Jerusalem


        We review various theories of the pathogenetic mechanisms of steroid-induced and essential hypertension. We investigated the possibility that a pathogenetic mechanism leading to glucocorticoid (GC)-induced hypertension or to mineralocorticoid (MC)-induced hypertension, or both, may be of critical importance in primary hypertension. We studied plasma levels of corticosterone (BK) and aldosterone (Aldo), and their concentrations in arterial and renal tissues of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), a model of primary hypertension, and in the antecedent strain WKY rats as a normotensive control. Plasma levels of BK and Aldo were found to be normal and identical in SHRs and WKYs. Tissue (intracellular) levels of BK were more than double in SHRs than in WKYs. Subsequently we examined the activity of 11b-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase (11-HSD) in both aortic and renal tissues of SHRs and WKYs. 11-HSD converts BK to the corresponding 11-keto compound, 11-dehydro-corticosterone (cpd.AK), which is inactive, in view of its inability to bind to the MC receptors (and also to the GC receptors). BK, the main glucocorticoid in the rat, as well as cortisol, have high affinity for the MC-receptor (MR). Normally BK or cortisol are present in 10²-10³ times greater concentrations than Aldo in tissues possessing MR. The enzyme 11-HSD deactivates BK (or cortisol), thus protecting MC-receptors in the MC target tissues from being activated by GC. When we examined arterial and renal tissue activities of 11-HSD in SHRs, the activity of 11-HSD was only one-third that found in the WKY rats. This explained higher levels of BK in the tissues of SHR, and suggested that decreased activity of 11-HSD is a pathogenetic factor for hypertension in SHRs.

        Thus, in a model of primary hypertension such as SHR, decreased activity of 11-HSD in the target tissues of MC appears to lead to glucocorticoid-induced mineralocorticoid hypertension.

        דורון קופלמן, אלכסנדר בני, אחמד עסליה, דיאנה גייטיני, יורם קליין ומשה חשמונאי

        Combined Treatment of Hepatic Tumors by Cryosurgery and Resection


        Doron Kopelman, Alexander Beny, Ahmed Assalia, Diana Gaitini, Yoram Klein, Moshe Hashmonai


        Depts. of Surgery B, Oncology and Radiology, Rambam Medical Center and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        Cryosurgery is an old technique which is being used for hepatic tumors as an adjuvant to hepatic resection. We recently treated 7 patients with multiple malignant liver tumors, 5 of whom had colorectal metastases, 1 carcinoid metastases, and 1 multiple hepatic lesions of hepatocellular carcinoma. 6 underwent combined liver resection and cryoablation of lesions in the remaining liver. In the 7th patient, only cryoablation was performed because hepatic resection was rejected and there was an extrahepatic metastasis. The advantages of this treatment are removal or destruction of all liver lesions found by any method, including intraoperative ultrasound examination, maximal preservation of normal liver parenchyma and that it is curative in patients inoperable by standard criteria.

        מאי 1998

        דניאל לזר, נעמי וינטרוב, נטלי אברמוב, שרה אסא, קונסטנטין בלוך, רגינה אופן, הדסה בן-זקן ופנינה ורדי

        Islet Autoantibody Assays in Type I Diabetes can Replace ICA Test


        Daniel Lazar, Naomi Weintrob, Natalia Abramov, Sara Assa, Konstantin Bloch, Regina Ofan, Hadassa Ben-Zaken, Pnina Vardi


        Institute for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva and Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Tel Aviv University


        Islet cell antibodies (ICA) continue to serve as the basis of the principal serological test for definition of active autoimmunity of beta-cells. Its disadvantages are the need for human pancreatic tissue and difficulty in obtaining quantitative results. In the past decade biochemically-defined beta-cell antigens were described, leading to the development of sensitive and specific autoantibody assays, to predict insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). We examined the value of combined biochemically-based serological assays, such as autoantibodies to insulin (IAA), glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA) and ICA512 (ICA512A) to replace the traditional ICA assay.

        Blood samples of 114 newly diagnosed IDDM patients, aged 12‏5 yrs (range 2 months - 29 years) were tested for ICA (indirect immunofluorescence), IAA, GADA and ICA512A (radiobinding assay). The latter 2 assays were performed using recombinant human [35S]-labeled antigen produced by in vitro transcription/translation. We found that fewer sera scored positive for ICA and/or IAA (80.7%, 92/114) than for 1 or more of IAA, GAD, or ICA512 (88.6%, 101/114). We conclude that combined testing for IAA, GAD and ICA512 can replace the traditional ICA/IAA test to predict IDDM and is helpful in the differential diagnosis of insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetes.

        אפריל 1998

        רפאל יוסף חרותי, רון בן-אברהם, מיכאל שטיין, יניר אברמוביץ, יהושע שמר וברוך מרגנית

        Changes in Structure and Process Components of Trauma Care in Emergedepartments


        Rephael Joseph Heruti, Ron Ben-Abraham, Yanir Abramovitch, Michael Stein, Joshua Shemer, Baruch Marganit


        Trauma Control, Israeli Center for Disease Control (ICDC), Israel Ministry of Health and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In recent years there have been tremendous efforts to improve primary trauma care. The Ministry of Health and other authorities have invested in new trauma facilities in various hospitals. A nationwide survey with regard to structure and function of emergency departments was carried out. Compared to a similar survey conducted in 1992, significant progress in quality and quantity of equipment at various emergency departments was demonstrated. However, there are still differences between various hospitals. A drive to standardize trauma care will undoubtedly contribute to improvement in care of the injured.

        רינה רייזין, אהוד ליבוביץ ושמואל לברטובסקי

        Toxic Optic Neuropathy caused by Methanol Poisoning


        Rina Reisin, Ehud Liebovitz, Shmuel Levartovsky


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon


        A 40-year-old woman attempted suicide by drinking methanol. Her visual acuity began to deteriorate 36 hours later and was found to be 6/60 in her right eye with no light perception in the left. No systemic manifestations other than the eye symptoms were found. In the following months visual acuity improved without specific therapy. 2 months following the methanol, visual acuity was 6/6 in the right eye and finger-counting at 1 meter in the left eye. There was pronounced optic atrophy in the left eye, as well as a central defect in the left visual field due tothe methanol toxicity.

        ליויה תאודור, רונית שירי-סברדלוב, גלית הירש-יחזקאל, רויטל ברוכים בר-שדה, אוה גאק, אירית פרידמן, אנה קרוגליקובה, גלעד בן-ברוך, שולמית ריזל, משה פפא ואיתן פרידמן

        Oncogenetic Counseling and Genetic Testing of Those at High Risk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer


        Livia Theodor, Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov, Galit Hirsch Yechezkel, Revital Bruchim Bar-Sade, Eva Gak, Irit Friedman, Anna Kruglikova, Gilad Ben-Baruch, Shulamit Risel, Moshe Z. Papa, Boleslav Goldman, Eitan Friedman


        Oncogenetics Unit, Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Genetics, and Gynecology, Oncology, and Surgical Depts., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        There is inherited predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer in 5-10% of all women with these diseases. Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 presumably account for most of the genetically susceptible individuals. We summarize 2 years of experience in counseling and testing for inherited predisposition to these cancers.

        597 women (from 320 families) have been evaluated since August 1995. 242 were evaluated for inherited predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. One-third had clear-cut evidence of familial background. 74 families were of Ashkenazi origin; the age range of breast cancer was 30-35, of ovarian cancer 40-45. In 80% of families other cancers were also noted in first degree family members, including lung, colon, and prostate cancer and leukemia.

        Genetic testing revealed that 45% of affected and 25% of unaffected women were carriers of a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2: 67/90 185delAG (BRCA1), 12/90 6174delT (BRCA2), and 4/90 of 5382insC (BRCA1). In addition, a novel mutation in exon 11 of BRCA1 was detected, carried by 7/90 women. The experience gained in oncogenetic counseling and genetic testing for inherited cancer predisposition will eventually enable determining an optimal, rational therapeutic regimen in carriers of mutations.

        דורון מרקוביץ, מיכאל רוזנבאום, יצחק רוזנר ואלי רוטנשטרייך

        Chemical Synovectomy in Arthritis by Intra-Articular Injection of Osmic Acid


        D. Markovits, M. Rozenbaum, I. Rosner, E. Rottenstriech


        Dept. of Medicine A, Carmel Hospital; Rheumatology Unit, Bnai Zion Hospital; and Zevulun Medical Clinic, Haifa


        18 patients suffering from persistent synovitis despite medical therapy were treated with an intra-articular injection of osmic acid. After 1 year of follow-up, 68% had good results and there were no complications nor detectable radiographic evidence of disease progression. Because osmic acid is almost as effective as surgical synovectomy and is cheap and easy to administer, it can be recommended as the first choice for treatment of corticosteroid-resistant arthritis in the early stages of the disease.

        מרץ 1998

        רון בן אברהם, מיכאל שטיין, יורם קלוגר, גדעון פרת, אברהם ריבקינד ויהושע שמר

        Israel's ATLS Program: Summary and Outlook


        Ron Ben Abraham, Michael Stein, Yoram Kluger, Gideon Paret, Avraham Rivkind, Joshua Shemer


        Medical Dept., Israel Defense Forces and Israel Trauma Society


        In recent years a vigorous effort has been made to improve quality of primary trauma care in Israel. Advanced trauma life support courses (ATLS) were given to physicians throughout the country, regardless of their specialties. In 7 years 4229 physicians participated in 202 courses with an average success rate of 76%. In the future, issues such as mandatory vs. voluntary training, language barriers, and continuous decline of knowledge should be addressed if momentum is to be maintained.

        אנבל אהרון-מאור, יאיר לוי ויהודה שינפלד

        Fibrosarcoma after Silicone Breast Augmentation: Associated?


        Anabel Aharon-Maor, Yair Levy, Yehuda Schoenfeld


        Medical Dept. B, Chaim Sheba Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        We describe a 42-year-old woman in whom bilateral fibrosarcoma of the breast was diagnosed 15 years after bilateral breast augmentation with silicone implants. 3 years prior to admission the implants were replaced and 2 years prior to admission mammography showed a nodule in the left breast which biopsy showed to be fibrosarcoma. The implants were removed from both breasts and she was given chemotherapy but later that year underwent bilateral mastectomy. Despite chemotherapy, as well as adjuvant radiotherapy, the disease progressed, with involvement of the lungs and the skin of the left hemithorax. She was admitted repeatedly for severe anemia caused by bleeding from the malignant skin lesions, and died less than 2 years after diagnosis of the disease.

        Not all reports in the literature find a significant connection between silicone implants and subsequent development of breast cancer, but there are reports that do connect them. Breast fibrosarcoma is not significantly more frequent after silicone augmentation, but still there is controversy as to whether there is a connection between silicone implants and breast malignancy. In the patient we present, the prolonged exposure to silicone may have been a predisposing factor for the development of bilateral fibrosarcoma, since other known risk factors for breast cancer were denied.

        דני געתון, עדיאל ברק, שלמה שגב, יובל יסעור וגיורא טרייסטר

        Prevalence of Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome in Israel


        D. Gaton, A. Barak, S. Segev, Y. Yassur, G. Treister


        Ophthalmology Dept., Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tikva and Ophthalmology Dept. and Institute for Medical Screening and Assessment, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Pigmentary dispersion syndrome is a precursor of pigmentary glaucoma whose prevalence in the urban population of USA was found to be 2.45%. We evaluated its prevalence during ocular screening examinations among normal Israelis. We screened for excessive pigmentation on the corneal endothelium with the slit-lamp and determined in each patient best corrected visual acuity, intra-ocular pressure (after mydriasis), condition of the anterior segment, cup-disk ratio, posterior segment abnormalities and questioned about history of any ocular disease and family history of glaucoma. 374 patients (mean age 49±11) were examined on 10 consecutive days. In 5.9% excessive corneal endothelial pigmentation was found. Intra-ocular pressure (after mydriasis) averaged 15.52±1.93 mm Hg as compared to 14.73±2.04 among the rest of our study population, (p=0.01). The prevalence of suspected pigmentary dispersion syndrome among young adults in Israelis is high.

        פברואר 1998

        מ' קליגמן ומ' רופמן

        Intra-Osseous Ganglion of Scaphoid and Lunate Bones


        M. Kligman, M. Roffman


        Dept. of Surgery, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        We present a patient with intra-osseous ganglion of the left scaphoid and lunate bone. These were excised and a bone graft inserted. 1 year after operation the patient was free of pain, without limitation of wrist motion. Intra-osseous ganglion of the carpal bone is not common and lunate and scaphoid intra-osseous ganglion has rarely been reported. Awareness of this condition may lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment, with satisfactory outcome.

        ירון וייזל, אהוד ראט, נסים אוחנה ודן עטר

        Pelvic Lytic Lesion and Osteoporosis-Related Fractures


        Yaron Weisel, Ehud Rath, Nissim Ohana, Dan Atar


        Orthopedic Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Insufficiency fractures of the pelvis may be overlooked as a cause of hip or groin pain. These fractures occur in the elderly, usually those with pronounced osteopenia of the pelvis. Predisposing factors include corticosteroids, local irradiation and postmenopausal osteoporosis. These fractures are difficult to detect clinically and plain radiographs and other studies may be misleading, delaying diagnosis and treatment. A 65-year-old woman had left groin and hip pain for 2 months with no history of trauma. Plain radiographs showed lytic lesions in the left pubic rami. Bone scan revealed increased uptake in that region, suggesting metastatic bone disease. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated fractures in the left superior and inferior pubic rami, with callus formation with no involvement of soft tissues. Quantitative computed tomography indicated low calcium concentration, below fracture threshold. The diagnosis of insufficiency fractures of the pelvis was confirmed by the favorable clinical and radiographic outcome. It is therefore important to be familiar with the appearance and location of these fractures.

        רון בן אברהם, נח ליברמן, צבי רם, סילביה קלמפנר ועזריאל פרל

        Propofol Anesthesia for Craniotomy in Patients who are Awake


        Ron Ben Abraham, Noah Lieberman, Zvi Ram, Sylvia Klempner, Azriel Perel


        Depts. of Anesthesia and Intensive Care and of Neurosurgery, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        During craniotomy, the patient's cooperation is needed during procedures in which continuous neurological examination and mapping of crucial regions close to the area to be resected area are required. We report our experience in 9 patients who underwent such procedures under intravenous propofol as the main sedating agent. This short-acting hypnotic was administered prior to and during the painful stages of the procedure. Patients were fully asleep when the skull was opened and the dural flap raised or excised. During the rest of the operation patients were lightly sedated but remained responsive and cooperative. This enabled precise intra-operative mapping of the brain and surgery-related neurological deficits were avoided. Respiratory depression or hemodynamic compromise were not encountered. All patients were comfortable during the operation and there were no additional neurological deficits after operation. We believe that propofol should be the main sedating agent used for these procedures.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303