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        תוצאת חיפוש

        מרץ 1999

        פרנקלין גרייף, משה רובין, איתן מור, ישראל נודלמן, ארנולד סיחון, אריה פיגר, אלכס בלינקי ושלמה ללצ'וק

        Liver Surgery - Five Years of Experience


        Franklin Greif, Moshe Rubin, Eitan Mor, Israel Nudelman, Arnold Sihon, Arie Figer, Alex Belinki, Shlomo Lelcuk


        Hepatobiliary Unit and Depts. of Surgery B, Transplantation, Oncology and Radiology, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus) and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Major hepatic resections have been associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In the past decade or so this has changed and such procedures are now done in increasing numbers. In the past 5 years we operated on 129 patients with benign or malignant hepatic lesions (75 females, 54 males; age-range 14-84). the reason for surgery was malignancy in 94 (72.9%) and benign lesions in 35 (27.1%). The most common indication for surgery was liver metastases secondary to colorectal cancer in 45% of all patients or 61.7% of those operated for malignancy. Primary liver cancer was the cause for liver resection in 13.2% of all patients or 18.1% for those with malignancy. Of the 35 patients with benign lesions the leading causes for surgery included: giant cavernous hemangioma, simple liver cysts, echinococcus cysts and focal nodular hyperplasia (11%, 22.8%, 20% and 14.3%, respectively).


        76 patients underwent anatomical resection and 63 had either a nonanatomical resection or a different operation. Among the former the most common procedure was right hepatectomy (36) and among the later a nonanatomical resection equal to 1-3 Couinod segments (44). Operating time ranged from 55 min. to 8:41 hours with a mean of 3:31‏1:37. Mean hospital stay was 8.7‏5.8 days and 86.8% received between 0-2 units of blood. Overall mortality was 6.2% and 31.2% of the fatalities had cirrhosis. Overall mortality in noncirrhotic patients was 2.6%. The complication rate was 16.3% and only 7 patients (4.4%) were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. This indicates that major liver resections can be done safely, with morbidity and mortality similar to that of other major abdominal operations. 

        מרדכי מרק, משה אברמוביץ, ארנה אינטרטור, אהוד בודנר, רמי שקלאר וחיים קנובלר

        Quality Assurance in the Mental Health Department of the Israel Defense Forces


        Mordechai Mark, Moshe Z. Abramowitz, Orna Intrator, Ehud Bodner, Rami Shklar, Haim Y. Knobler


        Mental Health Department, Medical Corps, Israel Defence Forces


        A review of quality assurance in the mental health department of the Israel Defence Forces allowed the examination of certain unique elements of quality control which pertain to the military. These include the psychiatric medical board, the computerized documentation of appointments and sessions with soldiers, the psychiatric hospitalization database, control systems implemented in the draft boards, peer-review boards and supervision, and a special officer in charge of handling outside consultations and queries. There were other components of quality assurance and control as well. These instruments are vital in a dynamic system constantly striving to improve clinical performance.

        Future plans include the continued use and expansion of quality control boards, the inclusion of quality assurance in the curriculum of mental health officers, and the use of clinical guidelines in working with soldiers. All of this is in keeping with the principle of continuous quality improvement, with the aim of viewing the soldier in need of help as a client.

        בן-עמי סלע, יוסף זלוטניק, תמר משוש, יוסף דניאלי, שרה מזיה-בני ואניטה יונש

        D-Lactic Acidosis in Short Bowel Syndrome


        Ben-Ami Sela, Joseph Zlotnik, Tamar Masos, Joseph Danieli, Sarah Mazia-Beni, Anita Jonas


        Institute of Chemical Pathology and Pediatric Intensive Care and Gastroenterology Units, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A boy of 20 months and a girl of 27 months who had previously undergone massive bowel resection due to congenital intestinal obstruction are described. During grad-ual reduction of total parenteral nutrition and initiation of oral feeding, both developed severe, acute metabolic acidosis, accompanied by encephalopathy and ataxia. After the laboratory identification of massive amounts of the d-Disomer of lactic acid in urine and blood, both were successfully treated with IV bicarbonate, and metronidazole to suppress the overgrowth of colonic lactobacilli responsible for the metabolic crisis.

        פברואר 1999

        נתן קאופמן, נוגה רייכמן ועידית פלטאו

        Brucellosis Presenting as Acute Abdomen


        Nathan Kaufman, Noga Reichman, Edith Flatau


        Dept. of Medicine B, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula


        Usually symptoms of brucellosis are nonspecific and characterized by a wide range of complaints. Although the disease in Israel is almost exclusively food borne (caused by Brucella melitensis in unpasteurized goat milk products) so the main route of infection is the gastrointestinal tract, but gastrointestinal complications are rare, and only sporadic cases of ileitis or colitis have been described.

        We present a 43-year-old woman with an acute abdomen, probably due to diverticulitis. It was diagnosed only after blood cultures were positive for Brucella melitensis. We believe that its protean manifestations should be consin addition to the other bizarre presentations of this disease, important in our region.

        חנה סטרול, פאול רוזן, טובה ניימן ורות שמרת

        Muir-Torre Syndrome: Importance of Clinical Diagnosis and Genetic Investigation


        Hana Strul, Paul Rozen, Tova Naiman, Ruth Shomrat


        Gastroenterology Dept. and Genetics Institute, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Tel Aviv University


        Muir-Torre syndrome is a relatively rare cutaneous manifestation of hereditary nonpolypous colorectal cancer (HNPCC). This autosomal dominant syndrome is characterized by a combination of sebaceous gland and malignant visceral tumors. The common sites of internal malignancies are the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. It appears in early adult life and its clinical course is relatively slow.

        In some families genetic diagnosis can identify asymptomatic carriers of the mutation. All first-degree relatives, especially mutation carriers, should be referred from the age of 20 years for routine follow-up and early treatment, as it has been proven to decrease morbidity and mortality.

        We present a 51-year-old man with Muir-Torre syndrome diagnosed by the presence of multiple adenomas of sebaceous glands, colonic adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. The family history was typical for HNPCC. A mutation in the hMSH2 gene on chromosome 2p was found in the patient and in several asymptomatic family members. The aim of this report is to increase awareness of this syndrome and emphasize the importance of referring patients and their families for clinical and genetic counseling and diagnosis.

        איתן מור, משה רובין וירון ניב

        Intestinal Transplantation: World Experience and Future Perspective


        Eytan Mor, Moshe Rubin, Yaron Niv


        Depts. of Transplantation, Surgery B and Gastroenterology Institute, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva


        Intestinal transplantation, which until recently has been considered an experimental procedure, is now undergoing considerable change and becoming a standard treatment for patient with intestinal failure. The major improvement in results is due to the introduction of new immunosuppressive agents that have led to significant reduction in acute rejection. Nevertheless, reduction in severe infectious complications, which are the main cause of mortality after transplant, as well as improved techniques for early diagnosis of rejection are needed before intestinal transplantation can be widely used.

        We describe our experience in post-transplant follow-up of a woman, aged 32-years, who had undergone intestinal transplantation for short bowel syndrome after extensive bowel resection.

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        Percutaneous Closure of Patent Arterial Ducts with Occluding Spring Coils


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In recent years percutaneous closure of small and medium- sized patent arterial ducts has been achieved using occluding spring coils. We describe our experience in 93 patients with this tec, using a snare to facilitate the procedure in most. All patients had a clinically apparenpatent arterial duct and had undergone attempts at transcatheter closure at a mean age of 6.8 years. In 1, the duct was a residual lesion following surgical ligation, and in 5 it was a residual following attempted closure with the Rashkind double-umbrella. The mean narrowest diameter of the ducts was 2.1 mm.

        In our 93 patients implantation was successful in 92 (99%), using 1 coil (82 patients), or 2 (10 patients), and in 1 by a combination of a double-umbrella device and an occluding spring coil.

        The mean fluoroscopic screening time for the whole group was 22.8 minutes, which decreased to 16.8 minutes in the last 50 patients. The coil embolized in 7 patients, but was retrieved in 6 and the ducts were subsequently occluded with another coil. In 1 patient the coil was left in a distal small branch of the left pulmonary artery and the duct was successfully occluded with a double-umbrella.

        Color-Doppler echocardiogram performed the morning after placement of the coils showed residual leaks in 18%. At mean follow-up of 24.6 months repeat imaging showed residual leaks in only 3 of these patients (3%).

        We conclude that occlusion of small to medium-sized ducts using coils appears to be effective and is the treatment of choice. The use of a snare to hold and manipulate the coil as it is delivered improves control of the coil, the accuracy of its placement, as well as giving complete occlusion of the ducts.

        ח' שטארקר, ג' וולפין, א' לרנר, ח' שטיין, ש' וינטרוב וד' הנדל

        Ilizarov Reconstructive Surgery in Complex Problems of the Musculoskeletal System


        H. Shtarker, G. Volpin, A. Lerner, H. Stein, S. Wientroub, D. Hendel


        Depts. of Orthopedic Surgery, Western Galilee Hospital, Naharyia, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Dana Children Hospital, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center, and Rabin Medical Center (Golda Campus, and Hasharon Hospital), Petah Tikva


        The Ilizarov technique is an important modality of reconstructive surgery for limb deformities, such as malunion and nonunion of fractures, persistent osteomyelitis, and bone loss following complex limb injuries, as well as in limb- lengthening procedures. It has received wide recognition in the Western world over the past decade. In MEDLINE we found 537 articles published between 1971-1995 that describe the use of this technique. Of these, only 18 were published between 1971-1975, while 261 were published between 1991-1995.

        The present paper describes the developments and updates in this method, as a result of the large experience gained by the authors in a number of centers in Israel using this technique. The Ilizarov apparatus is a circular frame that allows accurate control, much more than any other external fixator, during correction of limb deformities and limb-lengthening. It is minimally invasive, and open techniques and use of internal hardware and bone grafts are not needed.

        Based on our experience, we suggest that this method requires careful preoperative planning and meticulous surgical technique. More important, cooperation between surgeon and patient throughout the lengthy treatment is a prerequisite to ensure complete success, even in the most complicated cases.

        תמי שוחט, נעמי ורסנו, אמנון קירו, גלית גולן, אלה מנדלסון ומיכאל וינגרטן

        Influenza Surveillance through Sentinel Reporting Clinics


        T. Shohat, N. Versano, A. Kiro, G. Golan, E. Mendelson, M. Weingarten


        For the Influenza Surveillance Network: Israel Center for Disease Control, Israel National Laboratory for Influenza and Central Virology Laboratory; Netka Child Health Center and Dept. of Family Medicine, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva


        In a joint effort of the Israel Center for Disease Control, the National Center for Influenza in the Central Virology Laboratory, together with a group of collaborating pediatricians and family physicians, a network for influenza surveillance was established in the winter of 1996-97. Nose and throat swabs were obtained from 571 patients with flu-like illness. 133 (23%) were positive for influenza virus. Both influenza A(H3N2) and B were isolated, predominantly influenza B during the beginning of the season. Both circulating strains were antigenically similar to those included in the vaccine for 1996-1997. Patients from whom influenza virus was isolated were significantly more likely to suffer from cough and myalgia in comparison with patients whose cultures were negative (p=0.02 and 0.003. respectively). Results of the first year of surveillance indicate that sentinel reporting clinics are useful for timely detection and identification of the viral strains circulating in the community, thus allowing prompt intervention in preventing the spread of influenza. Conclusions from the first year of the study were drawn and applied in the winter of 1997-1998.

        ינואר 1999

        אירינה ציקונובה, יוחנן נשיץ, סימונה קרויטורו, אלישע בר-מאיר ודניאל ישורון

        The Challenge of Space-Occupying Lesions in the Iliopsoas Space


        Irena Tsikonova, Jochanan E. Naschitz, Simona Croitoru, Elisha Barmeir, Daniel Yeshurun


        Depts. of Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, Bnai Zion Medical Center, and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Mass lesions in the iliopsoas compartment (MLIPC) are uncommon in patients in departments of medicine and their incidence and etiologies are unclear. In a prospective study we diagnosed various MLIPCs in 7 patients during a 10-year period, representing 0.03% of admissions. Symptoms included abdominal or flank pain (4 cases), pain along the thigh (5), diminished psoas muscle strength (2), fever (2), and hypotension (1). MLIPC was suspected on clinical grounds in 5 cases. In all cases the diagnosis was established by computed tomography (CT). Tissue was sampled by needle biopsy in 4 and on surgery in 1. MLIPCs were caused by hemorrhage (2), infection (2), neoplasia (2) and inflammatory mass (1). Often MLIPCs are life-threatening so their timely diagnosis by early CT scan is important.

        סילביה קוטון, דני כהן ומנפרד גרין

        Diarrheal Disease among Care-Givers at Children's Day- Care Centers 

        S. Koton, D. Cohen, M.S. Green


        Israel Center for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Gertner Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces; Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine; Sakler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Diarrheal disease tends to spread from infected children to their families. Due to the increased risk of exposure, children's caregivers in day-care centers may have a higher incidence of diarrhea, particularly when caring for very young children. We therefore examined the incidence of diarrhea and antibodies to Shigella among caregivers in day-care centers, according to age groups of children in their care (<18, 18-34, and >35 months) and in comparison with the general population. 2 studies with a retrospective cohort and seroepidemiological cross-sectional design were carried out. Questionnaires were completed by 401 caregivers in 36% of all WIZO day-care centers. As a measure of past exposure to Shigella, levels of S. sonnei and S. flexneri antibodies were examined in the blood of 110 caregivers (ELISA method).

        There was a higher incidence of diarrhea among young children, increasing the potential exposure to diarrheal agents among their caregivers. Nevertheless, no statistically significant differences in diarrhea incidence were found among caregivers of the various age groups during the previous year (p=0.768) and during the previous month (p=0.319), nor in absenteeism due to diarrhea during the last month (p=0.761). Levels of Shigella antibodies were similar among caregivers in all 3 groups. Diarrheal incidence was higher among women in the population control group than among caregivers during the previous year (p=0.005) and month (p=0.067). No statistically significant differences in levels of S. sonnei and S. flexneri antibodies were found between caregivers and women in the control group.

        There was no evidence that diarrhea is an occupational hazard for caregivers of young children. An explanation may be the development of protective immunity against common diarrheal agents due to recurrent exposure.

        מנשה ברזילי, אריה ביטרמן, דורית שלג-אייזנברג ונתן פלד

        The Fate of Gallstones "Dropped" during Laparoscopy


        Menashe Barzilai, Arie Bitterman, Dorit Schlag-Eisenberg, Nathan Peled


        Depts. of Radiology and Surgery B, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the procedure of choice for removing symptomatic, stone-containing gallbladders. It is estimated that in 30-40% of these operations stone(s) spill into the peritoneal cavity. It was assumed that these "dropped stones" are harmless and are dissolved and absorbed spontaneously. We present a 70-year-old woman in whom such a stone, dropped during laparoscopy, led to formation of an intraperitoneal abscess.

        יאיר בר-אל, רמונה דורסט, יוסף מזר, יונתן רבינוביץ, יעקב לרנר וחיים קנובלר

        The Current Compulsory Hospitalization Order and Patients' Rights


        Y. Bar-el, R. Durst, J Mazar, J. Rabinowitz, Y. Lerner, H.Y. Knobler


        Office of Jerusalem District Psychiatrist; Jerusalem Mental Health Center, Kfar Shaul Hospital; Mental Health Services, Israel Ministry of Health; School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University; and Falk Institute for Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, Kfar Shaul (Affiliated with the Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School)


        Israel's "Treatment of Mentally Sick Persons Law" of 1955 was repealed and replaced by the "Treatment of Mental Patients Law" of 1991. Under the latter, the "Compulsory Hospitalization Order" (CHO) defines the new order based on accumulated experience with the old legislation, and on the philosophy that considers the CHO one of the most severely oppressive forms of deprivation of human liberty and rights. The new order sets limits and boundaries for CHO, guarding the rights of those unavoidably committed by force. According to the new law, the district psychiatrist decides upon and issues the order, while the tribunal (District Psychiatric Committee) considers appeals. The order is limited to 1 week, with an option for the district psychiatrist to prolong it on written request for up to 14 days. The tribunal can later prolong the order further.

        The objective of this study was to review changes that have occurred following enforcement of the new law in the Jerusalem district. A comparison was made between CHO's issued the year before the new legislation took effect and the year after. The comparison included review of all CHO's and medical files of all patients hospitalized by coercion during 1990 and 1992. It was assumed that there would be a decline in rate and length of hospitalization of patients forced to be committed by the new law.


        The main findings refuted this hypothesis. In 1992 there was an increase of 38% in the number of compulsory hospitalizations. This increase derived mainly from increased demands for CHO's from psychiatric emergency rooms. There was also an increase in patients hospitalized by order of the District Psychiatric Committee using its authority under section 10(C) of the law.


        Conversely, length of compulsory hospitalization was shorter under the new law.


        In light of these findings, it would seem that the new law has only partially fulfilled expectations of reform in individual rights. There is need for further evaluation and follow-up of the CHO in order to determine whether the "Treatment of Mental Patients Law" of 1991 has in fact fulfilled its objectives. Furthermore, it is necessary to determine means, medical or legal, that may possibly advance further the prospective of human rights while maintaining a suitable balance between civil liberties and clinical needs, of over-confinement versus under-treatment, which may lead to neglect or danger.

        דצמבר 1998

        יהודה לימוני ופסח שוורצמן

        Influence of Warning Labels on Medicines and Physicians' Orders on Patient Behavior


        Yehuda Limony, Pesah Shwarzman


        Child Health Center of Kupat Holim Klalit, Kiryat Gat and Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Compliance of 40 mothers with a warning label, "for external use," on a medicine package was checked in a survey in a primary care clinic for children. We also checked parents' attitudes to giving a medicine to their child when instructions given by the physician or by a friend contradicted the printed warning on the label. All mothers who were told that the medicine was recommended by their physicians accepted the recommendation without hesitation. Another group included 20 mothers who were told that the medicine was recommended by a friend. 9 of 20 mothers in this group refused to use the medicine. Talking with the nurse about the potential risk of medicine in general, some mothers, after second thought, refused to give the medicine to their child. At the end, 65% of recommendations made by a friend were rejected by mothers as compared to only 15% of the physicians' recommendations.


        35 of 40 mothers (87%) understood the meaning of the warning label, but only 13 (32%) had noticed it at all. We conclude that patients may accept their physicians' recommendation to use a medicine despite a contradictory warning label much more readily than when it was recommended by a friend. Therefore, any intervention program intended to promote a more cautious use of medicines should include not only the explanations of the various warning labels but should also promote a change in the patient's behavior to a more active search for warning labels.

        שמואל כץ, אילן ארז, איטה ליטמנוביץ, לודוויג לזר, אריה רז וציפורה דולפין

        Bowel-Lengthening in a Newborn with Short Bowel Syndrome


        Schmuel Katz, Ilan Erez, Ita Litmanovitz, Ludwig Lazar, Arie Raz, Zipora Dolfin


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery, Neonatology and Pediatrics; Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba


        Advances in parenteral nutrition and supportive therapy have led to improvement in survival of babies with short-bowel syndrome. Those whose intestinal mass is very unlikely to be adequate should have surgical therapy as soon as possible, before they develop the complications of long-term parenteral nutrition or significant enteritis.


        We present a newborn with short-bowel syndrome due to prenatal midgut volvulus. At operation the remaining viable jejunum, 15 cm long, was anastomosed to the cecum. All feeding attempts failed, and the infant suffered from malabsorption. Calories and proteins had to be supplied by intravenous total parenteral nutrition.


        At 3 months of age there was significant widening of the remaining bowel and Bianchi's bowel-lengthening procedure was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful and there was gradual improvement in intestinal absorptive capacity. The patient was weaned from parenteral nutrition at 3 years of age. Now, 2 years later, she eats a normal diet.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303