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        תוצאת חיפוש

        דצמבר 1997

        אלכסנדר בלנקשטיין, פליקס פבלוצקי, הקטור רויזין, אברהם גנאל ואהרן צ'צ'יק

        Acquired Torticollis in Hospitalized Children


        Alexander Blankstein, Felix Pavlotsky, Hector Roizin, Abraham Ganel, Aharon Chechick


        Depts. of Orthopedics, Dermatology, Pediatrics and Pediatric Orthopedics, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Torticollis results from various pathological mechanisms, and its elucidation depends on identifying diseases of musculoskeletal, neural and ocular tissues. This study characterized the underlying diseases of children hospitalized with torticollis, excluding congenital torticollis. Records of 36 children with torticollis seen during 4 years were reviewed and categorized according to presumed etiology. Most could be classified into 2 categories: in 39% it was due to trauma and in 36% to upper respiratory tract infection. Most girls were in the first group and most boys in the second group. There were 3 cases of ocular torticollis due to superior-oblique muscle palsy, 1 with a post-burn eschar, 2 with neurological disorders (intramedullary cervical astrocytoma and leukodystrophy with macrencephaly), and in 3 no associated cause was found. There was a clear seasonal trend with 58% of cases presenting from November through February, 33% from April through July, and the rest, of neurological or ocular origin, during the rest of the year. In cases of post-traumatic torticol21% had neurological symptoms such as weakness of the limbs, headaches or incontinence. Only a few had prior upper respiratory tract infection. All children whose torticollis was assigned to infection had had fever. Only 8% had had neurological complaints or vomiting, half of whom presented with fever exceeding 37.5oC. 46% had restriction of movement and 38% had tenderness. In over 60% of those in this group there were signs of an upper respiratory tract infection, such as lymphadenopathy or a white blood cell count exceeding 15,000/microliter. 3 patients with recurrent torticollis were diagnosed as having severe neurological diseases. Mean hospitalization time was 4 days (range 1-28). Hospitalization periods were similar for all kinds of patients and treatment by traction or fixation did not affect this period.

        נובמבר 1997

        ר' דורסט, ג' כץ, ק' ז'בוטינסקי-רובין וח' קנובלר

        Kleptomania: Phenomenological, Clinical and Legal Aspects


        R. Durst, G. Katz, K. Jabotinsky-Rubin, H.Y. Knobler


        Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center, Jerusalem


        Kleptomania is currently classified in psychiatric nomenclature as one of the impulse control disorders (DSM-IV, 1994). It is characterized by repeated failure to resist impulses to steal objects, not for personal use or monetary gain. The objects are therefore discarded, given away, or hoarded (ICD-10, 1992). This disorder is known since the early 18th century from the phenomenological and clinical viewpoints, yet is still debated with regard to therapeutic strategies and criminal liability. Although there are usually complications associated with the legal consequences of being caught and arrested, subjects continue to violate the law despite repeated arrests and convictions. In a 28-year old man suffering from kleptomania, years of psychodynamic psychotherapy were ineffective. Only when he was treated as suffering from an impulse control disorder or a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder, was there significant improvement. The positive response to buspirone (5-HT1A) augmentation of fluvoxamine (SSRI) suggested that disturbed central serotonergic neurotransmission might play an important role in the pathogenesis of kleptomania. This concept is strengthened by the comorbidity of the syndrome with depression and by its compulsive traits. We stress that although kleptomaniacs cannot differentiate between right and wrong, testing shows that their sense of reality is intact, but they act under the influence of drives they cannot resist.

        זאב קריסטל וישעיהו כץ

        Analgesia in Breast Surgery with Interpleural Bupivacaine


        Z. Crystal, Y. Katz


        Dept. of Anesthesiology, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula and B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        A control group of 15 patients undergoing breast surgery was given general anesthesia. In 15 other patients an interpleural block with 0.4 ml/kg bupivacaine, 0.5%, was performed 20 minutes before induction of general anesthesia for pre-emptive analgesia. This was extended further by continuous administration of bupivacaine 0.25%, 0.125 ml/kg/hr by automatic infusion pump, with supplements of opiates for postoperative pain management. The combined technique was associated with significantly reduced perioperative opiate requirement with better emergence from anesthesia, fewer side effects, a prolonged pain-free period, and overall better quality of postoperative recovery.

        משה צ' פפא, דפנה ברסוק, משה קולר, אהוד קליין, מירב שראלי וגור בן-ארי

        Identification of Sentinel and Axillary Node Involvement in Breast Cancer


        M.Z. Papa, D. Bersuk, M. Koler, E. Klein, M. Sareli, G. Ben-Ari


        Dept. of Surgical Oncology and Breast Unit, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Axillary node dissection for breast cancer is important for staging and prognosis. "Sentinel nodes" are the first nodes into which primary cancer drains. Identification, removal and pathological examination of those nodes indicates whether completion of axillary lymphadenectomy is required. The sentinel nodes are identified using a vital dye injected at the primary tumor site. With this technique we were able to identify sentinel nodes in 46 of 48 (95%) women examined. An average of 2.7‏1.2 nodes were identified as sentinel nodes. In 81% of cases there was a correlation between involvement of sentinel nodes and of other axillary nodes as well. In 10% of patients sentinel nodes were involved with tumor while other axillary nodes were negative. The major problem in routine application of this is relationship in surgical decisions is reliable real time pathological identification of lymph node involvement by tumor.

        מוניר בשארה ואיתן סקפה

        Stromal Uterine Sarcoma arising from Intestinal Endometriosis after Abdominal Hysterectomy and Salpingoophorectomy


        Munir Bishara, Eitan Scapa


        Institute of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin (Affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        The incidence of ectopic endometriosis is 4% to 18%. The intestinal type is quite common with the rectosigmoid the most likely part of the bowel to be involved due to its pelvic location. A 43-year-old woman, whose symptoms, X-ray and endoscopic findings suggested malignancy of the rectosigmoid, is presented. Primary malignancy of the bowel was excluded by endoscopic biopsies. Histological examination at operation showed stromal sarcoma of the uterus with foci of endometriosis. There is no report in the English literature of transformation of intestinal endometriosis into malignancy, such as stromal sarcoma of the uterus, which imitates a primary malignancy with obstruction of the rectosigmoid.

        אוקטובר 1997

        מיכל מימון-גרינולד, יוג'ין לייבוביץ, נמרוד מימון, נחמה פלד ורון דגן

        Gram-Negative Enteric Bacteremia in Children in the Negev


        Michal Maimon-Greenwald, Eugene Leibovitz, Nimrod Maimon, Nechama Peled, Ron Dagan


        Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit and Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        During 1989-1994, there were 322 episodes of Gram-negative enteric bacteremia in 308 children. The incidence increased from 31/100,000 in children younger than 15 years of age during 1989-1991, to 50/100,000 during 1992-1994. The most common pathogens were Klebsiella, E. Coli, Salmonella and Enterobacter. 39% of episodes were nosocomial and a significant increase was recorded for each species during the last 3 years of the study. Klebsiella represented the most common pathogen causing nosocomial bacteremia, while E. coli and Salmonella were the main pathogens causing community-acquired bacteremia. In this study in southern Israel, the incidence of Gram-negative enteric bacteremia was significantly higher in Bedouin children, with the exception of bacteremia due to Salmonella, which occurred mainly in Jewish children.

        ר' פלד, ש' שרף, צ' מלמד, י' ארבלי, נ' סטרכילביץ וד' בנאיש

        Improvement in Health Profile of Pregnant Ethiopian Immigrants


        R. Peled, S. Scharf, Z. Melamed, Y. Arbeli, N. Strachilevitch, D. Benyaish


        Epidemiology Unit, Public Health Dept., Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon


        There are about 6500 births yearly in the Ashkelon District. 6% of the mothers are Ethiopians, most of whom immigrated to Israel since the early 90's. Our data are from 3 sources: birth certificates, infant death certificates, and the national population register. Birth rates in single mothers and rates of low-birth-weight births have declined over the years. Infant mortality and still-birth rates have also shown remarkable and consistent declines between 1990-1995. We conclude that improvement in life conditions of Ethiopian immigrants and better use of health services have had a great impact on birth outcomes and pregnancy patterns. The gap between Ethiopian immigrants and other Jewish communities in Israel is closing fast.

        ספטמבר 1997

        סווטלנה ברזובסקי וארנולד רוזין

        Should Physical Restraints be used in an Acute Geriatric Ward?


        Svetlana Barazovski, Arnold Rosin


        Geriatric Dept., Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        A prospective study was carried out in an acute geriatric ward to determine the incidence of the use of physical restraints, the reasons for using them and the consequences. Over a period of 8 months an independent observer documented all cases in which a restraint was used and followed them until it was removed. A questionnaire was submitted to the nurses as to why they applied the restraints. 16% of patients had some form of restraint applied, in 2/3 of them for up to half of their stay in the ward. In over 90% of those restrained, functional (Barthel) and cognitive (mini-mental) scores were between 0-5. In unrestrained patients, the functional score was 0-5 in 79% and the cognitive score 0-5 in 72%. The main reason for applying restraints, usually sheets or body binders, was to prevent the patient from falling out of, or slipping from chairs, rather than to stop them from rising out of them. Other important reasons, which overlapped, were to prevent the patient from interfering with nasogastric tubes, catheters, and IV cannulas, each in 1/3 of the group. Restraints were discarded when deterioration did not allow the patient to sit out of bed, to decrease agitation, to allow enteral or parenteral treatment, and in 12%, when there was supervision by the family. Of 33 families interviewed, none opposed application of restraints, and most left the decision to the responsible ward staff. We conclude that restraints cannot be avoided in some acutely ill, old patients with severe physical and mental dysfunction. However, ways should be sought to minimize their use, as recommended in the literature, by demanding from the staff a specific reason, signed agreement of a physician, close follow-up, and favorable environmental conditions such as suitable chairs, occupational activity, and staff cooperation in removing the restraints.

        אוגוסט 1997

        ג'וליה ברדה, דינו ברנשטיין, שגית ארבל-אלון, חיים זכות ויוסף מנצ'ר

        Gynecologic Problems of the Lower Genital Tract in Children and Young Adolescents


        Giulia Barda, Dino Bernstein, Sagit Arbel-Alon, Haim Zakut, Joseph Menczer


        Dept of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Hospital records of 46 girls under the age of 17 years, hospitalized for lower genital tract problems in 1986-95 were reviewed. The most common conditions were results of unintentional injuries (43.5%), imperforate hymen (28.2%) and infections (19.6%). The median age for unintentional injuries was significantly lower than for other conditions (7.0 vs 11.4; p<0.001). Most injuries were external and occurred during outdoor activities. Mean volume of estimated bloody fluid drained in those with imperforate hymen was greater when the diagnosis was made after the age of 12 (783 vs 433; not significant). It has been suggested that hematocolpos and hematometra should be prevented, but the possible unfavorable sequelae have not been documented. The relative order of frequency of the various diagnostic groupings and the diagnoses of labial adhesions and imperforate hymen are specific for the age of the study group.

        יולי 1997

        עליזה זיידמן, יוסף גרדין, זינאידה פראידה, גרשון פינק ומשה מיטלמן

        Therapeutic and Toxic Theophylline Levels in Asthma Attacks


        Aliza Zeidman, Joseph Gardyn, Zinaida Fradin, Gershon Fink, Moshe Mittelman


        Dept. of Medicine B, Rabin Medical Center, Golda (Hasharon) Campus and Pulmonary Institute, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Although first-line therapy for bronchial asthma has changed over the past decade to anti-inflammatory medication such as inhaled corticosteroids and cromolyn with possible addition of beta-agonists, theophylline is still useful and therefor widely used. However, several studies have raised serious questions regarding its efficacy in acute asthmatic exacerbations. These studies, the narrow therapeutic range of the drug, the frequency of side effects and interactions with common drugs, and individual variation in clearance and metabolism, have prompted its reevaluation in the management of asthma. Therapeutic serum levels of theophylline are between 10 to 20 mcg/ml. Most adults achieve these concentrations with daily slow-release oral theophylline preparations, 200-400 mg (approximately 10 mg/Kg) twice a day. However, when such a patient presents to the emergency room (ER) in an asthmatic attack, immediate intravenous theophylline is often given, regardless of maintenance treatment. Since the rationale for this common therapeutic approach has been challenged, the current study was undertaken. Serum theophylline levels were measured in 23 consecutive asthmatics presenting to the ER in an acute attack. 15 (68%) had therapeutic levels (above 10 mcg/ml) and 2 had toxic levels (above 20 mcg/ml), prior to receiving the standard intravenous theophylline dose given for an attack. These data indicate that most patients with bronchial asthma on oral maintenance theophylline do not require additional intravenous theophylline when in an attack. It probably will not benefit them and may even induce serious theophylline toxicity.

        מאי 1997

        מ' קליגמן ומ' רופמן

        Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Suspected Femoral Neck Fractures


        M. Kligman, M. Roffman


        Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Painful hip as a result of injury, with or without a history of trauma, is a common reason for referring elderly patients to the emergency room. The diagnosis of femoral neck fracture requires the combination of a physical examination, X-rays, and in problematic cases, a bone scan. However, even this combination does not always provide a diagnosis. We present 50 patients with painful hip who complained of limp and reduced hip joint motion, but had no evidence of fracture, either on X-ray or bone scan. After conservative treatment, 5 patients with no history of trauma underwent hemiarthroplasty of the hip for displaced subcapital fracture. In addition, we present a case of subcapital fracture which was diagnosed only by MRI, in whom both X-rays and bone scan were considered normal.

        אפריל 1997

        סרג'יו מרצ'בסקי ושושנה וייס

        Characteristics of Hospitalized Alcoholics


        Sergio Marchevsky, Shoshana Weiss


        Residential Center for Alcoholics and Israel Society for the Prevention of Alcoholism, Ramat Gan


        The background characteristics of 1,173 alcoholics hospitalized for 3 months in this center during December 1982 to December 1994 were reviewed. Socio-demographic variables and termination-of-treatment data, are described. The profile of the typical hospitalized alcoholic was that of a Jewish, urban, married, unemployed man, born in Asia-Africa (or in Israel) who had been living for many years in Israel and had many children and a low educational level. They usually start drinking in adolescence and come to the center after more than 15 years of drinking, mainly at home and alone, and also have family relatives who drink. Implications of the data for treatment and for family physicians are presented.

        מוני בניפלא, דרורה פרייזר, צבי ויצמן, עמליה לוי ורון דגן

        Epidemiologic Characteristics of Pediatric Emergency Room Referral and Hospitalization for Diarrhea in the Negev


        Moni Benifla, Drora Fraser, Zvi Weizman, Amalia Levy, Ron Dagan


        Dept. of Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation and S. Daniel International Center for Health and Nutrition, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and Pediatric Dept. and Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


        Diarrheal diseases weigh heavily on the health of children, especially in developing countries, but also impose burdens on health care services worldwide. This study was performed to determine whether patterns of referrals in the Negev to the pediatric emergency room (PER) for diarrhea differ between the Jewish and Bedouin populations of the Negev, and the extent of the burden imposed on the PER and in-hospital services in the Negev. Characteristics of referrals and hospitalizations were examined from March 1994 to February 1995. Of the 27,834 referrals to the PER for children under 16, 2518 (9%) had diarrhea and there were 5,169 hospital admissions, 701 (13.6%). The annual rates of referral were 146 per 10,000 in Jews and 225 in Bedouin, giving an odds ratio (OR) of 1.5 (p<0.001). for Bedouin. The rates of hospitalization were 23 per 10,000 in Jews and 99 in Bedouin (OR 4.4, p<0.001). 1380 (54.8%) of the PER referrals were of infants under a year of age. For hospitalization, the annual rates were 164 per 10,000 in Jews and 756 in Bedouins (OR 4.9, p<0.001). During June to August referrals and hospitalizations for diarrhea were significantly higher, and from December to February significantly lower than during the remaining months. These differences arise from the marked seasonal pattern in the Bedouin population, whereas in the Jewish population there was no seasonal variation. Even in the 90's the burden on health services in the Negev as a result of diarrheal illness is considerable and the Bedouin population still contributes to that burden disproportionately. There is need both to reduce the gap in referrals and hospitalization between the populations, as well as to reduce the rates, using currently available means such as education, while developing new technologies, such as vaccines.

        מרץ 1997

        צביה בורגנסקי, אברהם גנאל ואורי גבעון

        Leg-Lengthening For Length Inequality


        Zvia Burgansky, Abraham Ganel, Uri Givon


        Pediatric Orthopedics Unit, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer (Affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        32 patients (age range 1.5-22 years) were treated for leg-length discrepancy. 39 lengthening procedures were performed of which 36 involved gradual distraction, in 2 cases chondrodiasthesis was used, and 1 had 1-step elongation. Gradual distraction was done according to Ilizarov, including corticotomy and a 1-week delay before the initiation of distraction. In 33 cases Wagner's external fixator was used, in 2 an Ilizarov frame and in 1 an orthofix fixator. There was complete clinical and radiological union in all but 1 case. Significant correction of leg-length discrepancy and equalization of leg-length was achieved in most patients. In some growing patients over-correction was successfully achieved. The most prevalent complications were pin-site problems, axis deviation, joint subluxation and joint contractures. At latest follow-up most of these complications had disappeared. 91% of the patients either functioned normal or were only mildly limited.

        מ' סקלייר-לוי, א' בלום, י' שרמן, ס' פילדס, י' בר-זיו וי' ליבסון

        Ct-Guided Core Needle Biopsy Of Abdominal, Pelvic And Retroperitoneal Masses


        M. Sklair-Levy, A.I. Bloom, Y. Sherman, S. Fields, J. Bar-Ziv, Y. Libson


        Depts. of Radiology and Pathology, Hadassah-University Hospital, Jerusalem


        CT-guided core needle biopsy of abdominal, pelvic and retroperitoneal masses is accurate and safe and can be performed on an outpatient basis. Between 1987 and 1995, 809 patients (age range 1-87 years) underwent 851 biopsies (minimal lesion diameter 1 cm). Cutting needles were always used, facilitating both cytological and histological diagnosis while minimizing risk of complications. A positive result (malignant, inflammatory or infectious) was obtained in 69% of the 809 and a negative result (normal tissue) in 17.4%, while in 13.6%, material for diagnosis was insufficient. Biopsy was repeated in 42 of them in whom radiological or clinical suspicion of malignancy was high. In 24 (60%) a positive result was obtained after the second biopsy.


        Significant complications occurred in 7 (0.8%). 1 hemo-rrhaged following liver biopsy and required blood transfusion. Pancreatitis occurred in 6 (2.6%) following pancreatic biopsy. An intra-abdominal fluid collection in 1 necessitated percutaneous drainage. There was no mortality following the procedure and no documented case of needle-tract seeding of tumor. All outpatients were discharged within 3 hours of completion of the biopsy, without ill effects.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303