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  • פעולות מהירות
  • עברית (HE)
  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2001

        אשר ברק, אורי אפרתי ומרדכי ר' קרמר

        אשר ברק(1), אורי אפרתי(1), מרדכי ר' קרמר(2)


        היחידה למחלות ריאות ילדים, בי"ח שיבא תל-השומר(1), המכון למחלות ריאה: מרכז רפואי ע"ש רבין, פתח תקווה(2)


        בשנים האחרונות, התפתח הסיווג של מחלות דרכי הנשימה הקטנים: הסימפונונים (bronchioles). מגוון המחלות והגורמים הרבים והמשותפים לחלקם, גורמים לא פעם לבלבול. מחלות הסימפונונים מסוג ברונכיוליטיס חסימתי (bronchiolitis obliterans – ב"ח) וברונכיוליטיס חסימתי עם דלקת בהתארגנות (bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia – בחד"ה). מהווה סיבות חשובות למחלות ריאה מפושטות והסננתיות. ההכרה בהבדלים שבין שתי תיסמונות אלו מאפשרת קביעת פרוגנוזה וטיפול מתאים לחולה. בסקירה ספרותית זו מדווח על המיבנה האנטומי של הסימפונונים, הסיווג הפתולוגי והקליני של מחלות הסימפונונים. מושם דגש על המשותף והשונה שבמחלות ב"ח ובחד"ה: מהלך קליני, בדיקות רנטגן, טיפול ופרוגנוזה של כל אחת ממחלות אלו.

        דן ליבוביץ, אמנון זיסמן, יהודית קליינמן, אריה לינדנר

        דן ליבוביץ, אמנון זיסמן, יהודית קליינמן, אריה לינדנר


        המח' לאורולוגיה, מרכז רפואי אסף-הרופא, צריפין


        סרטן הערמונית הוא המחלה הממארת השכיחה ביותר בגברים והיארעותה מגיעה לכדי 900 חולים חדשים לכל 100,000 לשנה. איבחון מוקדם של המחלה בשלב בו השאת מוגבלת לבלוטת הערמונית, מאפשר ריפוי מלא בחלק ניכר מן החולים. האפשרויות הטיפוליות כוללות כריתת ערמונית רדיקלית, טיפול קרינתי והקפאה קריוגנית.

        בניתוחים קריוגניים (נ"ק), מבוצעת הקפאת השאת בתוך הגוף על ידי החדרת גלאי לאיבר המטרה והשראת טמפרטורה נמוכה קיצונית בסביבות 180 – מ"צ. כדור הקרח הנוצר סביב הגלאי כולל בתוכו את ריקמת המטרה, וחשיפתה לטמפרטורה נמוכה קוטלת כל ריקמה ביולוגית. כיום, מהווים נ"ק אפשרות טיפולית מקובלת בחולים בסרטן הערמונית, והפעולה קיבלה את אישור מינהל המזון והתרופות בארה"ב (FDA). בסקירתנו, נדון הניסיון העולמי בנ"ק כטיפול בלוקים בסרטן הערמונית.

        אורי שולמן, רם סילפן, אברהם אמיר, דניאל האובן

        אורי שולמן, רם סילפן, אברהם אמיר, דניאל האובן


        המח' לכירורגיה פלסטית והיח' לכוויות, קמפוס בילינסון, מרכז רפואי רבין, פתח-תקווה


        מלאנומה ממארת של העור (ממ"ע) היא שאת ששיעור היארעותה עולה בקצב מהיר בעולם כולו והיא מהווה אתגר טיפולי נרחב. כיום, הניתוח הוא הטיפול העיקרי בממ"ע, ואם השאת מאובחנת ומטופלת בשלב מוקדם, לפני חדירה עמוקה לשיכב הדרמיס, היפגעות קישיות לימפה והתהוות גרורות מרוחקות, הרי שסיכויי ההישרדות גבוהים.

        ממ"ע באזור ראש-צוואר המתהווה בשכיחות של כ-20% מתוך כלל החולים במלאנומה ממארת, שונה במספר מובנים מאשר באזורים אחרים בגוף: כריתה נרחבת של השאת מוגבלת בגודלה עקב המיקום האנטומי באזור ראש-צוואר, הניקוז הלימפטי עשיר ביותר, ההשלכות האסתטיות עלולות להיות מרחיקות לכת וההשפעות התיפקודיות יכולות להיות בלתי הפיכות.

        ממ"ע באזור ראש-צוואר מתרחשת בשכיחות שווה בנשים ובגברים. השאת ממוקדת בעיקר בפנים, ובשכיחות יורדת באזור הצוואר, הקרקפת והאוזניים.

        קיימים מספר גורמי סיכון להתהוות מלאנומה ממארת בכל אזורי הגוף, ביניהם אנשים עם שומות מלאנוציטיות מרובות, שומה מלידה גדולה בקוטר מעל 20 ס"מ (giant congenital nevi), שומה דיספלסטית (dysplastic nevi) בעלי עור, עיניים ושיער בהירים עם נטייה להיכוות לאחר חשיפה קצרה לקרני השמש, בעלי עור עם נמשים, אנשים שנחשפו רבות לקרני השמש במהלך חייהם, אנשים בעשור החמישי לחייהם ואילך, אנמנזה משפחתית של מלאנומה ממארת המגבירה את הסיכון ללקות במחלה בשיעור של פי 2-8, אנמנזה של סרטני עור בעבר ואנשים עם דיכוי המערכת החיסונית. הסיכון במהלך החיים להתהוות מלאנומה ממארת בפעם השנה הוא 1%-8%.

        רונן גלילי, נחום נשר, רם שרוני, גדעון אורצקי ומילטון סאוטה

        Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery: Experience with 586 Patients


        R. Galili, N. Nesher, R. Sharony, G. Uretzy, M. Saute


        Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Carmel Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        Recent advances in optics, video systems and endoscopic operating instruments have led to increasing application of thoracoscopic surgery, as it has become easier to perform and more accurate.

        We performed 586 video-assisted thoracic surgical procedures for diagnosis and treatment (May 1992-Dec. 1998) 127 were for diagnostic thoracoscopy and 79 for pleurodesis. 380 cases of operative thoracoscopy included pulmonary wedge resection (for interstitial lung disease, benign and malignant pulmonary tumors and pulmonary metastases) bullectomy, management of empyema, pleural tumor biopsy, thoracic sympathectomy, pericardial window formation, thoracic spinal procedures and resection of posterior mediastinal cysts. Recently we have had good experience in evacuating blood and blood clots from the thorax which accumulated after cardiac and thoracic surgery.

        Patients were placed in the lateral thoracotomy position and were ventilated with a double-lumen endotracheal tube, enabling collapse of the operated lung. The operating approach was through 1-3 thoracic ports. Mean operation time was 55 minutes, chest-tubes remained for 2.2 days (mean) and mean hospitalization was 3.3 days. There were no wound infections or significant postoperative complications. 5 patients had air leaks longer than 7 days; none required further surgical intervention.

        There was intercostal neuralgia and Horner's syndrome after thoracic sympathectomy (1 each) In cases in which localizing the parenchymal lesion was difficult, the lung was palpated directly by inserting a finger through a small incision or a mini-thoracotomy. Conversion to thoracotomy was performed when primary malignancy of lung was diagnosed by frozen section. Only 2 patients had thoracotomy for uncontrolled bleeding. Thoracoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique with very low morbidity and high diagnostic accuracy. Postoperative recovery is brief and uneventful.

        ינואר 2001

        מרינה מוטין, יונתן שטרייפלר, עצמון צור וחיים רינג

        Diagnosis and Therapy in Acute Stroke: A Rehabilitation Center Viewpoint


        M. Motin, J. Streifler, A. Tsur, H. Ring


        Neurological Rehabilitation Dept., Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center, Ra'anana; Neurological Unit, Rabin Medical Center, Golda Campus, Petah Tikva and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv


        The extent of the diagnostic work-up of patients with acute stroke was evaluated in 101 patients admitted for rehabilitation during a 4-month period in 1997. This included specific blood tests and neuro- and cardiac imaging, and compared the extent of work-up in a community hospital versus a rehabilitation center. Comparisons were also made with similar investigations 10 and 20 years earlier.

        Results demonstrated that the trend to admit younger stroke patients (<50 years) to neurological (as opposed to medical) departments observed between 1977-1987 persisted in 1997.

        The use of CT scan increased dramatically from 1977 to 1987 (19% vs 78%), and in 1997 was actually 100% The use of carotid duplex and echocardiography increased steadily during the 3 decades reaching 26% and 28% respectively. Tests for thrombophilia were seldom done. However, in neurological departments it was done in about 50% of the younger stroke patients. In neurology departments carotid duplex was done 2 to 3 times more often than in medical departments.

        During rehabilitation imaging tests were done once or more in almost half the patients. The results and those of additional blood tests, have led to modification of antithrombotic treatment in 14% of the younger group and 4% of the older group.

        We have clearly shown that while stroke work-up has become more comprehensive in recent years, there is still much to do in this field. Stroke units or teams in our general hospitals will increase stroke awareness, improve work-up and hasten definitive treatment.

        דצמבר 2000

        אורי מלר, אשר מילשטיין, איילה פולק ודניאל האובן

        Surgery for Blepharoptosis in Muscular Dystrophy


        Ori Mahler, Asher Milstein, Ayala Pollack, Daniel Hauben


        Eye Dept., Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot; and Plastic Surgery Dept., Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        In some muscular dystrophies there is ocular involvement characterized by blepharoptosis and ophthalmoplegia. These conditions occur in chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, mitochondrial myopathy, myotonic dystrophy, and ocular myasthenia, among others. Although they differ in their systemic clinical manifestations and in genetic inheritance, ocular involvement is common to all of them. Manifestations include bilateral progressive blepharoptosis with or without extraocular muscle malfunction.

        During surgical repair of the ptotic eyelid, consideration must be given to eyeball movements, in addition to maximal eyelid elevation, and to avoiding overcorrection and consequent corneal overexposure, leading to dryness and visual impairment. With these muscular dystrophic disorders, resection of the levator muscle or blepharoplasty alone does not suffice. Follow-up shows that most patients need a secondary repair after a short while. Operative correction uses a frontalis sling for eyelid elevation and support.

        A series of 8 patients with these diseases, operated on by various surgical techniques during the past 7 years, is presented.

        זיו גיל, עדי ארן, אורנה פרידמן, ליאנה בני-עדני ושלמה קונסטנטיני

        Folic Acid for Preventing Neural Tube Defects


        Ziv Gil, Adi Aran, Orna Friedman, Liana Beni-Adani, Shlomo Constantini


        Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba; Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Dana Children's Hospital, Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv


        Spina bifida and anencephaly are the most common, serious malformations in neural tube defects (NTD). Randomized trials in the last 2 decades have demonstrated that folic acid, 0.4 mg/d, reduces the incidence of NTD by more than 50%. We investigated the use of folic acid and multivitamins containing folic acid in childbearing women.

        Of 221 women interviewed, 67 (30%) regularly took pills containing 0.4 mg folic acid. Women with higher educational levels were more likely to take multivitamins with folic acid than were the less educated (p=0.05). Of the women who took folic acid, only 5 (7.5%) used separate folic acid tablets, before and during their pregnancy. The rest used multivitamins containing folic acid. The 5 women who took folic acid separately were college-educated and nonreligious, and they took multivitamins in addition (p>0.05).

        Of the women interviewed, 58 (26.2%) were Bedouin of the Negev. 24 (41.4%) of them took pills containing folic acid on a regular basis. This percentage is higher than that in the Jewish women in the study who took folic acid for prevention of NTD (17%; p=0.038).

        Most of the women took folic acid after the first trimester. Only a minority took daily periconceptional folic acid. Multivitamins containing 0.4 mg of folic acid were more popular than folic acid tablets alone. This study emphasizes the need for continuing efforts to increase consumption of folic acid and awareness of its benefits among women of childbearing age.

        נובמבר 2000

        אורי פרוינד, עמי מאיו, איבן שוורץ, דוד נויפלד וחיים פארן

        Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - 1,000 Procedures in a Surgical Department


        Uri Freund, Ami Mayo, Ivan Schwartz, David Neufeld, Haim Paran


        Dept. of Surgery A, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba; and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The first 1,000 laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed in our department were reviewed. There was no operative mortality; conversion to open cholecystectomy was necessary in 2%. In the last 600 cases the rate of conversion had decreased to 0.5%. There was common bile duct injury in 0.3%, with the injuries identified during primary surgery. This clinical experience is consistent with previous studies, which proved that laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and should replace open operation as the procedure of choice. 

        אוקטובר 2000

        י' קלוגר, ב' שגיא, ד' סופר, נ' חי וד' אורון

        Combined Approach in Management of Penetrating Injury of Vertebral Artery


        Y. Kluger, B. Sagie, D. Soffer, N. Hai, D. Oron


        Rabin Trauma Center and Division of Invasive Radiology, Tel Aviv Medical Center


        Penetrating injuries of the vertebral artery are not common. Although surgical control of this type of injury is well- documented, the combined approach (surgery and packing for temporary control of bleeding, followed by angiography and embolization for permanent control) is now recognized and practiced.

        We describe a 40-year-old man who was stabbed in the neck. He was rushed to the operating theater in hemorrhagic shock. A vertebral artery injury was identified and packed. Angiography and embolization permanently controlled the bleeding.

        The combined approach is safe and we recommend it in those in whom bleeding from the vertebral artery is initially well controlled with packing.

        אורי רובינשטיין, מאיר ויסברוד ובן-ציון גרטי

        Life-Threatening Echovirus 11 Infection During First Month of Life


        U. Rubinstein, M. Weisbrod, B. Garty


        Neonatal Dept., Laniado Hospital, Kiriat Zans, Natanya; and Pediatrics B, Dept., Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Infection with Echovirus 11 is mostly asymptomatic, but it may cause a wide variety of clinical diseases, from gastroenteritis to serious diseases such as meningitis and myocarditis. In small infants, especially during the first days of life, echovirus infection may appear as a sepsis-like illness, and cause disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and shock.

        We present 2 infants with severe echovirus 11 infections. A 3.5-month old died within 24 hours of shock and probably myocarditis. The other, 6-days old, presented with meningitis, hepatitis and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. It recovered after treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin.

        Echovirus 11 may cause life-threatening infections in small infants. Pediatricians should be alert to the special characteristics of this disease.

        אוגוסט 2000

        טומס טישלר, רוני וייצן, אהרון פיינסטון, ראול אורביטו, מריאן מוסקוביץ ואדם סינגר

        Testicular Cancer: Self-Awareness and Testicular Self-Examination in Soldiers and Military Physicians


        Thomas Tichler, Rony Weitzen, Aharon Feinstone, Raoul Orvieto, Marian Moskovitz, Adam Singer


        Depts. of Oncology and Medicine B, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; Medical Corps, Israel Defence Forces; Gynecology Dept., Hasharon Medical Center, Petah Tikvah; and Medical Dept. B, Fleaman Hospital, Haifa


        Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in young men. To evaluate knowledge and awareness of that cancer, and of the practice of testicular self-examination (TSE), we developed a questionnaire which was distributed to 717 male soldiers and 200 of their military physicians.

        21% of the soldiers had received some explanation of the importance of TSE, but only 16% were actually instructed how to perform TSE, and only 2% practiced it regularly. 24% had never examined their testicles before, 185 only rarely, and 6% often. With increased age, TSE frequency increased, but previous education, type of military unit, and ethnic origin had no affect. 99% of military physicians had been taught how to examine breasts, but only 70% had been taught routine testicular examination. 22% performed it, but 27% never did. 84% had never taught their soldiers the importance of TSE, although 51% taught female soldiers breast self-examination.

        There was a significant lack of awareness of the importance of regular practice of TSE among both soldiers and their army physicians.

        יהב אורון, אמיר שחר וערן דולב

        Hospitalization for Renal Colic: Epidemiological Features and Clinical Manifestations


        Yahav Oron, Amir Shahar, Eran Dolev


        Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; Israel Defense Forces Medical Center; Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba; and Dept. of Medicine H, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center


        The medical records of all patients referred to the emergency department (ED) of Sheba Medical Center for renal colic during 1996 were analyzed. Patients discharged from the ED and those hospitalized were compared.

        There was no significant difference between the 2 groups with regard to average age or sex distribution. Statistically significant differences were found with regard to frequency of chills and fever, history of renal colic, referral for renal colic during that year or hospitalization for renal colic or nephrolithiasis, previous positive imaging, stone removal by surgery or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, fever exceeding 37.5o and administration of fluids, pethidine or pramin in the ED, prolonged stay in the ED and previous appendectomy.

        A conditional regression model tested the predictive value of each of those factors. Inclusion of independent variables into the model led to an overall correct classification rate of 84.43%, with 44.83% sensitivity and 93.16% specificity. There were correlations between referrals for renal colic, overall renal colic rate and average monthly temperature, so there was no pure correlation between average monthly temperature and referrals to the ED for renal colic.

        The major indications for hospitalization were actually the clinical ones, indicating either an active metabolic disease or suspected obstruction of the urinary tract. Treatment in the ED and duration of the visit indicated disease severity.

        יולי 2000

        יחזקאל טיטיון, זאב אשכול, צבי חורש ומיכאל סודרי

        Mortality in Fractures of the Hip 

        Y. Titiun, Z. Eshkol, Z. Horesh, M. Soudry


        Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Beilinson Campus, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Prevalence of hip fractures is increasing world-wide, as the mean age of populations increases. Despite advances in anesthesia, nursing care, and surgical techniques, hip fractures remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly.

        We operated on 65 cases of hip fractures from 1995 to the end of 1997: average age was 82.9, 72% were women, average waiting time for operation was 1.6 days, perioperative mortality was 3.5% and postoperative mortality 26.2%.

        יוני 2000

        אורה שובמן, בוריס גילבורד, פנינה לנגביץ' ויהודה שינפלד. עמ' 1043-1046

        אורה שובמן, בוריס גילבורד, פנינה לנגביץ', יהודה שינפלד

        המח' לרפואה פנימית ב' והיחידה לחקר מחלות אוטואימוניות, המרכז הרפואי שיבא תל השומר והפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת תל אביב

        מילות מפתח:

        נוגדני RA33, RA33, מחלות אוטואימוניות, אורה שובמן, בוריס גילבורד, פנינה לנגביץ', יהודה שינפלד, שובמן, גילבורד, לנגביץ', שינפלד

        יצחק וינוגרד, ברוך קלין, א' זילביגר וגדעון אשל

        Aortopexy for Tracheomalacia in Infants and Children


        I. Vinograd, B. Klin, A. Silbiger, G. Eshel


        Depts. of Pediatric Surgery, and Anesthesia, Dana Children's Hospital, Sourasky-Tel Aviv Medical Center;  Dept. of Pediatric Surgery and Intensive Care Unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        During the past 12 years (1985-1998), 28 infants and children were operated on here for tracheomalacia. The diagnosis was made in all using rigid bronchoscopy. During the examination the infants breathed spontaneously, but the trachea collapsed on forced expiration.

        Indications for surgery were repeated cyanotic spells ("dying spells") in 22, recurrent pneumonia, and inability to extubate (in 8). In 11 there were more than 1 indications. Age at surgery was from 7 days to 3 years (average 11.7 months).

        All 28 children underwent bronchoscopy and guided aortopexy via a left-third intercostal approach. The ascending aorta and aortic arch (and in 6 the proximal innominate artery as well) were lifted anteriorly, using 3-5 non-absorbable sutures (5.0). The sutures were placed through the adventitia of the great vessels and then passed through the sternum.

        Respiratory distress was significantly improved in 21. Another 2 required external tracheal stenting with autologous rib grafts, and in 1 other an internal Palmaz stent was introduced for tracheal stability. In 4 aortopexy failed, 1 of whom had tracheobronchomalacia throughout, and another 3 had laryngomalacia which required tracheostomy to relieve the respiratory symptoms.

        Postoperative complications were minor: pericardial effusion in 1 and relaxation of the left diaphragm in another. 1 infant subsequently died, of unknown cause 10 days after operation, after having been extubated on the 1st postoperative day. On long-term follow-up (6 months to 12 years) 25 were found free of residual respiratory symptoms and 3 remained with a tracheostomy.

        Thus, infants and children with severe tracheomalacia associated with severe respiratory symptoms, can be relieved by bronchoscopic guided suspension of the aortic arch to the sternum.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303