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        תוצאת חיפוש

        מרץ 1997

        צביה בורגנסקי, אברהם גנאל ואורי גבעון

        Leg-Lengthening For Length Inequality


        Zvia Burgansky, Abraham Ganel, Uri Givon


        Pediatric Orthopedics Unit, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer (Affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        32 patients (age range 1.5-22 years) were treated for leg-length discrepancy. 39 lengthening procedures were performed of which 36 involved gradual distraction, in 2 cases chondrodiasthesis was used, and 1 had 1-step elongation. Gradual distraction was done according to Ilizarov, including corticotomy and a 1-week delay before the initiation of distraction. In 33 cases Wagner's external fixator was used, in 2 an Ilizarov frame and in 1 an orthofix fixator. There was complete clinical and radiological union in all but 1 case. Significant correction of leg-length discrepancy and equalization of leg-length was achieved in most patients. In some growing patients over-correction was successfully achieved. The most prevalent complications were pin-site problems, axis deviation, joint subluxation and joint contractures. At latest follow-up most of these complications had disappeared. 91% of the patients either functioned normal or were only mildly limited.

        נחום נשר, אלון ארז, דורון נצר, רנטו פנקלשטיין וירון בר-אל

        Acute Fungal Endocarditis Due To Trichosporon Beigelli


        Nahum Nesher, Alon Erez, Doron Nezer, R. Finkelstein, Y. Barel


        Dept. of Cardiac Surgery, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa and Technion Faculty of Medicine


        We report a 59-year-old woman with acute fungal endocarditis of a prosthetic valve caused by the endogenic organism, Trichosporon beigelli. This slowly developing disease mainly effects drug addicts who use intravenous narcotics. In nonaddicts it is rare, with mortality as high as 50%. There are only sporadic reports of T. beigelli as a complication long after open heart surgery. The ongoing infection is undetected for even several years after the primary infection, due to its prolonged latent phase. We present the difficulties of diagnosis, and of treating the disease with a combination of surgery and of long-term chemotherapy.

        חיים ביבי, דויד שוסייב, מיכאל ארמוני, מלי אוהלי, שלמה פולק ומנחם שלזינגר

        Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy


        Haim Bibi, David Shoseyov, Michael Armoni, Melly Ohali, Shlomo Pollak, Menachem Schlesinger


        Pediatric Dept., Pediatric Emergency Room, Pediatric Day Care Hospital and Immunology and Clinical Allergy Unit, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon; and Bikur Holim Hospital, Jerusalem (Affiliated with the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)


        Between 1993-1996, 200 pediatric flexible bronchoscopies were performed. Indications were: chronic cough (158 children), persistent pulmonary infiltrates (89), recurrent stridor (28), suspected tracheobronchial foreign body (20), suspected tuberculosis (17) and hemoptysis (3). Some children had more than 1 indication. 124 patients were boys (mean 4.18+2.86 years; range 1 month-15 years) and 76 were girls (mean 4.39+2.7 years; range 4 months-15 years). The procedure included direct vision recorded by video-camera and broncho-alveolar lavage; the lavage fluid was sent for culture, Gram and Ziehl-Nielsen stains and for cytology. There were a few minor side effects: mild stridor which resolved within a few hours (10 children) and transient fever (3). This simple, flexible instrument was effective and helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of children with respiratory symptoms in a secondary hospital facility.

        עמנואל תאודור ואריה רגב

        Disappointing Response of Chronic C Hepatitis to Interferon


        E. Theodor, A. Regev


        Medicine E and Liver Clinic, Beilinson Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        From February 1990 to August 1995 we treated 58 patients with chronic hepatitis C using alfa-interferon, 3 million units 3 times weekly for 6 months. Of the 48 patients with adequate follow-up, 34 did not respond to treatment at all. 10 patients responded, but within a few months hepatic enzymes again increased. These 2 groups can be considered failures of interferon treatment. In 4 patients enzymes remained normal for the duration of follow-up, (10-34 months). Even in this small group, 1 patient had a positive test for HCV RNA after completion of treatment. A partial explanation of our disappointing results may be the high prevalence of a subtype of C hepatitis-subtype 1b, which has recently been reported in Israel. This strain is particularly resistant to interferon. The means to define subtypes were not, and as far as we know are not yet available in Israel. Various groups have attempted to improve the outcome of treatment of hepatitis C, which in other hands too was still far from satisfactory. Thus, regimens of interferon utilizing higher doses and longer periods of treatment are being evaluated, as well as the addition of Ribavirin, which hopefully will improve results.

        דורית אלמוזנינו-סרפיאן, נתן כהן, רונית זיידשטיין, ויקטור דישי ואליעזר זקלר

        Quinidine-Induced Rheumatic Toxicity


        D. Almoznino-Sarafian, N. Cohen, R. Zaidenstein, V. Dishi, E. Zeckler


        Depts. of Medicine C, A and F, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin (Affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        2 women with quinidine-induced lupus are presented. This condition is rare; only about 30 cases have been reported in the English literature. Both our patients had arthritis of the wrist, antinuclear antibodies with homogenous pattern and elevated ESR. Anti-double stranded DNA antibodies were present in 1 patient, and a petechial rash in the other. Complete resolution of arthritis occurred within a few days after quinidine withdrawal, but antinuclear antibodies persisted for several months.

        ד' סופר, י' גלילי, נ' נסראללה, ד' אלג'ם, א' אבלאי וי' קוגלר

        Patterns of Injuries and Preventive Measures for Motorcycle Accidents


        D. Soffer, Y. Galili, N. Nasralla, D. Aladgem, O. Ablai, Y. Kluger


        Depts. of Surgery B and C, Trauma Services, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Retrospective analysis of a series of 32 motorcyclists admitted after road accidents was performed. 62% were injured on scooters with 50 cc engine capacity and most of the combined injuries occurred in this group. Most crashes occurred at road junctions.Riders of scooters with larger engine capacities tended to wear protective garments as opposed to riders with smaller engines. There was no correlation between engine capacity and severity of injury. We conclude that motorcyclists should receive special education, especially as to behavior on entering road junctions. We recommend that taxes on protective garments should be lowered in order to encourage motorcyclists to use them.

        פברואר 1997

        שלמה מור-יוסף, רלו אברהם ויוסף שנקר

        Ovarian Cancer In Israel, 1960-1989


        Shlomo Mor-Yosef, Relo Avraham, Joseph G. Schenker


        Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hadassah-University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        In Israel ovarian cancer ranks among the most common malignant diseases in women. It is also one of the main causes of death from cancer in females in this country. Our population is composed of immigrants from diverse social, cultural, and geographical backgrounds, and only a sector of the inhabitants, mainly the younger generation, is Israeli-born. This study evaluates the trends of epidemiological and clinical data on ovarian cancer during 3 decades, 1960-1989, and includes a total of 5,786 cases of ovarian cancer. Information was obtained from the Central Israel Cancer Registry of the Ministry of Health and from the Central Bureau of Statistics. The incidence was stable during the survey period and was about 15-17/100,000 in women over the age of 15. Most (90%) were diagnosed over the age of 40. In women of European/American origin the incidence of ovarian cancer is 3 times greater than in women of Asian/African origin. The rate in the Israeli-born is between those of the other 2 groups, but closer to that of the European/American group. Over 70% were diagnosed with advanced disease (stage III-IV).


        Prognosis improved during the period of the study: 5-year survival was 19% in the early 60's and 31% in the 80's. During the last decade of the survey improvement was mainly in 2-year survival (from 38.5% to 60%).

        מיכה רזאל

        Evidence For Casual Household Transmission Of Hiv: Review And Analysis


        Micha Razel


        School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan


        All reported case-studies in which the author-described route of infection was deemed to be casual household contact were reviewed and analyzed, as well as all sample-based studies designed to estimate the frequency of casual household transmission. Several recurring biased mechanisms of interpretation were found in the studies, the use of which made it impossible to obtain evidence for casual household transmission. After correcting for these interpretations 8 documented cases of casual household transmission were found. Analysis of the sample-based studies indicated 10 cases of casual household transmission, which occurs at a risk of 0.4% per year of contact (95% confidence interval: 0.20 to 0.66).

        איה פלג, פסח שוורצמן ורוני פלג

        Drinking and Driving


        A. Peleg, P. Shvartzman, R. Peleg


        Dept. of Family Medicine, and Dept. of Epidemiology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        A worrisome connection between driving and drinking was found in 166 people randomly surveyed in public places in Beer Sheba. 80% of the study population stated that they drink alcoholic beverages. Of these, 45% reported drinking at least once a week, and 21% drank 3 glasses/cans at each drinking bout. We noted a trend among those who drank frequently to drink greater amounts. Of the sample, 110 interviewees stated that they had a driver's license and that they drank alcoholic drinks. 39% reported driving after a number of alcoholic drinks, and 23% of them did so invariably or frequently. 5% drank while driving. The drinkers exhibited a high-risk behavioral pattern, remaining in the car with friends (53%) or relatives (16%) also under the influence of alcohol. Those who are aware of the influence of alcohol on their driving skills and the danger of being involved in car accidents, moderate their consumption of alcohol. The results of the study confirm our hypothesis that there is an upswing in the phenomenon of high-risk driving connected with drinking alcoholic beverages.

        פסח ליכטנברג

        On the Value of the Placebo: Reflections on Homeopathy


        Pesach Lichtenberg


        Dept. of Psychiatry, Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem


        A case is presented in which homeopathic "treatment" helped, despite the fact that the patient did not take the medication. The author surveys research which has been conducted on homeopathy and concludes that its benefits derive from non-specific influences of the healer upon the patient, similar to a placebo effect. The importance of this influence is stressed, and its wider application in conventional medicine is urged.

        יורם שיר, ויקטור שולזון, גילה רוזן ושמאי קוטב

        An In-Hospital Pain Service: Present Activity and Future Trends


        Y. Shir, V. Shavelzon, G. Rosen, S. Cotev


        Anesthesia Dept. and Intensive Care Unit, Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem


        Although significant progress has been made in the past 2 decades in our understanding of pain pathophysiology and in the development of new analgesic drugs and techniques, many patients still experience considerable pain during hospitalization. Unrelieved pain is common not only among patients undergoing surgery, but also in those with a variety of other medical problems. These findings led to the development of our in-hospital acute pain service. This in-hospital pain service has been active since the late eighties, treating both postoperative pain and non-surgical pain in hospitalized patients. During 1995, 2140 patients were treated totaling 8717 treatment days in 18 different medical units and departments. Overall success was more than 75%. We review our experience in treating in-patients who suffer from pain and discuss future trends and need for such a specialized service.

        רפאל סטרוגו, גבריאלה גייר ודוד אולחובסקי



        R. Strugo, G. Gayer, D. Olhovsky


        Dept. of Internal Medicine and Dept. of Radiology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Typhlitis (from Greek, "typhlon", cecum) is an inflammatory process involving the cecum and ascending colon צ in neutropenic patients after chemotherapy. Early diagnosis and treatment is of great importance, since the mortality is high. In the past decade there has been an increasing number of reports, as well as impressive improvement in diagnosis, and treatment. We describe 2 patients treated in our department. We emphasize the evolving changes in the management of these patients, from early surgical intervention to conservative treatment, and the problem of prophylactic treatment for those who survive an episode of typhlitis.

        חן גרינברג, שמואל אביטל, חנוך קשתן ויהודה סקורניק

        Diverticular Disease of the Appendix


        R. Greenberg, Shmuel Avital, Hanoch Kashtan, Yehuda Skornik


        Dept. of Surgery A, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The incidence of appendiceal diverticulosis in pathologic specimens is 0.004-2.1%. Diverticular disease of the appendix is classified as congenital (true) or acquired (false). The clinical presentation differs from that of acute appendicitis. The average age is older, the pain is often intermittent, and while localized in the right lower abdominal quadrant, is of longer duration. No further treatment besides appendectomy is needed. Since a high rate of perforations, peritonitis and lower gastrointestinal bleeding have been reported as complications, it is recommended that in those with an incidental finding of diverticula of the appendix during surgery, that appendectomy be performed. It is not recommended to perform prophylactic appendectomy when diverticula of the appendix are found on barium enema.

        י' קלוגר, ד' סופר, ב' שגיא, א' אבלאי, ד' אלג'ם ומ' רבאו

        Blunt Perineal Injuries


        Y. Kluger, D. Soffer, B. Sagie, O. Abllay, D. Aladgem, M. Rabau


        Depts. of Surgery B and C and Division of Trauma and Proctology, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv


        Blunt perineal and anal injuries are rare. We describe 2 patients who suffered injury to the perineum and anal canal due to blunt force. New surgical techniques for the reconstruction of the sphincteric mechanism are promising and should be used by the initial treating surgeon as minimal procedures in the perineal region. Anal tagging, minimal debridement, approximation of the edges of perineal laceration, repeated irrigation and loop-colostomy for fecal diversion should be the only initial surgical procedures.

        צבי גרינולד ויעקב כץ

        Separation of Conjoined Twins: The Anesthesiologist's Perspective


        Zvi Grunwald, Yacov Katz


        Dept. of Anesthesiology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus and Schneider Children's Hospital, Petah Tikva


        Managing anesthesia care for separation of conjoined twins poses a special challenge for the anesthesia team. Early preparation, thorough understanding of the anatomical and the physiological consequences of this complex anomaly, as well as careful coordination with the teams of surgeons, nurses and operating room personnel are mandatory to assure successful separation of the conjoined twins. It is recommended that the mother be transferred to and the babies be delivered at a tertiary care medical center, like the Children's Hospital. Special attention is devoted during the surgical procedure to cardiovascular stability, drug disposition, fluid balance and temperature control. The multidisciplinary team approach makes this complex surgery a success. When postoperative survival cannot be guaranteed for both twins, close contact and consultation is mandated with the parents, medical personnel and religious and legal advisors.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303