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        תוצאת חיפוש

        ינואר 2000

        רון גל ואלי להט

        Progressive Ptosis in Children as a Presenting Sign of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome 

        Ron Gal, Eli Lahat


        Pediatric Neurology Unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Mitochondrial encephalopathies represent a heterogeneous group of various neurological syndromes caused by defects in mitochondrial metabolism. All clinical syndromes can be subdivided by type of biochemical defect into 3 subgroups: defective oxidation, defects in pyruvate metabolism and various defects in the respiratory chain.

        We present a 12-year-old girl admitted for evaluation of progressive ptosis over a period of 3 years, diagnosed as having the rare mitochondrial encephalopathy, Kearns-Sayre syndrome.

        מיכל סודק, אלון בן-נון, לאוניד מלקין ומשה חשמונאי

        Solid and Papillary Pancreatic Neoplasm 

        Michal Soudack, Alon Ben-Nun, Leonid Malkin, Moshe Hashmonai


        Depts. of Diagnostic Radiology, Surgery A and B, and Pathology, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Solid and papillary neoplasm of the pancreas is an interesting and rare malignant tumor. It occurs most commonly in young women. It was first described in 1959 and since then has been referred to by different names, including solid and cystic tumor, solid and cystic epithelial neoplasms, and others. Its malignant potential is low and metastasis is very rare.

        Treatment includes partial pancreatectomy with full resection of the tumor. The prognosis is generally very good. We present 3 women (aged 17, 19, 39) diagnosed and treated for solid and papillary neoplasm of the pancreas. The unique clinical, histological, and epidemiological characteristics of this tumor are detailed.

        בן-עמי סלע, יוסף זלוטניק, תמר משוש, גליה יבלונסקי ופביאן אברהם

        Gyrate Atrophy of Choroid and Retina, and Hyperornithinemia 

        B-A. Sela, J. Zlotnik, T. Masos, G. Yablonski, F. Abraham


        Institute of Chemical Pathology and Goldschlager Eye Institute, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina is a rare degenerative disease, characterized biochemically by a marked increase in blood ornithine levels, due to deficiency of ornithine S-amino transferase. 4 men aged 35, 36, 48 and 62 years are described with different stages of myopia, night blindness and loss of peripheral vision, which progressed to tunnel vision and partial blindness. Onset of the disease was at ages 3, 10 and 15 years, respectively, while in the 4th patient there was delayed expression starting at about age 50. Most had posterior subcapsular cataracts, and the ocular fundus exhibited demarcated circular areas of chorioretinal degeneration. So far the only patients described in Israel have been of Iraqui origin. Our fourth patient originated from Istanbul, and he may represent a hitherto undescribed variant with a much delayed expression of the disease.

        יעל גרייף, אבנר גורן ואבנר רשף

        Recurrent Anaphylactic Reactions During Hospitalization – an Unusual Etiology 

        Y. Graif, A. Goren, A. Reshef


        Military Allergy Clinic, Israel Defense Forces and Allergy and Immunology Clinic, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        The prevalence of hypersensitivity and untoward reactions to natural rubber latex (NRL) products is increasing, particularly among specific risk groups. A young man aged 23 years who experienced several episodes of allergic reactions, 2 of which included anaphylactic shock during hospital admission, is presented. These episodes were initially attributed to intravenous medication, but were most probably caused by inadvertent exposure to latex.

        Medical facilities may contain large amounts of latex, and therefore present a hazardous environment for sensitive people. Increasing awareness of latex sensitivity among patients-at-risk and medical personnel, and implementing simple prophylactic measures, may reduce morbidity and mortality. We propose simple and practical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment.

        תמר פרץ, זאב וושלר, יעל גולדברג, אריה דורסט והרברט פרוינד

        Brief Preoperative Radiotherapy reduces Local Recurrences and Improves Survival in Rectal Cancer


        T. Peretz, Z. Weshler,* Y. Goldberg, A.L. Durst, H.R. Freund


        Depts. of Surgery and Oncology, Hadassah University Hospitals, and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Ein Kerem and Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem


        Locoregional recurrence of rectal cancer ranges between 20%-50% following apparently radical surgery. Radiation has the potential of reducing this high rate of recurrence and residual disease. A retrospective analysis of 78 patients with locally advanced, biopsy proven, adenocarcinoma of the rectum treated between 1980-1987 was conducted. 28 (36%) were treated by surgery alone (surgery); 29 (37%) by surgery and postoperative radiotherapy (post-op); and 21 (27%) by surgery and preoperative radiotherapy (pre-op). 41 were females and 37 males. The median age was 62 years (range 25-90).

        All tumors were resectable. 42 patients (54%) underwent abdomino-perineal resection and 36 (46%) anterior resection patients [8 Dukes B1 (10%); 37 B2 (47%); 2 C1 (3%); 31 C2 (40%]. Local recurrences were verified by transanal or ultrasound guided needle biopsy.

        The 5-year actuarial survival rates by the Kaplan-Meier method for 75 evaluated patients was 55%. Overall 5-year actuarial survival was significantly higher (p=0.001) in pre-op radiotherapy (95%) compared to surgery alone (45%), or surgery with postoperative radiotherapy (32%). The data were significant (p=0.006) for patients with stage B tumors, but not stage C. This trend of improved survival held also at 8-year follow-up (80% pre-op; 32% post-op; 27% surgery). The 5-year actuarial local control was significantly better (p=0.03) for the pre-op irradiated patients (22%), compared with surgery only (56%) and post-op radiotherapy (38%). Local control was better (p=0.02) for Dukes B tumors in the preoperative group, but not Dukes C tumors.

        Actuarial 5-year survival of those without distant metastases was 87% for pre-op patients, 62% for surgery alone and 48% for post-op radiotherapy. As all patients were clinically classified as advanced rectal tumors, tumor downstaging by preoperative radiotherapy seems to be paramount for local control. Improved local control translates into a siginificant advantage in overall actuarial survival.


        יוסף קוריאנסקי ולאוריאנו פרנאנדס-קרוז

        Endoscopic Parathyroidectomy - Preliminary Experience 

        Joseph Kuriansky, Laureano Fernandez-Cruz


        Dept. of General Surgery and Transplantation, Sheba Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Dept. of Surgery, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona


        Since the advent of extraperitoneal approaches for laparoscopic surgery, the creation of extraperitoneal virtual spaces has spread rapidly. We describe our preliminary experience with selective neck exploration and endoscopic parathyroidectomy in 4 women, aged 57-74, with primary hyperparathyroidism.

        Preoperative localization of parathyroid adenoma was assessed by technetium-sestamibi scanning and cervical ultrasonography. A cervical work space was created by the introduction of a trocar with an inflatable balloon-tip and maintained with low-pressure CO2 insufflation. All procedures were completed endoscopically. There were no intraoperative complications. Mean operative time was 40 minutes and cosmetic results were very satisfactory.

        We found endoscopic parathyroidectomy a feasible and safe option and particularly appropriate for the surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism. Further refinements in technique will enhance its practicability in exploring the mediastinum for ectopic parathyroid glands and in those with secondary hyperparathyroidism.

        יזהר לוי, אריה פרשטנדיג, טליה ששון, דנה וולף, איליה קריצ'ון, יבגני ליבסון, פנחס לבנסארט, אורית פפו, עודד יורים, אחמד עיד ודניאל שובל

        Transarterial Oil Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 

        Izhar Levy, Anthony Verstandig, Talia Sasson, Dana Wolf, Ilia Krichon, Eugin Libson, Pinchas Levensart, Orit Papo, Oded Yurim, Ahmed Id, Daniel Shouval


        Division of Medicine, Liver Unit and Invasive Radiology, Radiology, Pathology and Surgery Depts., Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem


        Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancy with a grave prognosis. Most patients have both the malignant tumor as well as hepatic cirrhosis. Liver transplantation or hepatectomy are considered the only curative procedures, but can be applied in fewer than 10% of patients. In recent decades the most common treatments of HCC are transarterial chemoembolization with oil (TOCE) and percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI). We summarize our retrospective study of 100 patients (mean age 64) 3treated by TE.

        In 271 procedures between 1989-1998, in 16 patients hepatectomy was combined with TOCE and in 8 PEI was combined with TOCE, while the rest were treated by TOCE alone. Tumor mass was reduced in 36% of those treated by TOCE (tumor volume reduced 24-75%). Alpha-feto protein (AFP) was reduced 25-90% in 20/32 of those with elevated AFP levels. Median survival for the 100 in the entire group was 19 months (10.9 months in those with conservative treatment). Median survival in the 57 in Okuda stage 1 and the 43 in stages 2 or 3 was 30.1 months and 10.9 months, respectively (p<0.0001). Of the 57 in stage 1, 16 underwent hepatectomy in addition to TOCE and 41 were treated only by TOCE (median survival 15 and 26 months, respectively, p not significant).

        Comparing Okuda 1 patients treated by TOCE only with the natural history of the disease and historical controls (Okuda 1 patients treated conservatively in 1984) median survival was 26 and 10 months respectively (p<0.001). The side effects of TOCE were relatively mild. There was 1 fatality (3 days after treatment), and quality of life was maintained. Despite progress in the treatment of HCC by TOCE, PEI, and liver transplantation, long-term survival has remained unsatisfactory.

        מ' שמעונוב, א' קמינסקי ומ' כהן

        Carcinoma of the Cecum Presenting as Intussusception


        Mordechai Shimonov, Oleg Kaminsky, Maya Cohen


        Depts. of Surgery and Radiology, Beilinson Campus, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        In intussusception a proximal bowel segment (intussusceptum) invaginates into the lumen of a distal bowel segment (intussuscipiens). In adults intussusception represents a rare cause of intestinal obstruction and is usually secondary to an identifiable lesion that requires surgical treatment other than that of the intussusception itself.

        We present a 57-year-old woman with metastatic colonic carcinoma of the ileocecal valve and intussusception of the ileum into the cecum. Right hemicolectomy was performed.

        אילנה פרידריך וישי לוי

        Diabetic Ketoacidosis during the Ramadan Fast 

        I. Friedrich, Y. Levy


        Dept. of Medicine A, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula, and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        We report a 15-year-old Muslim boy with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) who presented with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) during the Muslim Ramadan month of day-time fasting. DKA apparently occurred due to omitting pre-lunch insulin combined with dehydration and overeating during the permitted sunset-to-sunrise meals.

        It is well-known that fasting accelerates development of lipolysis and ketosis and increases glucagon levels. Thus, these pathophysiological aberrations related to fasting in ketosis-prone patients, in conjunction with fasting, endanger metabolic control in IDDM.

        מנחם נוימן, בוריס צוקרמן, עופר לביא ועוזי בלר

        Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation for Vaginal Vault Prolapse


        M. Neuman, B. Zuckerman, O. Lavie, U. Beller


        Division of Gynecological Surgery and Oncology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Sacrospinous ligament fixation is a well-known method for correction of vaginal vault prolapse. The procedure is primarily indicated after hysterectomy and as a prophylactic measure for total uterine prolapse.

        8 women with post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse aged 48-72 years, were referred 1-25 years following primary surgery. Sacrospinous ligament fixation was elected to enable simultaneous correction of cystocele and rectocele, and to preserve sexual function. All operations were completed without significant complications.

        In 6 of the 8 patients located for long-term interview, 1 reported mild bulging of the introitus, another mild urinary stress incontinence, urgency and frequency and 1 reported frequency only. Sexual function in 4 was without complaints. Defecation in all patients was normal.
        We conclude that this operation is safe and effective. We encourage gynecologic surgeons to consult an experienced tutor prior to performing this procedure, as this type of surgery is quite dangerous and many gynecologists are not familiar enough with it.  

        י' דומניץ, ר' אבישר וח' סביר

        Corneal Infection - Causes and Effects on Vision


        Y. Domniz, R. Avisar, H. Savir


        Ophthalmology Depts., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Hasharon Hospital, Petah Tikva


        We conducted a retrospective 5-year survey of corneal infections treated in the ophthalmology ward of Hasharon Hospital. The most frequent type of corneal infection was corneal abscess; the most frequent cause was Staphylococcus albus, although this bacterium is not reported as a frequent cause of corneal infections.

        There was improvement in visual acuity in 69.2% and no change in 15.4%. Corneal infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequent cause of worsening of corneal acuity (23.08%). The greatest improvement of visual acuity was in those with corneal ulcers. The worst visual acuity was in those with corneal abscesses. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the main cause of infection in contact-lens wearers.

        In the world medical literature, Staphylococcus albus is considered of very low virulence. This bacterium was the most frequent cause of corneal infections in our study so it may have greater virulence in Israel.

        אסף לבנון, אריה ביטרמן, עדי בכר ועודד כהן

        Hemorrhoidectomy Using A Circular Stapler 

        Asaf Levanon, Arie Biterman, A. Behar, Oded Cohen


        Dept. of Surgery A, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        We compared traditional local excision of hemorrhoids in 40 patients (group A) with excision using the CDH-33 surgical stapler designed for bowel anastomosis, in 41 (group B). In this technique a purse-string suture is prepared 3 cm above the dentate line, and the stapler is inserted and used to form a mucosa-mucosal anastomosis. This technique is less time-consuming than the traditional technique.

        Data were collected from patients' medical files and from detailed questionnaires in which symptoms prior to and after operation were reported. Mean ages were 53.0 and 51.5 years and male/female ratios were 1.0:1.2 and 1.0:1.1 respectively, neither significant. The most common complaints in both groups were pain and rectal bleeding. All patients had a lower-GI investigation prior to operation to exclude other causes of rectal bleeding.

        Recovery averaged 2 months in both groups. Patient satisfaction was assessed by decrease or absence of symptoms on return to normal daily activities. Satisfaction tended to be greater in group B. More patients in group A complained of tightness and discomfort at the operative site, but this was not significant.

        We are extending our study to a larger number of patients to determine if there are statistically significant differences between the results of the 2 methods.

        לאוניד אומנסקי ואבנר סלע

        Psychogenic Polydipsia Leading to Water Intoxication


        L. Umansky, A. Sella


        Psychiatry Dept., Eitanim Mental Health Center (Affiliated with the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem)


        Psychogenic polydipsia and its frequent complication, water intoxication, are well-known to psychologists. There are biochemical and psychiatric theories of psychogenic polydipsia which often correlate with each other.

        A 48-year-old man with chronic paranoid schizophrenia developed symptoms of psychogenic polydipsia. This provoked disturbances in electrolyte balance, resulting in a rapid decrease in serum sodium concentration and eventual death. There is a paucity of information and little awareness of this problem in the professional literature.

        דוד רבינרסון, בוריס קפלן, ציון בן-רפאל ואריה דקל

        Spontaneous Bilateral Ectopic Pregnancy 

        David Rabinerson, B. Kaplan, Zion Ben Rafael, Arie Dekel


        Dept. of Gynecology, Beilinson Medical Center, Golda Campus, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Bilateral, spontaneous ectopic pregnancy is rare (1 in 125-1580 ectopic pregnancies). We describe a 30-year-old, unmarried woman with no predisposing factors for ectopic pregnancy who presented in hypovolemic shock, in the 7th week of gestation, complaining of abdominal pain. On immediate laparoscopy there were found blood and clots in the abdominal cavity, a left ampullar pregnancy (5 cm in diameter), and there was active bleeding from the fimbria of the right tube. Bilateral salpingectomy was performed and she received 3 units of packed red cells. She was discharged in good condition 3 days later. The pathologic diagnosis was pregnancy in each tube. This case emphasizes the need for thorough sonographic and laparoscopic observation in order not to miss the presence of bilateral ectopic pregnancy.

        ניר הילזנרט, מרקוס מוסטוסלבסקי ודוד טובבין

        Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C in Hemodialysis Patients 

        Nir Hilzenrat, Marcus Mostoslavsky, David Tovbin


        Liver Disease Service - Division of Gastroenterology, Dialysis Unit, Dept. of Nephrology and Division of Internal Medicine, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Acquired infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in hemodialysis patients has been described lately. In dialysis units in Italy and France, the prevalence and incidence of HCV are 20-60% and 1-2%, respectively. Most infected patients develop chronic hepatitis. The clinical presentation of acute HCV in hemodialysis patients is very mild and therefore the diagnosis is often made only by laboratory tests. Acute infection is usually followed by mild elevation of liver enzymes and the presence of HCV-RNA and anti-HCV in serum.

        We report a 48-year-old man on hemodialysis who developed acute hepatitis C. The diagnosis was made by finding mild elevation of liver enzymes and the presence of HCV-RNA in his serum. A few months later, he developed severe hepatitis which was followed by rapid deterioration in liver function. However, the virus was eradicated and liver function tests became normal. Surprisingly, serum anti-HCV antibodies were detected 5 months later.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303