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        תוצאת חיפוש

        דצמבר 1997

        אליהו גז, יעל נצר-הורוביץ, עינת וימן, רפאל רובינוב, יורם כהן ואברהם קוטן

        Radiotherapy of Localized Prostatic Carcinoma


        Eliahu Gez, Yael Netzer-Horowitz, Einat Waiman, Raphael Rubinov, Yoram Cohen, Abraham Kuten


        Northern Israel Oncology Center and Oncology Dept., Rambam Medical Center and Lin Medical Center, Haifa; and Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        112 patients with localized prostate cancer, clinical stage A2-C, were treated by definitive radiotherapy between 1982-1988. Radiation volume encompassed the prostate, seminal vesicles and pelvic lymph nodes. The 10-year actuarial survival figures were: overall 51%; stage A2 87%; stage B 50%; stage C 36%; well differential tumors 67%; moderately differentiated 50%; poorly differentiated 32%; patients with local tumor control 55%; and patients with minimal local control 36%. It is concluded that external beam irradiation is effective in localized prostatic cancer. Stage and grade are prognosticators of survival.

        ד' ליבוביץ, ב' יפה וא' זיסמן

        Incomplete Penile Amputation: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge


        D. Leibovici, B. Yaffe, A. Zisman


        Urology Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Microsurgery Dept., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Traumatic penile amputation is a severe injury associated with a potential for multidisciplinary dysfunction. Since such injuries are rare, diagnostic and therapeutic experience is minimal. While complete penile amputation is a straight-forward diagnosis, incomplete amputations are not as evident and diagnosis may be delayed. The therapeutic endpoint includes restoration of an acceptable appearance of the phallus and a urethral meatus that allows normal voiding. Other objectives include re-establishment of sexual potency and fertility. As in other amputations, the treatment of choice is meticulous microsurgical replantation, including re-anastomosis of dorsal and cavernosal arteries, the deep dorsal vein, the urethra and nerves, as well as suturing the tunica albuginea. While appropriate cosmetic results and normal voiding can be achieved in most cases, potency is less frequently achieved due to neurological deficit leading to impaired erection and loss of sensation. Penile amputation is thus a complex therapeutic challenge, as meticulous anatomic reconstruction of blood vessels and nerves is essential for restoration of function. Since incomplete penile amputation may be overlooked when other more obvious injuries draw attention, this injury should be suspected in all cases of penetrating injury of the male genitalia. We present a 17-year-old man who sustained an incomplete penile amputation in a traffic accident.

        נובמבר 1997

        אילן בר, משה שמחה, אבירם ניסן, ירון שרגל, מרדכי קרמר וגדעון מרין

        Limited Axillary Thoracotomy for Recurrent Spontaneous Pneumothorax


        I. Bar, M. Simha, A. Nissan, Y. Shargal, M. Kramer, G. Merin


        Depts. of Cardiothoracic Surgery and of Surgery, and Pulmonary Institute, Hadassah--University Hospital, Ein Karem; and Dept. of Surgery, Hadassah--University Hospital, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem


        Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax often requires surgical intervention. Recently, less invasive thoracic surgical techniques, such as video-assisted thoracoscopy (VAT) and limited axillary thoracotomy (LAT), have been developed and used for different thoracic procedures. We describe our results with limited axillary thoracotomy, as compared with those of video-assisted thoracoscopy as reported in the literature. From October 1994 to May 1996, 14 patients with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, aged 16-33 years, underwent limited axillary thoracotomy, resection of blebs and apical pleurectomy, using multifire GIA 80 staplers (Auto Suture Inc.). There were no complications or recurrences during 5-17 months of follow-up. Mean operative time was 52.2 minutes and mean hospital stay 2.3 days postoperatively. Full activity was regained within 12.1 days. In comparison with over 75 cases of VAT from the literature, LAT is safe and offers the potential benefits of decreased operative time, hospital stay and cost.

        אורי גבעון, מרים א. זיבצנר, משה סלעי, אהרן צ'צ'יק, הנרי הורושובסקי ויהושע שמר

        Orthopedic Ward Policy in Introduction of New Types of Total Hip Implants


        U. Givon, M.I. Siebzhener, M. Salai, A. Chechick, H. Horoszowski, J. Shemer


        Orthopedic Staff, Medical Technology Unit, Medical Dept. F, and Gertner Institute for Study of Health Services, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        The use of different types of total hip implants in medical centers in Israel was surveyed. Questionnaires were sent to all orthopedic ward directors in Israel requesting information on the number of total hip arthroplasties performed between the years 1984-1993, the types of implants used, and whether attending physicians or residents perform the operations. 22 of 24 orthopedic wards responded but 1 ward was excluded because only the results for 1993 were reported. 5 wards reported more and 16 fewer than 50 operations a year. 15 different types of implants were in use in Israel in that period, and in 5 wards 5 or more types of implants were used. Only 1 of the wards performed more than 50 operations a year. We conclude that the indiscriminate use of multiple technologies in wards performing few operations can lead to the long "learning curves" previously associated with poor results. Orthopedic surgeons should resist the impulse to introduce new implants, thus improving results and lowering expenditure. The need for regulating the introduction of new implants is emphasized.

        אוגוסט 1997

        רן כץ, עמוס שפירא, שמעון מרטיק, יחזקאל לנדאו ודב פודה

        Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy


        Ran Katz, Amos Shapiro, Shimon Meretyk, Ezekiel H. Landau, Dov Pode


        Urology Dept., Hadassah,University Hospital and Hebrew University,Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        Radical prostatectomy may cure most patients in whom the malignant tumor has not invaded through the prostatic capsule. Advances in surgical technique and accumulation of experience have decreased the complication rate significantly. Long-term results of surgical treatment are now better than those of other forms of treatment; hence radical prostatectomy is now recommended for men with life expectancies longer than 10 years. Between 1988 and 1995, 164 men with clinical stages T1 or T2 adenocarcinoma were admitted for radical prostatectomy. Most were not offered a nerve-sparing procedure, so as to allow wider, more complete resection. Those who wanted preservation of sexual function underwent the nerve- preserving procedure. In 6 patients operation was discontinued when metastases to the iliac lymph nodes were detected and in 1 when invasion of the pelvic wall was found. 157 underwent radical prostatectomy. Preoperative biopsy revealed a low-grade lesion (Gleason 2-4) in 19.1%, intermediate grade (Gleason 5-6) in 61.8% and high-grade (Gleason 7-9) in 19.1%; however, pathologic grading revealed that only 7.0% had grade 2-4 tumor, 60.5% grade 5-6 and 32.5% grade 7-9. Pathologic staging revealed T2 tumor in 58%, T3 in 38.8% (including microscopic invasion of the capsule or seminal vesicles); microscopic lymph node metastases were found in 3.2%. Tumor invasion through the capsule was found in only 2 of 13 treated with neoadjuvant androgen blockade, compared with 40% in those who did not receive this treatment. There was no operative mortality and only 14.7% has complications. All had urinary incontinence immediately after operation, but regained continence after an average of 4-5 months. 24 were incontinent for more than 12 months, but most of them had only mild stress incontinence. Most patients were impotent after the procedure. There was tumor recurrence, diagnosed by rise in serum PSA, in 26 during an average follow-up of 26.4 months (range 3-93). Cure rate of prostatic cancer by radical prostatectomy may be increased by improved preoperative staging methods and better patient selection; long term follow up is required for determining cure rate.

        יולי 1997

        אלי אשכנזי, סטיבן ת' אונסטי ויוסט ו' מיקולסון

        Surgical Approach to Benign Extradural Lesions of the Thoracic Spine


        Ely Ashkenazi, Stephen T. Onesti, W.J. Michelsen


        Depts. of Neurosurgery, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem and Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, The Bronx, New York


        A benign epidural lesion in the thoracic spine is rare, and usually the result of intervertebral disc herniation or infection. Not long ago patients were diagnosed late in the course of their disease and the surgical results of the standard laminectomy usually performed were grave. The development of newer imaging techniques (CT and MRI) has made diagnosis much easier, so diagnosis is often earlier, when neurological deficit is minimal. Newer neurosurgical techniques and approaches to the thoracic spoine have been developed to treat these lesions, which we describe. Clinical data on 16 patients operated from January 1996 to January 1997 are presented.

        יוני 1997

        ריטה טוקר, דניאל פלוסר, ינקו הרצנו ושאול סוקניק

        Chronic Tophaceous Gout


        Rita Toker, Daniel Flusser, Yanku Hertzanu, Shaul Sukenik


        Medical Dept., Rheumatology Unit and Radiology Dept., Soroka Medical Center; and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        A 51-year-old immigrant from the Caucasus had had chronic tophaceous gout for over 20 years, but had never been treated with anti-hyperuricemic drugs. He had developed large, multiple tophi in many locations, including both ankles and feet. The enormous size and unique location of the tophi caused considerable pain, and difficulty in standing and on walking. Since surgical removal of the tophi was refused by the patient, a course of allopurinol, 300 mg/day, was begun.

        מאי 1997

        נ' סדן וב' וולך

        High Dose Oral Prednisone for Hemangiomas in Infants


        Nahum Sadan, Baruch Wolach


        Pediatrics Dept., Meir General Hospital, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Over a 24-year period, 62 infants (47 girls) with hemangiomas were treated with an initial dose of either 3 or 5 mg/kg/day of oral prednisone for 2 weeks, after which the dose was gradually tapered off during 6-8 weeks. Few patients required longer treatment. Results were judged to be excellent in 68% of infants and good in 25%. Treatment was considered a failure in only 7%. The initial dose of 5 mg/kg/day was more effective than the smaller dose (p<0.001). Of the 62 patients, 49 received 1 course of treatment, 8 required 2 courses and 5 required 3 courses. Retreatment was given whenever significant regrowth occurred. Side-effects were not serious, and resolved when treatment was discontinued. Treatment was indicated when the location of the lesions caused interference with important functions or when the lesions were likely to damage anatomic structures. Special attention was paid to early treatment of eye and subglottic hemangiomas. In all 22 children with hemangiomas of the eye (most with an orbital component), shrinkage of the lesion was observed within 24 hours of initiating treatment. In 19 of the 22 there was no residual of the hemangioma 1-18 years later. Such lesions deserve early treatment, not just as cosmetic emergencies, but to prevent secondary amblyopia. Early treatment of subglottic hemangiomas is also mandatory because they are potentially life- threatening. We conclude that oral prednisone is very effective in the treatment of hemangiomas of infants when given at a high dose for an adequate period of time.

        דוד ב' ויס, שושנה גוטשלק-סבג, אלחנן בר-און, צבי צוקרמן, יגאל גת ובנימין ברטוב

        Seminiferous Tubule Cytological Pattern in Infertile, Azoospermic Men in Diagnosis and Therapy


        David B. Weiss, Shoshana Gottschalk-Sabag, Elchanan Bar-On, Zvi Zukerman, Yigal Gat, Benjamin Bartoov


        Male Infertility and Cytology Units, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem; Andrology Unit, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva and Male Infertility Laboratory, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Illan University, Ramat Gan


        We determined spermatogenic patterns of seminiferous tubules in azoospermic infertile men and evaluated the prevalence of bilateral testicular homogeneity. 185 azoospermic men underwent bilateral testicular fine-needle aspiration (TFNA) in which each testis was punctured at 3 different positions. Aspirated material was stained and classified according to the most mature spermatogenic cell type present or whether only Sertoli cells were present. 35.7% had spermatozoa in their testes, 36.2% had spermatogenic maturation arrest, and 28.1% had only Sertoli cells in their seminiferous tubules. In 15.6% of all patients, the diagnosis in 1 testis differed from that in the other. In only 73.2% of those with testicular spermatozoa was it bilateral. In the remaining 26.9%, only Sertoli cells, spermatocytes or spermatids were found as the most mature cell type in the other testis. The study definitely indicates that fertilization with retrieved testicular spermatozoa should not be offered to azoospermic patients without prior evaluation of the seminiferous tubue spermatogenic pattern in both testes.

        אפריל 1997

        מוני בניפלא, דרורה פרייזר, צבי ויצמן, עמליה לוי ורון דגן

        Epidemiologic Characteristics of Pediatric Emergency Room Referral and Hospitalization for Diarrhea in the Negev


        Moni Benifla, Drora Fraser, Zvi Weizman, Amalia Levy, Ron Dagan


        Dept. of Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation and S. Daniel International Center for Health and Nutrition, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and Pediatric Dept. and Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


        Diarrheal diseases weigh heavily on the health of children, especially in developing countries, but also impose burdens on health care services worldwide. This study was performed to determine whether patterns of referrals in the Negev to the pediatric emergency room (PER) for diarrhea differ between the Jewish and Bedouin populations of the Negev, and the extent of the burden imposed on the PER and in-hospital services in the Negev. Characteristics of referrals and hospitalizations were examined from March 1994 to February 1995. Of the 27,834 referrals to the PER for children under 16, 2518 (9%) had diarrhea and there were 5,169 hospital admissions, 701 (13.6%). The annual rates of referral were 146 per 10,000 in Jews and 225 in Bedouin, giving an odds ratio (OR) of 1.5 (p<0.001). for Bedouin. The rates of hospitalization were 23 per 10,000 in Jews and 99 in Bedouin (OR 4.4, p<0.001). 1380 (54.8%) of the PER referrals were of infants under a year of age. For hospitalization, the annual rates were 164 per 10,000 in Jews and 756 in Bedouins (OR 4.9, p<0.001). During June to August referrals and hospitalizations for diarrhea were significantly higher, and from December to February significantly lower than during the remaining months. These differences arise from the marked seasonal pattern in the Bedouin population, whereas in the Jewish population there was no seasonal variation. Even in the 90's the burden on health services in the Negev as a result of diarrheal illness is considerable and the Bedouin population still contributes to that burden disproportionately. There is need both to reduce the gap in referrals and hospitalization between the populations, as well as to reduce the rates, using currently available means such as education, while developing new technologies, such as vaccines.

        מרץ 1997

        עמנואל תאודור ואריה רגב

        Disappointing Response of Chronic C Hepatitis to Interferon


        E. Theodor, A. Regev


        Medicine E and Liver Clinic, Beilinson Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        From February 1990 to August 1995 we treated 58 patients with chronic hepatitis C using alfa-interferon, 3 million units 3 times weekly for 6 months. Of the 48 patients with adequate follow-up, 34 did not respond to treatment at all. 10 patients responded, but within a few months hepatic enzymes again increased. These 2 groups can be considered failures of interferon treatment. In 4 patients enzymes remained normal for the duration of follow-up, (10-34 months). Even in this small group, 1 patient had a positive test for HCV RNA after completion of treatment. A partial explanation of our disappointing results may be the high prevalence of a subtype of C hepatitis-subtype 1b, which has recently been reported in Israel. This strain is particularly resistant to interferon. The means to define subtypes were not, and as far as we know are not yet available in Israel. Various groups have attempted to improve the outcome of treatment of hepatitis C, which in other hands too was still far from satisfactory. Thus, regimens of interferon utilizing higher doses and longer periods of treatment are being evaluated, as well as the addition of Ribavirin, which hopefully will improve results.

        צביה בורגנסקי, אברהם גנאל ואורי גבעון

        Leg-Lengthening For Length Inequality


        Zvia Burgansky, Abraham Ganel, Uri Givon


        Pediatric Orthopedics Unit, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer (Affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        32 patients (age range 1.5-22 years) were treated for leg-length discrepancy. 39 lengthening procedures were performed of which 36 involved gradual distraction, in 2 cases chondrodiasthesis was used, and 1 had 1-step elongation. Gradual distraction was done according to Ilizarov, including corticotomy and a 1-week delay before the initiation of distraction. In 33 cases Wagner's external fixator was used, in 2 an Ilizarov frame and in 1 an orthofix fixator. There was complete clinical and radiological union in all but 1 case. Significant correction of leg-length discrepancy and equalization of leg-length was achieved in most patients. In some growing patients over-correction was successfully achieved. The most prevalent complications were pin-site problems, axis deviation, joint subluxation and joint contractures. At latest follow-up most of these complications had disappeared. 91% of the patients either functioned normal or were only mildly limited.

        פברואר 1997

        אשר ברק, לידיה גביס, בנימין מוגילנר ושולמית גלמן-קוהן

        "Charge" Association


        Asher Barak, Lidia Gabis, Biniamin Mogilner, Shulamit Gelman-Kohan


        Pediatric and Neonatal Depts., and Clinical Genetic Unit, Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot


        CHARGE association represents a group of congenital anomalies with no clear etiology. The broad array of abnormalities, which involves several systems, has been the basis for the acronym CHARGE: coloboma, heart anomaly, choanal atresia, retarded growth and development, hypoplastic genitalia and ear malformation. We present 3 children with CHARGE association to illustrate the phenotypic variability and note the multidisciplinary treatment they received. It is recommended that this entity be approached in an interdisciplinary, integrated way to allow for faster diagnosis and better prognosis.

        רפאל סטרוגו, גבריאלה גייר ודוד אולחובסקי



        R. Strugo, G. Gayer, D. Olhovsky


        Dept. of Internal Medicine and Dept. of Radiology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Typhlitis (from Greek, "typhlon", cecum) is an inflammatory process involving the cecum and ascending colon צ in neutropenic patients after chemotherapy. Early diagnosis and treatment is of great importance, since the mortality is high. In the past decade there has been an increasing number of reports, as well as impressive improvement in diagnosis, and treatment. We describe 2 patients treated in our department. We emphasize the evolving changes in the management of these patients, from early surgical intervention to conservative treatment, and the problem of prophylactic treatment for those who survive an episode of typhlitis.

        ינואר 1997

        אמיר אברמוביץ', אבי שצ'ופק, יצחק רמון, אורן שושני, ידידיה בנטור, גדי בר יוסף ואורי טיטלמן

        Hyperbaric Oxygen for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning


        A. Abramovich, A. Shupak, Y. Ramon, O. Shoshani, Y. Bentur, G. Bar-Josef, U. Taitelman


        Israel Naval Medical Institute, Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps, Haifa and Israel Poison Information Center, Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Severe cases of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from all over Israel are treated at the Israel Naval Medical Institute with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). Between 1.11.94 and 15.2.95, 24 cases of CO poisoning were treated. Poisoning was usually due to domestic gas-fired heating systems, CO being the only toxin involved. Since delay between termination of CO exposure and arrival at the emergency department averaged 55 minutes, the level of carboxyhemoglobin measured on presentation did not always reflect the true severity of the poisoning. Poisoning was defined as severe and requiring HBO treatment when 1 or more of the following indications was present: evidence of neurological involvement, cardiographic signs of acute ischemic injury, metabolic acidosis, carboxyhemoglobin level greater than 25%, and pregnancy. 20 (84%) recovered consciousness during the course of 1 session (90 min.) of HBO treatment (p2 2.8 ATA) or immediately thereafter, with resolution of other signs of CO poisoning. 3 required a second treatment session before their symptoms resolved. A patient who arrived in deep coma with severe cerebral edema died. HBO is an important element in the combined treatment of severe CO poisoning. There should be greater awareness of the danger of CO poisoning and the means of preventing it, both among medical staff and the population as a whole, mainly in areas in which cold weather requires use of heating systems, which may be gas-fired.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303