• כרטיס רופא והטבות
  • אתרי הר"י
  • צרו קשר
  • פעולות מהירות
  • עברית (HE)
  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        מאי 2001

        מיכאל מילרד, גבריאל דיקשטיין ועופר נתיב

        מיכאל מילרד (1), גבריאל דיקשטיין (2), עופר נתיב (1)


        (1) המח' לאורולוגיה, (2) היחידה לאנדוקינולוגיה, המרכז הרפואי בני-ציון, הפקולטה לרפואה רפפורט, הטכניון, חיפה


        היישום הרב והזמינות של בדיקות דימות בלתי-פולשניות כמו טומוגרפיה מחשבית (ט"מ), תהודה מגנטית (ת"מ) ועל-שמע העלו את תדירות איבחון הנגעים בטוחה (adrenal), נוכחות גוש בטוחה, ללא רקע של ממאירות, מהווה אתגר איבחוני כשלעצמו, בייחוד כשידועה אנאמזה של ממאירות.

        מימצא אקראי של שאת בטוחה (incidentaloma) מחייב המשך בירור ומעקב ובמצבים מסוימים, גם כריתה בניתוח. במספר עבודות נמצא, כי ב-3%-0.3% מבדיקות ט"מ של הבטן העליונה מאובחן נגע בטוחה. עבודות אלו נערכו ברובן בשנים הראשונות בהן הוכנסו לשימוש מכשירי הט"מ, עקב השיפור הטכנולוגי שחל עם השנים ניתן לצפות, כי שכיחות שאתות בטוחה כיום קרובה יותר לזאת המדווחת מעבודות שנערכו בנתיחות שלאחר המוות, בהן דווח על שיעור נגעים בטוחה שנע בין 1.45% ל-5.9%, רובם טבים.

        מ' יאסין, ט' וישנה וד' הנדל

        Local Necrosis of Finger Following Stab with Needle Used to Pumpterbutaline Sulfate (Bricalin)


        M. Yasin, T.H. Vishne, D. Hendel


        The Departments of Orthopedics and Surgery A, Rabin Medical Center (Hasharon Hospital) , Petach-Tikva, Israel


        Terbutaline sulfate (Bricalin) is a widely used medication for asthma. It works mostly, but not only, on beta-adrenergic receptors.

        In this case study we describe a 50-year-old nurse referred to the emergency department after she was stabbed by needle that was used to draw bricalin for inhalation. She arrived at the emergency room with an inflamed necrotic area at the point of the stab. Later, she developed acute infection that was treated with antibiotics. Following the acute phase there was still a necrotic area, that required surgical debridement.

        It seems that this is the result of the vasoconstrictive influence of terbutaline sulfate via alpha adrenergic receptors. In the medical literature there is scarce data regarding this side effect.

        ויקטור גינזבורג, גבריאל סנדרו, לואיס גולקמן, נתן וקסלר, שמואל יורפסט ויפים חרך

        Surgery in Patients over 100 Years of age 5-Year Experience (1995-2000)


        Victor Ginzburg1, Gabriel Szendro1, Luis Golcman1, Natan Weksler2, Shemuel Yurfest1, Yefim Charach1


        The Departments of Vascular Surgery1 and Anesthesiology2, Soroka Medical Center, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheba, Israel


        The age distribution of a given national population is of utmost importance when dealing with public health and analyzing the use of various national health facilities. This is based on the totally different use of health sources by different age groups. Despite continuous prolongation of life expectancy and the related aging of the western hospitalized population the sub-group of patients over 100 year old of age is unusual demographically and accounts for only a very small portion of the total number of patients hospitalized in surgical wards. During the 5 year experience between 1995 and 2000 seventeen such patients were admitted to our surgical departments. Eight of those underwent 11 operations with zero peri-operative mortality and no significant complications. These 11 operations in this elderly population are the basis of our report.

        עדי לייבה, יאיר לוי ויהודה שינפלד

        Intravenous Immunoglobulins Treatment of Patients with Graves' Ophthalmopathy


        Adi Leibe, Yair Levy, Yehuda Shoenfeld


        Department of Medicine B and Research Unit of Autoimmune Diseases, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Affiliated to Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University


        Graves' ophthalmopathy is an autoimmune disease manifested as exophthalmus, lid lag and diplopia. As in the accompanying autoimmune thyroid disease, there is an autoimmune homoral and cellular attack on the orbita, mainly the retro-orbital tissues.

        Steroids are the comerstone of therapy. We reviewed the evidence for a similar therapeutic effect of I.V., immunoglobulins (IVIGs) and their better side affect profile as compared to steroids. We also described an impressive therapeutic success with IVIG given to a patient with resistant ophthalmopathy. The clinical picture of Graves' ophthalmopathy is attributed to a pathologic hyper - activation of orbital fibroblasts, deposition of collagen and glycosaminoglycans in the extra-cellular matrix and eventually fibrosis. These are mediated by leucoregulin, IL-1, IFN-gamma, and TGF-beta - all secreted by lymphocytes and mast cells in the retorbital space.

        Another mode of cell activation is by binding of autoantibodies (presumably thyroid stimulating Ab's) to an antigenic determinant on the surface of fibroblasts.

        I.V. immunoglobulins, known today to be active in a variety of autoimmune processes, exert their effect on autoantibodies, complement, phagocytic cells etc. IVIGs also inhibit orbital lymphocytes and fibroblasts through inhibition of IL-1 or/and TGF-beta.

        עינת פלס, ויטה בראל, ולנטינה בויקו, ארנונה זיו וגיורא קפלן

        Traumatic Brain Injury: The National Trauma Registry*


        Einat Peles, Vita Barell, Valentina Boyko, Arnona Ziv, Giora Kaplan


        Health Services Research Unit, Ministry of Health, Sheba Medical Center Tel-Hashomer


        Background: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has been established as a category in reporting systems. Uniform data systems case definition has been suggested for hospital discharge data surveillance systems cases based on ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes. These include fractures and specific mention of intracranial injuries such as contusion, laceration, hemorrhage, and concussion. Inspection of data from the Israel National Trauma Registry suggested that two diagnostic groups of very different severity and outcome were being unjustifiably combined.

        Aim: To evaluate the validity of categorizing TBI into two discrete groups, using the presence of specific mention of intracranial injury and/or loss of consciousness for more than one hour as the definition of definite TBI. Possible TBI includes skull fractures with no mention of intracranial injury and/or concussion with no loss of consciousness.

        Methods: The study population includes all traumatic injuries admitted to hospital, dying in the ER or transferred to other hospitals and recorded in the 1998 Trauma Registry in all 6 level I trauma centers in Israel and two level II centers.

        Results: The significant difference in severity between groups supports the validity of sub-dividing the TBI classification into definite and possible subcategories. As a result, we obtain two different severity groups without measuring specific severity scores which are limited in the reporting system.

        Conclusion: The groups were significantly different in severity, hospital resource use, immediate outcome, demographic and injury circumstances.


        *           Level I: Rambam, Beilinson-Schneider, Sheba, Ichilov (Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center), Hadassah Ein Karem and Soroka.

                    Level II: Hillel Yaffe and Kaplan


        ירון וינר, רותי גולד, סרגיי זהבי, יהודית זנדבנק ואריאל הלוי

        Primary Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors


        Y. Wiener1, R. Gold1, S. Zehavy2, J. Sandbank2, A. Halevy1


        1Dept. of General Surgery and Dept. of Pathology, 2Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Israel


        Stromal tumors of the GI tract are rare. In the retrospective and prospective study we investigated the relationship between tumor symptomatology, tumor grade and prognostic factors. During the period May 1993 - September 1999, 11 female and 13 male patients with a mean age of 62 (range-29-81) years were operated for primary gastrointestinal stomal tumors (GIST) in our department. Observed signs and symptoms were: GI bleeding (65%), abdominal pain (45%), abdominal mass (15%) and weakness (5%). In 4 patients tumor was an incidental finding during investigation or operation for another tumor. Tumor location (in decreasing order) was: stomach (15), small bowel (SB, 6), esophagus (1), duodenum (1) and colon (1). Preoperative biopsy or FNA were diagnostic in less than 50% of the cases. Operative procedures included wedge resection (8 patients), resection of segment of bowel (10) and extended resection (6), of diaphragm, SB, colon, bladder, kidney and liver. The mean tumor size was 7.8 (range-0.9-22) cm. Four tumors were graded as benign, 8 of indeterminate malignant potential and 12 malignant.

        Conclusion: The main presentation of GIST is acute GI bleeding. Endoscopy is most effective for studying proximal tumors, and CT should be used to identify distal GI tract tumors. Tumor size or malignancy were not necessarily predictive of GI bleeding. When invasive to adjacent organs is present, wide excision should be contemplated as long-term survival can be achieved.


        עידו וינברג, בן גרוס והרברט פרוינד

        Choice of Infusion Site - Differences in the References of Nurses, Residents and Patients


        Ido Weinberg, Ben Gross, Herbert Freund


        Department of Surgery, Hadassah University Hospital Mount Scopus and Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        Insertion of an intravenous (IV) line is a common and routine procedure in hospitalized patients. The literature recommends not to insert an IV line in a limb fold, but other than that there are no guidelines regarding optimal locations for the IV line. In this study we attempted to elucidate whether there are other possible preferences and guidelines for choosing the location of an IV line. We studied four groups: patients at the time of hospitalization, hospitalized patients, nurses and surgical interns on a surgical ward. We found that 91.8% of the patients request to take part in choosing the location of their IV line. Moreover, we found that most patients have a hand preference for the IV, whereas, the ward staff has little location preference. Despite these findings, we discovered that, in practice, most patients were not asked to participate in the decision making process regarding their IV line location. Analysis of the results showed that there is a need to include the patient's preference in choosing the location for the IV line, whenever possible. If the patient doesn't have a preference, the IV line should be inserted in the non-dominant hand or the hand in the bed which is more accessible to the medical & nursing staff.

        אפריל 2001

        איריס דותן, דרור ישורון, אהרון חלק, נויה הורוביץ, אליה טיומני, שמעון רייף, זמיר הלפרן ודניאל רחמילביץ
        איריס דותן1, דרור ישורון2, אהרון חלק1, נויה הורוביץ1, אליה טיומני1, שמעון רייף1, זמיר הלפרן1, דניאל רחמילביץ3 

        המכון למחלות דרכי העיכול והכבד1, המח' לאישפוז יום2 והמח' לרפואה פנימית3, מרכז רפואי סוראסקי, תל אביב 

        TNFα הוא ציטוקין פרו-דלקתי במחלת קרוהן. הפחתה ברמתו מביאה לשיפור במצבם של החולים. Imfliximab הוא נוגדן כימרי חד-שיבטי ל- TNFα

        התכשיר ניתן במוסדנו החל בדצבמר 1998 במסגרת פרטנית. עקבנו אחרי החולים ותוצאות הטיפול בהם במטרה להעריך את יעילות ובטיחות התכשיר. התגובה נמדדה על פי מדד פעילות מחלה בחולים שטופלו בשל מחלה פעילה, ועל פי הערכת ההפרשה בחולים שטופלו בשל נצור חיצוני.

        יעקב ברקון ומאיר שליט

        יעקב ברקון ומאיר שליט


        היח' לאלרגיה ואימונולוגיה קלינית, האגף לרפואה פנימית, ביה"ח הדסה, ירושלים


        בשנים האחרונות, הצטבר מידע רב על מעורבות ליקוטריאנים בגנחת הסימפונות ובמחלות דלקתיות למיניהן. במטרה למנוע את פעולתם בתהליך האלרגי-דלקתי, פותחו תרופות נוגדות ליקוטריאנים (נלק"ט), ולאחר שהוכחה יעילותן, הן הוכנסו לשימוש נרחב בטיפול בחולי גנחת. לאחרונה התברר, שתרופות אלו פעילות גם בנזלת אלרגית וכעת נערכים מחקרים רב-מרכזיים במטרה לבדוק את יעילותן כנגד מחלה זו. כן דווח בשנתיים האחרונות על הצלחות טיפוליות של נלק"ט בחולים הלוקים בחרלת כרונית (ח"כ). המטרה בסקירה זו היא לעמוד על תפקיד הליקוטריאנים בחרלת כרונית ולסכם את הידוע לגבי יעילות תרופות נלק"ט בטיפול בלוקים במחלה זו.

        רון אפלבוים, ניסים חיים, מנחם בן-שחר, איריס ולטוך, דוד פרג'י, עדי שרעבי-נוב, יהודית בן-אריה ויורם כהן

        The Chemotherapeutic Treatment of Advanced Hodgkin's Disease


        R. Epelbaum1, N. Haim1, M. Ben-Shahar1, I. Valtuch1, D. Faraggi3, A. Sharabi-Nov3, Y. Ben-Arie2, Y. Cohen4


        Departments of Oncology1 and 2Pathology, Rambam Medical Center, and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; 3Department of Statistics, Haifa University, Haifa; and 4Department of Oncology, Soroka University Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Between 1972 and 1994, 121 adult patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease received MOPP (M) combination chemotherapy, MOPP alternating with ABVD (M-A) or MOPP and ABV hybrid (M/A). Radiation therapy was given to 1/3 of them. The median age was 35 years, 58% had stage III and 42% had stage IV disease. Failure-free survival at 10 years was 43.9%. It was 66.7%, 48.4% and 29.9% for patients treated by M/A, M-A and M, respectively. Overall survival at 10 years was 40.8%, and 78.2%, 48% and 27.7% for patients treated by M/A, M-A and M, respectively. Multivariate analysis found age (above or below 65 years) and combination chemotherapy (with or without adriamycin) to be significant prognostic factors. M/A combination was more myelotoxic, while M combination caused more second primaries. Today, 80% of patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease may be cured, with low rate of long-term toxicity.

        גבריאל סנדרו, דמיטרי לומלסקי, אלכנסדר קלימוב וישראל פיינגרש

        Computed Tomographic Angiography of the Peripheral Vasculature - Role & Applications in Vascular Surgery


        G. Szendro1, D. Lumelsky2, A. Klimov2, I. Faingersh3


        The department of vascular surgery Soroka Medical Center, Ben-Gurion university Beer-Sheva1, the department of radiology Ha'Emek Medical Center Afula2 and the department of surgery "B" Ha'Emek Medical Center Afula3


        Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) is a relatively new diagnostic modality in the field of vascular surgery. Despite being new it has already been introduced into a wide range of diagnostic applications in this field and in many cases it can precede or replace the conventional intra-arterial angiography. During a 12 month period between 1.8.98 and 1.8.99 sixty five peripheral arterial imaging scans were performed using a CT Twin - 2 helical scanner (Spiral Twin Flash., Elscint, Israel) with a 100% technical success rate and no complications at all. Twelve patients (18.5%) were operated upon and 20 (30.7%) underwent endovascular procedures with full intra-procedural agreement with the pre-operative or pre-procedure CTA findings. Despite possible pitfalls and a few disadvantages the technique carries major benefits and significant advantages to both the patient and the clinician. Therefore we recommend considering CTA as a first line diagnostic modality whenever peripheral vasculature has to be demonstrated whether electively or urgently and to spare the conventional angiography for selected cases only.

        עדי ארן, דרורה פרייזר ורון דגן

        Characteristics of Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Children During Acute Respiratory Disease


        A. Aran1, D. Fraser2, R. Dagan1


        Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit1, Epidemiology Department2, Soroka University Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva


        Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of pediatric morbidity and its main reservoir is the nasopharynx, from which it can disseminate and cause invasive disease. From November 1997 through March 1998, nasopharyngeal carriage of S. pneumoniae was evaluated in 250 children under the age of 36 months: 123 Jews and 127 Bedouins with acute respiratory disease and in 980 healthy control children (852 Jews and 128 Bedouins).

        Carriage rate was higher among sick children. Among Jewish children it was 57% and 35% of sick and healthy children respectively (p<0.01), and among Bedouin children it figured as 80% and 67% respectively (p=0.01). The difference in carriage rate was most prominent in infants under the age of 5 months: among Jewish children it was 60% and 27% of sick and healthy children respectively (p<0.001) and among Bedouins it was 82% and 65% respectively (p=0.05).

        Higher carriage rate of penicillin resistant pneumococci (PRP) was also detected in sick children, with no relation to antibiotic treatment in the month prior to sampling. In Jewish children PRP was detected in 12%, 28% (p<0.001) and 36% (p<0.001) of healthy children, sick children with previous antibiotic treatment and sick children with no treatment, respectively.

        The seroypes included in the newly developed 7-valent conjugate vaccine: 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F, that are highly pathogenic and often antibiotic resistant contributed 74% of isolates in sick Jewish children who had previous antibiotic treatment and 39% of isolates in healthy children (p<0.001). In Bedouin children vaccine types carriers rate among the sick children was not higher than in healthy children.

        Acute respiratory disease increases the risk of pneumococcal carriage in general and carriage of resistant pneumococci in particular. Previous antibiotic treatment increases the risk of carring one of the pathogenic serotypes included in the 7-valent vaccine. The impact of disease is most prominent in infants under 5 months, since they are usually less exposed to S. pneumoniae carriers than older children.

        Since the increase in carriage rate during illness is mostly due to the serotypes included in the newly developed conjugate vaccine, future immunization programme may decrease not only morbidity rate but also nasopharyngeal carriage rate of pneumococci in general and of antibiotic-resistant pneumococci in particular.

        רחלי גרוסמן ויאיר לוי

        Neurological Manifestations in West Nile Fever


        R. Grossman, Y. Levi


        Department of Medicine B and Research Unit of Autoimmune Diseases, Chaim Sheba Medical Center (Affiliated to Tel-Aviv University), Tel-Hashomer, Ramat-Gan


        The West Nile fever is a viral disease transferred by a mosquito bite. It is well known in the world for the last 70 years. Recently, there was an outbreak of this disease in Israel. We will describe case reports of 2 patients who were afflicted by the disease. The first one was hospitalized with an unusual presentation including paralysis to the lower limbs, while the second one was admitted with meningitis. In both, the course was quite dramatic, and one of them expired. Reviewing the literature revealed that neurological manifestations are quite frequent among these patients (90%), while in elder people, they were fatal.

        צ' פוטרמן, א' ליברמן וא' שלף

        Management of Nasal Meningoencephaloceles and Cerebrospinal Rhinorrhea

        M. Puterman, A. Leiberman, I. Shelef*


        E.N.T Department, Radiological Department* Soroka Medical Center, Beer-Sheva, Ben-Gurion University


        CSF rhinorrhea constitutes a diagnostic challenge. If unrecognized or incompletely managed, it can result in devastating complications. The physician must e aware to this entity and it's management. The conventional neurosurgical management of meningoencephaloceles and cerebrospinal rhinorrhea has been by the intracranial approach.

        Otolaryngologists have undertaken extracranial approaches for repair of these problems with fair results. In recent years, functional endoscopic sinus surgery has gained polularity and was advocated for the repair of nasal meningoencephaloceles and CSF fistulae. Between 1998 and 1999, five patients were operated by the senior author (M.P) by means of endoscopic sinus surgery.

        High success rate and lower morbidity make this approach the treatment of choice. The perioperative use of fluoroscein allows us to locate precisely the defect and to confirm complete sealing of the leak.

        We present our experience in managing 5 cases, 3 of which presented with meningoencephaloceles.

        מרץ 2001

        אפרים אייזן

        אפרים אייזן


        המרכז הגריאטרי שיקומי פלימן, חיפה הפקולטה לרפואה, הטכניון, חיפה


        נפילות מהוות את אחת מבעיות הבריאות הקשות והשכיחות ביותר בקרב קשישים. נפילות נישנות בקרב קשישים מהוות סימן לתשישות, הפרעות בתנועה ומחלות כרוניות וחדות. נפילות כשלעצמן עלולות להחמיר קשיים בתיפקוד בקשיש כתוצאה מפציעות, הגבלות פעילות, פחד מנפילות ואיבוד תנועתיות ועצמיות, תופעה זו היא הגורם השכיח ביותר לפציעות בלתי מכוונות ולשברים בקרב קשישים.

        נפילה מוגדרת כאירוע שבעיקבותיו האדם מוצא עצמו באופן לא מכוון על מישטח אחר, הנמצא נמוך ממקום הימצאו הקודם. נפילות המתרחשות עקב הפעלת כוח חיצוני רב (לדוגמה, תאונת דרכים), פעילות ספורטיבית או תקיפה, אינן נכללות בדרך כלל במסגרת האמורה. הגורמים וגורמי הסיכון לפנילות אלה בדרך כלל שונים ומהווים נושא נפרד.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303